Types of publications
Journal publications
- Accepted for publication
- Beine M., Bierlaire M., Docquier F. (to appear). New York, Abu Dhabi, London or Stay at Home? Using a Cross-Nested Logit Model to Identify Complex Substitution Patterns in Migration. Journal of Economic Geography (accepted for publication on Jan 16, 2024)
- 2025
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. (2025). Bike Sharing Systems: The Impact of Precise Trip Demand Forecasting on Operational Efficiency in Different City Structures . Journal of Cycling and Micromobility Research 3 (100058)
- Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Varotto S., Bierlaire M. (2025). An integrated ordered logit and latent variable model for accident injury severity and risk-taking behavior. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 192 (104330)
- Martin-Baos J., Garcia-Rodenas R., Rodriguez-Benitez L., Bierlaire M. (2025). Scalable Kernel Logistic Regression with Nyström Approximation: Theoretical Analysis and Application to Discrete Choice Modelling. Neurocomputing 617 (7):128975
- Ahmed S., Fountas G., Lurkin V., Anastasopoulos P., Zhang Y., Bierlaire M., Mannering F. (2025). The State of Urban Air Mobility Research: An Assessment of Challenges and Opportunities. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 26 (2):1375-1394
- 2024
- Kukic M., Li X., Bierlaire M. (2024). One-step Gibbs sampling for the generation of synthetic households. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 166 (104770)
- Obrenovic N., Atac S., Bierlaire M. (2024). Light electric vehicle sharing systems: Functional design of a comprehensive decision making solution. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 182 (104043)
- Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2024). Resampling Estimation of Discrete Choice Models. Journal of Choice Modelling 50 (100467)
- Cortes Balcells C., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. (2024). Multi-objective Optimization of Activity-Travel Policies for Epidemic Control: Balancing Health and Economic Outcomes on Socio-Economic Segments. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 27 (101183)
- Haering T., Legault R., Torres F., Ljubic I., Bierlaire M. (2024). Exact Algorithms for Continuous Pricing with Advanced Discrete Choice Demand Models. OR Spectrum
- Rezvany N., Kukic M., Bierlaire M. (2024). A review of activity-based disaggregate travel demand models. Findings
- 2023
- Rezvany N., Bierlaire M., Hillel T. (2023). Simulating intra-household interactions for in- and out-of-home activity scheduling. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 157 (104362)
- Krueger R., Bierlaire M., Bansal P. (2023). A data fusion approach for ride-sourcing demand estimation: A discrete choice model with sampling and endogeneity corrections . Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 152 (104180)
- Gerzinic N., Cats O., van Oort N., Hoogendoorn-Lanser S., Bierlaire M., Hoogendoorn S. (2023). An instance-based learning approach for evaluating the perception of ride-hailing waiting time variability. Travel Behaviour and Society 33 (100616)
- Krueger R., Bierlaire M., Gasos T., Bansal P. (2023). Robust discrete choice models with t-distributed kernel errors. Statistics and Computing 33 (2)
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2023). OASIS: Optimisation-based Activity Scheduling with Integrated Simultaneous choice dimensions. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 155
- Like J., Haibo C., Paschalidis E. (2023). Diffusion of connected and autonomous vehicles concerning mode choice, policy interventions and sustainability impacts: A system dynamics modelling study. Transport Policy 141 ()
- Mastora C., Paschalidis E., Nikiforiadis A., Basbas S. (2023). Pedestrian Crossings as a Means of Reducing Conflicts between Cyclists and Pedestrians in Shared Spaces. Sustainability 15 (12)
- 2022
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2022). Capturing trade-offs between daily scheduling choices. Journal of Choice Modelling 43 (100354)
- Manser P., Haering T., Hillel T., Pougala J., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. (2022). Estimating flexibility preferences to resolve temporal scheduling conflicts in activity-based modelling. Transportation
- Sharif Azadeh S., Atasoy B., Ben-Akiva M., Bierlaire M., Maknoon Y. (2022). Choice-Driven Dial-A-Ride Problem for Demand Responsive Mobility Service. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 161 :128-149
- Varotto S., Mons C., Hogema J., Christoph M., Van Nes N., Martens M. (2022). Do adaptive cruise control and lane keeping systems make the longitudinal vehicle control safer?. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 141 :103756
- Varotto S., Jansen R. (2022). Caught in the blind spot of a truck: A choice model on driver glance behavior towards cyclists at intersections. Accident Analysis and Prevention 174 :106759
- Pacheco M., Gendron B., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. (2022). A Lagrangian decomposition scheme for choice-based optimization. Computers & Operations Research 148 :105985
- 2021
- Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. (2021). Design and analysis of control strategies for pedestrian flows. Transportation 48 :1767-1807
- Hillel T., Bierlaire M., Elshafie M., Jin Y. (2021). A systematic review of machine learning classification methodologies for modelling passenger mode choice. Journal of Choice Modelling 38 (100221)
- Lederrey G., Lurkin V., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2021). Estimation of Discrete Choice Models with Hybrid Stochastic Adaptive Batch Size Algorithms. Journal of Choice Modelling 38 (100226)
- Bansal P., Krueger R., Graham D. (2021). Fast Bayesian estimation of spatial count data models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 157 :107152
- Bansal P., Dua R., Krueger R., Graham D. (2021). Fuel Economy Valuation and Preferences of Indian Two-wheeler Buyers. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 :126328
- Abou Kasm O., Diabat A., Bierlaire M. (2021). Vessel scheduling with pilotage and tugging considerations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 148
- Haan J., Garrow L., Marzuoli A., Roy S., Bierlaire M. (2021). Are Commuter Air Taxis Coming to Your City? A Ranking of 40 Cities in the United States. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 132 :103392
- Pacheco M., Bierlaire M., Gendron B., Sharif Azadeh S. (2021). Integrating advanced discrete choice models in mixed integer linear optimization . Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 146 :26-49
- Wong M., Farooq B. (2021). ResLogit: A residual neural network logit model for data-driven choice modelling. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 126 :103050
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. (2021). Vehicle Sharing Systems: A Review and a Holistic Management Framework. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 10 (100033)
- Ortelli N., Hillel T., Pereira F., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2021). Assisted Specification of Discrete Choice Models. Journal of Choice Modelling 39 (100285)
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. (2021). A simulation-based heuristic to find approximate equilibria with disaggregate demand models. Transportation Science 55 (5):1025-1045
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. (2021). Price-based regulation of oligopolistic markets under discrete choice models of demand . Transportation
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. (2021). Passenger-Centric Timetable Rescheduling: A User Equilibrium Approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 132 :103368
- Krueger R., Bierlaire M., Daziano R., Rashidi T., Bansal P. (2021). Evaluating the predictive abilities of mixed logit models with unobserved inter- and intra-individual heterogeneity. Journal of Choice Modelling 41 :100323
- 2020
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M., de Lapparent M. (2020). Operational route choice methodologies for practical applications. Transportation 47 :43-74
- Markov I., Bierlaire M., Cordeau J., Maknoon Y., Varone S. (2020). Waste Collection Inventory Routing with Non-stationary Stochastic Demands. Computers & Operations Research 113 (104798)
- Moret S., Babonneau F., Bierlaire M., Maréchal F. (2020). Decision support for strategic energy planning: a complete robust optimization framework. European Journal of Operational Research 280 :539-554
- Moret S., Babonneau F., Bierlaire M., Maréchal F. (2020). Overcapacity in European power systems: analysis and robust optimization approach. Applied energy 259 (113970)
- Kim J., Tak S., Bierlaire M., Yeo H. (2020). Trajectory Data Analysis on the Spatial and Temporal Influence of Pedestrian Flow on Path Planning Decision. Sustainability 12 (10419):1-16
- Rodrigues F., Ortelli N., Bierlaire M., Pereira F. (2020). Bayesian Automatic Relevance Determination for Utility Function Specification in Discrete Choice Models. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Mueller F., Guerster M., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. (2020). Can regional railway become emission-free with recently announced vehicles? - A case study of Bavaria. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 20 (4):286-305
- Krueger R., Rashidi T., Vij A. (2020). A Dirichlet process mixture model of discrete choice: Comparisons and a case study on preferences for shared automated vehicles. Journal of Choice Modelling 36 ():105623
- Krueger R., Bansal P., Buddhavarapu P. (2020). A New Spatial Count Data Model with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees for Accident Hot Spot Identification. Accident Analysis and Prevention 144 ():105623
- Bansal P., Krueger R., Bierlaire M., Daziano R., Rashidi T. (2020). Bayesian Estimation of Mixed Multinomial Logit Models: Advances and Simulation-Based Evaluations. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 131 :124-142
- 2019
- Obrenovic N., Lukovic I., Ristic S. (2019). Consolidation of database check constraints. Software & Systems Modeling 18 (3):2111-2135
- Herring J., Lurkin V., Garrow L., Clarke J., Bierlaire M. (2019). Airline customers’ connection time preferences in domestic U.S. markets. Journal of Air Transport Management 79 (101688)
- Hurtubia R., Martinez F., Bierlaire M. (2019). A quasi-equilibrium approach for market clearing in land use microsimulations. Environment and Planning B 46 (3):445–468
- Scarinci R., Zanarini A., Bierlaire M. (2019). Electrification of urban mobility: the case of catenary-free buses. Transport Policy 80 :39-48
- Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M., Maknoon Y. (2019). A Two-Stage Route Optimization Algorithm for Light Aircraft Transport Systems. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 100 :259-273
- Oyama Y., Hato E. (2019). Prism-based path set restriction for solving Markovian traffic assignment problem. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 122 :528-546
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M., de Lapparent M., Scarinci R. (2019). Multi-class speed-density relationship for pedestrian traffic. Transportation Science 53 (3):642-664
- 2018
- Robenek T., Sharif Azadeh S., Maknoon Y., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2018). Train Timetable Design Under Elastic Passenger Demand. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 111 :19-38
- Lurkin V., Garrow L., Higgins M., Newman J., Schyns M. (2018). Modeling Competition among Airline Itineraries. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 113 ():157-172
- Fernandez-Antolin A., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2018). Modeling purchases of new cars: an analysis of the 2014 French market. Theory and Decision 84 (2):277-303
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M. (2018). Data-driven spatio-temporal discretization for pedestrian flow characterization. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 94 :185-202
- Oyama Y., Hato E. (2018). Link-based measurement model to estimate route choice parameters in urban pedestrian networks. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 93 :62-78
- Markov I., Bierlaire M., Cordeau J., Maknoon Y., Varone S. (2018). A Unified Framework for Rich Routing Problems with Stochastic Demands. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 114 :213-240
- 2017
- Chen J., Bierlaire M. (2017). The study of the unidirectional quay crane scheduling problem: complexity and risk-aversion. European Journal of Operational Research 260 (2):613-624
- Hänseler F., Lam W., Bierlaire M., Lederrey G., Nikolic M. (2017). A dynamic network loading model for anisotropic and congested pedestrian flows. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 95 :149-168
- Robenek T., Sharif Azadeh S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. (2017). Hybrid Cyclicity: Combining The Benefits Of Cyclic And Non-Cyclic Timetables. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 75 :228-253
- Umang N., Bierlaire M., Erera A. (2017). Real-time management of berth allocation with stochastic arrival and handling times. Journal of Scheduling 20 (1):67-83
- Hänseler F., Molyneaux N., Bierlaire M. (2017). Estimation of pedestrian origin-destination demand in train stations. Transportation Science 51 (3):981-997
- Maknoon Y., Soumis F., Baptiste P. (2017). An integer programming approach to scheduling the transshipment of products at cross-docks in less-than-truckload industries. Computers & Operations Research 82 :167–179
- Scarinci R., Bahrami F., Ourednik A., Bierlaire M. (2017). An exploration of moving walkways as a transport system in urban centers. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 17 (2):191-206
- Varotto S., Glerum A., Stathopoulos A., Bierlaire M., Longo G. (2017). Mitigating the impact of errors in travel time reporting on mode choice modelling. Journal of Transport Geography 62 :236-246
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. (2017). The multi-objective railway timetable rescheduling problem. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 78 :78-94
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M. (2017). Data-driven spatio-temporal discretization for pedestrian flow characterization. Transportation Research Procedia 23 :188–207
- Lurkin V., Garrow L., Higgins M., Newman J., Schyns M. (2017). Accounting for Price Endogeneity in Airline Itinerary Choice Models: An Application to Continental U.S. Markets. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 100 :228-246
- Scarinci R., Markov I., Bierlaire M. (2017). Network design of a transport system based on accelerating moving walkways. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 80 :310–328
- Scarinci R., Rast F., Bierlaire M. (2017). Needed reduction in mobility energy consumption to meet the goal of a 2000-watt society. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 101 ():133-148
- Moret S., Codina Girones V., Bierlaire M., Maréchal F. (2017). Characterization of input uncertainties in strategic energy planning models. Applied energy 202 :597-617
- Scarinci R., Hegyi A., Heydecker B. (2017). Definition of a Merging Assistant Strategy Using Intelligent Vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 82 :161–179
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. (2017). Exogenous priority rules for the capacitated passenger assignment problem. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 105 :19-42
- Oyama Y., Hato E. (2017). A discounted recursive logit model for dynamic gridlock network analysis. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 85 :509-527
- Newman J., Lurkin V., Garrow L. (2017). Computational Methods for Estimating Multinomial, Nested, and Cross-Nested Logit Models that Account for Semi-Aggregate Data. Journal of Choice Modelling 26 :28-40
- 2016
- Markov I., Varone S., Bierlaire M. (2016). Integrating a heterogeneous fixed fleet and a flexible assignment of destination depots in the waste collection VRP with intermediate facilities. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 84 :256-273
- Moret S., Bierlaire M., Maréchal F. (2016). Robust optimization for strategic energy planning. Informatica 27 (3):625-648
- Holzer A., Vonèche Cardia I., Bendahan S., Berne A., Bragazza L., Danalet A., Fasoli A., Feige J., Gillet D., Isaac S., Le Duc I., Preissmann D., Tormey R. (2016). Increasing the Perspectives of Engineering Undergraduates on Societal Issues through an Interdisciplinary Program. International Journal of Engineering Education 32 (2(A)):1-11
- Saujot M., de Lapparent M., Arnaud E., Prados E. (2016). Making land use – Transport models operational tools for planning: From a top-down to an end-user approach. Transport Policy 49 :20-29
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M., Flötteröd G. (2016). Revisiting the Route Choice Problem: A Modeling Framework Based on Mental Representations. Journal of Choice Modelling 19 :1-23
- Robenek T., Maknoon Y., Sharif Azadeh S., Chen J., Bierlaire M. (2016). Passenger Centric Train Timetabling Problem. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 89 :107-126
- Danalet A., Tinguely L., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2016). Location choice with longitudinal WiFi data. Journal of Choice Modelling 18 :1-17
- Januario T., Urrutia S., de Werra D. (2016). Sports scheduling search space connectivity: A riffle shuffle driven approach. Discrete Applied Mathematics 211 :113-120
- Fernandez-Antolin A., Guevara-Cue A., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2016). Correcting for endogeneity due to omitted attitudes: Empirical assessment of a modified MIS method using RP mode choice data. Journal of Choice Modelling 20 :1-15
- Maknoon Y., Laporte G. (2016). Vehicle routing with cross-dock selection. Computers & Operations Research 77 :254–266
- de Lapparent M., Koning M. (2016). Analyzing time sensitivity in the Paris subway: an interval data model approach. Transportation 43 (5):913-933
- Maknoon Y., Soumis F., Baptiste P. (2016). Optimizing transshipment workloads in less-than-truckload cross-docks. International Journal of Production Economics 179 :90-100
- Hänseler F., Bierlaire M., Scarinci R. (2016). Assessing the usage and level-of-service of pedestrian facilities in train stations: A Swiss case study. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 89 :106-123
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M., Farooq B., de Lapparent M. (2016). Probabilistic speed-density relationship for pedestrian traffic. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 89 :58-81
- 2015
- Kumar P., Bierlaire M. (2015). Optimizing Fueling Decisions for Locomotives in Railroad Networks. Transportation Science 49 (1):149-159
- Cernicchiaro G., de Lapparent M. (2015). A dynamic discrete-continuous choice model for forward-looking agents owning one or more vehicles. Computational Economics 46 :15-34
- Sharif Azadeh S., Marcotte P., Savard G. (2015). A Non-Parametric Approach to Demand Forecasting in Revenue Management. Computers & Operations Research 12 (1):99-109
- Scarinci R., Heydecker B., Hegyi A. (2015). Analysis of Traffic Performance of a Merging Assistant Strategy Using Cooperative Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 16 (4):2094-2103
- Collet R., de Lapparent M., Hivert L. (2015). Are French Households Car-Use Addicts? A microeconomic perspective. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 54 :86-94
- de Palma A., Picard N., de Lapparent M. (2015). Risk and Uncertainty in Urban and Transport Economics. Mathematical Population Studies 22 (1):1-3
- Chen J., Bierlaire M. (2015). Probabilistic multimodal map-matching with rich smartphone data. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (2):134-148
- Sharif Azadeh S., Hosseinalifam M., Savard G. (2015). The impact of customer behavior models on revenue management systems. Computational Management Science 12 (1):99-109
- Piu F., Kumar P., Bierlaire M., Speranza G. (2015). Introducing a preliminary Consists Selection in the Locomotive Assignment Problem. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 82 :217-237
- Lai X., Bierlaire M. (2015). Specification of the cross-nested logit model with sampling of alternatives for route choice models. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 80 :220-234
- Bierlaire M. (2015). Simulation and optimization: a short review. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 55 :4-13
- 2014
- Sharif Azadeh S., Marcotte P., Savard G. (2014). A taxonomy of demand uncensoring methods in revenue management. Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management 13 :440-456
- Robenek T., Umang N., Bierlaire M., Ropke S. (2014). A Branch-and-Price Algorithm to Solve the Integrated Berth Allocation and Yard Assignment Problem in Bulk Ports. European Journal of Operational Research 235 (2):399-411
- Efthymiou D., Kaziales M., Antoniou C., Tyrinopoulos Y. (2014). Measuring the Effects of Economic Crisis on Users' Perceptions of Public Transport Quality. Transportation Research Record 2415 :1-12
- Hurtubia R., Nguyen M., Glerum A., Bierlaire M. (2014). Integrating psychometric indicators in latent class choice models. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 64 :135-146
- Glerum A., Atasoy B., Bierlaire M. (2014). Using semi-open questions to integrate perceptions in choice models. Journal of Choice Modelling 10 :11-33
- Alahi A., Bierlaire M., Vandergheynst P. (2014). Robust Real-time Pedestrians Detection in Urban Environments with a Network of Low Resolution Cameras. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 39 :113-128
- Stathopoulos A., Marcucci E. (2014). De Gustibus Disputandum Est: Non-Linearity in Public Transportation Service Quality Evaluation . International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 8 (1):47-68
- Efthymiou D., Farooq B., Bierlaire M., Antoniou C. (2014). Multidimensional Indicator Analysis for Transport Policy Evaluation. Transportation Research Record 2430
- Danalet A., Farooq B., Bierlaire M. (2014). A Bayesian Approach to Detect Pedestrian Destination-Sequences from WiFi Signatures. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 44 :146 - 170
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M. (2014). Pedestrian-oriented Flow Characterization. Transportation Research Procedia 2 :359-366
- Hänseler F., Bierlaire M., Farooq B., Mühlematter T. (2014). A macroscopic loading model for time-varying pedestrian flows in public walking areas. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 69 :60 -- 80
- Hess S., Stathopoulos A. (2014). A mixed random utility — Random regret model linking the choice of decision rule to latent character traits. Journal of Choice Modelling
- Binder S., Macfarlane G., Garrow L., Bierlaire M. (2014). Associations among Household Characteristics, Vehicle Characteristics and Emissions Failures: An Application of Targeted Marketing Data. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 59 :122-133
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2014). An integrated airline scheduling, fleeting and pricing model for a monopolized market. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 29 (2):76-90
- Scarinci R., Heydecker B. (2014). Control concepts for facilitating motorway on-ramp merging using intelligent vehicles. Transport Reviews 34 (6):775-797
- Kumar P., Bierlaire M. (2014). Multi-Objective Airport Gate Assignment Problem in Planning and Operations. Journal of Advanced Transportation 48 (7):902-926
- Glerum A., Stankovikj L., Thémans M., Bierlaire M. (2014). Forecasting the demand for electric vehicles: accounting for attitudes and perceptions. Transportation Science 48 (4):483-499
- Hurtubia R., Bierlaire M. (2014). Estimation of bid functions for location choice and price modeling with a latent variable approach. Networks and Spatial Economics 14 (1):47-65
- Anderson P., Farooq B., Efthymiou D., Bierlaire M. (2014). Association Generation in Synthetic Population for Transportation Applications: Graph-Theoretic Solution . Transportation Research Record 2429 :38-50
- 2013
- Efthymiou D., Antoniou C., Waddell P. (2013). Factors affecting the adoption of vehicle sharing systems by young drivers. Transport Policy 29 ():64–73
- Farooq B., Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G. (2013). Simulation based population synthesis. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 58 :243-263
- Bergantino A., Bierlaire M., Catalano M., Migliore M., Amoroso S. (2013). Taste heterogeneity and latent preferences in the choice behaviour of freight transport operators. Transport Policy 30 :77-91
- Sharif Azadeh S., Labib R., Savard G. (2013). Railway demand forecasting in revenue management using neural networks. International Journal of Revenue Management 7 (1):18-36
- Vacca I., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2013). An exact algorithm for the integrated planning of berth allocation and quay crane assignment. Transportation Science 47 (2):148-161
- Hess S., Stathopoulos A. (2013). Linking response quality to survey engagement: A combined random scale and latent variable approach. Journal of Choice Modelling 7 ():1-12
- Efthymiou D., Antoniou C. (2013). Measuring the Effects of Transportation Infrastructure Location on Real Estate Prices and Rents. Investigating the Potential Current Impact of a Planned Metro Line. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics:1-26
- Farooq B., Miller E., Chingcuanco F., Giroux-Cook M. (2013). Microsimulation Framework for Urban Price-Taker Markets. Journal of Transport and Land Use 6 (1)
- Farooq B., Miller E., Haider M. (2013). A Multidimensional Decisions Modelling Framework for Built Space Supply. Journal of Transport and Land Use 6 (3)
- Börjesson M., Cherchi E., Bierlaire M. (2013). Within Individual Variation in Preferences: Equity Effects of Congestion Charges. Transportation Research Record 2382 :92-101
- Cruz J., Bierlaire M., Thiran J. (2013). Sample and Pixel Weighting Strategies for Robust Incremental Visual Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 23 (5):898-911
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2013). A simulation-based optimization framework for urban transportation problems. Operations Research 61 (6):1333-1345
- Fosgerau M., McFadden D., Bierlaire M. (2013). Choice Probability Generating Functions. Journal of Choice Modelling 8 :1-18
- Robin T., Guidi L., Dufour A., Migon C. (2013). Statistical distributions of trace metal concentrations in the northwestern Mediterranean atmospheric aerosol. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185 (11):9177-9189
- Efthymiou D., Antoniou C. (2013). How do Transport Infrastructure and Policies Affect House Prices and Rents? Evidence from Athens, Greece. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 52 :1-22
- Umang N., Bierlaire M., Vacca I. (2013). Exact and Heuristic Methods to Solve the Berth Allocation Problem in Bulk Ports. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 54 :14-31
- Kazagli E., Koutsopoulos H. (2013). Estimation of Arterial Travel Time from Automatic Number Plate Recognition Data. Transportation Research Record 2391 :22-31
- Bierlaire M., Osorio C. (2013). Selected papers from the seventh Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VII). Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 27 :59
- Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. (2013). Metropolis-Hastings sampling of paths. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 48 :53-66
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M., Leonardi C. (2013). Impact analysis of a flexible air transportation system. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 13 (2):123-146
- Demange M., de Werra D. (2013). On some coloring problems in grids. Theoretical Computer Science 472 (11):9-27
- Hess S., Stathopoulos A., Campbell D., O'Neill V., Caussade S. (2013). It’s not that I don’t care, I just don’t care very much: confounding between attribute non-attendance and taste heterogeneity. Transportation 40 (3):583-607
- Chorus C., Bierlaire M. (2013). An empirical comparison of travel choice models that capture preferences for compromise alternatives. Transportation 40 (3):549-562
- Samoili S., Efthymiou D., Antoniou C., Dumont A. (2013). Investigation of Lane Flow Distribution on Hard Shoulder Running Freeways. Transportation Research Record 2396 :133-142
- Bierlaire M., Chen J., Newman J. (2013). A Probabilistic Map Matching Method for Smartphone GPS data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 26 :78–98
- Atasoy B., Glerum A., Bierlaire M. (2013). Attitudes towards mode choice in Switzerland. disP - The Planning Review 49 (2):101-117
- 2012
- Bentz C., Costa M., Picouleau C., Ries B., de Werra D. (2012). d-Transversals of stable sets and vertex covers in weighted bipartite graphs. Journal of Discrete Algorithms 17 :95-102
- Marcucci E., Stathopoulos A. (2012). Multi-level governance and transport policy: the case of local roads in Italy. International journal of transport economics 39 (1):15-38
- Atasoy B., Gullu R., Tan T. (2012). Optimal inventory policies with non-stationary supply disruptions and advance supply information. Decision Support Systems 53 (2):269-281
- Ries B., de Werra D., Zenklusen R. (2012). A note on chromatic properties of threshold graphs. Discrete Mathematics 312 :1838-1843
- Lévêque B., de Werra D. (2012). Graph Transformations preserving the stability number. Discrete Applied Mathematics 160 :2752-2759
- Pournin L. (2012). A result on flip-graph connectivity. Advances in geometry 12 (1):63-82
- Stathopoulos A., Hess S. (2012). Revisiting reference point formation, gains-losses asymmetry and non-linear sensitivities with an emphasis on attribute specific treatment. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 46 (10):1673-1689
- Lee M., Khelifa A., Garrow L., Bierlaire M., Post D. (2012). An analysis of destination choice for opaque airline products using multidimensional binary logit models . Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 46 :1641-1653
- Robin T., Bierlaire M. (2012). Modeling the behavior of investors. Journal of Choice Modelling 5 (2)
- Farooq B., Miller E. (2012). Towards Integrated Land Use and Transportation: A Dynamic Disequilibrium based Microsimulation Framework for Built Space Markets. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 46 (7):1030-1053
- Efthymiou D., Antoniou C., Tyrinopoulos I. (2012). Spatially-aware optimal site selection. Method and Application in Mobility Center in Greece. Transportation Research Record 2276 :146-155
- Corthout R., Flötteröd G., Viti F., Tampere C. (2012). Non-unique flows in macroscopic first-order intersection models. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 46 (3):343-359
- Cruz J., Bogdanova I., Paquier B., Bierlaire M., Thiran J. (2012). Scale Invariant Feature Transform on the Sphere: Theory and Applications. International Journal of Computer Vision 98 (2):217-241
- Abou-Zeid M., Witter R., Bierlaire M., Kaufmann V., Ben-Akiva M. (2012). Happiness and Travel Mode Switching: Findings from a Swiss Public Transportation Experiment. Transport Policy 19 (1):93-104
- Flötteröd G., Chen Y., Nagel K. (2012). Behavioral calibration and analysis of a large-scale travel microsimulation. Networks and Spatial Economics 12 (4):481-502
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2012). A tractable analytical model for large-scale congested protein synthesis networks. European Journal of Operational Research 219 (3):588-597
- 2011
- Osorio C., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. (2011). Dynamic network loading: a differentiable model that derives link state distributions. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 45 (9):1410-1423
- Miranda-Moreno L., Bettex L., Zahabi S., Kreider T., Barla P. (2011). Simultaneous Modeling of Endogenous Influence of Urban Form and Public Transit Accessibility on Distance Traveled. Transportation Research Record 2255 :100-109
- Liberatore F., Righini G., Salani M. (2011). A column generation algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with soft time windows. 4OR - A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research 9 (1):49-82
- Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M., Nagel K. (2011). Bayesian demand calibration for dynamic traffic simulations. Transportation Science 45 (4):541-561
- Illenberger J., Flötteröd G., Nagel K. (2011). A model of risk-sensitive route-choice behaviour and the potential benefit of route guidance. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 12 (2):384-389
- Flötteröd G., Rohde J. (2011). Operational macroscopic modeling of complex urban intersections. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 45 (6):903-922
- Robin T., Bierlaire M., Cruz J. (2011). Dynamic facial expression recognition with a discrete choice model. Journal of Choice Modelling 4 (2):95-148
- Miller E., Farooq B., Chingcuanco F., Wang D. (2011). Historical Validation of an Integrated Transport – Land Use Model System. Transportation Research Record 2 (2255):91-99
- Salani M., Vacca I. (2011). Branch and Price for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Discrete Split Deliveries and Time Windows. European Journal of Operational Research 213 (3):470-477
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2011). Uncertainty Feature Optimization: an implicit paradigm for problems with noisy data. Networks 57 (3):270-284
- 2010
- Salani M., Duyckaerts G., Swartz P. (2010). Ambush avoidance in Vehicle Routing for valuable delivery. Journal of Transportation Security 3 (1):41-55
- Alahi A., Vandergheynst P., Bierlaire M., Kunt M. (2010). Cascade of Descriptors to Detect and Track Objects Across Any Network of Cameras. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 114 (6):624-640
- Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G. (2010). An analysis of the implicit choice set generation using the Constrained Multinomial Logit model. Transportation Research Record 2175 :92-97
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2010). Constraint-specific recovery networks for solving airline recovery problems. Computers & Operations Research 37 (6):1014-1026
- Gao S., Frejinger E., Ben-Akiva M. (2010). Adaptive Route Choices in Risky Traffic Networks: A Prospect Theory Approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 18 (5):727-740
- Kumar P., Kumar P. (2010). A DSS to Optimize Facings on the Shelf of a Retail Store. International Journal of Business Insights and Transformation 3 (1)
- Sorci M., Antonini G., Cruz J., Robin T., Bierlaire M., Thiran J. (2010). Modelling human perception of static facial expressions. Image and Vision Computing 28 (5):790-806
- Patterson Z., Kryvobokov M., Marchal F., Bierlaire M. (2010). Disaggregate Models with Aggregate Data: Two UrbanSim Applications. Journal of Transport and Land Use 3 (2):5-37
- Newman J., Bernardin V. (2010). Hierarchical ordering of nests in a joint mode and destination choice model. Transportation 37 (4):677-688
- Giallombardo G., Moccia L., Salani M., Vacca I. (2010). Modeling and Solving the Tactical Berth Allocation Problem. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 44 (2):232-245
- Patterson Z., Bierlaire M. (2010). Development of Prototype UrbanSim Models. Environment and Planning B 37 (2):344-366
- Bierlaire M., Thémans M., Zufferey N. (2010). A heuristic for nonlinear global optimization. INFORMS Journal of Computing 22 (1):59-70
- 2009
- Fosgerau M., Bierlaire M. (2009). Discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 43 (5):494-505
- Lévêque B., de Werra D. (2009). Graph transformations preserving the stability number. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 35 (1):3-8
- Robin T., Antonini G., Bierlaire M., Cruz J. (2009). Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behavior model. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 43 (1):36-56
- Martinez F., Aguila F., Hurtubia R. (2009). The Constrained Multinomial Logit Model: A Semi-Compensatory Choice Model. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 43 (3):365-377
- Bierlaire M., Thémans M. (2009). Dealing with singularities in nonlinear unconstrained optimization. European Journal of Operational Research 196 (1):33-42
- Righini G., Salani M. (2009). Decremental state space relaxation strategies and initialization heuristics for solving the orienteering problem with time windows with dynamic programming. Computers & Operations Research 36 (4):1191-1203
- Bierlaire M., Salani M. (2009). Selected papers from the Triennial symposium on transportation analysis (TRISTAN), Phuket, Thailand, June 11–15, 2007, Special Issue of Transportation Research Part C . Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 17 (2):105
- Bentz C., Costa M., Picouleau C., Ries B., de Werra D. (2009). Degree-constrained edge partitioning in graphs arising from discrete tomography. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 13 (2):99-118
- Ceselli A., Righini G., Salani M. (2009). A column generation algorithm for a vehicle routing problem with economies of scale and additional constraints. Transportation Science 43 (1):56-69
- Orlovich Y., Gordon V., de Werra D. (2009). On the inapproximability of independent domination in 2P3-free perfect graphs . Theoretical Computer Science 410 (8-10):977-982
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2009). An analytic finite capacity queueing network model capturing the propagation of congestion and blocking. European Journal of Operational Research 196 (3):996-1007
- Zenklusen R., Ries B., Picouleau C., de Werra D., Costa M., Bentz C. (2009). Blockers and transversals. Discrete Mathematics 309 (13):4306-4314
- Demange M., Ekim T., de Werra D. (2009). A tutorial on the use of graph coloring for some problems in robotics. European Journal of Operational Research 1 (1):41-55
- de Werra D. (2009). From L. Euler to D. König. RAIRO-Operations Research 43 :247-251
- Divorra Escoda O., Monaci G., Figueras i Ventura R., Vandergheynst P., Bierlaire M. (2009). Geometric Video Approximation Using Weighted Matching Pursuit. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18 (8):1703-1716
- Oeuvray R., Bierlaire M. (2009). BOOSTERS: a derivative-free algorithm based on radial basis functions. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 29 (1):26-36
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M., Ben-Akiva M. (2009). Sampling of Alternatives for Route Choice Modeling. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 43 (10):984-994
- Costa M., de Werra D., Picouleau C., Ries B. (2009). Graph coloring with cardinality constraints on the neighborhoods. Discrete Optimization 6 :362-369
- de Werra D., Demange M., Escoffier B., Monnot J., Paschos V. (2009). Weighted coloring on planar, bipartite and split graphs: Complexity and approximation. Discrete Applied Mathematics 157 (4):819-832
- 2008
- Righini G., Salani M. (2008). New dynamic programming algorithms for the resource constrained shortest path problem.. Networks 51 (3):155-170
- Cornaz D., Jost V. (2008). A one-to-one correspondence between colorings and stable sets. Operations Research Letters 36 (0):673-676
- Bierlaire M., Frejinger E. (2008). Route choice modeling with network-free data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 16 (2):187-198
- Newman J. (2008). Normalization of network generalized extreme value models. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 42 (10):958-969
- Axhausen K., Hess S., Koenig A., Abay G., Bates J., Bierlaire M. (2008). Income and distance elasticities of values of travel time savings: new Swiss results. Transport Policy 15 (3):173-185
- Gao S., Frejinger E., Ben-Akiva M. (2008). Adaptive Route Choice Models in Stochastic Time-Dependent Networks. Transportation Research Record 2085 :136-143
- Oeuvray R., Bierlaire M. (2008). A doped derivative-free algorithm. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 28 (4):387-393
- Thévenaz P., Bierlaire M., Unser M. (2008). Halton Sampling for Image Registration Based on Mutual Information. Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing 7 (2):141-171
- Migon C., Robin T., Dufour A., Gentili B. (2008). Decrease of lead concentrations in the Western Mediterranean atmosphere during the last 20 years. Atmospheric Environment 42 :815-821
- Patterson Z., Ewing G., Haider M. (2008). The Potential for Premium-intermodal Services to Reduce Freight CO2 Emissions in the Quebec City - Windsor Corridor. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 13 (1):1-9
- Bierlaire M., Bolduc D., McFadden D. (2008). The estimation of Generalized Extreme Value models from choice-based samples. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 42 (4):381-394
- 2007
- Bogers E., Bierlaire M., Hoogendoorn S. (2007). Modeling Learning in Route Choice. Transportation Research Record 2014 :1-8
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. (2007). Capturing correlation with subnetworks in route choice models. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 41 (3):363-378
- Bierlaire M., Crittin F., Thémans M. (2007). A multi-iterate method to solve systems of nonlinear equations. European Journal of Operational Research 183 (1):20-41
- Patterson Z., Ewing G., Haider M. (2007). Shipper Mistrust of Rail Use: First Stated Preference Carrier Choice Survey for the Quebec City - Windsor Corridor. Transportation Research Record 2008 :67-74
- Fosgerau M., Bierlaire M. (2007). A practical test for the choice of mixing distribution in discrete choice models. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 41 (7):784-794
- Abbe E., Bierlaire M., Toledo T. (2007). Normalization and correlation of cross-nested logit models. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 41 (7):795-808
- Hess S., Bierlaire M., Polak J. (2007). A systematic comparison of continuous and discrete mixture models. European Transport 37 :35-61
- Oeuvray R., Bierlaire M. (2007). A new derivative-free algorithm for the medical image registration problem. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 27 (2):115-124
- 2006
- Antonini G., Bierlaire M., Weber M. (2006). Discrete choice models of pedestrian walking behavior. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 40 (8):667-687
- Osorio C., Weibel C., Perez P., Bierlaire M., Garnerin P. (2006). Patient flow simulation as a tool for estimating policy impact. Swiss Medical Informatics 58 :33-36
- Bierlaire M., Crittin F. (2006). Solving noisy large scale fixed point problems and systems of nonlinear equations. Transportation Science 40 (1):44-63
- Daly A., Bierlaire M. (2006). A General and Operational Representation of Generalised Extreme Value Models. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 40 (4):285-305
- Bierlaire M. (2006). A theoretical analysis of the cross-nested logit model. Annals of Operations Research 144 (1):287-300
- Righini G., Salani M. (2006). Symmetry helps: Bounded bi-directional dynamic programming for the elementary shortest path problem with resource constraints. Discrete Optimization 3 (3):255-273
- Antonini G., Venegas S., Bierlaire M., Thiran J. (2006). Behavioral priors for detection and tracking of pedestrians in video sequences. International Journal of Computer Vision 69 (2):159-180
- Dell'Amico M., Righini G., Salani M. (2006). A Branch-and-Price Approach to the Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Distribution and Collection. Transportation Science 40 (2):235-247
- Bierlaire M., Thémans M., Axhausen K. (2006). Analysis of driver's response to real-time information in Switzerland. European Transport 34 :21-41
- 2005
- Patterson Z., Ewing G., Haider M. (2005). A Gender-based Analysis of Work Trip Mode Choice of Suburban Montreal Commuters Using Stated Preference Data. Transportation Research Record 1924 :85-93
- Hess S., Bierlaire M., Polak J. (2005). Estimation of value of travel-time savings using Mixed Logit models. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 39 (3):221-236
- Spada M., Bierlaire M., Liebling T. (2005). Decision-aid methodology for the school bus routing and scheduling problem. Transportation Science 39 (4):477-490
- 2004
- Bierlaire M., Crittin F. (2004). An efficient algorithm for real-time estimation and prediction of dynamic OD table. Operations Research 52 (1):116-127
- Righini G., Salani M. (2004). Dynamic programming algorithms for the elementary shortest path problem with resource constraints. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 17 :247 - 249
- 2002
- Bierlaire M. (2002). The total demand scale: A new measure of quality for static and dynamic origin-destination trip tables. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 36 (9):837-850
- Ben-Akiva M., McFadden D., Train K., Walker J., Bhat C., Bierlaire M., Bolduc D., Boersch-Supan A., Brownstone D., Bunch D., Daly A., de Palma A., Gopinath D., Karlstrom A., Munizaga M. (2002). Hybrid choice models: Progress and challenges. Marketing Letters 13 (3):163-175
- Torday A., Bierlaire M., Dumont A. (2002). Seeing the wood and the trees: simulation-based evaluation of the effect of variable speed limit signs on capacity and user safety. Traffic technology international 1 :60-64
- 2001
- Torday A., Bierlaire M., Dumont A. (2001). Modelling evaluation of impact of variable speed limitation sign posts on road capacity and user safety. Strasse und Verkehr 87 (6):283-286
- Ben-Akiva M., Bierlaire M., Burton D., Koutsopoulos H., Mishalani R. (2001). Network state estimation and prediction for real-time transportation management applications. Networks and Spatial Economics 1 (3-4):293-318
- 1998
- Dellaert B., Arentze T., Bierlaire M., Borgers A., Timmermans H. (1998). Investigating consumers' tendency to combine multiple shopping purposes and destinations. Journal of Marketing Research 35 (2):177-188
- 1997
- Bierlaire M., Lotan T., Toint P. (1997). On the overspecification of multinomial and nested logit models due to alternative specific constants. Transportation Science 31 (4):363-371
- 1995
- Bierlaire M., Toint P. (1995). MEUSE: an origin-destination estimator that exploits structure. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 29 (1):47-60
- 1991
- Bierlaire M. (1991). Evaluation de la demande en trafic : quelques méthodes de distribution. Annales de la Société Scientifique de Bruxelles 105 (1-2):17-66
- Bierlaire M., Toint P., Tuyttens D. (1991). On iterative algorithms for linear least squares problems with bound constraints. Linear Algebra and its Applications 143 (1):111-143
Technical reports
- 2024
- Haering T., Legault R., Torres F., Bierlaire M. (2024). Heuristics and Exact Algorithms for Choice-Based Capacitated and Uncapacitated Continuous Pricing. Report TRANSP-OR 240905
- Torres F., Gendreau M., Rei W. (2024). Pricing Routes: Compensation of Crowd-Drivers. Report TRANSP-OR 240717
- Ilinov P., Matveenko A., Senkov M., Starkov E. (2024). Optimally Biased Expertise. Report TRANSP-OR 240223
- Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Varotto S., Bierlaire M. (2024). An integrated ordered logit and latent variable model for accident injury severity and risk-taking behavior. Report TRANSP-OR 240101
- Ricard L., Bierlaire M. (2024). 50 years of behavioral models for transportation and logistics. Report TRANSP-OR 220408
- Bierlaire M. (2024). Arithmetic expressions in Biogeme. Report TRANSP-OR 240805
- Bierlaire M., Wang M. (2024). The MDCEV model with Biogeme: estimation and forecasting. Report TRANSP-OR 240721
- Cortes Balcells C., Torres F., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. (2024). Modeling the Influence of Restriction Policies and Perceived Risk due to COVID-19 on Daily Activity Scheduling. Report TRANSP-OR 240703
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2024). Household-level choice-set generation and parameter estimation in activity-based models. Report
- 2023
- Bierlaire M., Paschalidis E. (2023). Estimating MEV models with samples of alternatives. Report TRANSP-OR 231225
- Haering T., Legault R., Torres F., Ljubic I., Bierlaire M. (2023). Exact Algorithms for Continuous Pricing with Advanced Discrete Choice Demand Models. Report TRANSP-OR 231211
- Bierlaire M. (2023). A short introduction to Biogeme. Report TRANSP-OR 230620
- Kukic M., Li X., Bierlaire M. (2023). Divide-and-conquer one-step simulator for the generation of synthetic households. Report TRANSP-OR 230408
- Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2023). Resampling estimation of discrete choice models. Report TRANSP-OR 230330
- Cortes Balcells C., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. (2023). Multi-objective Optimization of Activity-Travel Policies for Epidemic Control: Balancing Health and Economic Outcomes on Socio-Economic Segments. Report TRANSP-OR 230905
- Bierlaire M., Ortelli N. (2023). Assisted specification with Biogeme 3.2.12. Report TRANSP-OR 230816
- Rezvany N., Bierlaire M., Hillel T. (2023). Simulating intra-household interactions for in- and out-of-home activity scheduling. Report
- 2022
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2022). OASIS: Optimisation-based Activity Scheduling with Integrated Simultaneous choice dimensions. Report TRANSP-OR 221124
- Bataillard L., Pougala J., Haering T., Bierlaire M. (2022). A comparative analysis of optimization algorithms for activity-based applications. Report TRANSP-OR 220610
- Varotto S., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. (2022). Modelling travel behaviour: A choice modelling perspective. Report TRANSP-OR 220315
- Cortes Balcells C., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. (2022). Disaggregate modeling and policy optimization for the Swiss SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. Report TRANSP-OR 221007
- Bierlaire M., Ortelli N. (2022). Assisted specification with Biogeme. Report TRANSP-OR 220707
- 2021
- Manser P., Haering T., Hillel T., Pougala J., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. (2021). Resolving temporal scheduling conflicts in activity-based modelling. Report TRANSP-OR 211209
- Krueger R., Daziano R. (2021). Stated choice analysis of preferences for COVID-19 vaccines using the Choquet integral. Report TRANSP-OR 211129
- Pacheco M., Gendron B., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. (2021). A Lagrangian decomposition scheme for choice-based optimization. Report TRANSP-OR 210827
- Krueger R., Bierlaire M., Daziano R., Rashidi T., Bansal P. (2021). Evaluating the predictive abilities of mixed logit models with unobserved inter- and intra-individual heterogeneity. Report TRANSP-OR 210617
- Molyneaux N., Bierlaire M. (2021). Analysis and modelling of intra-hub pedestrian dynamics. Report TRANSP-OR 210526
- Krueger R., Bierlaire M., Gasos T., Bansal P. (2021). Robust discrete choice models with t-distributed kernel errors. Report TRANSP-OR 210518
- Bierlaire M., Frejinger E., Hillel T. (2021). Dynamic choice models. Report TRANSP-OR 210305
- Molyneaux N., Bierlaire M. (2021). Controlling pedestrian flows with moving walkways. Report TRANSP-OR 210218
- Beine M., Bierlaire M., Docquier F. (2021). New York, Abu Dhabi, London or Stay at Home? Using a Cross-Nested Logit Model to Identify Complex Substitution Patterns in Migration. Report TRANSP-OR 210130
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. (2021). Price-based regulation of oligopolistic markets under discrete choice models of demand. Report TRANSP-OR 210127
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2021). Capturing trade-offs between daily scheduling choices. Report TRANSP-OR 210101
- Xie S., Hillel T., Jin Y. (2021). An Early Stopping Bayesian Data Assimilation Approach for Mixed-Logit Estimation. Report arXiv:2101.11159
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2021). Integrated models of transport and energy demand: A literature review and framework. Report
- 2020
- Bierlaire M., Krueger R. (2020). Sampling and discrete choice. Report TRANSP-OR 201109
- Ortelli N., Hillel T., Pereira F., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2020). Assisted Specification of Discrete Choice Models. Report TRANSP-OR 200708
- Hillel T. (2020). New perspectives on the performance of machine learning classifiers for mode-choice prediction. Report TRANSP-OR 200704
- Bierlaire M. (2020). A short introduction to PandasBiogeme. Report TRANSP-OR 200605
- Krueger R., Bansal P., Bierlaire M., Daziano R., Rashidi T. (2020). Variational bayesian inference for mixed logit models with unobserved inter-and intra-individual heterogeneity. Report arXiv:1905.00419
- Wong M., Farooq B. (2020). ResLogit: A residual neural network logit model for data-driven choice modelling. Report arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.10058v2
- 2019
- Bierlaire M. (2019). Monte-Carlo integration with PandasBiogeme. Report TRANSP-OR 191231
- Lederrey G., Lurkin V., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2019). Estimation of Discrete Choice Models with Hybrid Stochastic Adaptive Batch Size Algorithms. Report TRANSP-OR 191213
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. (2019). A disaggregate choice-based approach to find epsilon-equilibria of oligopolistic markets. Report TRANSP-OR 191107
- Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. (2019). Design and analysis of control strategies for pedestrian flows. Report TRANSP-OR 191031
- Mueller F., Guerster M., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. (2019). Can regional railway become emission-free with recently announced vehicles? - A case study of Bavaria. Report TRANSP-OR 191028
- Hillel T., Bierlaire M., Jin Y. (2019). A systematic review of machine learning methodologies for modelling passenger mode choice. Report TRANSP-OR 191025
- Bansal P., Krueger R., Bierlaire M., Daziano R., Rashidi T. (2019). Bayesian estimation of mixed multinomial logit models: Advances and simulation-based evaluations.. Report arXiv:1904.03647
- 2018
- Bierlaire M. (2018). Estimating choice models with latent variables with PandasBiogeme. Report TRANSP-OR 181227
- Bierlaire M. (2018). Calculating indicators with PandasBiogeme. Report TRANSP-OR 181223
- Bierlaire M. (2018). PandasBiogeme: a short introduction. Report TRANSP-OR 181219
- Scarinci R., Zanarini A., Bierlaire M. (2018). Electrification of urban mobility: the case of catenary-free buses. Report TRANSP-OR 181030
- Xia J., Dai W., Polak J., Bierlaire M. (2018). Dimension reduction for origin-destination flow estimation: blind estimation made possible. Report 1810.06077
- 2017
- Markov I., Bierlaire M., Cordeau J., Maknoon Y., Varone S. (2017). A unified framework for rich routing problems with stochastic demands. Report TRANSP-OR 171025
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M., Gendron B. (2017). Integrating advanced discrete choice models in mixed integer linear optimization. Report TRANSP-OR 170714
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M., de Lapparent M. (2017). Operational route choice methodologies for practical applications. Report TRANSP-OR 170526
- Bierlaire M., Lurkin V. (2017). Introduction to disaggregate demand models. Report TRANSP-OR 170508
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. (2017). Introducing exogenous priority rules for the capacitated passenger assignment problem. Report TRANSP-OR 170209
- Scarinci R., Markov I., Bierlaire M. (2017). Network design of a transport system based on accelerating moving walkways. Report TRANSP-OR 170123
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M., de Lapparent M., Scarinci R. (2017). Multi-class speed-density relationship for pedestrian traffic. Report TRANSP-OR 170115
- 2016
- Fernandez-Antolin A., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2016). Modeling purchases of new cars: an analysis of the 2014 French market. Report TRANSP-OR 161130
- Robenek T., Sharif Azadeh S., Maknoon Y., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2016). Train Timetable Design Under Elastic Passenger Demand. Report TRANSP-OR 160923
- Markov I., Bierlaire M., Cordeau J., Maknoon Y., Varone S. (2016). Inventory routing with non-stationary stochastic demands. Report TRANSP-OR 160825
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M. (2016). Data-driven characterization of pedestrian flows. Report TRANSP-OR 160815
- Scarinci R., Bahrami F., Ourednik A., Bierlaire M. (2016). An exploration of moving walkways as a transport system in urban centers. Report TRANSP-OR 160810
- Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. (2016). A passenger-centric approach to enhance railway services. Report TRANSP-OR 160805
- Bierlaire M. (2016). PythonBiogeme: a short introduction. Report TRANSP-OR 160706
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. (2016). The multi-objective railway timetable rescheduling problem. Report TRANSP-OR 160530
- Robenek T., Sharif Azadeh S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. (2016). Hybrid Cyclicity: Combining The Benefits Of Cyclic And Non-Cyclic Timetables. Report TRANSP-OR 160510
- Fernandez-Antolin A., Guevara-Cue A., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2016). Correcting for endogeneity using the multiple indicator solution. Report TRANSP-OR 160405
- Scarinci R., Rast F., Bierlaire M. (2016). Evaluation of the energy consumption in different mobility scenarios to meet the goal of a 2000-watt society. Report TRANSP-OR 130916
- Emery D. (2016). Inspection indépendante sur la sécurité des essais dynamiques sur Lignes Nouvelles. Report TRANSP-OR 161130
- Bierlaire M., Sharif Azadeh S. (2016). Demand-based discrete optimization. Report TRANSP-OR 160209
- 2015
- Danalet A., Tinguely L., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2015). Location choice with longitudinal WiFi data. Report TRANSP-OR 151110
- Bierlaire M. (2015). BisonBiogeme: syntax of the modeling language. Report TRANSP-OR 151102
- Hänseler F., Lam W., Bierlaire M., Lederrey G., Nikolic M. (2015). A dynamic network loading model for anisotropic and congested pedestrian flows. Report TRANSP-OR 151026
- Hänseler F., Bierlaire M., Scarinci R. (2015). Assessing the usage and level-of-service of pedestrian facilities in train stations: A Swiss case study. Report TRANSP-OR 151008
- Robenek T., Maknoon Y., Sharif Azadeh S., Chen J., Bierlaire M. (2015). Passenger Centric Train Timetabling Problem. Report TRANSP-OR 150917
- Maknoon Y., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. (2015). Trajectory planning for small aircrafts. Report TRANSP-OR 150901
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M., Flötteröd G. (2015). Revisiting the Route Choice Problem: A Modeling Framework Based on Mental Representations. Report TRANSP-OR 150824
- Bierlaire M. (2015). BisonBiogeme: estimating a first model. Report TRANSP-OR 150720
- Hänseler F., Molyneaux N., Bierlaire M. (2015). Estimation of pedestrian origin-destination demand in train stations. Report TRANSP-OR 150703
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M., Farooq B. (2015). Probabilistic speed-density relationship for pedestrian traffic: a data-driven approach. Report TRANSP-OR 150411
- Markov I., Varone S., Bierlaire M. (2015). The waste collection VRP with intermediate facilities, a heterogeneous fixed fleet and a flexible assignment of origin and destination depot. Report TRANSP-OR 150212
- Hänseler F., Molyneaux N., Bierlaire M. (2015). Schedule-based estimation of pedestrian origin-destination demand in railway stations. Report TRANSP-OR 150108
- Bierlaire M. (2015). Monte-Carlo integration with PythonBiogeme. Report TRANSP-OR 150806
- Saujot M., de Lapparent M., Arnaud E., Prados E. (2015). To make LUTI models operational tools for planning. Report TRANSP-OR 150310
- Peiravian F., de Lapparent M., Derrible S. (2015). Exploration of the Complex Similarity of Urban System Components. Report TRANSP-OR 150121
- Gaudry M., de Lapparent M. (2015). Attitudes to Distance, Time and Cost in Logit Transport Choice Models. Report TRANSP-OR 150113
- de Lapparent M., Koning M. (2015). Travel discomfort-time tradeoffs in Paris subway: an empirical analysis using interval regression models. Report TRANSP-OR 150112
- 2014
- Moret S., Bierlaire M., Maréchal F. (2014). Robust Optimization for Strategic Energy Planning. Report TRANSP-OR 141115
- Bierlaire M. (2014). Simulation and optimization in transportation: a short review. Report TRANSP-OR 141113
- Glerum A., Bierlaire M. (2014). Capturing response behavior heterogeneity in the quantification of semi-open questions: a mixed discrete-continuous approach. Report TRANSP-OR 140305
- Buczkowska S., Coulombel N., de Lapparent M. (2014). Euclidean distance versus travel time in business location: A probabilistic mixture of hurdle-Poisson models. Report TRANSP-OR 141031
- Lai X., Bierlaire M. (2014). Specification of the cross nested logit model with sampling of alternatives for route choice models. Report TRANSP-OR 140602
- 2013
- Hänseler F., Bierlaire M., Farooq B., Mühlematter T. (2013). An aggregate model for transient and multi-directional pedestrian flows in public walking areas. Report TRANSP-OR 131219
- Umang N., Erera A., Bierlaire M. (2013). The robust single machine scheduling problem with uncertain release and processing times. Report TRANSP-OR 131029
- Danalet A., Farooq B., Bierlaire M. (2013). A Bayesian Approach to Detect Pedestrian Destination-Sequences from WiFi Signatures. Report TRANSP-OR 131002
- Hänseler F., Molyneaux N., Thémans M., Bierlaire M. (2013). Pedestrian strategies within railway stations: Analysis and modeling of pedestrian flows (PedFlux Mid-Term Report). Report TRANSP-OR 130920
- Hurtubia R., Nguyen M., Glerum A., Bierlaire M. (2013). Integrating psychometric indicators in latent class choice models. Report TRANSP-OR 130423
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2013). A local search heuristic for a mixed integer nonlinear integrated airline schedule planning problem. Report TRANSP-OR 130402
- Umang N., Bierlaire M., Erera A. (2013). Real-time management of berth allocation with stochastic arrival and handling times. Report TRANSP-OR 130215
- Farooq B., Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G. (2013). Simulation based Synthesis of Population. Report TRANSP-OR 130125
- 2012
- Schuler M., Faure P., Munafò S., Danalet A., Dessemontet P. (2012). Projektstudie über den kombinierten Verkehr : Verbesserung der Dienstleistungsqualität und Entwicklung der Fahrgastzahlen bei PostAuto. Report TRANSP-OR 121201
- Schuler M., Faure P., Munafò S., Danalet A., Dessemontet P. (2012). Amélioration de la qualité de service et évolution de la fréquentation de CarPostal. Report TRANSP-OR 121130
- Robenek T., Umang N., Bierlaire M., Ropke S. (2012). A branch-and-price algorithm to solve the integrated berth allocation and yard assignment problem in bulk ports. Report TRANSP-OR 121030
- Farooq B., Miller E., Chingcuanco F., Giroux-Cook M. (2012). Microsimulation framework for urban price-taker markets. Report TRANSP-OR 120827
- Farooq B., Miller E., Haider M. (2012). A Multidimensional Decisions Modelling Framework for Built Space Supply. Report TRANSP-OR 120826
- Hänseler F., Sahaleh S., Farooq B., Lavadinho S., Thémans M., Bierlaire M. (2012). Final report on the modeling part of the "Flux pietons Gare de Lausanne" project within the framework of "Leman 2030". Report TRANSP-OR 120801
- Ythier J., Walker J., Bierlaire M. (2012). The role of the social network and the usage of communication in travel behavior measured with Smartphone data. Report TRANSP-OR 120801
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M., Leonardi C. (2012). Impact analysis of a flexible air transportation system. Report TRANSP-OR 120717
- Chen J., Bierlaire M. (2012). Probabilistic multimodal map-matching with rich smartphone data. Report TRANSP-OR 120618
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2012). An integrated airline scheduling, fleeting and pricing model for a monopolized market. Report TRANSP-OR 120501
- Atasoy B., Bierlaire M. (2012). An air itinerary choice model based on a mixed RP/SP dataset. Report TRANSP-OR 120426
- Glerum A., Atasoy B., Bierlaire M. (2012). Using semi-open questions to integrate perceptions in choice models. Report TRANSP-OR 120325
- Kumar P., Bierlaire M. (2012). Multi-Objective Airport Gate Assignment Problem in Planning and Operations. Report TRANSP-OR 120321
- Danalet A., Sahaleh S. (2012). Projet de recherche sur la mobilité combinée : Rapport de l'enquête de préférences déclarées. Report TRANSP-OR 120315
- Glerum A., Stankovikj L., Thémans M., Bierlaire M. (2012). Forecasting the demand for electric vehicles: accounting for attitudes and perceptions. Report TRANSP-OR 120217
- Hurtubia R., Bierlaire M. (2012). Estimation of bid functions for location choice and price modeling with a latent variable approach. Report TRANSP-OR 120206
- Umang N., Bierlaire M., Vacca I. (2012). Exact and heuristic methods to solve the berth allocation problem in bulk ports. Report TRANSP-OR 120116
- 2011
- Cruz J., Bierlaire M., Thiran J. (2011). Sample and Pixel Weighting Strategies for Robust Incremental Visual Tracking. Report TRANSP-OR 111027
- Kumar P., Bierlaire M. (2011). Optimizing Fueling Decisions for Locomotives in Railroad Networks. Report TRANSP-OR 111006
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Leonardi C., Bierlaire M. (2011). Clip-Air, a flexible air transportation system. Report TRANSP-OR 110929
- Bierlaire M., Curchod A., Danalet A., Doyen E., Faure P., Glerum A., Kaufmann V., Tabaka K., Schuler M. (2011). Projet de recherche sur la mobilité combinée, Rapport définitif de l'enquête de préférences révélées. Report TRANSP-OR 110704
- Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. (2011). Metropolis-Hastings sampling of paths. Report TRANSP-OR 110606
- Corthout R., Flötteröd G., Viti F., Tampere C. (2011). Non-unique flows in macroscopic first-order intersection models. Report TRANSP-OR 110520
- Atasoy B., Glerum A., Bierlaire M. (2011). Attitudes towards mode choice in Switzerland. Report TRANSP-OR 110502
- Vacca I., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2011). An exact algorithm for the integrated planning of berth allocation and quay crane assignment. Report TRANSP-OR 110323
- Robin T., Bierlaire M. (2011). Modeling the behavior of investors. Report
- 2010
- Flötteröd G., Chen Y., Nagel K. (2010). Behavioral calibration and analysis of a large-scale travel microsimulation. Report TRANSP-OR 101212
- Flötteröd G., Rohde J. (2010). Operational macroscopic modeling of complex urban road intersections. Report TRANSP-OR 101204
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2010). A simulation-based optimization framework for urban traffic control. Report TRANSP-OR 101203
- Salani M., Vacca I., Bierlaire M. (2010). Two-stage column generation. Report TRANSP-OR 101130
- Flötteröd G., Liu R. (2010). Disaggregate path flow estimation in an iterated DTA microsimulation. Report TRANSP-OR 101116
- Bierlaire M., Chen J., Newman J. (2010). Modeling Route Choice Behavior From Smartphone GPS data. Report TRANSP-OR 101016
- Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. (2010). A framework for the data-consistent deployment of urban microsimulations. Report TRANSP-OR 100904
- Osorio C., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. (2010). Dynamic network loading: a differentiable model that derives link state distributions. Report TRANSP-OR 100815
- Leyvraz J. (2010). Programme d’agglomération Lausanne-Morges AFTPU : Fourniture d’indicateurs pour alimenter l’analyse multicritères en vue du choix de la variante pour la desserte nord, rapport final. Report TRANSP-OR 100716
- Fosgerau M., McFadden D., Bierlaire M. (2010). Choice probability generating functions. Report TRANSP-OR 100605
- Robin T., Bierlaire M., Cruz J. (2010). Dynamic facial expression recognition with a discrete choice model. Report TRANSP-OR 100423
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2010). A tractable analytical model for large-scale congested protein synthesis networks. Report TRANSP-OR 100420
- Hurtubia R., Gallay O., Bierlaire M. (2010). Attributes of Households, Locations and Real-Estate Markets for Land Use Modeling (SustainCity deliverable). Report TRANSP-OR 100419
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2010). Robust and Recoverable Maintenance Routing Schedules. Report TRANSP-OR 100115
- Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M., Nagel K. (2010). Bayesian demand calibration for dynamic traffic simulations. Report TRANSP-OR 100105
- Gallay O. (2010). Starting with UrbanSim: On the Creation of an Introductory Project. Report
- Hashemi F., Hongler M., Gallay O. (2010). Spatio-Temporal Patterns for a Generalized Innovation Diffusion Model. Report
- 2009
- Salani M., Vacca I. (2009). Branch and Price for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Discrete Split Deliveries and Time Windows. Report TRANSP-OR 091224
- Swartz P., Duyckaerts G., Salani M. (2009). Ambush avoidance in Vehicle Routing for valuable delivery. Report TRANSP-OR 091216
- Chiraphadhanakul V., Eggenberg N. (2009). How to evaluate the robustness of airlines schedules. Report TRANSP-OR 091006
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2009). A surrogate model for traffic optimization of congested networks: an analytic queueing network approach. Report TRANSP-OR 090825
- Flötteröd G., Rohde J. (2009). Modeling complex intersections with the cell-transmission model. Report TRANSP-OR 090719
- Sorci M., Robin T., Cruz J., Bierlaire M., Thiran J. (2009). Modelling human perception of facial expressions. Report TRANSP-OR 090706
- Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G. (2009). An experimental analysis of the implicit choice set generation using the Constrained Multinomial Logit model. Report TRANSP-OR 090518
- Cruz J., Bogdanova I., Paquier B., Bierlaire M., Thiran J. (2009). Scale Invariant Feature Transform on the Sphere: Theory and Applications. Report TRANSP-OR 090426
- Lämmel G., Flötteröd G. (2009). Towards system optimum: Finding optimal routing strategies in time dependent networks for large-scale evacuation problems. Report TRANSP-OR 090420
- Giallombardo G., Moccia L., Salani M., Vacca I. (2009). Modeling and Solving the Tactical Berth Allocation Problem. Report TRANSP-OR 090312
- Alahi A., Vandergheynst P., Bierlaire M., Kunt M. (2009). A Master-Slave Approach to Detect and Match Objects Across Several Uncalibrated Moving Cameras. Report TRANSP-OR 090309
- Bierlaire M., Robin T. (2009). Pedestrians choices. Report TRANSP-OR 090303
- Flötteröd G. (2009). Macroscopic Network Loading of Microscopic Network Demand. Report TRANSP-OR 090115
- Eggenberg N., Salani M. (2009). Uncertainty Feature Optimization for the Airline Scheduling Problem. Report TRANSP-OR 090105
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2009). Constraint-Specific Recovery Networks for Solving Airline Recovery Problems. Report TRANSP-OR 081001
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2009). UFO: Uncertainty Feature Optimization, an Implicit Paradigm for Problems with Noisy Data. Report TRANSP-OR 080829
- Newman J. (2009). Systematically heterogeneous covariance in network GEV Models. Report
- 2008
- Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M., Nagel K. (2008). Bayesian calibration of dynamic traffic simulations. Report TRANSP-OR 081028
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2008). Accounting for congestion and spillbacks in fixed-time traffic signal optimization: an analytical queueing model approach. Report TRANSP-OR 081026
- Alahi A., Bierlaire M., Kunt M. (2008). Combination of Fixed and Mobile Cameras for Automatic Pedestrian Detection. Report TRANSP-OR 081005
- Salani M., Vacca I. (2008). Two-stage column generation and applications. Report TRANSP-OR 081002
- Patterson Z., Bierlaire M. (2008). Development of Prototype UrbanSim Models. Report TRANSP-OR 080814
- Cruz J., Bierlaire M., Thiran J. (2008). Multiple-View Scenes: Reconstruction and Virtual Views. Report TRANSP-OR 080710
- Vacca I., Bierlaire M., Salani M. (2008). Optimization at Container Terminals: Status, Trends and Perspectives (revised version). Report TRANSP-OR 080528
- Patterson Z., Hurtubia R. (2008). A Prototype Integrated Transportation Land-use Model for the Lausanne Region. Report
- 2007
- Vacca I., Bierlaire M., Salani M. (2007). Optimization at Container Terminals: Status, Trends and Perspectives. Report TRANSP-OR 071204
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. (2007). Sampling of Alternatives for Route Choice Modeling. Report TRANSP-OR 071121
- Robin T., Antonini G., Bierlaire M., Cruz J. (2007). Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behavior model. Report TRANSP-OR 071116
- Gao S., Frejinger E., Ben-Akiva M. (2007). Adaptive Route Choice Models in Stochastic Time-Dependent Networks. Report TRANSP-OR 070730
- Antonini G., Bierlaire M., Schneider S., Robin T. (2007). Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behavior model. Report TRANSP-OR 070727
- Fosgerau M., Bierlaire M. (2007). Circumventing the problem of the scale: discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms. Report TRANSP-OR 070703
- Bierlaire M., Leyvraz J., Paulus P., Robin T. (2007). Montage d’une matrice multimodale 2020 avec le modèle EMME/2 de l’agglomération Lausanne-Morges. Report TRANSP-OR 070614
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2007). An analytic finite capacity queueing network model capturing blocking, congestion and spillbacks. Report TRANSP-OR 070604
- Bierlaire M., Lucadamo A. (2007). Sampling of alternatives using multidimensional analysis. Report TRANSP-OR 070522
- Bierlaire M., Thémans M., Zufferey N. (2007). A heuristic for nonlinear global optimization. Report TRANSP-OR 070430
- Bierlaire M. (2007). Recent methodological developments in discrete choice models. Report TRANSP-OR 070415
- Bierlaire M., Frejinger E. (2007). Route choice modeling with network-free data. Report TRANSP-OR 070214
- Bierlaire M., Frejinger E. (2007). Technical note: A Stochastic Choice Set Generation Algorithm. Report TRANSP-OR 070213
- 2006
- Leyvraz J., Mattenberger P., Robert-Grandpierre A. (2006). Mise à jour majeure de la modélisation EMME2 de l'agglomération Lausanne-Morges. Report TRANSP-OR 061208
- Bierlaire M., Thémans M. (2006). Dealing with singularities in nonlinear unconstrained optimization. Report TRANSP-OR 061207
- Hess S., Bierlaire M., Polak J. (2006). A systematic comparison of continuous and discrete mixture models. Report TRANSP-OR 061117
- Fosgerau M., Bierlaire M. (2006). Discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms. Report TRANSP-OR 060831
- Bierlaire M., Bolduc D., McFadden D. (2006). The estimation of Generalized Extreme Value models from choice-based samples. Report TRANSP-OR 060810
- Fosgerau M., Bierlaire M. (2006). A practical test for the choice of mixing distribution in discrete choice models. Report RO 060315
- Bierlaire M., Thémans M., Axhausen K. (2006). Analysis of driver's response to real-time information in Switzerland. Report GR-BIE-REPORT-2006-002
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. (2006). Capturing correlation in large-scale route choice models. Report GR-BIE-REPORT-2006-002
- Bierlaire M., Crittin F., Thémans M. (2006). A multi-iterate method to solve systems of nonlinear equations. Report GR-BIE-REPORT-2006-001
- Vrtic M., Schuessler N., Erath A., Axhausen K., Frejinger E., Stojanovic J., Bierlaire M., Rudel R., Maggi R. (2006). Including travelling costs in the modelling of mobility behaviour. Report
- 2005
- Abbe E., Bierlaire M., Toledo T. (2005). Normalization and correlation of cross-nested logit models. Report RO-050912
- Antonini G., Bierlaire M. (2005). Capturing interactions in pedestrian walking behavior in a discrete choice framework. Report GR-BIE-REPORT-2005-001
- Osorio C. (2005). An auxiliary/latent variables approach to inferring missing haplotype/genotype data. Report
- 2004
- Oeuvray R. (2004). Convergence theory of the BOOSTERS algorithm. Report RO-2004.1208
- Oeuvray R., Bierlaire M. (2004). Performance evaluation of BOOSTERS. Report RO-2004.1207
- Antonini G., Bierlaire M., Weber M. (2004). Discrete choice models of pedestrian behavior. Report RO-040916
- Hess S., Bierlaire M., Polak J. (2004). Estimation of value-of-time using Mixed Logit models. Report RO-040528
- Bierlaire M. (2004). Estimation et prédiction en temps-réel de tables origine-destination. Report RO-040504
- Bierlaire M., Crittin F. (2004). A class of multi-iterate methods to solve systems of nonlinear equations. Report RO-040319
- Oeuvray R., Bierlaire M. (2004). BOOSTERS: A Derivative-Free Algorithm Based on Radial Basis Functions. Report RO 2004.1124
- Oeuvray R., Bierlaire M. (2004). A New Derivative-free Algorithm for the Medical Image Registration Problem. Report RO 2004.0731
- Divorra Escoda O., Vandergheynst P., Bierlaire M. (2004). Video Representation Using Greedy Approximations Over Redundant Parametric Dictionaries. Report RO 2004 0919
- Antonini G., Venegas S., Thiran J., Bierlaire M. (2004). A discrete choice pedestrian behavior for pedestrian detection in visual tracking systems. Report RO 2004 09 09
- Spada M., Bierlaire M., Liebling T. (2004). Decision-aid Methodology for the School Bus Routing and Scheduling Problem. Report RO 2004 05 03, Revised version
- Bierlaire M., Thémans M., Axhausen K., Widmer P., Buhl T., Assef-Vaziri F. (2004). Développement de modèles suisses pour la prédiction de la demande en transport pour des applications en temps réel. Report OFROU VSS 1135 november 2004
- 2003
- Daly A., Bierlaire M. (2003). A general and operational representation of GEV models. Report RO-030502
- Bierlaire M., Crittin F. (2003). Solving large scale systems of nonlinear equations. Report RO 2003.08.04
- Bierlaire M., Bolduc D., McFadden D. (2003). Characterisctic of generalized extreme value distributions. Report
- 2002
- Oeuvray R., Bierlaire M. (2002). On the differentiability of the MI estimator. Report RO-020403
- Bierlaire M., Crittin F. (2002). A generalization of secant methods for solving nonlinear systems of equations. Report RO 2002.0120
- Bierlaire M., Torday A., Baumann D. (2002). PAPABILES; Phase II: 3ème voie et contrôle d'accès. Report RO 2002.0101
- Spada M., Bierlaire M., Liebling T. (2002). Decision-aid Methodology for the school Bus Routing and Scheduling Problem. Report RO 2002 0819
- Antonini G., Venegas S., Bierlaire M., Thiran J. (2002). Behavioral Filtering of Human Trajectories for Automatic-Multi-Track Initiation. Report ITS-03-04
- Schoenfelder S., Axhausen K., Antille N., Bierlaire M. (2002). Exploring the potentials of automatically colected GPS data for travel Behaviour analysis: A Swedish data source. Report
- 2001
- Bierlaire M. (2001). A theoretical analysis of the cross-nested logit model. Report RO 2001.1218
- Bierlaire M., Crittin F. (2001). An efficient algorithm for real-time estimation and prediction of dynamic OD tables. Report RO 2001.0808
- Benvenuti G., Halary-Wagner E., Hoffman P., Bierlaire M. (2001). Highly uniform impinging rate for chemical molecular beams. Report
- Crittin F., Bierlaire M. (2001). New algorithmic approaches for the anticipatory route guidance generation problem. Report
- Torday A., Bierlaire M., Dumont A. (2001). Simulation-based evaluation of the impact of variable speed limit signs on capacity and user safety. Report
- 2000
- Liebling T., Bierlaire M., Crittin F., Hêche J., Thiémard E., Stagno A., Righetti F. (2000). Modeling and simulation in logistics. Report RO 2000.0831
- Bierlaire M. (2000). The Total Demand Scale: A new measure of quality for statistic and dynamic origin-destination. Report RO 2000.0601
- Bierlaire M., Ben-Akiva M., Koutsopoulos H., Mishalani R. (2000). Real-Time simulation of traffic demand-supply interactions within DynaMIT. Report RO 2000.0301
- Bierlaire M., Mishalani R., Ben-Akiva M. (2000). General framework for Dynamic Demand Simulation. Report RO 2000.0223
- 1999
- Spada M. (1999). Confection d'horaires et de tournées de bus scolaires. Report TRANSP-OR 151110
- Bierlaire M., Crittin F. (1999). Optimisation de grande taille sans dérivée: Etat de l'art et perspectives. Report RO 99.04.14
- Bierlaire M. (1999). PROJET PAPABILES:Projet Autoroutier Pilote d'Aubonne-Belmont pour une Initiative Lausannoise d'Evaluation par Simulation (Phase I: Etude préliminaire). Report RO 1999.1021
- Bierlaire M. (1999). ANEGEV: Analysis and Estimation of Generalized Extreme Value Models. Report RO 1999.0915
- 1995
- Bierlaire M. (1995). A robust algorithm for the simultaneous estimation of hierarchical logit models. Report FUNDP GRT 95/3
- Bierlaire M. (1995). Préférences déclarées des étudiants de licences pour les choix de cours à option, année académique 1994-1995. Report FUNDP 95/11
- Bierlaire M. (1995). Enquêtes de préférences révélées et déclarées concernant le choix modal des voyageurs du corridor Lisbonne-Porto-Braga.. Report
- Bierlaire M., Vandevyvere Y. (1995). HieLoW: the interactive user's guide. Report
- Dellaert B., Arentze T., Bierlaire M., Borgers A., Timmermans H. (1995). A multi-purpose multi-stop model of consumer shopping centre choice. Report
- 1994
- Bierlaire M. (1994). HieLoW: un logiciel d'estimation de modèles logit emboîtés. Report cahiers du MET 5:69-87
- Bierlaire M., Toint P. (1994). MEUSE: un estimateur de matrice origine-destination qui exploite la structure. Report Cahiers du MET 5: 69/87
- 1993
- Bierlaire M., Burton D., Lotan T. (1993). On the behavioural aspects of modal choice. Report FUNDP 93/22
- 1992
- Bierlaire M. (1992). Analyse d'un service gratuit de transport en commun lié à une surface commerciale: le bus Sarma entre Namur et Jambes. Report FUNDP, GRT 92/06
- Bierlaire M. (1992). Sémianire AGIR: Stated preferences ou analyse des choix exprimés. Report FUNDP GRT 15
- 1991
- Bierlaire M., Toint P. (1991). Les modèles de trafic: fonctionnement et applications. Report cahiers de l'Urbanisme
- 1990
- Bierlaire M., Toint P. (1990). La circulation à Namur: projets d'aménagement. Report GEC report 90/14
- Bierlaire M., Toint P. (1990). Une approche de l'impportance relative des parkings au centre de Namur. Report GEC Report 90/1
- 1989
- Bierlaire M., Burton D., Thiry S. (1989). Le contournement de Couvin: étude préliminaire. Report FUNDP, TRG 89/11
- Bierlaire M., Cornelis E. (1989). Etude de l'impact sur la circulation de l'implantation des bureaux de la Région Wallone à Jambes. Report FUNDP, GRT 89/12
- 1988
- Bierlaire M. (1988). Résolution de moindres carrés linéaires creux anec contraintes de bornes. Report Master's thesis, FUNDP
- Bierlaire M., Kaufmann V., Rérat P. (2017) La mobilité en questions. Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes (PPUR) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- Bierlaire M. (2015) Optimization: Principles and Algorithms. EPFL Press , Lausanne [ISBN 9782940222780]
- Bierlaire M., de Palma A., Hurtubia R., Waddell P. (2015) Integrated Transport and Land Use Modeling for Sustainable Cities. EPFL Press , Lausanne, Switzerland [ISBN 978-2-940222-72-8]
- Louvet M., Kaufmann V., Thémans M., Godillon S., Nessi H., Rocci A., Le Bris C., Adoue F. (2013) Les usages de la mobilité: pour une ingénierie des modes de vie. Editions Loco [ISBN 978-2-919507-13-9]
- Marcucci E., Gatta V., Valeri E., Stathopoulos A. (2013) Urban freight transport modelling: an agent-specific approach . FrancoAngeli [ISBN 9788856859836 ]
- Bierlaire M. (2006) Introduction à l'optimisation différentiable. Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes , Lausanne [ISBN 978-2-88074-669-8]
Book chapters
- 2024
- Bierlaire M., Frejinger E., Hillel T. (2024) Dynamic choice models. In S. Hess and A. Daly (ed) Handbook of Choice Modelling, Edward Elgar Publishing , Cheltenham, UK [ISBN 9781800375628]
- Bierlaire M., Krueger R. (2024) Sampling and discrete choice. In S. Hess and A. Daly (ed) Handbook of Choice Modelling, Edward Elgar Publishing , Cheltenham, UK [ISBN 9781800375628]
- Richer C., Torres F., Bierlaire M. (2024) The Static Elevator Dispatching Problem with Destination Control. In Crainic, T.G., Gendreau, M., Frangioni, A. (ed) Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, Springer , Cham.
- Sharif Azadeh S., Pacheco M., Bierlaire M. (2024) Decomposition Methods for Choice-Based Optimization Models. In Crainic, T.G., Gendreau, M., Frangioni, A. (ed) Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, Springer , Cham.
- Varotto S., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. (2024) Modelling travel behaviour: a choice modelling perspective . In D. Potoglou and J. Spinney (ed) Handbook of Travel Behavior, Elgar , Cheltenham [ISBN 978 1 83910 573 9]
- 2023
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. (2023) A General Framework to Evaluate Different Rebalancing Operations Strategies in One-Way Car Sharing Systems. In Grothe, O., Nickel, S., Rebennack, S., Stein, O. (ed) Operations Research Proceedings 2022. OR 2022., Springer [ISBN 978-3-031-24906-8]
- Lalic M., Obrenovic N., Brdar S., Lukovic I., Bierlaire M. (2023) Assisting Passengers on Rerouted Train Service Using Vehicle Sharing System. In Cappanera, P., Lapucci, M., Schoen, F., Sciandrone, M., Tardella, F., Visintin, F. (ed) Optimization and Decision Science: Operations Research, Inclusion and Equity, Springer [ISBN 978-3-031-28862-3]
- Obrenovic N., Atac S., Bortolomiol S., Brdar S., Marko O., Crnojevic V. (2023) The Crop Plant Scheduling Problem. In Cappanera, P., Lapucci, M., Schoen, F., Sciandrone, M., Tardella, F., Visintin, F. (ed) Optimization and Decision Science: Operations Research, Inclusion and Equity, Springer [ISBN 978-3-031-28862-3]
- 2021
- Sharif Azadeh S., Maknoon Y., Chen J., Bierlaire M. (2021) The Impact of Collaborative Scheduling and Routing for Interconnected Logistics: A European Case Study. In Jafar Rezaei (ed) Strategic Decision Making for Sustainable Management of Industrial Networks, Springer , Switzerland [ISBN 978-3-030-55384-5]
- 2020
- Bierlaire M., Scarinci R., Nikolic M., Oyama Y., Molyneaux N., Wang Z. (2020) Methodologies for understanding and improving pedestrian mobility. In Ole B. Jensen, Claus Lassen, Vincent Kaufmann, Malene Freudendal-Pedersen, Ida Sofie Gøtzsche Lange (ed) Handbook of Urban Mobilities, Routledge [ISBN 9781138482197]
- 2017
- Audikana A., Binder S. (2017) Faut-il penser les transports pour qu'ils soient les plus rapides possibles ?. In Bierlaire, Kaufmann, Rérat (ed) La mobilité en questions, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes (PPUR) [ISBN 978-2-88915-172-1]
- Bierlaire M., Baehler D. (2017) Faut-il construire plus de routes pour limiter les embouteillages ?. In Bierlaire M., Kaufmann V. and Rérat P. (ed) La mobilité en questions, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes (PPUR) [ISBN 978-2-88915-172-1]
- Bierlaire M., Kaufmann V., Rérat P. (2017) Pour une approche globale, informée et interdisciplinaire de la mobilité. In Bierlaire M., Kaufmann V. and Rérat P. (ed) La mobilité en questions, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes (PPUR) , Lausanne, Suisse [ISBN 978-2-88915-172-1]
- Bierlaire M., Lurkin V. (2017) Introduction to Disaggregate Demand Models. In R. Batta and J. Peng (ed) Tutorials in Operations Research Leading Developments from INFORMS Communities, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) [ISBN 978-0-9906153-0-9]
- Binder S., Ravalet E. (2017) Quel est le prix d'une minute gagnée dans nos déplacements?. In Bierlaire, Kaufmann, Rérat (ed) La mobilité en questions, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes (PPUR) , Lausanne, Suisse [ISBN 978-2-88915-172-1]
- Danalet A., Audikana A. (2017) Le péage urbain modifie-t-il les comportements de mobilité?. In Bierlaire M., Kaufmann V. and Rérat P. (ed) La mobilité en questions, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes (PPUR) , Lausanne, Suisse [ISBN 978-2-88915-172-1]
- Munafò S., Bierlaire M. (2017) La densité urbaine permet-elle de favoriser une mobilité plus durable ? . In Bierlaire M., Kaufmann V. and Rérat P. (ed) La mobilité en questions, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes (PPUR) [ISBN 978-2-88915-172-1]
- Rérat P., Bierlaire M. (2017) Les déplacements pendulaires font-ils partie du choix d'un lieu d'habitation ?. In Bierlaire M., Kaufmann V. and Rérat P. (ed) La mobilité en questions, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes (PPUR) , Lausanne, Suisse [ISBN 978-2-88915-172-1]
- 2015
- de Palma A., Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R., Waddell P. (2015) Future challenges in transport and land use modeling. In Bierlaire, de Palma, Hurtubia and Waddell (ed) Integrated Transport and Land Use Modeling for Sustainable Cities, EPFL Press , Lausanne, Switzerland [ISBN 978-2-940222-72-8]
- de Palma A., de Lapparent M., Picard N. (2015) Modeling real estate investment decisions in households. In Bierlaire, de Palma, Hurtubia and Waddell (ed) Integrated transport and land use modeling for sustainable cities, EPFL Press , Lausanne, Switzerland [ISBN 978-2-940222-72-8]
- Farooq B., Hurtubia R., Bierlaire M. (2015) Simulation based generation of a synthetic population for Brussels. In Bierlaire, de Palma, Hurtubia and Waddell (ed) Integrated Transport and Land Use Modeling for Sustainable Cities, [ISBN 978-2-940222-72-8]
- Farooq B., Mueller K., Bierlaire M., Axhausen K. (2015) Methodologies for synthesizing populations. In Bierlaire, de Palma, Hurtubia and Waddell (ed) Integrated Transport and Land Use Modeling for Sustainable Cities, EPFL Press , Lausanne, Switzerland [ISBN 978-2-940222-72-8]
- Hurtubia R., Bierlaire M. (2015) Microsimulation for land use modeling: implementation challenges. In Bierlaire, de Palma, Hurtubia and Waddell (ed) Integrated Transport and Land Use Modeling for Sustainable Cities, EPFL Press , Lausanne, Switzerland [ISBN 978-2-940222-72-8]
- Waddell P., de Palma A., Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R. (2015) SustainCity: Overview and introduction. In Bierlaire, de Palma, Hurtubia and Waddell (ed) Integrated Transport and Land Use Modeling for Sustainable Cities, EPFL Press , Lausanne, Switzerland [ISBN 978-2-940222-72-8]
- 2014
- Danalet A., Bierlaire M., Farooq B. (2014) Estimating Pedestrian Destinations Using Traces from WiFi Infrastructures. In U. Weidmann, U. Kirsch and M. Schreckenberg (ed) Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2012, Springer International Publishing [ISBN 978-3-319-02446-2]
- Kazagli E., Chen J., Bierlaire M. (2014) Individual Mobility Analysis Using Smartphone Data. In Soora Rasouli and Harry Timmermans (ed) Mobile Technologies for Activity-Travel Data Collection and Analysis, IGI Global [ISBN 9781466661707]
- 2012
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2012) Integrated schedule planning with supply-demand interactions for a new generation of aircrafts. In D. Klatte et al. (ed) Operations Research Proceedings 2011, Springer
- Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. (2012) Running urban microsimulations consistently with real-world data. In S. Müller Arisona, G. Aschwanden, J. Halatsch (ed) Digital Urban Modelling and Simulation, Springer [ISBN 978-3-642-29757-1]
- Nagel K., Flötteröd G. (2012) Agent-based traffic assignment: going from trips to behavioral travelers. In C. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala (ed) Travel Behaviour Research in an Evolving World, Emerald Group Publishing
- 2011
- Osorio C., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. (2011) Dynamic network loading: a stochastic differentiable model that derives link state distributions. In M. Cassidy, A. Skarbadonis (ed) Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Papers selected for the 19th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Elsevier
- 2010
- Abou-Zeid M., Ben-Akiva M., Bierlaire M., Choudhury C., Hess S. (2010) Attitudes and Value of Time Heterogeneity. In Eddy Van de Voorde and Thierry Vanelslander (ed) Applied Transport Economics A Management and Policy Perspective, de boeck
- Dressler D., Flötteröd G., Lämmel G., Nagel K., Skutella M. (2010) Optimal evacuation solutions for large-scale scenarios. In B. Hu, K. Morasch, S. Pickl, M. Siegle (ed) Operations Research Proceedings 2010. Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society, Springer
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. (2010) On Path Generation Algorithms for Route Choice Models. In S. Hess and A. Daly (ed) Choice Modelling: The State-of-the-Art and the State-of-Practice, Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISBN 978-1-84950-772-1]
- Newman J. (2010) Network GEV Models. In Laurie Garrow (ed) Discrete Choice Modelling and Air Travel Demand, Ashgate [ISBN 978-0-7546-7051-3]
- Sorci M., Robin T., Cruz J., Bierlaire M., Thiran J., Antonini G. (2010) Capturing Human Perception of Facial Expressions by Discrete Choice Modelling. In S. Hess and A. Daly (ed) Choice Modelling: The State-of-the-Art and the State-of-Practice, Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISBN 978-1-84950-772-1]
- 2009
- Bierlaire M., Robin T. (2009) Pedestrians Choices. In H. Timmermans (ed) Pedestrian Behavior. Models, Data Collection and Applications, Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISBN 978-1-84855-750-5]
- Flötteröd G. (2009) Macroscopic Network Loading of Microscopic Network Demand. In Chris M.J. Tampère, Francesco Viti and Ben L.H. Immers (ed) New Developments in Transport Planning: Advances in Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Edward Elgar
- Lämmel G., Flötteröd G. (2009) Towards system optimum: Finding optimal routing strategies in time dependent networks for large-scale evacuation problems. In B. Mertsching (ed) KI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Springer
- Liberatore F., Righini G., Salani M. (2009) A pricing algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with soft time windows. In L. Bertazzi, M.G. Speranza, J. Nunen (ed) Innovations in Distribution Logistics, Springer [ISBN 978-3-540-92943-7]
- 2008
- Bierlaire M. (2008) Recent methodological developments in discrete choice models. In L. D’Ambra, P. Rostirolla and M. Squillante (ed) Metodi, Modelli, e Tecnologie dell’Informazione a Supporto delle Decisioni. Parte prima: metodologie, [ISBN 978-88-464-8381-2]
- Ceselli A., Colombo A., Righini G., Salani M. (2008) Ottimizzazione nella distribuzione di merci. In G. Felici, A. Sciomachen (ed) Scienza delle Decisioni in Italia: Applicazioni della Ricerca Operativa a Problemi Aziendali, ECIG [ISBN 9788875441500]
- Patterson Z., Thalmann P. (2008) Road pricing as a means to reduce congestion. In Lavadinho S. and Leuba J. (ed) Territories of debate in a direct democracy "Space: the Achilles' heel of sustainable development?", Spacewatch , Lausanne, Switzerland
- 2007
- Antonini G., Bierlaire M. (2007) A discrete choice framework for acceleration and direction change behaviors in walking pedestrians. In Waldau, N., Gattermann, P., Knoflacher, H. and Schreckenberg, M. (ed) Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2005, Springer [ISBN 978-3-540-47062-5]
- Bierlaire M., Antonini G., Weber M. (2007) Behavioural dynamics for pedestrians. In Axhausen, K. W. (ed) Moving through nets: the physical and social dimensions of travel, Elsevier [ISBN 0 08 044213 7]
- Liebling T., Bierlaire M., Crittin F., Hêche J., Thiémard E., Stagno A., Righetti F. (2007) Modeling and simulation in logistics. In Perret, F.-L., Jaffeux, C., Fender, M. and Wieser, Ph. (ed) Essential of logistics and management, EPFL Press , Lausanne, Switzwerland [ISBN 978-2-940222-16-2]
- 2006
- Antonini G., Sorci M., Bierlaire M., Thiran J. (2006) Discrete Choice Models for Static Facial Expression Recognition. In Blanc-Talon, J., Philips, W., Popescu, D. and Scheunders, P. (ed) Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg [ISBN 978-3-540-44630-9]
- Bogers E., Bierlaire M., Hoogendoorn S. (2006) Modelling learning behaviour in route choice. In H. J. van Zuylen (ed) TRAIL in motion - Selected papers, TRAIL Research School , Delft, The Netherlands [ISBN 90-5584-081-5]
- 2005
- Bierlaire M. (2005) Capturing complex transportation behaviors with advanced random utility models. In van Zuylen, H. (ed) The reliability of traveling and the robustness of transport systems, TRAIL Research School
- Hess S., Bierlaire M., Polak J. (2005) Capturing correlation and taste heterogeneity with Mixed GEV models. In Scarpa, R. and Alberini, A. (ed) Application of simulation methods in environmental and resource economics, Springer [ISBN 978-1-4020-3683-5]
- Hess S., Polak J., Bierlaire M. (2005) Functional approximations to alternative-specific constants in time-period choice-modelling. In Mahmassani, H. S. (ed) Transportation and Traffic Theory. Flow, Dynamics and Human Interaction, Elsevier [ISBN 9780080446806]
- Loiseau I., Maculan N., Ceselli A., Salani M. (2005) Génération de colonnes en programmation linéaire en nombres entiers. In Paschos, V. Th. (ed) Optimisation combinatoire 1 : concepts fondamentaux, Hermes Science publications - Lavoisier [ISBN 978-2746210387]
- Venegas S., Antonini G., Thiran J., Bierlaire M. (2005) Automatic Pedestrian Tracking Using Discrete Choice Models and Image Correlation Techniques. In Bengio S. and Bourlard H. (ed) Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, Springer [ISBN 978-3540245094]
- 2004
- Bierlaire M. (2004) Estimation et prédiction en temps-réel de tables. In Aron, M., Boillot, F. and Lebacque, J.-P. (ed) Modélisation du trafic - Actes du Groupe de Travail 2002, INRETS [ISBN 2-85782-606-0]
- Oeuvray R., Bierlaire M. (2004) A New Derivative-free Algorithm for the Medical Image Registration Problem. In Hamza, M. H. (ed) Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization, Acta Press [ISBN 0-88986-424-1]
- 2003
- Ben-Akiva M., Bierlaire M. (2003) Discrete choice models with applications to departure time and route choice. In Hall, R. (ed) Handbook of Transportation Science, 2nd edition, Kluwer [ISBN 1-4020-7246-5]
- Spada M., Bierlaire M., Liebling T. (2003) School bus routing and scheduling problem. In Leopold-Wildburger, U., Rendl, F. and Wäscher, G. (ed) Operations Research Proceedings 2002, Springer [ISBN 3540003878]
- 2002
- Ben-Akiva M., Bierlaire M., Koutsopoulos H., Mishalani R. (2002) Real-time simulation of traffic demand-supply interactions within DynaMIT. In Gendreau, M. and Marcotte, P. (ed) Transportation and network analysis: current trends. Miscellenea in honor of Michael Florian, Kluwer [ISBN 1-4020-0488-5]
- Liebling T., Bierlaire M., Crittin F., Hêche J., Thiémard E., Stagno A., Righetti F. (2002) Modeling and simulation in logistics. In Perret, F.-L. and Jaffeux, C. (ed) The Essentials of Logistics and Management, EPFL Press [ISBN 2-88074-510-1]
- Schoenfelder S., Axhausen K., Antille N., Bierlaire M. (2002) Exploring the potentials of automatically collected GPS data for travel behaviour analysis - a Swedish data source. In Möltgen, J. and Wytzisk, A. (ed) GI-Technologien für Verkehr und Logistik, Institut für Geoinformatik, Universität Münster
- 1999
- Ben-Akiva M., Bierlaire M. (1999) Discrete choice methods and their applications to short-term travel decisions. In Hall, R. (ed) Handbook of Transportation Science, Kluwer [ISBN 0-7923-8587-X]
- Bottom J., Ben-Akiva M., Bierlaire M., Chabini I., Koutsopoulos H., Yang Q. (1999) Investigation of route guidance generation issues by simulation with DynaMIT. In Ceder, A. (ed) Transportation and Traffic Theory. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Pergamon [ISBN 0 08 043448 7]
- 1998
- Bierlaire M. (1998) Discrete choice models. In Labbé, M., Laporte, G., Tanczos, K. and Toint, Ph. (ed) Operations Research and Decision Aid Methodologies in Traffic and Transportation Management, Springer Verlag [ISBN 3540646523]
Conference proceedings
- 2024
- Cortes Balcells C., Torres F., Bierlaire M. (2024) Bridging Epidemiology and Mobility: Creating a Policy-Aware Activity-Based Model for Epidemiological Studies. Proceedings of the 12th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), June 18-20, Helsinki, Finland
- Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Varotto S., Bierlaire M. (2024) An integrated accident injury severity and risk-taking behavior model for the evaluation of Via Sicura. Proceedings of the 12th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (HEART), 18-20 June 2024, Espoo, Finland
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2024) Household-level choice-set generation and parameter estimation in activity-based models. Proceedings of the 12th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), June 18-20, 2024, Espoo, Finland
- Cortes Balcells C., Bierlaire M. (2024) Travel Behavior and Individual Choices in Infectious Disease Spread: Enhancing Activity-Based Models with Awareness and Testing Dynamics. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR), July 14-18, Vienna, Austria
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2024) Integration of group decision-mechanisms into activity-based models. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR), July 14-18, 2024, Vienna, Austria
- Cortes Balcells C., Bierlaire M. (2024) Mobility and Individual Choices in the Spread of Infectious Diseases: Enhancing Activity-Based Models with Awareness and Testing Dynamics. Proceedings of the International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC), April 1-3, Puerto Varas, Chile
- Cortes Balcells C., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. (2024) Enhancing Epidemiological Models with Activity-Travel Behavior and Risk Perception: A Simulation Framework for Policy Management . Proceedings of the 24th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 15-17, Ascona, Switzerland
- Haering T., Legault R., Torres F., Bierlaire M. (2024) Fast Algorithms for Capacitated Continuous Pricing with Discrete Choice Demand Models. Proceedings of the 24th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 15-17 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Kukic M., Bierlaire M. (2024) Hybrid Simulator for Projecting Synthetic Households in Unforeseen Events. Proceedings of the 24th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 15-17 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2024) A conditional trust-region algorithm for the estimation of discrete choice models. Proceedings of the 24th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 15-17 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- 2023
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2023) From domestic energy demand to household activity patterns. Proceedings of the 23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)10-12 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2023) Faster estimation of discrete choice models via weighted dataset reduction. Proceedings of the 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (HEART), 6-8 September 2023, Zurich, Switzerland
- Kukic M., Benchelabi S., Bierlaire M. (2023) Hybrid Simulator for Capturing Dynamics of Synthetic Population. Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 24 September -28 September, Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain
- Beine M., Bierlaire M., Paschalidis E., Vortisch A. (2023) Sampling of alternatives in migration aspiration models. Proceedings of the 23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 10-12 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Cortes Balcells C., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. (2023) Interdisciplinary Behavioral Model (IBM) for Controlling Infectious Diseases. Proceedings of the 23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 10-12, Ascona, Switzerland
- Haering T., Bierlaire M. (2023) A Spatial Branch and Bound Algorithm for Continuous Pricing with Advanced Discrete Choice Demand Modeling. Proceedings of the 23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 10-12 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Kukic M., Bierlaire M. (2023) Hybrid Simulator for Capturing Dynamics of Synthetic Population. Proceedings of the 23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 10-12 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2023) Stochastic adaptive resampling for the estimation of discrete choice models. Proceedings of the 23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 10-12 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2023) From one-day to multiday activity scheduling: extending the OASIS framework. Proceedings of the 23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 10-12 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Wang M., Pougala J., Bierlaire M. (2023) Initial comparisons between Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value (MDCEV) model and Optimization-based Activity Scheduling Integrating Simultaneous choice dimensions (OASIS) framework. Proceedings of the 23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) (STRC), 10-12 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- 2022
- Bierlaire M., Fadda E., Fotio Tiotsop L., Manerba D. (2022) A chance-constraint approach for optimizing Social Engagement-based services. Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS), September 4-7, 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Obrenovic N., Atac S., Bortolomiol S., Brdar S., Marko O., Crnojevic V. (2022) The crop plant scheduling problem. Proceedings of the Italian OR Days 2022 (GOR), 30 August-02 September, Florence, Italy
- Haering T., Bongiovanni C., Bierlaire M. (2022) A Benders decomposition for maximum simulated likelihood estimation of advanced discrete choice models. Proceedings of the 10th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART) (hEART), 1-3 June 2022, Leuven, Belgium
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2022) A utility optimization-based framework for joint in- and out-of-home scheduling. Proceedings of the 10th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART) (hEART), 1-3 June 2022, Leuven, Belgium
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. (2022) A general framework to evaluate different rebalancing operations strategies in one-way car sharing systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2022), 06-09 September, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. (2022) Evaluating different strategies to solve rebalancing operations in car sharing systems. Proceedings of the 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 18-20 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Cortes Balcells C., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. (2022) SARS-CoV-2 epidemiological model based on socio-economic variables in Switzerland. Proceedings of the 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 18-20, Ascona, Switzerland
- Haering T., Bongiovanni C., Bierlaire M. (2022) A Benders decomposition for maximum simulated likelihood estimation of advanced discrete choice models. Proceedings of the 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 18-20 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Haering T., Bongiovanni C., Bierlaire M. (2022) A Benders decomposition for maximum simulated likelihood estimation of advanced discrete choice models. Proceedings of the 11th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN XI) (STRC), 19-25 June, , Mauritius
- Kukic M., Bierlaire M. (2022) One-step simulator for synthetic household generation. Proceedings of the 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 18-20 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2022) Faster estimation of discrete choice models via dataset reduction. Proceedings of the 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 18-20 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2022) Parameter estimation for activity-based models. Proceedings of the 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 18-20 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2022) Integrated in- and out-of-home scheduling framework: A utility optimization-based approach. Proceedings of the 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC ), 18-20 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Salvadé N., Hillel T., Pougala J., Haering T., Bierlaire M. (2022) Representing location choice within activity-based models. Proceedings of the 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 18-20 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- 2021
- Ito Y., Rüede A., Leonardi C. (2021) Repetitive-Use Rocket-Crane/Rover System (R3S) for Planetary Surface Missions. Proceedings of the AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum (AIAA), 19-21 January, ,
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. (2021) A multi-objective approach for station clustering in bike sharing systems. Proceedings of the 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 12-14 September, Ascona, Switzerland
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. (2021) Benders decomposition for choice-based optimization problems with discrete upper-level variables. Proceedings of the 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 12-14 September, ,
- Cortes Balcells C., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. (2021) Activity-based modeling and simulation of epidemics. Proceedings of the 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 12-14, Ascona, Switzerland
- Haering T., Manser P., Hillel T., Pougala J., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. (2021) Resolving time conflicts in activity-based scheduling: A case study of Lausanne. Proceedings of the 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 12-14 September, Ascona, Switzerland
- Kukic M., Bierlaire M. (2021) Population synthesis at the level of households. Proceedings of the 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 12-14 September, Ascona, Switzerland
- Ortelli N., Bierlaire M., de Lapparent M. (2021) Can we infer on behavioral impacts of public policy on accident severity outcomes? A Swiss case study using historical disaggregate accident reports. Proceedings of the 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 12-14 September, Ascona, Switzerland
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2021) Choice set generation for activity-based models. Proceedings of the 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 12-14 September, Ascona, Switzerland
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2021) Integrated models of transport and energy demand: A literature review and framework. Proceedings of the 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC ), 12-14 September, Ascona, Switzerland
- Wong M., Martín-Baos J., Bierlaire M. (2021) A unimodal ordered logit model for ranked choices . Proceedings of the 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 12-14 September, Ascona, Switzerland
- 2020
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. (2020) Bike Sharing Systems: Does demand forecasting yield a better service?. Proceedings of the 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), 3-4 February 2021, Lyon, France
- Hillel T., Pougala J., Manser P., Luethi R., Scherr W., Bierlaire M. (2020) Modelling mobility tool availability at a household and individual level: A case study of Switzerland. Proceedings of the 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (HEART), 3-4 February 2021, Lyon, France
- Ortelli N., Hillel T., Pereira F., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2020) Variable Neighborhood Search for Assisted Utility Specification in Discrete Choice Models. Proceedings of the 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (HEART), 3-4 February 2021, Lyon, France
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2020) An optimization framework for daily activity schedules. Proceedings of the 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (HEART), 3-4 February 2021, Lyon, France
- Xie S., Hillel T., Jin Y. (2020) An Early Stopping Bayesian Data Assimilation Approach for improved Mixed Multinomial Logit transferability. Proceedings of the 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (HEART), 3-4 February 2021, Lyon, France
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. (2020) Vehicle sharing systems: Does demand forecasting yield a better service?. Proceedings of the 20th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 13-14 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. (2020) Optimal regulation of oligopolistic markets under discrete choice models of demand. Proceedings of the 20th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 13-15 May, ,
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2020) Scheduling of daily activities: an optimization approach. Proceedings of the 20th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 13-14 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- 2019
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. (2019) A holistic decision making framework for a vehicle sharing system. Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), 08-11 September, Bled, Slovenia
- Hillel T., Jin Y., Elshafie M., Bierlaire M. (2019) Weak teachers: Assisted specification of discrete choice models using ensemble learning. Proceedings of the 8th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (HEART), 4-6 September, Budapest, Hungary
- Lederrey G., Lurkin V., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2019) Stochastic optimization with adaptive batch size: Discrete choice models as a case study. Proceedings of the 8th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (HEART), 4-6 September, Budapest, Hungary
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. (2019) An optimization framework for light electric vehicle sharing systems. Proceedings of the 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 15-17 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. (2019) A demand-based optimization approach to find market equilibria in oligopolies. Proceedings of the 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 15-17 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Lederrey G., Lurkin V., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. (2019) Stochastic optimization with adaptive batch size: Discrete choice models as a case study. Proceedings of the 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 15-17 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. (2019) The impact of counter-flow on pedestrian walking times. Proceedings of the 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 15-17 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Mueller F., Schmidt K., Guerster M., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. (2019) Model-based economic analysis of electrification in railway - Understanding the impact of track, operations, and uncertainties. Proceedings of the 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC 2019), May 15-17, Ascona, Switzerland
- Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. (2019) Improving pedestrian dynamics by preventing counter-flow. Proceedings of the Tenth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN X), 17-21 June, Hamilton Island, Australia
- 2018
- Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. (2018) Controlling Pedestrian Flows Using a Dynamic Traffic Management System. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment: Smart Transportation (DTA), 6-8 June, Hong Kong, China
- Lederrey G., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. (2018) SNM: Stochastic Newton Method for Optimization of Discrete Choice Models . Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC'18), 4-7 November, Maui, Hawaii
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. (2018) Modelling competition in demand-based optimization models. Proceedings of the 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 16-18 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Hillel T., Bierlaire M., Elshafie M., Jin Y. (2018) Validation of probabilistic classifiers. Proceedings of the 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 16-18 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Jeanbart C., Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. (2018) Network design of moving walkways in transportation hubs. Proceedings of the 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 16-18 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. (2018) Two management strategies for improving passenger transfer experience in train stations . Proceedings of the 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 16-18 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Pacheco M., Gendron B., Lurkin V., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. (2018) A Lagrangian relaxation technique for the demand-based benefit maximization problem. Proceedings of the 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 16-18 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Lederrey G., West R. (2018) When Sheep Shop: Measuring Herding Effects in Product Ratings with Natural Experiments. Proceedings of the The 2018 Web Conference (WWW2018), 23-27 April 2018, Lyon, France
- 2017
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. (2017) Efficient investigation of multiple dimensions of the railway timetable rescheduling problem. Proceedings of the 17th Swiss Transportation Research ConferenceMay 17-19th, Ascona, Switzerland
- Fernandez-Antolin A., Lurkin V., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2017) Discrete-continuous maximum likelihood for the estimation of nested logit models. Proceedings of the 16th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 17-19 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Markov I., Bierlaire M., Cordeau J., Maknoon Y., Varone S. (2017) A general framework for routing problems with stochastic demands. Proceedings of the 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May, 17-19, Ascona, Switzerland
- Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. (2017) Pedestrian management strategies for improving flow dynamics in transportation hubs. Proceedings of the 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 17-19 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Montesinos M., Ortelli N., Bellocchi L., Kazagli E., Geroliminis N. (2017) Modeling simplicity in drivers' route choice behavior. Proceedings of the 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 17-19, 2017, Ascona, Switzerland
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M. (2017) Review of transportation mode detection approaches based on smartphone data. Proceedings of the 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May, 17-19, Ascona, Switzerland
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M., Gendron B. (2017) Integrating advanced demand models within the framework of mixed integer linear problems: A Lagrangian relaxation method for the uncapacitated case. Proceedings of the 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 17-19 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- 2016
- Emery D. (2016) Operational Temporary Speed Reductions on the ETCS-DMI. Proceedings of the Computers in Railways XV (COMPRAIL), 19 - 21 July 2016, Madrid, Spain
- Vasic M., Lederrey G., Navarro I., Martinoli A. (2016) An overtaking decision algorithm for networked intelligent vehicles based on cooperative perception. Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2016 (IEEE2016), 19-22 June 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden
- Fernandez-Antolin A., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2016) Uncovering substitution patterns in new car sales using a cross nested logit model. Proceedings of the 16th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 18-20 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M. (2016) Assessing complex route choice models using mental representations. Proceedings of the 16th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 19-20, 2016, Ascona, Switzerland
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. (2016) A new mathematical representation of demand using choice-based optimization method. Proceedings of the 16th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 18-20 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Wehres U., Sharif Azadeh S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. (2016) Modeling Uncertainty for a Catenary-free Electrical Bus. Proceedings of the 16th Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), May 19-20, 2016, Ascona, Switzerland
- 2015
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. (2015) Passenger-oriented railway disposition timetables in case of severe disruptions. Proceedings of the 15th Swiss Transportation Research ConferenceApril 15-17th, Ascona, Switzerland
- Robenek T., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. (2015) Evaluating the Quality of Railway Timetables from Passenger Point of View. Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport (CASPT2015), July 19 - 23, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Saujot M., de Lapparent M., Arnaud E., Prados E. (2015) To make LUTI models operational tools for planning. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), July 7-10, Cambridge, MA , USA
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. (2015) Generation and evaluation of passenger-oriented railway disposition timetables in case of severe disruptions. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (RailTokyo2015), March 23 – 26, Tokyo, Japan
- Robenek T., Sharif Azadeh S., Chen J., Bierlaire M., Maknoon Y. (2015) The Ideal Train Timetabling Problem. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (RailTokyo2015), March 23 – 26, Tokyo, Japan
- Baillif M., de Lapparent M., Fernandez-Antolin A., Bierlaire M. (2015) Modeling consideration for electric vehicles and plug-in electric vehicles in car renewal. Proceedings of the 15th Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), April 15-17, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- Danalet A., Bierlaire M. (2015) Importance sampling for activity path choice. Proceedings of the 15th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), April 15-17, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- Fernandez-Antolin A., Guevara-Cue A., Bierlaire M. (2015) Correcting for endogeneity using the EMIS method: a case study with revealed preference data. Proceedings of the 15th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 15-17 April, Ascona, Switzerland
- Hänseler F., Bierlaire M., Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Thémans M. (2015) Modeling pedestrian flows in train stations: The example of Lausanne railway station. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), April 15-17, Ascona, Switzerland
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M. (2015) A Route Choice Model based on Mental Representations. Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 15th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), April 15-17, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- Markov I., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M., Varone S. (2015) Modeling a waste disposal process via a discrete mixture of count data models. Proceedings of the 15th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), April 15-17, Ascona, Switzerland
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M. (2015) Pedestrian flow characterization based on spatio-temporal Voronoi tessellations. Proceedings of the 15th Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), 15 -17 April, Ascona, Switzerland
- Robenek T., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. (2015) Railway Passenger Service Timetable Design. Proceedings of the 15th Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), 15 -17 April, Ascona, Switzerland
- Tinguely L., Danalet A., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. (2015) Destination Choice Model including a panel effect using WiFi localization in a pedestrian facility. Proceedings of the 15th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), April 15-17, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- Peiravian F., de Lapparent M., Derrible S. (2015) Transportation Networks, People, and Buildings: Characterization of Urban System Components. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting (TRB), January 11-15, Washington DC, USA
- 2014
- Bonnet F., Binder S., Elias de Oliveira M., Halloy J., Mondada F. (2014) A Miniature Mobile Robot Developed to be Socially Integrated with Species of Small Fish. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and BiomimeticsDecember 5-10, Bali, Indonesia
- Binder S., Chen J., Bierlaire M. (2014) Generation and evaluation of passenger-oriented railway disposition timetables. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), 14 - 16 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Danalet A., Bierlaire M. (2014) A path choice approach to activity modeling with a pedestrian case study. Proceedings of the 14th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 14-16, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- Fernandez-Antolin A., Stathopoulos A., Bierlaire M. (2014) Exploratory Analysis of Endogeneity in Discrete Choice Models. Proceedings of the 14th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 14-16 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Glerum A., Frejinger E., Karlstrom A., Beser Hugosson M., Bierlaire M. (2014) A dynamic discrete-continuous choice model for car ownership and usage: Estimation procedure. Proceedings of the 14th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 14-16, Ascona, Switzerland
- Hänseler F., Molyneaux N., Bierlaire M., Stathopoulos A. (2014) Schedule-based estimation of pedestrian demand within a railway station. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), 14-16 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M. (2014) Revisiting Route Choice Modeling: A Multi-Level Modeling Framework for Route Choice Behavior. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), 14 - 16 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Markov I., Varone S., Bierlaire M. (2014) Vehicle routing for a complex waste collection problem. Proceedings of the 14th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May, 14-16, Ascona, Switzerland
- Molyneaux N., Hänseler F., Bierlaire M. (2014) Modelling of train-induced pedestrian flows in railway stations. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), 14-16 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M., Farooq B. (2014) Probabilistic speed-density relationship for pedestrians based on data driven space and time representation. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), 14 - 16 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Robenek T., Chen J., Bierlaire M. (2014) The Ideal Train Timetabling Problem. Proceedings of the 14th Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), 14 - 16 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Scarinci R., Lopez G., Chen J., Bierlaire M. (2014) Optimization of the network design of a futuristic transport system based on moving walkways. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), 14 - 16 May, Ascona, Switzerland
- Varotto S., Glerum A., Stathopoulos A., Bierlaire M. (2014) Modelling travel time perception in transport mode choices. Proceedings of the 14th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 14-16, Ascona, Switzerland
- 2013
- Kazagli E., Koutsopoulos H. (2013) Arterial Travel Time Estimation from Automatic Number Plate Recognition Data. Proceedings of the 92nd Annual Transportation Research Board MeetingJanuary 13-17, Washington, D.C.,
- Samoili S., Efthymiou D., Antoniou C., Dumont A. (2013) Lane Flow Distribution Investigation of Hard Shoulder Running Freeways. Proceedings of the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research BoardJanuary 13-17, Washington D. C., USA
- Glerum A., Frejinger E., Karlstrom A., Beser Hugosson M., Bierlaire M. (2013) A dynamic discrete-continuous choice model of car ownership, usage and fuel type. Proceedings of the Second Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), September 4-6, Stockholm, Sweden
- Glerum A., Frejinger E., Karlstrom A., Beser Hugosson M., Bierlaire M. (2013) Modeling car ownership and usage: a dynamic discrete-continuous choice modeling approach. Proceedings of the Third International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC), July 3-5, Sydney, Australia
- Efthymiou D., Derebouka E., Antoniou C. (2013) Factors affecting the adoption of carsharing by young Greek drivers (in Greek). Proceedings of the International Congress in Transportation Research (ICTR), November, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2013) Integration of explicit supply-demand interactions in airline schedule planning and fleet assignment. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), 24-26 April, Ascona, Switzerland
- Chen J., Atasoy B., Robenek T., Bierlaire M., Thémans M. (2013) Planning of feeding station installment for electric urban public mass-transportation system. Proceedings of the 13th Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), 24-26 April, Ascona, Switzerland
- Danalet A., Farooq B., Bierlaire M. (2013) Towards an activity-based model for pedestrian facilities. Proceedings of the 13th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), April 24-26, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switerland
- Efthymiou D., Hurtubia R., Bierlaire M., Antoniou C. (2013) The Integrated Land Use and Transport Model of Brussels. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), April 24-26, Ascona, Switzerland
- Efthymiou D., Farooq B., Bierlaire M., Antoniou C. (2013) Agent Based Indicators Analysis in the Context of Policy Evaluation. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), April 24-26, Ascona, Switzerland
- Glerum A., Frejinger E., Karlstrom A., Beser Hugosson M., Bierlaire M. (2013) A dynamic discrete-continuous choice model of car ownership and usage: Methodological framework. Proceedings of the 13th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), April 24-26, Ascona, Switzerland
- Hänseler F., Farooq B., Bierlaire M. (2013) An aggregated dynamic flow model for pedestrian movement in railway stations. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), 24-26 April, Ascona, Switzerland
- Kazagli E., Chen J., Bierlaire M. (2013) Incorporating “Mental Maps” in Route Choice Modeling: Preliminary Ideas. Proceedings of the 13th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 24-26 April, 2013, Ascona, Switzerland
- Nikolic M., Farooq B., Bierlaire M. (2013) Exploratory analysis of pedestrian flow characteristics in mobility hubs using trajectory data. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), 24-26 April, Ascona, Switzerland
- Robenek T., Chen J., Bierlaire M. (2013) Exploratory Analysis of Demand Interaction in the Planning of Passenger Railway Service. Proceedings of the 13th Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), 24-26 April, Ascona, Switzerland
- Samoili S., Efthymiou D., Antoniou C., Dumont A. (2013) Short term prediction models and calibration for managed lanes. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), April 24-26, Ascona, Switzerland
- Stathopoulos A., Glerum A., Thémans M., Bierlaire M. (2013) Dynamic vehicle ownership forecasting: a framework to model inter-temporal renewal decisions. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), April 24-26, Ascona, Switzerland
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2013) Models and algorithms for integrated airline schedule planning and revenue management. Proceedings of the Eighth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VIII), 09-14 June, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
- Glerum A., Frejinger E., Karlstrom A., Beser Hugosson M., Bierlaire M. (2013) Dynamic discrete-continuous choice modeling approach for car use, ownership and fuel type choice based on register data. Proceedings of the Eighth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VIII), June 9-14, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
- 2012
- Chen J., Bierlaire M., Flötteröd G. (2012) Probabilistic multimodal map-matching with rich smartphone data. Proceedings of the 3th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research July 16, Toronto, Canada
- Efthymiou D., Antoniou C. (2012) Levereging Crowd-Sourced Road Defect Information for Road Quality Assessment. Proceedings of the 5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety ConferenceOctober 25-26, Volos, Greece
- Farooq B., Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G. (2012) Simulation based Approach for Agents Synthesis in Large-Scale Urban Systems Modelling. Proceedings of the 13th Conference of International Association of Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), July 15-20, Toronto, Canada
- Glerum A., Bierlaire M. (2012) The use of word data to measure perception in hybrid choice models. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR), July 15-20, Toronto, Canada
- Efthymiou D., Antoniou C. (2012) How does Transport Infrastructure Affect Dwelling Prices in Athens?. Proceedings of the 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems (LATSIS 2012), September 4-7, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Glerum A., Bierlaire M. (2012) An enhanced measurement model of perception of comfort in public transportation. Proceedings of the 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems (LATSIS 2012), September 4-7, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2012) An integrated fleet assignment and itinerary choice model for a new flexible aircraft. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 2-4, Ascona, Switzerland
- Glerum A., Bierlaire M. (2012) Accounting for response behavior heterogeneity in the measurement of attitudes: an application to demand for electric vehicles. Proceedings of the 12th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 2-4, Ascona, Switzerland
- Hänseler F., Farooq B., Bierlaire M. (2012) Preliminary ideas for dynamic estimation of pedestrian origin-destination demand within train stations. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 02.05.2012-04.05.2012, Ascona, Switzerland
- Hurtubia R., Bierlaire M., Martinez F. (2012) Dynamic microsimulation of location choices with a quasi-equilibrium auction approach. Proceedings of the 12th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 2-4, Ascona, Switzerland
- Kumar P., Bierlaire M. (2012) Optimizing Locations for a Vehicle Sharing System. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 02.05.2012-04.05.2012, Ascona, Switzerland
- Robenek T., Umang N., Bierlaire M. (2012) Integrated Berth Allocation and Yard Assignment in Bulk Ports using Column Generation. Proceedings of the 12th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 2-4, Monte Verita / Ascona, Switzerland
- Sahaleh S., Bierlaire M., Farooq B., Danalet A., Hänseler F. (2012) Scenario Analysis of Pedestrian Flow in Public Spaces. Proceedings of the 12th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 2-4, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- Umang N., Bierlaire M. (2012) Real Time Recovery in Berth Allocation Problem in Bulk Ports. Proceedings of the 12th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 2-4, Monte Verita / Ascona, Switzerland
- Efthymiou D., Antoniou C. (2012) Use of Social Media for Transport Data Collection. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Arena (TRA 2012), April 23-26, Athens, Greece
- Efthymiou D., Antoniou C., Tyrinopoulos I., Mitsakis E. (2012) Spatial Exploration of Effective Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Location. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Arena (TRA 2012), April 23-26, Athens, Greece
- Theofilatos A., Efthymiou D. (2012) Investigation of Pedestrian’s Accident Patterns in Attica. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Arena (TRA 2012), April 23-26, Athens, Greece
- Efthymiou D., Antoniou C., Waddell P. (2012) Which Factors Affect Willingness to Join Vehicle Sharing Systems? Evidence from Young Greek Drivers. Proceedings of the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2012), January 22-26, Washington D. C., USA
- Efthymiou D., Antoniou C., Tyrinopoulos I. (2012) Spatially-Aware Optimal Site Selection. Method and Application in Mobility Center in Greece. Proceedings of the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2012), January 22-26, Washington D. C., USA
- 2011
- Hurtubia R., Martinez F., Bierlaire M. (2011) Bid auction model for simultaneous determination of location and rent in land use microsimulation models. Proceedings of the XV Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de TransporteOctober 3 - 6, Santiago, Chile
- Hurtubia R., Bierlaire M. (2011) Bid rent model for simultaneous determination of location and rent in land use microsimulations. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research ConferenceMay 11-13, Ascona, Switzerland
- Breuer A., Farooq B. (2011) Participation? I like it! The Impact of Social Digital Media on Political Participation: Evidence from the Brazilian Case. Proceedings of the 6th General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), August 25–27, 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland
- Atasoy B., Glerum A., Bierlaire M. (2011) Mode choice with attitudinal latent class: a Swiss case-study. Proceedings of the Second International Choice Modeling Conference (ICMC), July 4-6, Leeds, UK
- Glerum A., Atasoy B., Monticone A., Bierlaire M. (2011) Adjectives qualifying individuals' perceptions impacting on transport mode preferences. Proceedings of the Second International Choice Modeling Conference (ICMC), July 4-6, Leeds, UK
- Glerum A., Thémans M., Bierlaire M. (2011) Modeling demand for electric vehicles: the effect of car users' attitudes and perceptions. Proceedings of the Second International Choice Modeling Conference (ICMC), July 4-6, Leeds, UK
- Kumar P., Bierlaire M. (2011) Generalized Airport Gate Assignment. Proceedings of the International Federations of Operations Research (IFORS), 10-15 July 2011, Melbourne, Australia
- Efthymiou D., Antoniou C. (2011) Transport Telematics Applications for Carsharing and Bikesharing Systems. Proceedings of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS 2011), October 23-24, Patra, Greece
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2011) Integrated schedule planning with supply-demand interactions for a new generation of aircrafts. Proceedings of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR), August 30 - September 2, Zurich, Switzerland
- Kumar P., Bierlaire M. (2011) Experience of Optimizing Fueling Decisions for Locomotives in Railroad Networks. Proceedings of the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH (OR2011), 30 AUG - 2 SEP 2011, ZURICH, SWITZERLAND
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2011) Integrated schedule planning with supply-demand interactions. Proceedings of the 11th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 11-13, Ascona, Switzerland
- Chen J., Bierlaire M., Flötteröd G. (2011) Probabilistic multi-modal map matching with rich smartphone data. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), May 11-13, 2011 , Monte Verità, Ascona , Switzerland
- Farooq B. (2011) Towards a unified framework of urban built space evolution: Agents and Processes. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 11-13, 2011, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- Glerum A., Thémans M., Bierlaire M. (2011) Emergence of electric mobility: a nested approach to vehicle choice modeling. Proceedings of the 11th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 11-13, Ascona, Switzerland
- Huibregtse O., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M., Hegyi A., Hoogendoorn S. (2011) Optimization of evacuation instructions as a fixed-point problem. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 11 to 13, Ascona / Monte Verita, Switzerland
- Kumar P., Bierlaire M. (2011) Multi-Objective Airport Gate Assignment Problem. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 11-13 May 2011, Monte Verita, CH
- Umang N., Bierlaire M., Vacca I. (2011) The Berth Allocation Problem in Bulk Ports. Proceedings of the 11th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 11-13, Monte Verita / Ascona, Switzerland
- Farooq B., Miller E., Haider M. (2011) Multidimensional Decision Modeling Framework for Built Space Supply . Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), January 23-27, 2011, Washington DC, USA
- Farooq B., Miller E., Chingcuanco F., Giroux-Cook M. (2011) Microsimulation Framework for Urban Price-Taker Markets. Proceedings of the World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR), July 28-30, 2011, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
- 2010
- Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. (2010) Estimation techniques for MEV models with sampling of alternatives. Proceedings of the European Transport ConferenceOctober 11 - 13, Glasgow, Scotland
- Hurtubia R., Martinez F., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. (2010) Comparative analysis of hedonic rents and maximum bids in a land-use simulation context. Proceedings of the 10th Swiss Transport Research ConferenceSeptember 1 - 3, 2010, Ascona, Switzerland
- Robin T., Bierlaire M., Cruz J. (2010) Travellers well-being measuring and dynamic facial expression recognition. Proceedings of the World Conference on Transport Research July 11-15, Lisbonne, Portugal
- Osorio C., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. (2010) A differentiable dynamic network loading model that yields queue length distributions and accounts for spillback. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA), July 29-31, Takayama, Japan
- Flötteröd G. (2010) A general methodology and a free software for the calibration of DTA models. Proceedings of the The Third International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA 2010), July 29 - 31, 2010, Takayama, Japan
- Bierlaire M., Ben-Elia E., Ettema D. (2010) A behavioral departure time choice model with latent arrival time preference and rewards for peak-hour avoidance. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC), Octover 6-8, 2010, Glasgow, UK
- Fetiarison M., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. (2010) Evaluation of pedestrian data collection methods within a simulation framework. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC), October 11 - 13, Glasgow, Scotland
- Flötteröd G., Lämmel G. (2010) Evacuation simulation with limited capacity sinks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Evolutionary Computation (ICEC), October 24 - 26, Valencia, Spain
- Kumar P., Bierlaire M. (2010) Optimal Staffing Plans at Airports. Proceedings of the INFORMS Annual Meeting 2010 (INFORMS2010), 7-10, Nov 2010, Austin, USA
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2010) Urban traffic control for congested networks: a novel metamodel simulation optimization approach. Proceedings of the Pan-American Conference of Traffic and Transportation Engineering and Logistics (PANAM), July 15-18, Lisbon, Portugal
- Atasoy B., Glerum A., Hurtubia R., Bierlaire M. (2010) Demand for public transport services: Integrating qualitative and quantitative methods. Proceedings of the 10th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 1 - 3, 2010, Ascona, Switzerland
- Bierlaire M., Flötteröd G. (2010) Metropolis-Hastings sampling of alternatives for route choice models. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 1-3, Ascona / Monte Verita, Switzerland
- Fetiarison M., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. (2010) Evaluation of pedestrian data collection methods within a simulation framework. Proceedings of the 10th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 1-3, Ascona, Switzerland
- Kumar P., Bierlaire M., Gallay O. (2010) Generalized Algorithms for Crew Planning: Survey and Future Directions for Railways. Proceedings of the 10th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 1-3, 2010, Ascona, Switzerland
- Vacca I., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2010) Optimization of operations in container terminals: hierarchical vs integrated approaches. Proceedings of the 10th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 1-3, Ascona, Switzerland
- Bierlaire M., Chen J., Newman J. (2010) Using location observations to observe routing for choice models. Proceedings of the 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (TRB), January 10-14, Washington D.C., US
- Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G. (2010) An analysis of the implicit choice set generation using the Constrained Multinomial Logit model. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 2010 Annual Meeting (TRB 2010), January 10-14, Washington, D.C., United States
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2010) A simulation-based optimization approach to perform urban traffic control. Proceedings of the Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VII), June 20-25, Tromsø, Norway
- Osorio C., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. (2010) A differentiable dynamic network loading model that yields queue length distributions and accounts for spillback. Proceedings of the Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VII), June 20-25, Tromsø, Norway
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2010) A simulation-based optimization framework for urban traffic congestion management. Proceedings of the World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), July 11-15, Lisbon, Portugal
- Hurtubia R., Atasoy B., Glerum A., Curchod A., Bierlaire M. (2010) Considering latent attitudes in mode choice: The case of Switzerland. Proceedings of the World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2010), July 11-15, Lisbon, Portugal
- 2009
- Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G. (2009) An experimental analysis of the implicit choice set generation using the Constrained Multinomial Logit Model. Proceedings of the 4th Kuhmo-Nectar ConferenceJuly 2 - 3, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2009) A metamodel approach for simulation optimization of congested urban road networks. Proceedings of the 6th Computational Management Science Conference (CMS), May 1-3, Geneva, Switzerland
- Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. (2009) Improved estimation of travel demand from traffic counts by a new linearization of the network loading map. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC), October 5-7, , Netherlands
- Giallombardo G., Moccia L., Salani M., Vacca I. (2009) Models and Heuristics for the Tactical Berth Allocation Problem with Quay-Crane Assignment and Transshipment Costs. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC), October 5-7, Leeuwenhorst conference centre, The Netherlands
- Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. (2009) Inferring the activities of smartphone users from context measurements using Bayesian inference and random utility models. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC), October 5 - 7, , The Netherlands
- Newman J., Chen J., Bierlaire M. (2009) Generating probabilistic path observation from GPS data for route choice modeling. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC), 5-7 October 2009, , The Netherlands
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2009) A multi-model algorithm for the optimization of congested networks. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC), 5-7 October 2009, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands
- Chen J., Newman J., Bierlaire M. (2009) Modeling Route Choice Behavior From Smart-phone GPS data. Proceedings of the The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), December 13-18, 2009, Jaipur, India
- Flötteröd G., Chen Y., Rieser M., Nagel K. (2009) Behavioral calibration of a large-scale travel behavior microsimulation. Proceedings of the 12 International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), December 13-18, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
- Illenberger J., Flötteröd G., Kowald M., Nagel K. (2009) A model for spatially embedded social networks. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR), December 13-18, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
- Nagel K., Flötteröd G. (2009) Agent-based traffic assignment: going from trips to behavioral travelers. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), December 13-18, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
- Newman J. (2009) Systematically heterogeneous covariance in network GEV models. Proceedings of the International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC), 30 March - 1 April, Harrogate, UK
- Bierlaire M., Fetiarison M. (2009) Estimation of discrete choice models: extending BIOGEME. Proceedings of the 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 9 - 11, Ascona, Switzerland
- Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G. (2009) A comparative analysis of implicit and explicit methods to model choice set generation. Proceedings of the 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 9 - 11, Ascona, Switzerland
- Bierlaire M., Newman J., Chen J. (2009) A method of probabilistic map distribution of path likelihood. Proceedings of the 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 9 - 11, Ascona, Switzerland
- Eggenberg N., Marla L. (2009) Congestion in a competitive world: a study of the impact of competition on airline operations. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), September 9-11, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- Flötteröd G. (2009) Cadyts – a free calibration tool for dynamic traffic simulations. Proceedings of the 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 9 - 11, Ascona, Switzerland
- Lavadinho S. (2009) CATS City Alternative Transport System. Proceedings of the 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 2009, 9-11, Ascona, Switzerland
- Lavadinho S. (2009) The multimodal walker. Potentials for combining walking and public transport at the agglomeration scale.. Proceedings of the 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 9-11, Ascona, Switzerland
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2009) A simulation optimization framework for the management of congested urban road networks. Proceedings of the 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 9-11, Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland
- Robin T., Bierlaire M., Cruz J. (2009) Dynamic facial expression recognition using a behavioural model. Proceedings of the the 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 9 - 11, 2009, Ascona, Switzerland
- Vacca I., Salani M. (2009) The Vehicle Routing Problem with Discrete Split Delivery and Time Windows. Proceedings of the 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 9-11, Ascona, Switzerland
- 2008
- Alahi A., Vandergheynst P., Bierlaire M., Kunt M. (2008) Object Detection and Matching in a Mixed Network of Fixed and Mobile Cameras. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on MultimediaOctober 31, 2008, Vancouver, Canada
- Alahi A., Marimon D., Bierlaire M., Kunt M. (2008) A Master-Slave Approach for Object Detection and Matching with Fixed and Mobile Cameras. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Image ProcessingOctober 12-15, 2008, San Diego, USA
- Gao S., Frejinger E., Ben-Akiva M. (2008) Adaptive Route Choice Models in Stochastic Time-Dependent Networks. Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research BoardJan. 12-17, Washington, DC, US
- Gao S., Frejinger E., Ben-Akiva M. (2008) Adaptive Route Choice Models. Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT), May 28-30, Athens, Greece
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2008) A queueing network approach to the traffic signal optimization of the Lausanne city center. Proceedings of the Latin-Ibero-American Conference on Operations Research (CLAIO), September 9-12, Cartagena, Colombia
- Alahi A., Bierlaire M., Kunt M. (2008) Object Detection and Matching with Mobile Cameras Collaborating with Fixed Cameras. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), October 18, 2008, Marseille, France
- Abou-Zeid M., Ben-Akiva M., Bierlaire M. (2008) Happiness and travel behavior modification. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC), October 6-8, 2008, Leiden, The Netherlands
- Giallombardo G., Moccia L., Salani M., Vacca I. (2008) The Tactical Berth Allocation Problem (TBAP) with quay crane assignment and transshipment-related quadratic yard costs. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC), October 6-8, Leeuwenhorst conference centre, The Netherlands
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2008) Network performance optimization using a queueing network model. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC), October 6-8, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands
- Robin T., Antonini G., Bierlaire M., Cruz J. (2008) Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behaviour model. Proceedings of the European Transportation Research Conference (ETC), October 6-8, , Netherlands
- Meynet J., Arsan T., Cruz J., Thiran J. (2008) Fast multi-view face tracking with pose estimation. Proceedings of the 16th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO2008), August 25-29, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Sorci M., Antonini G., Cerretani B., Cruz J., Robin T., Bierlaire M., Thiran J. (2008) Modelling human perception of static facial expressions. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG2008), September 17-19, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2008) Signal control optimization with a queueing network model capturing congestion. Proceedings of the Pan-American Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering (PANAM), September 14-17, Cartagena, Colombia
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2008) Optimization of Uncertainty Features for Transportation Problems. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), October 15-17, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2008) A multiple model approach for traffic signal optimization in the city of Lausanne. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), October 15-17, Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland
- Vacca I., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2008) Two-stage column generation and applications in container terminal management. Proceedings of the 8th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), October 15-17, Ascona, Switzerland
- 2007
- Patterson Z., Ewing G., Haider M. (2007) Is Carrier Choice Different for 3PLs and other End-shippers? Some Preliminary Findings. Proceedings of the 42nd Canadian Transportation Research Forum (CTRF), 2-6 June 2007, Winnipeg, Canada
- Fosgerau M., Bierlaire M. (2007) Discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC), October 17-19, 2007, Leiden, The Netherlands
- Frejinger E. (2007) Random Sampling of Alternatives in a Route Choice Context. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC), October 17-19, Leiden, The Netherlands
- Cordone R., Milesi M., Salani M. (2007) A decision support tool to plan shifts in a home for the aged. Proceedings of the International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI), August 27-29, Philadelphia, USA
- Bierlaire M., Thémans M., Zufferey N. (2007) Nonlinear global optimization relevant to discrete choice models estimation. Proceedings of the 7th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 12-14 September 2007, Ascona, Switzerland
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. (2007) Robust Optimization with Recovery: Application to Shortest Paths and Airline Scheduling. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 12-14, Monte Verità, Switzerland
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. (2007) Random Sampling of Alternatives for Route Choice Modeling. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 12-14, Ascona, Switzerland
- Leyvraz J., Bierlaire M., Paulus P. (2007) Tools to evaluate future actions on the traffic in Lausanne. Proceedings of the 7th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 12-14.2007, Ascona, Switzerland
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2007) Describing network congestion and blocking with an analytic queueing network model. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 12-14, Ascona, Switzerland
- Patterson Z., Bierlaire M. (2007) An UrbanSim Model of Brussels in a Short Timeline. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 12-14 September, Monte Verita, Switzerland
- Vacca I., Bierlaire M., Salani M. (2007) Optimization at Container Terminals: Status, Trends and Perspectives. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 12-14, Ascona, Switzerland
- Patterson Z., Ewing G., Haider M. (2007) Shipper Mistrust of Rail Use: First Stated Preference Carrier Choice Survey for the Quebec City - Windsor Corridor. Proceedings of the 86th Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), 21-25 January 2007, Washington, DC, USA
- Patterson Z., Ewing G., Haider M. (2007) The Potential for Premium-intermodal Services to Reduce Freight CO2 Emissions in the Quebec City - Windsor Corridor: A Stated Preference Application. Proceedings of the 86th Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), 21-25 January 2007, Washington, DC, USA
- Bierlaire M., Eggenberg N., Salani M. (2007) Column generation methods for disrupted airline schedules. Proceedings of the Proceedings of the Sixth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN), June 10-15, Phuket, Thailand
- Bierlaire M., Thémans M., Zufferey N. (2007) A heuristic for nonlinear global optimization relevant to discrete choice models estimation. Proceedings of the of the Sixth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN) (TRISTAN), June 10-15, Phuket Island, Thailand
- Ceselli A., Righini G., Salani M. (2007) Column generation for a real world vehicle routing problem. Proceedings of the Sixth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN), June 10-15, Phuket, Thailand
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. (2007) Stochastic Path Generation Algorithm for Route Choice Models. Proceedings of the Sixth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN), June 10-15, Phuket Island, Thailand
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. (2007) An Analytic Finite Capacity Queueing Network Model Capturing Congestion and Spillbacks. Proceedings of the Proceedings of the Sixth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN), June 10-15, Phuket, Thailand
- Patterson Z., Ewing G., Haider M. (2007) Mode and Carrier Choice in the Quebec City - Windsor Corridor: A Random Parameters Approach. Proceedings of the 6th Triennal Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN-VI), 10-15 June 2007, Phuket Island, Thailand
- 2006
- Spassov I., Bierlaire M., Merminod B. (2006) Map-matching for pedestrians via Bayesian inference. Proceedings of the European Navigation Conference (ENC), May 7-10, 2006, Manchester, United Kingdom
- Bierlaire M., Frejinger E., Stojanovic J. (2006) A latent route choice model in Switzerland. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC), September 18-20, Strasbourg, France
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. (2006) Capturing correlation with subnetworks in route choice models. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), August 16-20, Kyoto, Japan
- Spassov I., Bierlaire M., Merminod B. (2006) Bayesian Inference for Autonomous Personal Localisation Indoors. Proceedings of the International Symposium of Transport Simulation (ISTS), September 4-6, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Antonini G., Bierlaire M. (2006) Capturing interactions in pedestrian walking behavior in a discrete choice framework. Proceedings of the 6th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March 15-17, Ascona, Switzerland
- Fosgerau M., Bierlaire M. (2006) A practical test for the choice of mixing distribution in discrete choice models. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March, 15-17, Ascona, Switzerland
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. (2006) Capturing Correlation in Route Choice Models using Subnetworks. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March 15-17, Ascona, Switzerland
- Hess S., Polak J., Bierlaire M. (2006) Confounding between substitution patterns and random taste heterogeneity. Proceedings of the 6th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March 15-17, Ascona, Switzerland
- Hess S., Bierlaire M., Polak J. (2006) Discrete mixture Models. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March 15-17, Ascona, Switzerland
- Spassov I., Bierlaire M., Merminod B. (2006) Bayesian Approach for Indoor Pedestrian Localisation. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March 15-17, Ascona, Switzerland
- Thémans M., Bierlaire M. (2006) Solving singularity issues in the estimation of econometric models. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March, 15-17, Ascona, Switzerland
- 2005
- Abbe E., Bierlaire M., Toledo T. (2005) Normalization and correlation of cross-nested logit models. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC), October 3-5, Strasbourg, France
- Bierlaire M., Thémans M. (2005) Algorithmic developments for the estimate of advanced discrete choice models. Proceedings of the 5th Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), March 09-13, Ascona, Switzerland
- Bierlaire M., Frejinger E. (2005) Route choice models with subpath components. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), March, 09-13, Ascona, Switzerland
- Bierlaire M., Thémans M. (2005) Development of Swiss models for transportation demand prediction in response to real-time traffic information. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March, 09-11, Ascona, Switzerland
- Hess S., Bierlaire M., Polak J. (2005) Mixed GEV modelling of mode-choice. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), March, 09-13, Ascona, Switzerland
- Hess S., Bierlaire M., Polak J. (2005) Interpretation of counter-intuitively signed value of travel-time saving estimates. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March, 09-11, Ascona, Switzerland
- Hess S., Bierlaire M., Polak J. (2005) Discrete mixtures of GEV models. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March, 09-11, Ascona, Switzerland
- Hess S., Bierlaire M., Polak J. (2005) Capturing taste heterogeneity and correlation structure with mixed GEV models. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), January, 9-13, Washington (DC), USA
- Hess S., Bierlaire M., Polak J. (2005) Estimation of value of travel-time saving using mixed logit models. Proceedings of the 84th annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), January, 09-13, Washington (DC), USA
- 2004
- Antonini G., Venegas S., Thiran J., Bierlaire M. (2004) A discrete choice pedestrian behavior model for pedestrian detection in visual tracking systems. Proceedings of the Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS), August 31 - Sept. 03, Brussels, Belgium
- Axhausen K., Koenig A., Abay G., Bates J., Bierlaire M. (2004) Swiss value of travel Time Savings. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC), October 04-06, Strasbourg, France
- Hess S., Bierlaire M., Polak J. (2004) Development and application of a mixed cross-nested logit model. Proceedings of the XXIth European Transport Conference (ETC), October, 04-06, Strasbourg, France
- Oeuvray R. (2004) A derivative-free algorithm for the medical image registration problem. Proceedings of the 4th IASTED International conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization (IASTED), August, 17-19, Kauai, Hawaï, USA
- Venegas S., Antonini G., Thiran J., Bierlaire M. (2004) Bayesian Integration of a discrete Choice Pedestrian Behavioral Model and Image Correlation Techniques for Automatic Multi Object Tracking. Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE), October, 24-27, Singapore, Singapore
- Antonini G., Bierlaire M., Weber M. (2004) Simulation of Pedestrian Behaviour using a Discrete Choice Model Calibrated on Actual Motion Data. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March 24-26, Ascona, Switzerland
- Hess S., Polak J., Bierlaire M. (2004) Development of a mixed cross-nested logit model with an application to mode choice modelling. Proceedings of the 10th triennial World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR), July, 04-08, Istambul, Turkey
- 2003
- Bierlaire M. (2003) BIOGEME: a free package for the estimation of discrete choice models. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March, 19-21, Ascona, Switzerland
- Crittin F., Bierlaire M. (2003) Solving the anticipatory route guidance generation problem using a generalization of secant methods. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March, 19-21, Ascona, Switzerland
- Crittin F., Bierlaire M. (2003) A generalization of secant methods for solving nonlinear systems of equations. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March, 19-21, Ascona, Switzerland
- Spada M., Bierlaire M., Liebling T. (2003) Decision-aid Methodology for the School Bus Routing and Scheduling Problem. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March, 19-21, Ascona, Switzerland
- 2002
- Bierlaire M., Crittin F. (2002) LSQR algorithm for real-time OD estimation and prediction. Proceedings of the 1st Greek Transportation Research ConferenceFebruary, 21-22, Athens, Greece
- Bierlaire M. (2002) The Network GEV model. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March, 20-22, Ascona, Switzerland
- Crittin F., Bierlaire M. (2002) An efficient algorithm for real-time estimation and prediction of dynamic OD table. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March, 20-22, Ascona, Switzerland
- Torday A., Bierlaire M., Baumann D. (2002) PAPABILES: Simulation-based evaluation of the impact of telematics in the Lausanne area: a pilot study. Phase 2: Third lane and ramp metering. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March, 20-22, Ascona, Switzerland
- 2001
- Bierlaire M., Axhausen K., Abay G. (2001) The acceptance of modal innovation: The case of Swissmetro. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March, 01-03, Ascona, Switzerland
- Bierlaire M. (2001) A general formulation of the cross-nested logit model. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March, 01-03, Ascona, Switzerland
- Crittin F., Bierlaire M. (2001) New Algorithmic Approaches for the Anticipatory Route Guidance Generation Problem. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March, 01-03, Ascona, Switzerland
- Torday A., Bierlaire M. (2001) PAPABILES: Projet Autoroutier Pilote Aubonne-Belmont pour une Initiative Lausannoise d'évaluation par Simulation. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), March, 01-03, Ascona, Switzerland
- 2000
- Ben-Akiva M., Bierlaire M., Burton D., Koutsopoulos H., Mishalani R. (2000) Simulated-based tools for dynamic traffic assignment: DynaMIT and applications. Proceedings of the ITS America 10th annual MeetingMay, 01-04, Boston, USA
- Liebling T., Bierlaire M., Crittin F., Righetti F., Stagno A. (2000) Modeling and Simulation in Logistics. Proceedings of the IML - Module M7 (IML), April, 10-14, Lausanne, Switzerland
- 1998
- Ben-Akiva M., Bierlaire M., Koutsopoulos H., Mishalani R. (1998) DynaMIT: a simulation-based system for traffic prediction. Proceedings of the DACCORD Short-term forecasting workshop (DACCORD), February, Delft, The Netherland
- 1997
- Antoniou C., Ben-Akiva M., Bierlaire M., Mishalani R. (1997) Demand simulation for dynamic traffic assignment. Proceedings of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Transportation Systems (IFAC), June, 16-18, Chania, Creta, Greece
- Ben-Akiva M., Bierlaire M., Bottom J., Koutsopoulos H., Mishalani R. (1997) Development of a route guidance generation system for real-time application. Proceedings of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Transportation Systems (IFAC), June, 16-18, Chania, Creta, Greece
- Ashok K., Ben-Akiva M., Bierlaire M., Chachich A., Hotz A., Koutsopoulos H., Mishalani R., Yang Q. (1997) Tools for design and operations of dynamic traffic management systems. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (WCITS), October, Orlando (Fl), USA
- 2025
- Kukic M., Bierlaire M. Gibbs Sampler for Generating Longitudinal Synthetic Populations February 13, 2025. 3rd EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL, Barcelona, Spain.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. A strategic dynamic model for integrating housing and transport interactions February 13, 2025. 3rd EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL, Barcelona, Spain.
- 2024
- Kukic M., Bierlaire M. Synthetic populations and activity-based models: a dynamic perspective December 12, 2024. Activity Based Model Symposium, TU Munich, Raitenhaslach, Germany.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Integrating housing and transport interactions: A strategic dynamic approach December 10, 2024. Sustainable Urban Multimodal Mobility (SUM) Lab Seminar, TU Delft, Netherlands.
- Rezvany N., Bierlaire M. Activity-based models: an optimization approach November 13, 2024. Seminar of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
- Rezvany N., Bierlaire M. Activity-based models: recent developments in travel demand modeling November 01, 2024. SBB Research Comittee, Swiss Federal Railways, Bern, Switzerland.
- Rezvany N., Bierlaire M. Activity-based models: recent developments in travel demand modeling October 19, 2024. (Keynote presentation)International Symposium on Intelligent Technology for Future Transportation, Helsinki, Finland.
- Bierlaire M. Irrational Behavior and Optimization October 16, 2024. Seminar of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
- Kukic M., Bierlaire M. Hybrid Simulator for Projecting Synthetic Households in Unforeseen Events September 04, 2024. Conference in Emerging Technologies in Transportation Systems (TRC-30), , Heraklion, Crete.
- Ricard L., Bierlaire M. The stochastic electric dial-a-ride problem with recourse September 03, 2024. International Conference on Operations Research 2024, , Munich, Germany.
- Ricard L., Desaulniers G., Lodi A., Rousseau L. Stochastic optimization of bus schedules July 21, 2024. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, GERAD, Montreal, Canada.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Group decision-mechanisms in activity-based models July 16, 2024. 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR), Vienna, Austria.
- Cortes Balcells C., Bierlaire M. Travel Behavior and Individual Choices in Infectious Disease Spread: Enhancing Activity-Based Models with Awareness and Testing Dynamics July 14, 2024. IATBR 2024, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Haering T., Legault R., Bierlaire M. Fast Algorithms for (Capacitated) Continuous Pricing with Discrete Choice Demand Models June 30, 2024. EURO 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Ricard L., Desaulniers G., Lodi A., Rousseau L. Stochastic optimization of bus schedules June 30, 2024. European Conference on Operational Research, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Haering T., Legault R., Torres F., Bierlaire M. Fast Algorithms for (Capacitated) Continuous Pricing with Discrete Choice Demand Models June 27, 2024. Swiss OR Days 2024, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Ricard L., Desaulniers G., Lodi A., Rousseau L. Stochastic optimization of bus schedules June 27, 2024. Swiss OR days, HEG-Genève, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Varotto S., Bierlaire M. An integrated injury severity and risk-taking behavior model for the evaluation of Via Sicura June 19, 2024. 12th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Intra-household interactions in ABMs: Household-level choice set generation and parameter estimation June 19, 2024. 12th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART) , Espoo, Finland.
- Cortes Balcells C., Torres F., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. Bridging Epidemiology and Mobility: Creating a Policy-Aware Activity-Based Model for Epidemiological Studies June 18, 2024. HEART 2024, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Combining behavioral models and optimization to assess climate change actions June 13, 2024. Action Inaction Climate Change Symposium, Munster, France.
- Cortes Balcells C., Torres F., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. Modeling the Influence of Perceived Risk due to COVID-19 on Daily Activity Scheduling through an Endogenous Choice Set Formation Approach June 07, 2024. DCM 2024, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Haering T., Legault R., Torres F., Bierlaire M. Fast algorithms for (capacitated) continuous pricing with discrete choice demand models June 07, 2024. 16th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Kukic M., Bierlaire M. Hybrid Simulator for Projecting Synthetic Households in Unforeseen Events June 07, 2024. 16th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. An application of DCM in household scheduling: Choice set generation and parameter estimation June 07, 2024. 16th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. A conditional trust-region algorithm for the estimation of discrete choice models May 16, 2024. 24th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Household-level choice set generation and parameter estimation May 16, 2024. 24th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Ascona, Switzerland.
- Cortes Balcells C., Torres F., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. Enhancing Epidemiological Models with Activity-Travel Behavior and Risk Perception: A Simulation Framework for Policy Management May 15, 2024. STRC 2024, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Haering T., Legault R., Torres F., Bierlaire M. Fast Algorithms for (Capacitated) Continuous Pricing with Discrete Choice Demand Models May 15, 2024. STRC 2024, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Kukic M., Bierlaire M. Hybrid Simulator for Projecting Synthetic Households in Unforeseen Events May 15, 2024. STRC 2024, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Cortes Balcells C., Bierlaire M. Mobility and Individual Choices in the Spread of Infectious Diseases: Enhancing Activity-Based Models with Awareness and Testing Dynamics April 01, 2024. ICMC 2024, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Ilinov P., Matveenko A., Sharma S., Tsakas E., Mark V. Sequential Search with Flexible Information March 14, 2024. MaCCI Annual 2024, Mannheim Center of Competition and Innovation, Mannheim, Switzerland.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Intra-household interactions in ABMs February 23, 2024. Behaviour & Infrastructure Group (BIG) Research Colloquium, University College London (UCL), Online.
- Bierlaire M. Transport et mobilité : l'importance de la recherche February 08, 2024. Séminaire d’introduction de l’ETH Zurich pour les parlementaires fédérales / fédéraux nouvellement élues / élus 2024, ETH Zurich, Konolfingen, Switzerland.
- Kukic M., Bierlaire M. Synthetic Population Projections and Unforeseen Events February 06, 2024. 2nd EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL, Barcelona, Spain.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Intra-household interactions in ABMs: Household-level choice set generation February 06, 2024. 2nd EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL, Barcelona, Spain.
- Cortes Balcells C., Bierlaire M. Activity-Based Modeling for capturing Dynamics of Mobility, Awareness, and Individual Choices in Disease Spread February 05, 2024. Internal Seminar 2024, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Haering T., Torres F., Bierlaire M. Fast Algorithms for Capacitated Continuous Pricing with Discrete Choice Demand Models February 05, 2024. 2nd EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL, Barcelona, Spain.
- 2023
- Ricard L., Desaulniers G., Lodi A., Rousseau L. Strategies for the electric bus scheduling problem with battery degradation: A stochastic perspective October 16, 2023. INFORMS 2023, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- Ortelli N., Varotto S., Bierlaire M., de Lapparent M. Un nouveau modèle hybride pour la modélisation de la conduite imprudente et de la gravité des accidents October 12, 2023. Séminaire interne de l'IIDE, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland.
- Kukic M., Bierlaire M. Hybrid Simulator for Capturing Dynamics of Synthetic Populations September 23, 2023. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), , Bilbao, Spain.
- Ilinov P., Matveenko A., Sharma S. Is it better to be first? Search with endogenous information September 21, 2023. Invited talk, IOB, University of Basel, University of Basel, Switzerland.
- Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. Resampling estimation of discrete choice models September 07, 2023. 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Haering T., Ljubic I., Bierlaire M. Large-Scale Continuous Pricing With Discrete Choice Demand Modeling September 07, 2023. 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Haering T., Bierlaire M. Continuous Pricing with Advanced Discrete Choice Demand Modeling: A Spatial Branch and Benders Decomposition Algorithm September 07, 2023. 19th Swiss Operations Research Days, USI, Lugano, Switzerland.
- Ricard L., Desaulniers G., Lodi A., Rousseau L. The stochastic multi-depot electric vehicle scheduling problem with recourse September 07, 2023. 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Modelling the impact of activity duration on utility-based scheduling decisions: a comparative analysis September 06, 2023. 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Modelling the impact of activity duration on utility-based scheduling decisions September 05, 2023. MatSIM User Meeting, ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Ilinov P., Matveenko A., Sharma S. Is it better to be first? Search with endogenous information August 30, 2023. EEA-ESEM 2023, EEA, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Simulating multiple intra-household interactions in ABMs July 20, 2023. World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Montreal, Canada.
- Bierlaire M. Solving a pricing problem under irrational behavior July 18, 2023. Seminar of the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Data Science for Real-Time Decision-Making, Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, Canada.
- Haering T., Ljubic I., Bierlaire M. A Spatial Branch and Benders Decomposition Algorithm for Continuous Pricing with Advanced Discrete Choice Demand Modeling June 29, 2023. Network Optimization Workshop, CIRRELT, Montréal, La Spezia, Italy.
- Ilinov P. Is it better to be first? June 16, 2023. 13th Conference on Economic Design, Society for Economic Design, University of Girona, Spain.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Joint modelling of household activity patterns and domestic energy demand June 13, 2023. ISI Seminar Series, Infrastructure Systems Institute, University College London, London, UK.
- Ilinov P. Is it better to be first? June 09, 2023. Oligo Workshop 2023, Oligo Society, University of Padova, Italy.
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Modelling the impact of activity duration on utility-based scheduling decisions: a comparative analysis June 02, 2023. 15th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Ilinov P. Is it better to be first? June 02, 2023. 15th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. New features in Biogeme June 02, 2023. 15th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. Stochastic adaptive resampling for the estimation of discrete choice models June 01, 2023. 15th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Mathematical Modeling of Irrational Behavior: towards a linear formulation May 16, 2023. Seminar of the Department of Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics, ESSEC, Paris, France.
- Wang M., Pougala J., Bierlaire M. Initial comparisons between Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value (MDCEV) model and Optimization-based Activity Scheduling Integrating Simultaneous choice dimensions (OASIS) framework May 12, 2023. 23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Ascona, Switzerland.
- Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. Stochastic adaptive resampling for the estimation of discrete choice models May 11, 2023. 23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. From one-day to multiday activity scheduling: extending the OASIS framework May 10, 2023. STRC 2023, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Cortes Balcells C., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. Interdisciplinary Behavioral Model (IBM) for Controlling Infectious Diseases May 10, 2023. STRC 2023, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Haering T., Bierlaire M. A Spatial Branch and Bound Algorithm for Continuous Pricing with Advanced Discrete Choice Demand Modeling May 10, 2023. STRC 2023, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. From domestic energy demand to household activity patterns May 10, 2023. 23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Ascona, Switzerland.
- Kukic M., Bierlaire M. Hybrid Simulator for Capturing Dynamics of Synthetic Population May 10, 2023. STRC 2023, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Beine M., Bierlaire M., Paschalidis E., Vortisch A. Sampling of alternatives in migration aspiration models May 10, 2023. 23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Optimization and Discrete Choice Models April 25, 2023. Distinguished Seminar Series, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Pougala J., Rezvany N., Bierlaire M. Modeling intra-household interactions and in-home activities in activity-based models February 24, 2023. Seminar of the Department of Technology, Management and Economics, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby, Denmark.
- Pougala J., Rezvany N., Bierlaire M. Disaggregate activity scheduling models February 24, 2023. Seminar of the Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering group, EPFL, Sion.
- Wang M., Bierlaire M. Further development of Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value (MDCEV) model and comparisons with OASIS framework February 17, 2023. 1st EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL, Annecy, France.
- Kukic M., Bierlaire M. Synthetic Population Generation: Hierarchies and Activities February 17, 2023. 1st EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL, Annecy, France.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Simulating multiple intra-household interactions February 17, 2023. 1st EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL, Annecy, France.
- Ortelli N., Varotto S., Bierlaire M., de Lapparent M. An integrated ordered logit and latent variable model for crash injury severity: a Swiss case study using disaggregate crash reports February 16, 2023. 1st EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL, Annecy, France.
- 2022
- Ortelli N., Varotto S., Bierlaire M., de Lapparent M. An integrated ordered logit and latent variable model for crash injury severity: a Swiss case study using disaggregate crash reports December 15, 2022. 16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), Santiago, Chile.
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. OASIS: An integrated framework to simulate daily scheduling December 12, 2022. 16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), Santiago, Chile.
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. OASIS: An optimisation framework for daily activity scheduling November 25, 2022. USL Seminar Series, Urban Systems Laboratory, Imperial College London , London, UK.
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. OASIS: An optimisation framework for daily activity scheduling November 24, 2022. , City Modelling Lab, ARUP, London, UK.
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. OASIS: An optimisation framework for daily activity scheduling October 31, 2022. ISI Seminar Series, Infrastructure Systems Institute, University College London, London, UK.
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. An optimisation framework for activity-based models September 13, 2022. Seeon Symposium on Activity-Based Modelling, TUM, Kloster Seeon, Germany.
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. A general framework to evaluate different rebalancing operations strategies in one-way car sharing systems September 07, 2022. German OR Days 2022 (GOR 2022), Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Obrenovic N., Atac S., Bortolomiol S., Brdar S., Marko O., Crnojevic V. The crop plant scheduling problem September 02, 2022. Italian OR Days 2022 (AIRO 2022), Florence, Italy.
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. Evaluation of demand forecasting in bike sharing systems: A general framework and selected case studies June 23, 2022. 11th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN XI), Mauritius.
- Haering T., Bongiovanni C., Bierlaire M. A Benders decomposition for maximum simulated likelihood estimation of advanced discrete choice models June 23, 2022. 11th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN XI), Mauritius.
- Bierlaire M. Mathematical modeling of human behavior: application to mobility June 14, 2022. Modèles et algorithmes: du discret au continu, Bézout Labex, Marne-la-Vallée, France.
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. Comparing different rebalancing operations strategies in car sharing systems: A generic optimization framework June 03, 2022. 18th Swiss Operations Research Days, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Winterthur, Switzerland.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. A utility optimization-based framework for joint in- and out-of-home scheduling June 03, 2022. 10th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART) , Leuven, Belgium.
- Haering T., Bongiovanni C., Bierlaire M. A Benders decomposition for maximum simulated likelihood estimation of advanced discrete choice models June 02, 2022. hEART 2022: 10th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Leuven, Belgium.
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Activity-based models: an optimization approach June 02, 2022. hEART 2022: 10th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Leuven, Belgium.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Integrated in- and out-of-home scheduling framework: A utility optimization-based approach May 24, 2022. Decision-aid methodologies in transportation, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. Evaluating different strategies to solve rebalancing operations in car sharing systems May 19, 2022. 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. Faster estimation of discrete choice models via dataset reduction May 19, 2022. 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Parameter estimation for activity-based models May 19, 2022. STRC 2022, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Haering T., Bongiovanni C., Bierlaire M. A Benders decomposition for maximum simulated likelihood estimation of advanced discrete choice models May 19, 2022. 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Kukic M., Bierlaire M. One-step simulator for synthetic household generation May 19, 2022. STRC 2022, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Integrated in- and out-of-home scheduling framework: A utility optimization-based approach May 19, 2022. STRC 2022, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Cortes Balcells C., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. SARS-CoV-2 epidemiological model based on socio-economic variables in Switzerland May 18, 2022. STRC 2022, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Optimisation-based activity-based models April 27, 2022. ETH workshop on agent-based models , Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (ETHZ-IVT), Zurich, Switzerland.
- Cortes Balcells C., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. Disaggregation of a SIRD model for policy testing in targeted groups of the population April 27, 2022. WORKSHOP ETHZ 2022, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Kukic M., Bierlaire M. One-step simulator for the generation of synthetic households April 27, 2022. ETH workshop on agent-based models , Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (ETHZ-IVT), Zurich, Switzerland.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Integrated models of transport and energy demand April 27, 2022. ETH workshop on agent-based models , Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (ETHZ-IVT), Zurich, Switzerland.
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Choice set generation for activity-based models April 06, 2022. mobil.TUM 2022: 12th International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport, TUM Asia, Online.
- 2021
- Krueger R. Introduction to Bayesian inference December 15, 2021. Research seminar, School of Engineering and IT, University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia.
- Wong M. An overview of deep learning strategies for choice modelling: current solutions and future directions November 08, 2021. Bridging machine learning and behaviour models, Alan Turing Institute, Online.
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. Designing a MATSim environment for a one-way car sharing system as a transport mode October 27, 2021. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2021, Anaheim, California, USA.
- Ortelli N., Bierlaire M. Assisted specification of discrete choice models October 24, 2021. Traffic seminar series, New York University, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- Bierlaire M. Disaggregate demand models and optimization: challenges and research avenues October 24, 2021. Engineering Seminar Series, New York University, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. Demand-based operations of vehicle sharing systems October 15, 2021. Seminar at the C2SMART Lab, New York University, New York City, New York, US.
- Bierlaire M. Disaggregate Demand Models and Optimization October 07, 2021. Seminar of the Manufacturing Sciences and Logistics Department, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, Carry-le-Rouet.
- Bierlaire M. Human behavior and optimization September 21, 2021. Seminar of the Department of Control and Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy.
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. A multi-objective approach for station clustering in bike sharing systems September 14, 2021. 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. Benders decomposition for choice-based optimization problems with discrete upper-level variables September 14, 2021. 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Lederrey G., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. DATGAN: Integrating expert knowledge into deeplearning for population synthesis September 14, 2021. STRC 2021, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Choice set generation for activity-based models September 14, 2021. STRC 2021, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Wong M., Martín-Baos J., Bierlaire M. A unimodal ordered logit model for ranked choices September 14, 2021. 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Haering T., Manser P., Hillel T., Pougala J., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. Resolving time conflicts in activity-based scheduling: A case study of Lausanne September 14, 2021. STRC 2021, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Kukic M., Bierlaire M. Population synthesis at the level of households September 14, 2021. STRC 2021, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Integrated models of transport and energy demand: A literature review and framework September 14, 2021. STRC 2021, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Ortelli N., Bierlaire M., de Lapparent M. Can we infer on behavioral impacts of public policy on accident severity outcomes? September 13, 2021. 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Cortes Balcells C., Krueger R., Bierlaire M. Agent-based epidemiological models September 13, 2021. STRC 2021, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. A Benders decomposition approach for the choice-based uncapacitated facility location and pricing problem July 19, 2021. 7th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop, Erasmus School of Economics, Online.
- Ortelli N. Assisted specification of discrete choice models July 13, 2021. CMC Online Seminar Series 2021, Choice Modelling Centre (CMC), University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
- Bansal P., Kessels R., Krueger R., Graham D. Changes in activity-travel behaviour of London Underground users during and after the COVID-19 pandemic May 28, 2021. ICMC Mini Online Event.
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Reconstructing daily schedules of individuals: a utility maximization approach May 05, 2021. (Online)Lunch Seminar in Economics, Department of Economics and Management, University of Luxembourg , Luxembourg.
- Hillel T., Pougala J., Bierlaire M., Manser P., Haering T., Luethi R. Modelling mobility tool availability at a household and individual level: A case study of Switzerland February 03, 2021. hEART 2020, 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Lyon, France.
- Krueger R. Bayesian machine learning and spatial count data models: Advances in estimation and specification February 03, 2021. Research seminar, Transport Division at DTU Management, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark.
- Krueger R., Bansal P., Buddhavarapu P. A New Spatial Count Data Model with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees for Accident Hot Spot Identification February 03, 2021. hEART 2020: 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, LAET (ENTPE, University Lyon2), Lyon, France.
- Lederrey G., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Synthetic population generation using GANs and expert knowledge January 28, 2021. AUM2020: Online Global Workshop, Home.
- Hillel T., Pougala J., Bierlaire M., Scherr W., Manser P. Validating disaggregate models at an aggregate scale: A case study of mobility tool ownership in Switzerland January 28, 2021. Applied Urban Modelling 2020: Modelling the New Urban World, Cambridge, UK.
- 2020
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Activity-based models: an optimization perspective November 23, 2020. Applied Urban Modelling Symposium 2020, The Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
- Wong M. Demystifying out-of-sample discrete choice prediction: What can we learn from machine learning? November 17, 2020. CMC Online Seminar Series 2020, Choice Modelling Centre (CMC), University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
- Cortes Balcells C., Bierlaire M. Agent-based epidemiological models: Importance of dissagregation in SARS-CoV-2 models for policy decision making September 24, 2020. Internal Seminar 2020, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Krueger R., Bansal P., Buddhavarapu P. A New Spatial Count Data Model with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees for Accident Hot Spot Identification August 12, 2020. Bridging Transportation Researchers Online Conference.
- Pacheco M., Gendron B., Bierlaire M., Sharif Azadeh S. A Lagrangian decomposition scheme for the choice-based optimization framework June 26, 2020. OR seminar, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
- Bansal P., Krueger R., Bierlaire M., Graham D. Variational Bayesian inference for spatial negative binomial count data models with unobserved heterogeneity May 14, 2020. STRC 2020.
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. Vehicle sharing systems: Does demand forecasting yield a better service? May 13, 2020. 20th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Scheduling of daily activities: an optimization approach May 13, 2020. STRC 2020, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland.
- 2019
- Pougala J., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Scheduling of daily activities: an optimization approach November 25, 2019. The 5th NYUAD Transportation Symposium, NYUAD Research Center for Interacting Urban Networks, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- Hillel T., Bierlaire M., Jin Y. Weak teachers: A machine learning approach for assisted specification of Discrete Choice Models September 18, 2019. Applied Urban Modelling Workshop, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
- Hillel T., Pougala J., Bierlaire M., Manser P., Scherr W. Activity-based Travel Demand Forecasting: Extensions to the SBB Nationwide Model September 13, 2019. nextRail19, International Rail and Mobility Conference, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Buschor O., Pacheco M., Bortolomiol S., Bierlaire M., Obrenovic N., Hellwig M. Railway Disruption Management with Viriato and Algorithm Platform September 13, 2019. nextRail19 - International Rail and Mobility Conference, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. A holistic decision making framework for a vehicle sharing system September 08, 2019. Modern Approaches in Data Engineering and Information System Design Workshop 2019, University of Maribor, Bled, Slovenia.
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. A demand-based optimization approach to find market equilibria in oligopolies September 05, 2019. 8th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary.
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. A new framework for a vehicle sharing system September 04, 2019. German OR days 2019, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany.
- Hillel T., Bierlaire M., Elshafie M., Jin Y. Weak teachers: Assisted specification of discrete choice models using ensemble learning September 04, 2019. hEART 2019, 8th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary.
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. An algorithmic framework to find market equilibria in oligopolies using demand-based optimization models August 28, 2019. Revenue Management and Pricing Workshop, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. An optimization framework for a light electric vehicle sharing system June 24, 2019. EURO 2019, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
- Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. Improving pedestrian dynamics by preventing counter-flow June 20, 2019. Tenth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN X), Hamilton Island, Australia.
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. A demand-based optimization approach to model oligopolistic competition June 17, 2019. 10th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN), Hamilton Island, Australia.
- Bierlaire M. Discrete choice and machine learning: Thomson and Thompson? June 11, 2019. Seminar of the Choice Modelling Center, University of Leeds, United Kingdom.
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. A framework for a vehicle sharing system June 07, 2019. 17th Swiss Operations Research Days, University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. An optimization framework for a light electric vehicle sharing system May 17, 2019. 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Lederrey G., Lurkin V., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Stochastic Optimization with Adaptive Batch Size: Discrete Choice Models as a Case Study May 17, 2019. 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. The impact of counter-flow on pedestrian walking times. May 17, 2019. 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. Passenger satisfaction maximization within a demand-based optimization framework May 16, 2019. 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. A demand-based optimization approach to find market equilibria in oligopolies May 15, 2019. 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Hillel T. Weak teachers: assisted specification of discrete choice models using ensemble learning algorithms April 26, 2019. Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2019, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. Improving pedestrian dynamics by controlling pedestrian flows April 04, 2019. (http://www.trans-form-project.org/)TRANS-FORM workshop, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. Modelling competitive markets within a demand-based optimization framework March 29, 2019. Third AIROYoung Workshop, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy.
- 2018
- Bierlaire M. Incorporating behavioral model into transport optimization December 03, 2018. Incorporating Behavioural Science into Transport Modelling for Facing Future Challenges of Vehicle Automation, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Bierlaire M., Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Oyama Y. Smart transfers through unravelling urban form and travel flow dynamics November 19, 2018. The 4th NYUAD Transportation Symposium, New-York University, Abu Dhabi.
- Lederrey G., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. SNM: Stochastic Newton Method for Optimization of Discrete Choice Models November 07, 2018. The 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, , Maui, Hawaii, USA.
- Obrenovic N., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. Network Design for SBB Cargo October 25, 2018. SBB Research Fund Meeting, SBB CFF FSS , Zurich, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Discrete choice and machine learning: two peas in a pod? October 17, 2018. (Plenary)Mathematics Applied in Transport and Traffic Systems, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. Modelling competition in demand-based optimization models September 14, 2018. International Conference on Operations Research, Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.
- Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. Reducing variability in passenger transfer times with two management strategies inside transportation hubs September 14, 2018. International Conference on Operations Research, Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.
- Pacheco M., Gendron B., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M., Sharif Azadeh S. A Lagrangian relaxation technique for the demand-based benefit maximization problem September 14, 2018. Annual international conference of the German Operations Research Society (OR2018), Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.
- Pacheco M., Gendron B., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M., Sharif Azadeh S. A Lagrangian relaxation technique for the demand-based benefit maximization problem September 06, 2018. hEART 2018, 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
- Obrenovic N., Lurkin V., Bortolomiol S., Bierlaire M. Model of the Swiss Freight Railway Network Design Problem September 06, 2018. hEART 2018, 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
- Lederrey G., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. Optimization of DCMs, and beyond! September 05, 2018. 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
- Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. Gating as a management strategy for controlling pedestrian flows September 05, 2018. 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
- Hillel T., Bierlaire M., Elshafie M., Jin Y. A new framework for assessing classification algorithms for mode choice prediction September 05, 2018. hEART 2018, 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
- Oyama Y., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. Optimal capacity location problem of parking and accelerated moving walkways to design a car-free city center September 05, 2018. hEART 2018, 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Gendron B., Bierlaire M., Lurkin V. Integrating discrete choice models in mixed integer linear programming to capture the interactions between supply and demand July 17, 2018. 15th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA.
- Lurkin V., Fernandez-Antolin A., Bierlaire M. Discrete-continuous maximum likelihood estimation July 16, 2018. 15th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research , , Santa Barbara, CA, USA.
- Lederrey G., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. Optimization of Discrete Choice Models June 22, 2018. Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2018, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Pacheco M., Gendron B., Lurkin V., Sharif Azadeh S., Gendron B. Lagrangian relaxation for the demand-based benefit maximization problem June 22, 2018. Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2018, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M. Modeling of human movement behavior June 14, 2018. 4th Advances in Destination Management - Visitor Data and Decision Making: Challenges and Opportunities, University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. Modelling competition in demand-based optimization models June 12, 2018. 16th Swiss Operations Research Days, Universität Bern, Bern, Switzerland.
- Pacheco M., Gendron B., Lurkin V., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. Lagrangian relaxation for the demand-based benefit maximization problem June 12, 2018. 16th Swiss Operations Research Days, Universität Bern, Bern, Switzerland.
- Obrenovic N., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. Freight railway network design problem June 12, 2018. 16th Swiss Operations Research Days, Universität Bern, Bern, Switzerland.
- Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. Controlling Pedestrian Flows Using a Dynamic Traffic Management System June 06, 2018. 7th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment: Smart Transportation, The University of Hong Kong, China.
- Obrenovic N., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. Capacity-Oriented Marshaling and Shunting Yards Location Problem June 05, 2018. Odysseus 2018 - 7th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.
- Lederrey G., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. SNM: Stochastic Newton Method for Optimization of Discrete Choice Models May 18, 2018. 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. Two management strategies for improving passenger transfer experience in train stations . May 18, 2018. 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Hillel T., Bierlaire M., Elshafie M., Jin Y. Validation of probabilistic classifiers May 18, 2018. 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bortolomiol S., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. Modelling competition in demand-based optimization models May 17, 2018. 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), , Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Pacheco M., Gendron B., Lurkin V., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. A Lagrangian relaxation technique for the demand-based benefit maximization problem May 17, 2018. 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. From moving vehicles to moving people: mobility as a service April 09, 2018. Workshop: Future of Public Transport, Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Lurkin V. Towards People-oriented Mobility (PoM) February 05, 2018. Operations Planning And Control Group Seminar, , Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
- Fernandez-Antolin A., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. Maximum likelihood estimation of discrete and continuous parameters: an MILP formulation February 02, 2018. ORBEL 32 Conference, HEC Liège, Liège, Belgium.
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M., Gendron B. Integrating advanced discrete choice models in mixed integer linear optimization February 02, 2018. ORBEL 32 Conference , HEC Liège, Liège, Belgium.
- Lurkin V., Zanarini A., Bierlaire M. Planning of feeding station installment and battery sizing for an electric urban bus network February 02, 2018. ORBEL 32 Conference, , Liège, Belgium.
- 2017
- Farooq B., Bierlaire M. Simulation-based population synthesis using Gibbs sampling December 08, 2017. Conference on synthetic population, Swiss Federal Office for Spatial Development , Bern, Switzerland.
- Lurkin V., Garrow L., Newman J., Bierlaire M. Capturing how individuals filter and screen alternatives for discrete choice modeling applications October 24, 2017. 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting, , Houston, USA.
- Fernandez-Antolin A., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. Discrete-continuous maximum likelihood estimation October 23, 2017. 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, USA.
- Bierlaire M., Lurkin V. Introduction to Disaggregate Demand Models October 23, 2017. (Invited tutorial)INFORMS Annual Meeting Houston, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Houston, Tx.
- Bierlaire M. Calculating indicators with Biogeme September 25, 2017. Choice Modelling in Environmental Research: Challenges, Applications and New Trends, Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, Switzerland.
- Fernandez-Antolin A., Lurkin V., Bierlaire M. Discrete-continuous maximum likelihood September 14, 2017. 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel.
- Markov I., Bierlaire M., Cordeau J., Varone S. A unified modeling and solution framework for stochastic routing problems September 14, 2017. hEART 2017 - 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
- Lurkin V., Garrow L. Modeling Competition among Airline Itineraries September 13, 2017. 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel.
- Binder S., Bierlaire M. An efficient algorithm for the multi-objective railway timetable rescheduling problem September 12, 2017. 6th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Haifa, Israel.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M., Markov I., Bondo R. Pedestrian multi-class speed-density relationship: evaluation of integrated and sequential approach September 12, 2017. 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel.
- Oyama Y., Hato E., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. Markov assignment for a pedestrian activity-based network design problem September 12, 2017. hEART 2017, 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
- Scarinci R., Bierlaire M., Zanarini A. Hybrid traffic simulation of an innovative catenary-free electric bus service September 12, 2017. 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel.
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M., Gendron B. A Lagrangian relaxation method for a choice-based optimization framework capturing the demand-supply interaction September 07, 2017. Annual international conference of the German Operations Research Society (OR2017), Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M. Data-driven spatio-temporal discretization for pedestrian flow characterization August 23, 2017. Intelligent Traffic Control and Service in Big Data Environment, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M. Data-driven spatio-temporal discretization for pedestrian flow characterization July 24, 2017. 22nd International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, , Northwestern University, Evanston, USA.
- Lurkin V., Sharif Azadeh S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. Planning of feeding station installment for a full electric large capacity urban bus system July 20, 2017. 21st IFORS Conference, , Quebec, Canada.
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M., Gendron B. Integrating supply and demand within the framework of mixed integer linear problems July 19, 2017. 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, IFORS, Québec City, Canada.
- Markov I., Bierlaire M., Cordeau J., Maknoon Y., Varone S. A unified framework for rich routing problems with stochastic demands July 11, 2017. Verolog 2017 - Sixth meeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Bierlaire M. Mathematical models of behavior for the prediction of demand in transportation and energy July 11, 2017. Seminar of the Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M., Gendron B. Lagrangian relaxation for the integration of discrete choice models in mixed integer linear problems June 30, 2017. 15th Swiss Operations Research Days, Université de Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland.
- Fernandez-Antolin A., Lurkin V., Pacheco M., Bierlaire M. Discrete-continuous maximum likelihood June 23, 2017. Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2017, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Lurkin V., Garrow L. Using non-traditional data sources to understand travel behavior June 23, 2017. 12th Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M. Application of the MRI framework to a large network: Québec city, June 22, 2017. Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2017, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M., Gendron B. Integrating advanced discrete choice models in mixed integer linear optimization June 22, 2017. Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2017, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Hillel T., Elshafie M., Jin Y. A comparison of classification methods for modelling urban mode choice June 22, 2017. Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2017, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Kazagli E. Modeling route choice using aggregate models May 24, 2017. Invited lecture, Ecole des Ponts - ParisTech, Paris.
- Fernandez-Antolin A., Lurkin V., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. Discrete-continuous maximum likelihood for the estimation of nested logit models May 18, 2017. 16th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M., de Lapparent M. Modeling route choice in Québec city using mental representations May 18, 2017. 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Ascona.
- Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. Pedestrian management strategies for improving flow dynamics in transportation hubs May 18, 2017. 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M. Review of transportation mode detection approaches based on smartphone data May 18, 2017. 17th Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M., Gendron B. Integrating advanced demand models within the framework of mixed integer linear problems: A Lagrangian relaxation method for the uncapacitated case May 18, 2017. 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. Efficient investigation of multiple dimensions of the railway timetable rescheduling problem May 17, 2017. 17th Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Markov I., Bierlaire M., Cordeau J., Maknoon Y., Varone S. A general framework for routing problems with stochastic demands May 17, 2017. 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Ascona, Switzerland.
- Lurkin V., Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M., Gendron B. A New Approach to Choice-Based Revenue Management May 17, 2017. AGIFORS RM Group Meeting, , San Francisco, United States.
- Lurkin V., Garrow L., Higgins M., Newman J., Schyns M. Estimation of Airline Itinerary Choice Models Using Disaggregate Ticket Data May 16, 2017. AGIFORS SSP Group Meeting, , San Francisco, United States.
- Bierlaire M., Pacheco M. From Complex Travel Behaviour to Optimization: the Methodological Challenges March 22, 2017. Transport Seminar Series, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Nikolic M. Data-driven fundamental models for pedestrian movements March 09, 2017. Workshop on Transportation Network and Management, EPFL, Lausanne.
- de Lapparent M. Travel discomfort-time tradeoffs in Paris subway March 09, 2017. Seminar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Yamanashi, Kofu, Japan.
- de Lapparent M. Structural modelling of sales and prices in the 2015 new car market in France March 09, 2017. Seminar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Yamanashi, Kofu, Japan.
- de Lapparent M. On modeling optimal use and ownership duration of a car: a dynamic discrete choice approach March 07, 2017. Seminar, Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan.
- de Lapparent M. Structural modelling of sales and prices in the 2015 new car market in France March 06, 2017. Small International Workshop on Advanced Choice Modelling, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
- de Lapparent M. Modeling Interactions under Imperfect Information March 05, 2017. International Workshop on Dynamic Risk Management of Transport Network: Social Interaction, Monitoring and Simulation, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
- Robenek T. Behaviorally driven train timetable design March 02, 2017. Invited seminar, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Bierlaire M. Introduction to choice modeling January 06, 2017. Invited lecture, GuangDong University of Technology , Guangzhou, China.
- Bierlaire M., Pacheco M. Using disaggregate demand models in operations research January 05, 2017. Invited seminar, GuangDong University of Technology , Guangzhou, China.
- Bierlaire M. Dynamic choice models with panel data January 03, 2017. Invited lecture, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
- Bierlaire M. Demand forecasting with discrete choice models January 03, 2017. Invited lecture, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
- Bierlaire M., Pacheco M. Integrating advanced discrete choice models into (mixed) integer linear optimization January 03, 2017. Invited seminar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
- 2016
- Bierlaire M., Nikolic M., Scarinci R. Pedestrians: the new kings of smart cities November 20, 2016. The 2nd NYUAD Transportation Symposium, NYU Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- Danalet A. Zielwahl von Fussgängern anhand von WiFi-Daten November 17, 2016. Bundesamt für Raumentwicklung (ARE), , Bern, Switzerland.
- Lurkin V. Modeling in Air Transportation: Cargo Loading and Itinerary Choice November 14, 2016. 2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting - Aviation Applications Dissertation Prize, , Nashville, United States.
- de Lapparent M. Structural modeling of sales and prices in the 2015 new car market in France October 20, 2016. EI seminar, Erasmus University, Department of Econometrics, Econometric Institute, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. A new mathematical formulation to integrate supply and demand within a choice-based optimization framework October 13, 2016. Seminario en el Departamento de Ingeniería de Transporte y Logística, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. A new mathematical formulation to integrate supply and demand within a choice-based optimization framework October 12, 2016. Seminario ISCI, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. A passenger assignment model for the railway timetable rescheduling problem September 16, 2016. 5th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Delft, The Netherlands.
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M. Assessing complex route choice models using an abstracted network based on mental representations September 16, 2016. hEART 2016, 5th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands.
- Markov I., Bierlaire M., Cordeau J., Maknoon Y., Varone S. Waste collection inventory routing with non-stationary stochastic demands September 16, 2016. hEART 2016 - 5th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. Integrating supply and demand within the framework of mixed integer optimization problems mixed integer optimization problems September 15, 2016. hEART 2016, 5th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands.
- Fernandez-Antolin A., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. Modeling demand for new cars in France September 14, 2016. hEART 2016, 5th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M. Data-driven characterization of pedestrian flows September 14, 2016. hEART 2016, 5th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M., de Lapparent M., Scarinci R. Multi-class speed-density relationship for pedestrian traffic September 14, 2016. hEART 2016, 5th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands.
- Bierlaire M. Incorporating advanced behavioral models in integer optimization September 13, 2016. Random Regret Models Symposium, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
- Markov I., Bierlaire M., Cordeau J., Maknoon Y., Varone S. Integrating demand uncertainty in inventory routing for recyclable waste collection September 09, 2016. 14th Join Operattions Research Days, Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland.
- Fernandez-Antolin A. How do we make a choice? September 06, 2016. My Thesis in 180 Seconds, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. User-centric flexible transportation systems July 08, 2016. (Plenary talk)16th COTA conference International Conference of Transportation Professionals, Shanghai, China.
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. A new mathematical formulation to integrate supply and demand within a choice-based optimization framework July 06, 2016. EURO 2016, Poznan, Poland.
- Maknoon Y., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. Network design problem for electrical bus July 06, 2016. EURO 2016, Poznan, Poland.
- Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M., Atasoy B., Ben-Akiva M. A choice-based optimization approach in flexible mobility on demand July 06, 2016. Euro 2016.
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. On the trade-off between passenger convenience and operational costs in railway disruption management June 17, 2016. Ninth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN IX), Oranjestad, Aruba.
- Markov I., Maknoon Y., Cordeau J., Varone S., Bierlaire M. Waste collection inventory routing with non-stationary stochastic demands June 17, 2016. TRISTAN IX, Oranjestad, Aruba.
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M. Assessing complex route choice models using an abstracted network based on mental representations June 16, 2016. TRISTAN IX, Oranjestad, Aruba.
- de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. Modeling demand for new cars in Germany: a Bayesian approach June 16, 2016. 9th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis , Oranjestad, Aruba.
- Bierlaire M., Sharif Azadeh S. Discrete choice models and operations research: a difficult combination June 16, 2016. (Plenary lecture)9th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis , TRISTAN, Oranjestad, Aruba.
- Scarinci R., Markov I., Bierlaire M. Network design of a transport system based on accelerating moving walkways June 15, 2016. Ninth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis TRISTAN IX, Oranjestad, Aruba.
- Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. Choice-based routing problem in the context of flexible mobility on demand June 15, 2016. Tristan 2016, Aruba.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M. Data-driven characterization of pedestrian traffic June 14, 2016. Ninth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN IX), Oranjestad, Aruba.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M., de Lapparent M., Scarinci R. Multi-class speed-density relationship for pedestrian traffic June 14, 2016. Ninth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN IX), Oranjestad, Aruba.
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. Incorporating advanced behavioral models in mixed linear optimization June 14, 2016. Ninth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN IX), Oranjestad, Aruba.
- Fernandez-Antolin A., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. Flexible substitution patterns in new car sales June 13, 2016. TRISTAN IX, Oranjestad, Aruba.
- Robenek T., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. Hybrid Cyclicity: Combining The Benefits Of Cyclic And Non-Cyclic Timetables June 13, 2016. Ninth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN IX), Oranjestad, Aruba.
- Markov I., Maknoon Y., Cordeau J., Varone S., Bierlaire M. Waste collection inventory routing with non-stationary stochastic demands June 06, 2016. Verolog 2016 - Fifth meeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, Nantes, France.
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. Exploring Pareto solutions of the multi-objective railway disruption management problem May 19, 2016. 16th Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Fernandez-Antolin A., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. Uncovering substitution patterns in new car sales using a cross nested logit model May 19, 2016. 16th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Markov I., Maknoon Y., Cordeau J., Varone S., Bierlaire M. Inventory routing with non-stationary stochastic demands May 19, 2016. 16th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Ascona, Switzerland.
- Robenek T., Maknoon Y., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. Hybrid Cyclicity: Combining The Benefits Of Cyclic And Non-Cyclic Timetables May 19, 2016. 16th Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M. Assessing complex route choice models using mental representations May 18, 2016. 16th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Ascona, Switzerland.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M. Data-driven characterization of pedestrian flows May 18, 2016. 16th Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Pacheco M., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. A new mathematical formulation to integrate supply and demand within a choice-based optimization framework May 18, 2016. 16th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Fernandez-Antolin A., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. How do I choose a new car? A discrete-choice approach. May 12, 2016. Invited lecture, Ecole des Ponts - ParisTech, Paris, France.
- Kazagli E. Dealing with structural correlation in discrete choice models: The complex case of route choice May 12, 2016. Invited lecture, Ecole des Ponts - ParisTech, Paris.
- Fernandez-Antolin A., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. I would like a new car, which one do I choose? April 22, 2016. Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M. Assessing complex route choice models using an abstracted network based on mental representations April 21, 2016. 11th Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Scarinci R., Nikolic M., Danalet A., Bierlaire M. Pedestrians in transportation hubs: movement and behavior in the era of big data April 21, 2016. Verkehr Aktuell - TUM Speaker's series at Deutsches Museum, Technical University of Munich TUM, Munich, Germany.
- Hänseler F. Modeling and estimation of pedestrian flows in train stations (Public defense) March 11, 2016. Public thesis defense, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Hänseler F. Modeling and estimation of pedestrian flows in train stations (Private defense) February 11, 2016. Private thesis defense, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- de Lapparent M. Statistiques, Econométrie, et Big Data January 12, 2016. Journée assurance et big data, Ecole des Ponts Paris-Tech, Paris, France.
- 2015
- Bierlaire M. Discrete choice and discrete optimization: a continuous quest for integration December 18, 2015. Seminar on Advances on Discrete Choice models In the honor of Daniel McFadden, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Cergy-Pontoise, France.
- Bierlaire M. The behavioral dimension of optimization December 16, 2015. Seminar of Numerical Analysis, Institute of Computational Science and Engineering, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Danalet A. Modélisation du choix d'activité pour les infrastructures piétonnes December 04, 2015. Ma thèse en slides, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Markov I., Maknoon Y., de Lapparent M., Cordeau J., Varone S., Bierlaire M. Vehicle routing and demand forecasting in recyclable waste collection November 26, 2015. CIRRELT Seminar, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur les réseaux d'entreprise, la logistique et le transport, Montréal,Canada.
- Danalet A. Pas si "bad", le "Big data" November 18, 2015. Cafés scientifiques UniNE, Université de Neuchâtel (UniNE), Neuchâtel.
- Bierlaire M. Demand and supply optimization November 16, 2015. New Directions in Mathematical Approaches for Traffic Flow Management: Decision Support for Traffic, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA, Los Angeles.
- Maknoon Y., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. Network Design Problem for Battery Electric Bus November 03, 2015. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2015, Philadelphia, USA.
- Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M., Ben-Akiva M., Atasoy B. Choice based demand model in the context of flexible mobility on demand November 02, 2015. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA.
- Hänseler F., Lam W., Bierlaire M., Lederrey G., Nikolic M. A dynamic network loading model for anisotropic and congested pedestrian flows October 30, 2015. TGF '15, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M., Hänseler F. Data-driven characterization of multidirectional pedestrian traffic October 28, 2015. TGF '15, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands.
- de Lapparent M. Les modèles LUTI : état de l’art, exemples internationaux et effets d’agglomération October 22, 2015. La prise en compte des effets d’agglomération dans le calcul socioéconomique, CGI, CGEDD, France-Stratégie, Paris, France.
- Danalet A. My thesis in slides October 13, 2015. PhD thesis Oral Exam, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Scarinci R., Bierlaire M. Mobility in a Post-Car World: investigating a transport system based on Accelerated Moving Walkways October 02, 2015. Master course "On the road" , Laboratory of Urbanism Lab-U, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Lausanne Switzerland.
- Danalet A. Table ronde "Le lancement de projets partageant des données et des informations entre services publics et privés: défis et opportunité" September 23, 2015. Smart City 2015, Innobridge Services, Swiss Tech Convention Center (STCC).
- Scarinci R., Bahrami F., Ourednik A., Bierlaire M. Moving walkways: from a past science-fiction transport system to future reality September 17, 2015. The Future of Mobilities, T2M Cosmobilities, Caserta, Italy.
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M., Flötteröd G. Assessment of A Route Choice Model Based on Mental Representations for Practical Applications September 11, 2015. hEART 2015, 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Markov I., de Lapparent M., Varone S., Bierlaire M. Towards an integrated approach for demand forecasting and vehicle routing in recyclable waste collection September 11, 2015. hEART 2015 - 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, DTU, Copenhagen.
- Scarinci R., Markov I., Bierlaire M. Accelerating Moving Walkways: Optimization of an Innovative Transport System for Dense Urban Areas September 11, 2015. 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation hEART, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Sharif Azadeh S., Marcotte P., Bierlaire M. A new approach to airline and train demand modeling using registered transactions September 11, 2015. hEART 2015, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. On the trade-off between passenger convenience and operational costs in railway disruption management September 10, 2015. 4th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Danalet A., Tinguely L., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M. Destination choice with longitudinal data September 10, 2015. 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART 2015), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Hänseler F., Lam W., Bierlaire M., Lederrey G., Nikolic M. A dynamic network loading model for anisotropic and congested pedestrian flows September 10, 2015. 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Robenek T., Maknoon Y., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. Evaluating the Quality of Railway Timetables September 10, 2015. 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark.
- Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. Truck scheduling in logistic network with transshipment centers September 10, 2015. hEART2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Fernandez-Antolin A., Guevara-Cue A., Bierlaire M. Capturing non-linearities between observed and unobserved variables: how to model the "car loving" attitude while correcting for endogeneity September 09, 2015. 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M., Hänseler F. Characterization of multidirectional pedestrian flows based on three-dimensional Voronoi tessellations September 09, 2015. 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Bierlaire M., Sharif Azadeh S. Incorporating advanced behavioral models in integer optimization August 26, 2015. CIRRELT Seminar, Interuniversity Research Center om Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation, Montréal, Canada.
- de Lapparent M., Koning M. Travel discomfort-time tradeoffs in Paris subway: an empirical analysis using interval regression models July 23, 2015. 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Beaumont Estate, Windsor.
- Robenek T., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. Evaluating the Quality of Railway Timetables July 22, 2015. 13th Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Danalet A., Bierlaire M. The activity path approach to activity pattern modeling July 20, 2015. 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Beaumont Estate, Windsor.
- Sharif Azadeh S., Marcotte P., Savard G., Bierlaire M. Passenger demand modeling under availability constraints and customer segmentation assumptions July 20, 2015. IATBR, Windsor, UK.
- Fernandez-Antolin A., Guevara-Cue A., Bierlaire M. Modeling the unobserved: an application of the MIS method to RP Swiss data July 19, 2015. 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Beaumont Estate, Windsor.
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. An exact formulation of the passenger-oriented train timetable rescheduling problem in case of severe disruptions July 15, 2015. 27th European Conference on Operational Research, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Maknoon Y., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. Demand-based network design problem July 14, 2015. EURO 2015, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Sharif Azadeh S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. An optimization model to 3D route planning for air navigation systems July 13, 2015. EURO INFORMS, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Sharif Azadeh S., Marcotte P., Bierlaire M. Airline passenger behavior modeling in revenue management systems June 14, 2015. , Montreal, Canada.
- Markov I., de Lapparent M., Varone S., Bierlaire M. Vehicle routing and demand forecasting in a generalized waste collection problem June 09, 2015. Verolog 2015 - Fourth meeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
- Danalet A., Bierlaire M. Activity path size for correlation between activity paths May 29, 2015. Tenth Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Fernandez-Antolin A., Guevara-Cue A., Bierlaire M. Correcting for endogeneity using the MIS method: a case study using mode choice RP data in Switzerland May 28, 2015. Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M. A Route Choice Model Based on Mental Representations May 28, 2015. 10th Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2015, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Binder S., Maknoon Y., Robenek T. Passenger-centric railway operations May 19, 2015. Network Optimization Workshop, La Rochelle, France.
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M. Revisiting the Route Choice Problem: A Modeling Framework Based on Mental Representations May 12, 2015. International Choice Modelling Conference 2015, Austin, Texas - USA.
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. Passenger-oriented railway disposition timetables in case of severe disruptions April 17, 2015. 15th Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Robenek T., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. Railway Passenger Service Timetable Design April 17, 2015. 15th Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Fernandez-Antolin A., Guevara-Cue A., Bierlaire M. Correcting for endogeneity using the EMIS method: a case study with revealed preference data April 16, 2015. 15th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Hänseler F., Bierlaire M., Molyneaux N., Scarinci R., Thémans M. Modeling pedestrian flows in train stations: The example of Lausanne railway station April 16, 2015. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona.
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M. A Route Choice Model based on Mental Representations April 16, 2015. 15th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Markov I., de Lapparent M., Bierlaire M., Varone S. Modeling a waste disposal process via a discrete mixture of count data models April 16, 2015. 15th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Ascona, Switzerland.
- Danalet A., Bierlaire M. Importance sampling for activity path choice April 15, 2015. 15th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M. Pedestrian flow characterization based on spatio-temporal Voronoi tessellations April 15, 2015. 15th Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Binder S., Maknoon Y., Robenek T. Demand-based scheduling April 10, 2015. Seminar of the Dpt of Economics and Management, University of Brescia, Italy.
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Sharif Azadeh S., Bierlaire M. Generation and evaluation of passenger-oriented railway disposition timetables in case of severe disruptions March 26, 2015. 6th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Tokyo, Japan.
- Robenek T., Sharif Azadeh S., Maknoon Y., Chen J., Bierlaire M. The Ideal Train Timetabling Problem March 25, 2015. The 6th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (RailTokyo2015), Tokyo, Japan.
- Scarinci R., Danalet A., Hänseler F., Nikolic M., Bierlaire M. Pedestrian research at TRANSP-OR: from fundamental indexes to behavioral modeling February 27, 2015. Saudi Arabia delegation from Mecca visit at EPFL, Transportation Center (TraCE), EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Binder S., Maknoon Y., Bierlaire M. Generation and evaluation of passenger-oriented railway disposition timetables in case of severe disruptions January 14, 2015. Programme Doctoral en Recherche Opérationnelle, Zinal, Switzerland.
- Robenek T. Train Timetabling - New Approach January 13, 2015. CUSO Doctoral Programme in Operations Research – Spring Seminar, Zinal, Switzerland.
- 2014
- Hänseler F., Lam W., Bierlaire M. A macroscopic loading model for dynamic, multi-directional and congested pedestrian flows December 16, 2014. Hong Kong Society for Research in Transportation (HKSTS) Annual Conference, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China.
- Thémans M. Solving mobility challenges through demand-oriented and user-centric innovation December 05, 2014. Guest speaker, Verbier Investment Forum on Mobility, Verbier, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Nikolic M., Hänseler F., Danalet A., Scarinci R. Modeling opportunities from modern pedestrian data November 18, 2014. TRAIL Master Class on Urban Mobility Laboratory, TU Delft, Deflt, The Netherlands.
- Maknoon Y., Baptiste P., Laporte G. Vehicle Routing with Cross-dock Selection November 12, 2014. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA.
- Bierlaire M. Simulation and optimization in transportation: an overview November 06, 2014. Séminaire de la chaire CN en intermodalité des transports, CIRRELT, Montréal, Canada.
- Scarinci R., Rojanawisut B., Markov I., Bierlaire M., Lopez G., Chen J. Optimization of the network design of a futuristic transport system based on accelerated moving walkways October 31, 2014. Master course "On the road" LAB-U, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Route choice models: bringing behavioral aspects into shortest path October 27, 2014. Graphs and Decisions, University of Luxembourg.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M. Pedestrian-oriented flow characterization October 24, 2014. Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics conference (PED 2014), Delft University of Technology, , Delft, the Netherlands.
- Thémans M. User-centric research for predicting future transportation demand October 08, 2014. (Invited speaker)IATA Airs@t User Forum, Athens, Greece.
- Thémans M. Clip-air: a concept for future air transport October 08, 2014. (Invited speaker)IATA Airs@t User Forum, Athens, Greece.
- Sharif Azadeh S. Impact of demand modeling in revenue management systems October 07, 2014. Workshop on Big Data, Polytechnique Montreal, Montreal.
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M. Revisiting Route Choice Modeling: A Multi-Level Modeling Framework for Route Choice Behavior September 12, 2014. hEART 2014, 3rd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom.
- Markov I., Varone S., Bierlaire M. Solving a complex waste collection routing problem with intermediate disposals September 12, 2014. hEART 2014 - 3rd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
- Robenek T., Chen J., Bierlaire M. The Ideal Train Timetabling Problem September 12, 2014. 3rd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Leeds, United Kingdom.
- Danalet A., Bierlaire M. Activity choice modeling for pedestrian facilities: Validation on synthetic data September 11, 2014. 3nd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART) 2014, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom.
- Guevara-Cue A., Fernandez-Antolin A., Glerum A., Bierlaire M. A correction for endogeneity in choice models with psychological constructs September 11, 2014. 3rd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART) 2014, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M., Farooq B. Probabilistic speed-density relationship for heterogeneous pedestrian traffic September 11, 2014. 3rd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom.
- Maknoon Y. Scheduling Material Handling in Cross-Docking Terminals August 02, 2014. CUSO - doctoral program in operations research, Zinal, Switzerland.
- Robenek T., Chen J., Bierlaire M. The Ideal Train Timetabling Problem July 17, 2014. 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Barcelona, Spain.
- Sharif Azadeh S. A global optimization method for demand modeling July 15, 2014. , Barcelona, Spain.
- Danalet A. Activity choice in pedestrian facilities July 09, 2014. Students from the Honor Program of Eindhoven visiting EPFL, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Lai X., Bierlaire M. Specification of the cross nested logit model with sampling of alternatives for route choice models June 26, 2014. International workshop on current topics in choice modelling, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
- Markov I., Varone S., Bierlaire M. Vehicle routing for a complex waste collection problem June 23, 2014. Verolog 2014 - Third meeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
- Fernandez-Antolin A., Bierlaire M., Fosgerau M., McFadden D. Choice Probability Generating Functions June 20, 2014. 9th Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M. Revisiting Route Choice Modeling: A Multi-Level Modeling Framework for Route Choice Behavior June 20, 2014. 9th Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Danalet A., Bierlaire M. Choice set generation for activities using importance sampling June 19, 2014. Ninth Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Sharif Azadeh S. Introducing a non-parametric method for customer behavior modeling June 19, 2014. EPFL, Workshop on discrete choice models, Lausanne.
- Danalet A., Nikolic M., Hänseler F., Bierlaire M. Les comportements piétons dans les pôles d'échange intermodaux : Une collaboration avec les CFF June 16, 2014. Visite délégation AQTIM Québec, Transportation Center (TraCE), EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Scarinci R., Lopez G., Chen J., Bierlaire M. Optimization of the network design of a futuristic transport system based on moving walkways May 16, 2014. 14th Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Binder S., Chen J., Bierlaire M. Generation and evaluation of passenger-oriented railway disposition timetables May 15, 2014. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Danalet A., Bierlaire M. Activity pattern modeling: A path choice approach May 15, 2014. 14th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Fernandez-Antolin A., Stathopoulos A., Bierlaire M. Exploratory Analysis of Endogeneity in Discrete Choice Models May 15, 2014. 14th Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Glerum A., Frejinger E., Karlstrom A., Beser Hugosson M., Bierlaire M. A dynamic discrete-continuous choice model for car ownership and usage: estimation procedure May 15, 2014. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona.
- Kazagli E., Bierlaire M. Revisiting Route Choice Modeling: A Multi-Level Modeling Framework for Route Choice Behavior May 15, 2014. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Molyneaux N., Hänseler F., Bierlaire M. Modelling of train-induced pedestrian flows in railway stations May 15, 2014. 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M., Farooq B. Probabilistic speed-density relationship for pedestrians based on data driven space and time representation May 15, 2014. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Robenek T., Chen J., Bierlaire M. The Ideal Train Timetabling Problem May 15, 2014. 14th Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Markov I., Varone S., Bierlaire M. Vehicle routing for a complex waste collection problem May 14, 2014. 14th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Ascona, Switzerland.
- Markov I., Varone S., Bierlaire M. Waste collection routing with time windows and intermediate disposal trips May 09, 2014. 12th Joint Operations Research Days, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Binder S., Chen J., Bierlaire M. Generation and evaluation of passenger-oriented railway disposition timetables May 08, 2014. 12th Swiss OR Days, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Robenek T., Chen J., Bierlaire M. The Ideal Train Timetabling Problem May 08, 2014. 12th Swiss Operations Research Days, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Danalet A. WiFi-Based Marauder's Map, or where are members of a campus and why? April 11, 2014. Workshop on pedestrian models 2014, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M., Farooq B. Probabilistic speed-density relationship for pedestrians based on data driven space and time representation April 10, 2014. WORKSHOP ON PEDESTRIAN MODELS 2014, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Thémans M. Transportation Research at EPFL: From Supply Chain to Intelligent Vehicles March 21, 2014. Nestlé's Logistics Blue Sky Day, Montreux, Switzerland.
- Thémans M. Transportation Center: Research related to traffic management and public transport operations January 28, 2014. Green Day of the Transportation Department of State of Geneva, Coppet, Switzerland .
- 2013
- Hänseler F. Analysis and modeling of pedestrian flows in railway stations December 04, 2013. Meeting SBB-Beirat Technologie, Methoden und Prozesse, SBB-CFF-FFS, Lausanne.
- Glerum A., Frejinger E., Karlstrom A., Beser Hugosson M., Bierlaire M. A dynamic discrete-continuous choice model of car ownership, usage and fuel type November 12, 2013. Workshop session on 'discrete-continuous models of car ownership and use', University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
- Glerum A., Stankovikj L., Thémans M., Bierlaire M. Forecasting the demand for electric vehicles November 12, 2013. EDC seminar, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
- Danalet A. A path choice approach to activity modeling with a pedestrian case study November 05, 2013. Workshop "Statistique, transport et activités", Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann (équipe Mistis) & GAEL (Laboratoire d'Economie Appliquée de Grenoble), Grenoble, France.
- Bierlaire M., Danalet A., Hänseler F., Nikolic M. Recent trends in pedestrian modeling at EPFL October 23, 2013. Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte, Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería, Santiago, Chile.
- Glerum A., Frejinger E., Karlstrom A., Beser Hugosson M., Bierlaire M. A dynamic discrete-continuous choice model to explain car ownership, usage and fuel type decisions October 11, 2013. IRE seminar, Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland.
- Glerum A., Stankovikj L., Thémans M., Atasoy B., Bierlaire M. Integrated choice and latent variable models: applications to vehicle and mode choice modeling October 10, 2013. IRE seminar, Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland.
- Thémans M. EPFL's Transportation Research: Strategy & Selected Projects October 08, 2013. Eurotech Workshop on Transportation, Brussels, Belgium .
- Hänseler F., Farooq B., Bierlaire M. A mesoscopic dynamic flow model for pedestrian movement in railway stations September 06, 2013. 2nd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART 2013), Stockholm.
- Umang N., Bierlaire M., Erera A. Strategies to deal with uncertainty in real time in the berth allocation problem September 06, 2013. International Conference on Operations Research, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- Danalet A., Bierlaire M., Farooq B. A Pedestrian Destination-Chain Choice Model from Bayesian Estimation of Pedestrian Activities using Sensors Data September 05, 2013. 2nd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART 2013), Stockholm, Sweden.
- Glerum A., Frejinger E., Karlstrom A., Beser Hugosson M., Bierlaire M. A dynamic discrete-continuous choice model of car ownership, usage and fuel type September 05, 2013. Second Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Nikolic M., Bierlaire M., Farooq B. Spatial tessellations of pedestrian dynamics September 05, 2013. 2nd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Robenek T., Chen J., Bierlaire M. Demand Based Timetabling of Passenger Railway Service September 05, 2013. 2nd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Bierlaire M. Modeling behavior to support economical decisions September 02, 2013. Modelling Expert Network Workshop, Nestle, Konolfingen, Switzerland.
- Thémans M. EPFL: Aperçu des activités en transport routier durable August 23, 2013. Congrès annuel de l'association e'mobile, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Glerum A., Frejinger E., Karlstrom A., Beser Hugosson M., Bierlaire M. Accounting for expectations about the future: a dynamic discrete-continuous choice model (DDCCM) of car ownership, usage and fuel type July 26, 2013. Seminar rCITI, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
- Bierlaire M. Mixtures and latent variables in discrete choice models: an introduction July 16, 2013. (Tutorial)International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Kazagli E. Incorporating Travelers’ Mental Representations in Route Choice Modeling July 15, 2013. DATA SIM Summer School 2013, Mobility Modeling and Big Data Sources, Hasselt University, Hasselt, Belgium.
- Nikolic M. Pedestrian flow characteristics based on individual trajectories July 15, 2013. DATA SIM Summer School 2013, Mobility Modeling and Big Data Sources, Hasselt University, Hasselt, Belgium.
- Glerum A., Frejinger E., Karlstrom A., Beser Hugosson M., Bierlaire M. Modeling car ownership and usage: a dynamic discrete-continuous choice modeling approach July 04, 2013. International Choice Modelling Conference, Sydney, Australia.
- Robenek T., Chen J., Atasoy B., Bierlaire M. Tactical Design of Electric Bus Network Using Optimization Tools July 01, 2013. 26th European Conference on Operational Research, Rome, Italy.
- Thémans M. From Information & Communication Technologies to Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems June 27, 2013. Seminar at Federal Office of Communication , Invited speaker, Bienne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Atasoy B., Salani M., Leonardi C. Impact analysis of a exible air transportation system: Clip-Air June 27, 2013. Network Optimization Workshop, Syracuse, Italy.
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Models and algorithms for integrated airline scheduling, fleeting and pricing June 26, 2013. The International IIE Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Thémans M. Electric mobility: The social acceptance of electric vehicles on Swiss market June 25, 2013. Workshop de la Chaire Armand Peugeot, Ecole Centrale Paris, Paris, France.
- Umang N., Bierlaire M., Erera A. Real-time management of the berth allocation problem with stochastic arrival and handling times June 17, 2013. Second INFORMS TSL Workshop 2013, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove CA, USA.
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Models and algorithms for integrated airline schedule planning and revenue management June 14, 2013. TRISTAN VIII, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.
- Bierlaire M., Umang N. Berth Allocation Problem in Real Time June 13, 2013. TRISTAN VIII, San Pedro De Atacama, Chile.
- Danalet A., Farooq B., Bierlaire M. A Bayesian Approach to Detect Pedestrian Destination-Sequences from WiFi Signatures June 10, 2013. Eighth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VIII), San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.
- Glerum A., Hurtubia R., Nguyen M., Bierlaire M. Enhanced measurement equations for latent class choice models May 31, 2013. Eighth workshop on discrete choice models, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Farooq B., Bierlaire M. Synthesizing Data on Agents and Their Associations: A Simulation and Graph Theoretic Approach May 31, 2013. Eighth Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Lausanne.
- Efthymiou D., Antoniou C. Modeling the willingness to join carsharing using latent class discrete choice models and mixed internet/paper survey data May 31, 2013. Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Lai X., Jun L. Paired Route Impedance Correction for Multinomial Logit Model Based on Equivalent Impedance May 31, 2013. Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Danalet A., Farooq B., Bierlaire M. Revealed preference data from WiFi traces for pedestrian activity scheduling May 30, 2013. Eighth Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Stathopoulos A., Glerum A., Thémans M., Bierlaire M. A framework to model inter-temporal renewal decisions May 30, 2013. 8th Workshop on discrete choice models, EPFL, Lausanne.
- Farooq B., Bierlaire M. Population Synthesis: A Different Perspective May 24, 2013. Workshop on Land-Use Transport Interactions, Paris.
- Efthymiou D., Farooq B., Bierlaire M., Antoniou C. Agent-Based Indicators Analysis in the Context of Policy Evaluation: Preliminary Findings May 24, 2013. Workshop on Land-Use Transport Interaction Models, Paris, France.
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Analysis of an itinerary-based airline fleet assignment model with choice-driven recapture and pricing May 22, 2013. Seminar at IDSIA/SUPSI, Manno-Lugano, Switzerland.
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Analysis of an itinerary-based airline fleet assignment model with passenger-choice driven recapture and pricing May 02, 2013. 11th Swiss OR Days, Geneva.
- Danalet A., Farooq B., Bierlaire M. Towards an activity-based model for pedestrian facilities April 25, 2013. 13th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Glerum A., Frejinger E., Karlstrom A., Beser Hugosson M., Bierlaire M. A dynamic discrete-continuous choice model of car ownership and usage April 25, 2013. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona.
- Hänseler F., Farooq B., Bierlaire M. A mesoscopic dynamic flow model for pedestrian movement in railway stations April 25, 2013. Swiss Transport Research Conference, A.
- Kazagli E., Chen J., Bierlaire M. Incorporating “Mental Maps” in Route Choice Modeling: Preliminary Ideas April 25, 2013. Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), Ascona, Switzerland.
- Nikolic M., Farooq B., Bierlaire M. Exploratory analysis of pedestrian flow characteristics in mobility hubs using trajectory data April 25, 2013. Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC), Ascona, Switzerland.
- Stathopoulos A., Glerum A., Thémans M., Bierlaire M. Dynamic vehicle ownership forecasting: a framework to model inter-temporal renewal decisions April 25, 2013. Swiss Transportation Research Conference, , Ascona, Switzerland.
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Integration of explicit supply-demand interactions in airline schedule planning and fleet assignment April 24, 2013. Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Robenek T., Chen J., Bierlaire M. Exploratory analysis of demand interaction in the planning of passenger railway service April 24, 2013. Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Farooq B., Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G. Simulation based Population Synthesis February 22, 2013. Transportation@MIT Seminar Series, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
- Atasoy B., Bierlaire M., Salani M. Flexibility in air transportation through new technologies and advance supply-demand interactions February 13, 2013. Group meeting, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Transportation, Boston, US.
- Bierlaire M. Introduction to disaggregate demand models January 29, 2013. Dinalog Winterschool 2013, Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics (Dinalog), Breda, The Netherlands.
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M., Leonardi C. Impact analysis of a flexible air transportation system: Clip-Air January 23, 2013. Visit of SAFRAN Group, EPFL.
- Danalet A. Detecting pedestrian destinations from ubiquitous digital footprint January 22, 2013. FCL-Talk, Future Cities Laboratory (FCL), ValueLab Asia, CREATE Tower, Singapore.
- Efthymiou D., Antoniou C. Opportunistic Transport Data Collection January 15, 2013. 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C..
- 2012
- Glerum A., Frejinger E., Karlstrom A., Beser Hugosson M., Bierlaire M. Dynamic discrete choice modeling for car use, ownership and fuel type based on register data December 17, 2012. IRUC seminar, DTU, Copenhagen.
- Farooq B. Integrated Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Systems: Planning and Design December 06, 2012. Invited speaker, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, Canada.
- Thémans M. Transport durable: De la sociologie aux technologies en passant par la logistique November 29, 2012. Séminaire TraCE-Alliance "De l'intelligence dans vos déplacements", EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Farooq B. Simulation Methods in Urban Infrastructure Systems November 26, 2012. Invited speaker, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.
- Efthymiou D., Wissen U. Sustainable UrbanPatterns (SUPat) November 23, 2012. Workshop of National Research programme NRP 65 "New Urban Quality", Zurich.
- Umang N., Bierlaire M. Reactive methods to solve the berth allocation problem with stochastic arrival and handling times November 22, 2012. First Large Scale Optimization Workshop, Vevey, Switzerland.
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Solution methods for an integrated airline schedule planning and revenue management model November 21, 2012. First Workshop on Large Scale Optimization, Vevey, Switzerland.
- Robenek T., Umang N., Bierlaire M., Ropke S. A branch-and-price algorithm to solve the integrated berth allocation and yard assignment problem in bulk ports November 21, 2012. First Workshop on Large Scale Optimization, , Vevey, Switzerland.
- Thémans M. The innovation Cell of PSA - Peugeot-Citroën on EPFL's campus November 15, 2012. Seminar StelLab, PSA-Peugeot-Citroën, , Paris, France.
- Stathopoulos A., Glerum A., Thémans M., Bierlaire M. Car demand in the future: enriching forecasting models with market dynamics, behavioural variables and policy evolution November 14, 2012. Research and innovation for transport systems in of the future, Paristech, Ministère Recherche et Enseignement Supérieur, Paris.
- Thémans M. From Technology... to Sociology in Transportation November 01, 2012. Annual Conference of the Cosmobilities Network on Governing Mobility, Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.
- Hänseler F. Pedestrian flow modeling in train stations: ‘Le?man 2030 – Flux pie?tons Gare de Lausanne’ and PedFlux October 29, 2012. SBB-I-AT-BZU-PFL Expert Meeting, Bern.
- Glerum A., Hurtubia R., Nguyen M., Atasoy B., Bierlaire M. Demand models for transportation modes: a focus on the measurement of latent constructs affecting decisions October 12, 2012. TLA/ToL joint seminar, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Atasoy B., Bierlaire M., Salani M. An integrated schedule planning and revenue management model September 07, 2012. LATSIS Symposium: 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Glerum A., Bierlaire M. An enhanced measurement model of perception of comfort in public transportation September 06, 2012. LATSIS 2012: 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Hurtubia R., Martinez F., Bierlaire M. Bid-auction framework for microsimulation of location choice with endogenous real estate prices September 06, 2012. 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Umang N., Bierlaire M. Real Time Recovery in Berth Allocation Problem September 06, 2012. 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Danalet A., Farooq B., Bierlaire M. Estimating Pedestrian Activities from Digital Footprints September 05, 2012. Latsis Symposium 2012: 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Stathopoulos A., Glerum A., Thémans M., Bierlaire M. Dynamic vehicle ownership forecasting September 05, 2012. Latsis Symposium 2012, EPFL, EPFL.
- Glerum A., Bierlaire M. The use of word data to measure perception in hybrid choice models July 17, 2012. 13th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Toronto.
- Stathopoulos A., Marcucci E. Heterogeneity in Urban Freight Policy Analysis: The Case of Own-Account Retailers and Transport Providers in Rome's LTZ July 17, 2012. The 13th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, University of Toronto.
- Hess S., Stathopoulos A. Linking the decision process to underlying constructs in a latent variable latent class approach: first round July 16, 2012. The 13th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, University of Toronto.
- Chen J., Bierlaire M. Probabilistic multimodal map-matching with rich smartphone data July 16, 2012. 13th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Toronto, Canada.
- Hurtubia R. SustainCity: Land use models for sustainable cities in Europe July 13, 2012. Simmobility long term model workshop, MIT (SMART), Singapore.
- Thémans M. Some challenges in electric mobility July 12, 2012. Research Seminar at SGS Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Umang N., Bierlaire M. Real-Time Disruption Recovery in Berth Allocation Problem July 11, 2012. 25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. An integrated fleet assignment model with supply-demand interactions July 09, 2012. 25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lithunia.
- Umang N., Bierlaire M. Berth Allocation Problem in Real Time June 29, 2012. 10th Joint Operations Research Days 2012, Neuchatel, Switzerland.
- Atasoy B., Bierlaire M., Salani M. Models and algorithms for integrated schedule planning and revenue management June 28, 2012. 10th Joint Operations Research Days 2012, Neuchatel.
- Thémans M., Leonardi C., Bierlaire M. CLIP-AIR: A new concept for multimodal transport based on a modular aircraft June 26, 2012. Orchestrating Winning Performance 2012, IMD Business School, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Thémans M. Electric Mobility: Some Challenges and Its Acceptation in Switzerland June 12, 2012. Research Seminar at the Nestlé Research Center, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Umang N., Bierlaire M., Robenek T. Integrated and Robust Planning of Bulk Port Operations June 05, 2012. Euro Summer Institute on Maritime Logistics, ESI 2012, Bremen, Germany.
- Umang N., Bierlaire M. Disruption Management and Re-scheduling in Berth Allocation Problem in Bulk Ports May 25, 2012. 5th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Odysseus 2012, Mykonos, Greece.
- Bierlaire M., Boyaci B., Kumar P., Binder S. Cost Optimization for the Capacitated Railroad Blocking and Train Design Problem May 21, 2012. 5th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Mykonos, Greece.
- Glerum A., Bierlaire M. Accounting for response behavior heterogeneity in the measurement of attitudes: an application to demand for electric vehicles May 04, 2012. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona.
- Kumar P., Bierlaire M. Location Optimization for a Vehicle Sharing Service May 04, 2012. Swiss Transport Research Conference, STRC, Ascona.
- Danalet A., Bierlaire M., Farooq B. Preliminary Exploration of Pedestrian Destinations using Traces from WiFi Infrastructures May 03, 2012. 12th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Hänseler F., Farooq B., Bierlaire M. Preliminary ideas for dynamic estimation of pedestrian origin-destination demand within train stations May 03, 2012. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona.
- Hurtubia R., Bierlaire M. Dynamic microsimulation of location choices with a quasi-equilibrium auction approach May 03, 2012. 12th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Sahaleh S., Bierlaire M., Farooq B., Danalet A., Hänseler F. Scenario Analysis of Pedestrian Flow in Public Spaces May 03, 2012. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Atasoy B., Bierlaire M., Salani M. An integrated fleet assignment and itinerary choice model for a new flexible aircraft May 02, 2012. Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Ascona, Switzerland.
- Robenek T., Umang N., Bierlaire M., Ropke S. Integrated berth allocation and yard assignment problem using column generation May 02, 2012. Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Ascona, Switzerland.
- Umang N., Bierlaire M. Real Time Recovery in Berth Allocation Problem in Bulk Ports May 02, 2012. Swiss Transport Research Conference, STRC, Monte Verita / Ascona, Switzerland.
- Hurtubia R., Martinez F., Bierlaire M. Bid-auction framework for microsimulation of location choice with endogenous real estate prices March 28, 2012. 2nd Workshop on Urban Dynamics - URBANICS II, Termas de Chillán, Chile.
- Farooq B., Bierlaire M., Flötteröd G. A new approach to synthesize heterogeneous agents and their associations for urban microsimulations March 28, 2012. 2nd Workshop of Urban Dynamics, Termas de Chillán, Chile.
- Stathopoulos A. Modeling alternative fuel vehicle purchases: a discrete choice experiment February 10, 2012. NECTAR CLUSTER 2 Workshop Urban and Regional Transport: Regulation, Sustainability, E-Mobility, Dresden University of Technology, Germany.
- Thémans M. Analyse, modélisation et prédiction de la demande de véhicules électriques sur le marché automobile suisse February 08, 2012. (Keynote speech)3ème Congrès Suisse sur la Mobilité Electrique, Luzern, Switzerland.
- Atasoy B., Bierlaire M., Salani M. Demand based airline scheduling for a new generation of aircraft January 16, 2012. Séminaire du 3ème cycle romand de Recherche Opérationnelle, ZINAL.
- 2011
- Glerum A., Bierlaire M., Atasoy B., Thémans M. Modèles de demande intégrant attitudes et perceptions December 08, 2011. Séminaire du laboratoire GAEL, INRA et Université Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble, France.
- Bierlaire M., Glerum A., Atasoy B., Thémans M. Integrating Latent Concepts in Demand Models November 25, 2011. Seminar of the Department of Applied Economics, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain.
- Farooq B. Recent Advances in Agent Synthesis for Large-Scale Integrated Models November 18, 2011. Invited Speaker, Institute of Transportation Engineers, University of Toronto Chapter, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Simulation-based optimization for urban traffic management November 16, 2011. Annual Meeting, INFORMS, Charlotte, NC.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M., Flötteröd G. Dynamic network loading: a differentiable approach that yields queue-length probability distributions November 13, 2011. Annual Meeting, INFORMS, Charlotte. NC.
- Osorio C., Flötteröd G. Probabilistic analytical modeling of spatial dependency in urban networks November 13, 2011. Annual Meeting, INFORMS, Charlotte. NC.
- Flötteröd G. 1. Towards a comprehensive calibration methodology for MATSim October 18, 2011. transportation seminar, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
- Bierlaire M. Modeling and Simulation of Human Choices: from Utility Theory to Applications October 13, 2011. (Plenary lecture)Symposium on "Enhance or Replace: Finding the Right Live vs. Synthetic Balance", North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Bern, Switzerland.
- Flötteröd G. Calibration of traffic simulations from network data October 07, 2011. KTH Transportation Seminar Series, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Hurtubia R., Martinez F., Bierlaire M. Bid-auction framework for microsimulation of location choice with endogenous real estate prices October 06, 2011. XV Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte, Santiago, Chile.
- Thémans M. Quelle mobilité pour demain? Quelques solutions innovantes et durables October 05, 2011. Journée de l'Energie (Valais), Martigny (VS), Switzerland.
- Thémans M. Transportation Center @ EPFL: Overview of research activities and projects September 27, 2011. Research seminar, XEROX Research Centre Europe, Grenoble (France) .
- Thémans M. Analyse de la demande et des comportements de mobilité September 14, 2011. Colloque sur la mobilité durable «Nouveaux comportements dans le domaine de la mobilité: enjeux et perspectives», Pôle de compétence mobil-IT (Jura), Delémont (JU, Switzerland).
- Farooq B. Understanding Sustainable Evolution of Urban Engineering Systems using Behavioural Modelling and Microsimulation September 08, 2011. Invited Speaker, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, Okanagen, BC, Canada.
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Integrated schedule planning with supply-demand interactions for a new generation of aircrafts September 01, 2011. OR 2011, Zurich.
- Thémans M., Danalet A. Interactions complexes entre infrastructures et piétons: tracking et modélisation comportementale des flux piétonniers dans les secteurs des gares September 01, 2011. Planification et construction dans les secteurs ferroviaires, Association suisse pour l'aménagement national VLP-ASPAN, Genève.
- Hurtubia R., Martinez F., Bierlaire M. Modeling residential location choice and real estate prices with a bid-auction approach August 31, 2011. 51st European Congress of the Regional Science Association International (ERSA).
- Farooq B., Bierlaire M., Flötteröd G. Simulation based Population Synthesis August 26, 2011. Seventh workshop on discrete choice models, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Glerum A., Bierlaire M. Models capturing latent constructs August 25, 2011. Seventh workshop on discrete choice models, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Hurtubia R., Martinez F., Bierlaire M. Modeling residential location choice and real estate prices with a bid-auction approach August 25, 2011. Seventh Workshop on Discrete Choice Models.
- Farooq B., Miller E., Chingcuanco F., Giroux-Cook M. Microsimulation Framework for Urban Price-Taker Markets July 29, 2011. Microsimulation Framework for Urban Price-Taker Markets, Whistler, Canada.
- Osorio C., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. Dynamic network loading: a stochastic differentiable model that derives link state distributions July 19, 2011. 19th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Berkeley CA.
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Integrated airline schedule planning with supply-demand interactions July 14, 2011. IFORS 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
- Glerum A., Atasoy B., Bierlaire M. Measuring the impact of individuals' perceptions on their transport mode choice July 14, 2011. IFORS 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
- Glerum A., Thémans M., Bierlaire M. Integrating latent concepts in a demand model for electric vehicles July 14, 2011. IFORS 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
- Umang N., Bierlaire M., Vacca I. Exact Solution Approaches to the Berth Allocation Problem in Bulk Sea Port Terminals July 14, 2011. IFORS, 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
- Atasoy B. Optimal Inventory Policies with Non-stationary Supply Disruptions and Advance Supply Information July 11, 2011. IFORS 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
- Robin T. Ingénierie de l'évacuation des personnes: la simulation July 08, 2011. Formation continue, Haute école d'ingénierie et de gestion du canton de Vaud (HEIG-VD), Yverdon-les-Bains.
- Glerum A., Thémans M., Bierlaire M. Modeling demand for electric vehicles: the effect of car users' attitudes and perceptions July 06, 2011. ICMC 2011, Leeds, UK.
- Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. Metropolis-Hastings sampling of paths July 06, 2011. International Choice Modeling Conference (ICMC), Oulton Hall, Leeds.
- Atasoy B., Glerum A., Bierlaire M. Mode choice with attitudinal latent class: a Swiss case-study July 06, 2011. Second International Choice Modeling Conference, Leeds, UK.
- Glerum A., Atasoy B., Monticone A., Bierlaire M. Adjectives qualifying individuals’ perceptions impacting on transport mode preferences July 04, 2011. ICMC 2011, Leeds, UK.
- Robin T., Bierlaire M. Modeling the investors'behavior July 04, 2011. International Choice Modelling Conference, Leeds, UK.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Combining simulation-based and analytical traffic models to mitigate urban congestion June 28, 2011. Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop, INFORMS, Asilomar, CA, USA.
- Flötteröd G. Disaggregate simulation and some implications for calibration June 28, 2011. MULTITUDE project meeting, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stochholm, Sweden.
- Bierlaire M. Using smartphone data for travel demand analysis: challenges and opportunities June 23, 2011. (Invited lecture)Emerging issues and methods in policy-oriented travel demand analysis, Transportation Research Institute, the Technion, Haifa, Israël.
- Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. Metropolis-Hastings sampling of paths June 22, 2011. Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
- Thémans M. Research on vehicles for ground transportation at EPFL June 20, 2011. Event for the launch of Commercial Vehicles Middle East, Chartered Institute of Logistics, Emirates Aviation College, Dubai, UAE.
- Danalet A. Optima: When flexible transport is able to meet a dispersed demand throughout the whole territory June 17, 2011. TraCE Research Day 2011, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Thémans M. TraCE: From society needs to cutting-edge research June 17, 2011. TraCE Research Day 2011, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Integrated schedule planning with supply-demand interactions May 13, 2011. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona.
- Chen J., Bierlaire M., Flötteröd G. Probabilistic multi-modal map matching with rich smartphone data May 13, 2011. Swiss Transportation Research Conference .
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Optimization of stochastic traffic simulators for urban traffic management May 13, 2011. Aerospace Computational Design Lab Seminar Series, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
- Umang N., Bierlaire M., Vacca I. The Berth Allocation Problem in Bulk Ports May 13, 2011. Swiss Transport Research Conference, STRC, Monte Verita / Ascona, Switzerland.
- Hurtubia R., Bierlaire M. Bid rent model for simultaneous determination of location and rent in land use microsimulations May 12, 2011. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Farooq B. Towards a unified framework of urban built space evolution: Agents and Processes May 12, 2011. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Monte Verita / Ascona, Switzerland.
- Flötteröd G. Necessary and sufficient condition for unique flows in certain intersection models May 12, 2011. Swiss Transport Research Conference, STRC, Monte Verita / Ascona, Switzerland.
- Glerum A., Thémans M., Bierlaire M. Emergence of electric mobility: a nested approach to vehicle choice modeling May 11, 2011. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona.
- Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. Choice set generation for iterated DTA simulations May 04, 2011. internal seminar, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
- Bierlaire M. From smartphone data to route choice modeling April 29, 2011. ITS Friday Seminar, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. A simulation-based optimization framework for urban traffic control April 21, 2011. Transportation Center Seminar Series, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
- Thémans M. Le transport de marchandises en ville: Vers une optimisation opérationnelle et une meilleure coordination? March 23, 2011. Association Transports et Environnement, Assemblée Générale 2011, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. A simulation-based optimization framework for urban traffic control March 11, 2011. 52nd Annual Transportation Reserach Forum, Long Beach, CA, USA.
- Flötteröd G. Integrated dynamic transport simulations March 11, 2011. KTH seminar "Methodological advances in transport modeling", KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Farooq B. A Dynamic Multidimensional Decisions Modelling Framework for New Built Space Supply March 09, 2011. Workshop on Equilibrium Sorting in Urban Economics and Transportation Models, Center for Energy Policy and Economics, ETHZ, Zurich.
- Vacca I., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Container terminal management: integrated models and large-scale optimization algorithms March 07, 2011. (Invited speaker)Seminar series, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy.
- Farooq B. Multidimensional Discrete-Continuous Modelling of Choice Bundles: Theory and Application February 25, 2011. Invited Speaker, Department of Transport and Regional Economics, University of Antwerp, Antwerp.
- Osorio C. Traveler information and traffic management systems February 04, 2011. Driver-facing Technologies To Improve Mobility, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
- Farooq B., Miller E. ILUTE Microsimulation Framework of Urban Spatial Dynamics: Recent Developments January 27, 2011. iTeam Workshop on Activity Based Modelling and Microsimulation, Washington DC.
- Bierlaire M., Chen J., Flötteröd G. Mobility detection with smartphone data January 27, 2011. iTEAM Workshop 2011, Washington, DC..
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Simulation-based optimization of congested urban road networks January 26, 2011. 90th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board , Washington, DC.
- Farooq B., Miller E., Haider M. Multidimensional Decision Modeling Framework for Built Space Supply January 25, 2011. Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, TRB, Washington DC.
- Flötteröd G., Liu R. Disaggregate path flow estimation in an iterated DTA microsimulation January 24, 2011. 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., USA.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Mitigating network congestion: analytical models, optimization methods and their applications January 23, 2011. 90th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Farooq B. Evolution of Urban Built Space: Markets and Decisions January 23, 2011. Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, TRB, Washington DC.
- Atasoy B., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Integrated airline schedule planning with supply-demand interactions January 18, 2011. ZINAL 2011, ZINAL.
- Flötteröd G. Simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment is not a black box January 07, 2011. internal seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, USA.
- 2010
- Thémans M. Simulation and optimization of urban transport systems December 16, 2010. Réunion "Plan Climat 2010" du Conseil Général des Alpes Maritimes, Nice, France.
- Thémans M. EPFL's Transportation Center: Research related to rail industry November 24, 2010. Swissrail Board Meeting 2010, Bussnang, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Discrete choice models with latent classes and variables November 24, 2010. (Plenary speaker)TRAIL Congress , The Netherlands Research School for Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics , Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Flötteröd G. File-based interaction between Cadyts and SUMO November 11, 2010. SUMO workshop, German Aerospace Center, Berlin, Germany.
- Thémans M. TraCE: Le centre de transport à l'EPFL November 02, 2010. Visite des Administrations Latines, Voyage vers les futurs possibles, EPFL, Switzerland.
- Thémans M. EPFL's Transportation Center: Mobility of the future October 28, 2010. 2ème séminaire de recherche Franco-Suisse, Pôle Véhicule du Futur, Strasbourg, France.
- Bierlaire M., Chen J., Newman J. Map matching with smartphones GPS data October 28, 2010. Deuxième séminaire recherche franco-suisse, Pôle Véhicule du Futur, Strasbourg, France.
- Cruz J. Combining Visual and Behavioural Models for Pedestrian Tracking October 25, 2010. Transp-OR Seminar Series, EPFL, Lausanne.
- Thémans M. TraCE: Le centre de transport à l'EPFL October 22, 2010. Visite des Maires Francophones à l'EPFL, 13ème sommet de la Francophonie, EPFL, Switzerland.
- Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. Técnicas para la estimación de modelos MEV con muestreo de alternativas October 20, 2010. Modelos avanzados de demanda, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
- Osorio C., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. Computing full link state distributions in the dynamic network loading problem October 12, 2010. European Transport Conference (ETC), Glasgow, Scotland.
- Fetiarison M., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. Evaluation of pedestrian data collection methods within a simulation framework October 12, 2010. European Transport Conference (ETC), Glasgow, Scotland.
- Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. Estimation techniques for MEV models with sampling of alternatives October 11, 2010. European Transport Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Hurtubia R., Martinez F., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. Comparative analysis of hedonic rents and maximum bids in a land-use simulation context October 03, 2010. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Kumar P. A Mathematical Model for the Locomotive Refueling Problem September 27, 2010. Internal Seminar Series, TRANSP-OR, EPFL.
- Gallay O. Starting With UrbanSim: On the Creation of an Introductory Project September 23, 2010. Transp-OR Internal Seminar, EPFL, Lausanne.
- Flötteröd G. Intelligent traffic systems September 14, 2010. eCAADe 2010 -- 28th Conference Future Cities, ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Glerum A., Antonini G., Wörner S., Bierlaire M. Application of Markov Decision Processes to pipeline data September 10, 2010. Eighth Joint Operations Research Days, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland.
- Kumar P. Gate Optimization: Schedule Planning and Day of Operations September 09, 2010. VIII IBM Joint OR Days, University of Fribourg, Fribourg.
- Gallay O. Centralized Versus Decentralized Control - A Solvable Stylized Model in Transportation September 09, 2010. Eighth Joint Operations Research Days, Fribourg.
- Kumar P. Crew Scheduling in Transportation: A Survey and Proposed Directions September 03, 2010. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Universita Della Svizerra Italiano, Monte Verita, Ascona.
- Vacca I., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Optimization in container terminals: hierarchical vs integrated solution approaches September 02, 2010. 10th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Flötteröd G. Metropolis-Hastings sampling of alternatives for route choice models September 02, 2010. 10th STRC Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona / Monte Verita.
- Fetiarison M., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. Evaluation of pedestrian data collection methods within a simulation framework September 02, 2010. STRC, 10th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Atasoy B., Glerum A., Hurtubia R., Bierlaire M. Demand for public transport services: Integrating qualitative and quantitative methods September 01, 2010. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona.
- Chen J., Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G. Inferring smartphone users’ activities August 20, 2010. Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona.
- Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. Bootstrapping approach for sampling of alternatives in MEV models August 20, 2010. Sixth Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Flötteröd G. Metropolis-Hastings sampling of alternatives for route choice models August 20, 2010. Workshop on discrete choice models, EPFL TRANSP-OR, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Glerum A., Atasoy B., Monticone A., Hurtubia R., Bierlaire M. Analysis of the impact of travellers' attitudes and perceptions on mode choice in low-density areas August 19, 2010. Sixth workshop on discrete choice models, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Chen J., Bierlaire M., Newman J. Modeling Route Choice Behavior From Smartphone GPS data August 19, 2010. Sixth Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Osorio C., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. A differentiable dynamic network loading model that yields queue length distributions and accounts for spillback July 30, 2010. DTA 2010 -- The Third International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Takayama, Japan.
- Flötteröd G. A general methodology and a free software for the calibration of DTA models July 29, 2010. DTA 2010 -- The Third International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Takayama, Japan.
- Flötteröd G. Estimation of choice models in dynamic traffic simulations July 23, 2010. ITS Leeds Seminar series, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, England.
- Hurtubia R. SustainCity: Development of an integrated UrbanSim-MATsim model of Brussels July 16, 2010. Integrated Modeling and Simulation Workshop (iTEAM), Instituto Superior Técnico - IST, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Urban traffic control for congested networks: a novel metamodel simulation optimization approach July 16, 2010. Pan-American Conference of Traffic and Transportation Engineering and Logistics, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. Online calibration of dynamic traffic assignment July 16, 2010. Integrated Modeling and Simulation Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Chen J., Bierlaire M. Description of the Nokia data collection campaign: Issues and successes July 15, 2010. iTeam Meeting, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon.
- Gallay O. Centralized Versus Decentralized Control - A Solvable Stylized Model in Transportation July 14, 2010. EURO XXIV, Lisbon.
- Hurtubia R., Atasoy B., Glerum A., Curchod A., Bierlaire M. Considering latent attitudes in mode choice: The case of Switzerland July 13, 2010. World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. A simulation-based optimization framework for urban traffic congestion management July 13, 2010. World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Chen J., Bierlaire M. Description of the Nokia data collection campaign: Issues and successes July 12, 2010. World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Robin T., Bierlaire M., Cruz J. Travellers well-being measuring and dynamic facial expression recognition July 12, 2010. World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. A framework for the data-consistent deployment of urban microsimulations July 09, 2010. Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics Committee (AHB45) Summer Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Annecy, France.
- Atasoy B., Salani M. CLIP-AIR: A modular multi-modal transportation system June 25, 2010. Schedule and Strategic Planning Study Group meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Robust Airline Schedules June 24, 2010. Schedule and Strategic Planning Study Group meeting, AGIFORS, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Vacca I., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Recursive column generation for the Tactical Berth Allocation Problem June 24, 2010. TRISTAN VII - Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis , , Tromso, Norway.
- Kumar P. An Introduction to EPFL and TRANSP-OR June 24, 2010. AGIFORS Schedule Planning 2010, EPFL, Starling Hotel.
- Chen J., Hurtubia R., Bierlaire M. Exploiting smart phone data to identify users' activities June 23, 2010. NRC-Lausanne bi-annual seminars, EPFL.
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Robust and Recoverable Maintenance Routing Schedules June 23, 2010. Tristan VII, Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis, Tromso, Norway.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. A simulation-based optimization approach to perform urban traffic control June 22, 2010. TRISTAN VII, Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis, Tromsø, Norway.
- Himpe W., Flötteröd G., Hurtubia R., Bierlaire M. Modeling the dynamics of all-day activity plans June 22, 2010. Seventh Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VII), Tromso, Norway.
- Osorio C., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. A differentiable dynamic network loading model that yields queue length distributions and accounts for spillback June 21, 2010. Seventh Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VII), Tromso, Norway.
- Thémans M. EPFL's Transportation Center: Some on-going projects June 16, 2010. A3-Event on Mobility, EPFL, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Modeling mobility patterns from smart phone data June 16, 2010. Du transport à la demande à la mobilité flexible : Les solutions apportées par le centre de transport de l’EPFL aux nouvelles exigences de notre société, Transortation Center, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Robin T. Modélisation des flux de piétons June 15, 2010. Module "Transports publics intégrés", bloc "Accès au train et mobilité combinée", Chemins de fer fédéraux (CFF), EPFL.
- Thémans M. EPFL's Transportation Center: Sustainable Mobility June 01, 2010. Clean Technology European Partnering Event, 1-2 June 2010, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Estimating hybrid choice models with the new version of Biogeme May 27, 2010. Seminar series, Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland.
- Vacca I., Salani M., Bierlaire M. The Tactical Berth Allocation Problem: integrated optimization in container terminals May 19, 2010. (Invited speaker)Seminar series, Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA), Lugano, Switzerland.
- Flötteröd G., Chen Y. Demand calibration from network data May 19, 2010. MATSim user meeting, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. How robust are robust schedules in reality? May 10, 2010. Seminar, IBM Research Center, Zurich (Switzerland).
- Robin T. Modeling of the Trading Behavior May 10, 2010. Transp-OR Seminar Series, EPFL, Lausanne.
- Flötteröd G. Models and methods for road traffic telematics May 05, 2010. IVT-Seminar "Perspektiven der Strassenverkehrstechnik" (perspectives of road traffic engineering), ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Coupling simulation-based and analytical traffic models to mitigate urban congestion May 04, 2010. MIT Transportation Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, USA.
- Bierlaire M. Recent research challenges in pedestrian modeling May 03, 2010. (Invited expert)Transport and Crowd Management Workshop, Center of Research Excellence in Hajj and Omrah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Cruz J. Behavioural Pedestrian Tracking (II) April 12, 2010. Transp-OR Seminar Series, EPFL, Lausanne.
- Thémans M. EPFL's Transportation Center: Smart mobility March 18, 2010. Seminar at IBM Zürich Research Center, Zürich, Switzerland.
- Thémans M. Overview of transportation research at EPFL March 15, 2010. PREDIT seminar, French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Transport, Paris, France.
- Bierlaire M. Mathematical modeling of behavior March 11, 2010. (Invited lecturer)Séminaire 3e cycle d'optimisation, FUNDP, University of Namur, Belgium, Blankenberge, Belgium.
- Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. Inferring activity choice from context measurements using Bayesian inference and random utility models February 25, 2010. 1st Workshop on Urban Dynamics - URBANICS, Marbella, Chile.
- Lavadinho S., Hurtubia R. Evaluating the potential for intercity travel combining public transport and active modes February 25, 2010. 1st Workshop on Urban Dynamics - URBANICS, Marbella, Chile.
- Flötteröd G. Going beyond path flow estimation -- calibration of arbitrary demand dimensions from traffic counts February 04, 2010. Workshop of COST Action TU0903 "Methods and tools for supporting the use, calibration and validation of traffic simulation models", Barcelona, Spain.
- Vacca I., Salani M. The Vehicle Routing Problem with Discrete Split Deliveries and Time Windows January 18, 2010. 3ème cycle romand de recherche opérationnelle, Zinal, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G. Analysis of Implicit Choice Set Generation Using the Constrained Multinomial-Logit Model January 12, 2010. TRB 89th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC..
- 2009
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. Route Choice Analysis: Data, Models, Algorithms and Applications December 18, 2009. The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, International Association for Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, India.
- Chen J., Newman J., Bierlaire M. Modeling Route Choice Behavior From Smart-phone GPS data December 17, 2009. The 12th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Jaipur, India.
- Flötteröd G., Chen Y., Rieser M., Nagel K. Behavioral calibration of a large-scale travel behavior microsimulation December 17, 2009. 12th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR), Jaipur, India.
- Chen J. A visualization tool for Nokia Smartphone data December 04, 2009. Nokia Research Center Data Collection Workshop, Nokia Research Center in Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Fetiarison M. Modeling and simulating local pedestrian navigation with discrete choice models December 03, 2009. Workshop on Benchmarking Pedestrian Movement Simulation Models, AIT Austrian Institue of Technology, Vienna, Autria.
- Bierlaire M., Doyen E., Kaufmann V., Schuler M. Mobilité combinée. Enseignements et pistes d'action. November 12, 2009. (Invited speaker)Movimento, Car Postal, Bern, Switzerland.
- Cruz J. Behavioural Pedestrian Tracking November 09, 2009. Transp-OR Seminar Series, EPFL, Lausanne.
- Robin T. Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition using a Discrete Choice Model November 09, 2009. Transp-OR Seminar Series, EPFL, Lausanne.
- Newman J., Chen J., Bierlaire M. Collecting mobility data with smartphones: challenges and opportunities October 15, 2009. Eurocities DATTA 3rd Workshop "Travel and activity rhythms: from new methodologies to empirical evidence", Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Eggenberg N., Marla L., Barnhart C. A Study on the Impact of Competition on Airport Congestion October 12, 2009. INFORMS, San Diego.
- Barnhart C., Chiraphadhanakul V., Eggenberg N. Explore the past to improve the Future: How can airlines benefit from historical data? October 11, 2009. INFORMS, San Diego.
- Flötteröd G., Bierlaire M. Improved estimation of travel demand from traffic counts based on a new linearization of the network loading map October 07, 2009. European Transport Research Conference 2009, Leeuwenhorst, The Netherlands.
- Newman J., Chen J., Bierlaire M. GENERATING PROBABILISTIC PATH OBSERVATION FROM GPS DATA FOR ROUTE CHOICE MODELING October 05, 2009. European Transportation Conference 2009.
- Hurtubia R., Bierlaire M., Flötteröd G. Inferring the activities of smartphone users from context measurements using Bayesian inference and random utility models October 05, 2009. European Transport Conference, Leeuwenhorst, The Netherlands.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. A multi-model algorithm for the optimization of congested networks October 05, 2009. ETC, European Transport Conference, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands.
- Giallombardo G., Moccia L., Salani M., Vacca I. Models and Heuristics for the Tactical Berth Allocation Problem with Quay-Crane Assignment and Transshipment Costs October 05, 2009. European Transport Conference (ETC), The Netherlands.
- Vacca I., Salani M. The Vehicle Routing Problem with Discrete Split Delivery and Time Windows September 11, 2009. 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Ascona, Switzerland.
- Eggenberg N., Marla L. Congestion in a competitive world: A study of the impact of competition on airline operations September 10, 2009. STRC, EPFL TRANSP-OR, Monte Verità.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. A simulation optimization framework for the management of congested urban road networks September 10, 2009. STRC, 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Robin T., Bierlaire M., Cruz J. Dynamic facial expression recognition using a behavioural model September 10, 2009. STRC, 9th Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Flötteröd G. Cadyts - a free calibration tool for dynamic traffic simulations September 10, 2009. 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona / Monte Verita.
- Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G. A comparative analysis of implicit and explicit methods to model choice set generation September 09, 2009. 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Newman J., Bierlaire M. Properties, advantages, and drawbacks of the block logit model September 09, 2009. 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Fetiarison M. Estimation of discrete choice models: extending BIOGEME September 09, 2009. STRC, 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Salani M., Swartz P., Duyckaerts G. Ambush avoidance in Vehicle Routing September 08, 2009. AIRO 2009, Siena.
- Swartz P., Duyckaerts G., Salani M. Ambush avoidance in Vehicle Routing September 04, 2009. IBM OR Days, Lugano.
- Eggenberg N., Salani M. Uncertainty Feature Optimization for the Airline Scheduling Problem September 03, 2009. IBM OR Days, SVOR, Lugano.
- Bierlaire M., Newman J., Chen J. A method of calculating path observation likelihood from GPS data August 28, 2009. Workshop on discrete choice models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Hurtubia R., Bierlaire M., Flötteröd G. Inferring activities from context measurements using Bayesian inference and random utility models August 28, 2009. Workshop on discrete choice models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Robin T., Bierlaire M., Cruz J. A new dynamic facial expression recognition framework August 28, 2009. Workshop on discrete choice models, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne , Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Newman J. Pay no attention to the alternatives behind the curtain: demand forecasting with missing data August 27, 2009. Workshop on discrete choice models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Fetiarison M. Estimation of discrete choice models: extending BIOGEME August 27, 2009. Workshop on discrete choice models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G. Experimental analysis of the implicit choice set generation using the Constrained Multinomial Logit model August 27, 2009. Workshop on discrete choice models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Salani M., De Tenorio A. ClipAir: a modular air transportation system July 10, 2009. Seminar at Amadeus, Sophia-Antipolis, France.
- Thémans M. Adjusted Mixture Designs illustrated with examples from food industry July 07, 2009. EPFL Civil Engineering Seminar Series, EPFL, Switzerland.
- Salani M., Vacca I. An exact algorithm for the discrete split delivery vehicle routing problem with time windows July 06, 2009. 23rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO), Bonn, Germany.
- Eggenberg N., Salani M. Robust scheduling and disruption recovery for airlines July 03, 2009. Seminar at IDSIA, , Lugano.
- Bierlaire M., Lavadinho S. Trace: the new transportation center at EPFL June 25, 2009. French-Swiss workshop with CCEM and the Pôle "Véhicule du futur", Competence Center Energy and Mobility, Villingen, Switzerland.
- Flötteröd G. Recent advances in the calibration of travel demand models from traffic counts June 24, 2009. presented to the committee VSS FK 9 in ITS of the Swiss association of road and transportation experts, EPFL, Lausanne.
- Flötteröd G. Transportation research at the TRANSP-OR laboratory June 24, 2009. presented to the committee VSS FK 9 in ITS of the Swiss association of road and transportation experts, EPFL, Lausanne.
- Bierlaire M. L’espace : un point de vue mathématique avec applications à l’analyse de la mobilité June 19, 2009. Journée d'étude "Penser l'espace", Laboratoire CHOROS, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Some research projects at the Transport and Mobility Laboratory (EPFL) June 09, 2009. Offsite meeting Lysis, Lysis, Nagravision, Lutry, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R., Flötteröd G. Experimental analysis of the implicit choice set generation using the Constrained Multinomial Logit June 02, 2009. 4th Kuhmo-Nectar Conference, Denmark Technical University, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Bierlaire M. Estimation of discrete choice models under various sampling strategies June 02, 2009. (Invited lecture)European Regional Meeting, International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics, Cagliari, Italy.
- Giallombardo G., Moccia L., Salani M., Vacca I. The Tactical Berth Allocation Problem with QC Assignment and Transshipment Costs May 29, 2009. ODYSSEUS 2009 - 4th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey.
- Bierlaire M. Discrete choice models: a glance at the state-of-the-art and the state-of-practice May 27, 2009. Research seminar, Nestlé Research Center, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Robin T., Antonini G., Bierlaire M., Cruz J. Validation of a discrete choice model in the context of pedestrian walking behavior May 18, 2009. Seminar of the Centre for Transport Studies, KTH - The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Bierlaire M. Introduction to mixtures in discrete choice models May 14, 2009. Séminaire "Modèles de trafic", Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité (INRETS), Paris, France.
- Bierlaire M. Recent developments in discrete choice modeling: properties of the Multivariate Extreme Value models and their impact on applications May 08, 2009. Lunch Seminar in Energy, Environmental and Resource Economics, Centre for Energy Policy and Economics, ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. A metamodel approach for simulation optimization of congested urban road networks May 01, 2009. Computational Management Science Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Vandaele A., Bierlaire M., Salani M., Vacca I. Yard traffic and congestion in container terminals May 01, 2009. 6th International Conference on Computational Management Science, , Geneva.
- Bierlaire M. Automatic facial expression recognition: a discrete choice approach April 01, 2009. (Plenary keynote presentation)International Choice Modelling Conference, Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds, Harrogate, UK.
- Bierlaire M. Parallel computing for simulated maximum likelihood estimation in Biogeme March 30, 2009. International Choice Modelling Conference, Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds, Harrogate, UK.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Simulation-based optimization of congested urban networks March 03, 2009. ITS Research Seminar Series, Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA.
- Eggenberg N., Salani M. Airline disruption recovery and robustness February 11, 2009. ROADEF, Nancy, France.
- Eggenberg N., Salani M. Uncertainty Feature Optimization for the Airline Scheduling Problem February 04, 2009. NSF Seminars, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA.
- Giallombardo G., Moccia L., Salani M., Vacca I. Models and Heuristics for the Tactical Berth Allocation Problem with Quay-Crane Assignment and Transshipment Quadratic Costs January 21, 2009. 3ème cycle romand de recherche opérationnelle, Zinal, Switzerland.
- Robin T., Bierlaire M., Cruz J. Behavioural modeling of facial expression recognition January 20, 2009. 3ème cycle romand de recherche opérationnelle, EPFL, Zinal (Switzerland).
- Bierlaire M., Newman J. Exploiting mobility data from Nokia smartphones January 06, 2009. Seminar of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Ma.
- 2008
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Accounting for congestion and spillbacks in fixed-time traffic signal optimization: a queueing network approach November 04, 2008. ITS Research Seminar Series, Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA.
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Optimization of Uncertainty Features for Transportation Problems October 17, 2008. Swiss Transportation Research Conference 2008, Monte Verità, Switzerland.
- Patterson Z., Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R. Development of prototype UrbanSim models October 16, 2008. 8th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Monte Veritá, Ascona.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. A multiple model approach for traffic signal optimization in the city of Lausanne October 16, 2008. STRC, 8th Swiss Transport Research Conference, , Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Robin T., Antonini G., Bierlaire M., Cruz J. Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behaviour model October 16, 2008. Swiss Transportation Research Conference 2008, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Martinez F., Cascetta E., Pagliara F., Bierlaire M., Axhausen K. An application of the constrained multinomial Logit (CMNL) for modeling dominated choice alternatives October 16, 2008. Swiss Transport Research Conference 2008, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Robin T., Antonini G., Bierlaire M., Cruz J. Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behaviour model October 08, 2008. European Transportation Conference 2008, Netherlands.
- Patterson Z., Bierlaire M., Hurtubia R. Development of prototype UrbanSim models October 06, 2008. European Transport Conference 2008, The Netherlands.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Network performance optimization using a queueing network model October 06, 2008. ETC, European Transport Conference, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands.
- Giallombardo G., Moccia L., Salani M., Vacca I. The Tactical Berth Allocation Problem (TBAP) with quay crane assignment and transshipment-related quadratic yard costs October 06, 2008. European Transport Conference (ETC), The Netherlands.
- Martinez F., Cascetta E., Pagliara F., Bierlaire M., Axhausen K. Modeling dominated choice alternatives using the constrained multinomial logit October 06, 2008. European Transport Conference 2008, Leiden, The Netherlands.
- Leyvraz J. Choix du réseau de bus accompagnant le m2 September 27, 2008. Comptoir Suisse, 2008, EPFL, Lausanne.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Network performance evaluation and optimization using a queueing network model September 22, 2008. CSII, Ciclo de Seminarios de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.
- Leyvraz J. Evaluation de projets futurs en transports September 20, 2008. Comptoir Suisse, 2008, EPFL, Lausanne.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Signal control optimization with a queueing network model capturing congestion September 16, 2008. PANAM XV, Pan-American Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, , Cartagena, Colombia.
- Salani M., Vacca I. Two-stage column generation: a novel framework September 12, 2008. 6th Joint Operations Research Days, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. A queueing network approach to the traffic signal optimization of the Lausanne city center September 10, 2008. CLAIO XIV, Latin-Ibero-American Conference on Operations Research, , Cartagena, Colombia.
- Salani M., Vacca I., Vandaele A. Measures of congestions in container terminals September 10, 2008. AIRO 2008, Ischia, Italy.
- Robin T., Bierlaire M., Cruz J. Behavioural modeling of dynamic facial expression recognition August 29, 2008. Workshop on discrete choice models, EPFL, EPFL.
- Gao S., Frejinger E., Ben-Akiva M. Adaptive route choices in risky networks August 28, 2008. Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Martinez F., Aguila F., Hurtubia R. The Constrained Multinomial Logit: A semi–compensatory choice model August 28, 2008. Workshop on discrete choice models.
- Cruz J., Meynet J., Arsan T., Thiran J. Fast multi-view face tracking with pose estimation August 26, 2008. 16th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO2008), European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Newman J. Pieces of Choices: Alternative Allocations in Network-GEV Models August 26, 2008. Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Thémans M., Zufferey N. A heuristic for nonlinear global optimization August 26, 2008. Graph and Optimization Meeting 2008, Saint-Maximin La Sainte Baume, France.
- Bierlaire M., Kaufmann V., Lavadinho S. Swiss Transport Research in Motion June 26, 2008. (Invited lecture)Visionen einer besseren Mobilität, Mobility Academy, TCS, Verkehrshaus, Luzern.
- Bierlaire M. The complex nature of route choice models June 19, 2008. (Plenary lecture)Trasporti, Ambiente, Territorio: la ricerca di un nuovo equilibrio, Società Italiana di Economia dei Trasporti e della logistica, Sassari, Italy.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Optimización de semáforos en el centro de Lausana mediante un modelo de filas de espera May 17, 2008. ACIS, Primer Simposio Asociación Colombiana de Investigadores en Suiza, Lausana, Suiza.
- Salani M., Vacca I. Two-stage column generation May 15, 2008. 7th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (CTW08), Università degli Studi di Milano, Gargnano, Italy.
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. UFO: Uncertainty Feature Optimization, an Implicit Paradigm for Problems with Noisy Data May 14, 2008. CTW 2008, EPFL TRANSP-OR, Gargnano, Italy.
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Recovery of disrupted airline schedules April 24, 2008. Seminartermin des Forschungs-Centrums Netzindustrien und Infrastruktur (CNI), TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. An algorithm for the recovery of disrupted airline schedules April 09, 2008. Methodological Innovation Seminar, Department of Transport, Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark.
- Robin T., Bierlaire M., Antonini G., Cruz J. Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behaviour model March 14, 2008. Seminar of the faculty of Business and Economics, Universté catholique de Louvain, Leuven, Belgium.
- Bierlaire M., Thémans M., Zufferey N. A heuristic for nonlinear global optimization February 06, 2008. Seminar, Applied Mathematics Dpt, SINTEF, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Oslo, Norway.
- Bierlaire M. Route choice models: Introduction and recent developments February 06, 2008. Seminar, Applied Mathematics Dpt, SINTEF, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Oslo, Norway.
- Bierlaire M., Frejinger E. Some challenges in route choice modeling February 04, 2008. Seminar, Transport and Economics Dpt, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Robin T., Bierlaire M., Antonini G., Cruz J. Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behaviour model January 23, 2008. Seminars of the third cycle of swiss operational research, Third cycle of swiss operational research, Zinal, Switzerland.
- Robin T., Bierlaire M., Antonini G., Cruz J. Validation of a discrete choice model of walking behavior January 11, 2008. Seminar of the Centre for Traffic and Transport, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark.
- 2007
- Robin T., Bierlaire M., Antonini G., Cruz J. Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behaviour model December 13, 2007. Workshop on calibration of microscopic pedestrian movement simulations, Arsenal research center, Vienna, Austria.
- Bierlaire M. Advances in route choice modelling December 06, 2007. Neue Entwicklungen in der Entscheidungsmodellierung, Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. A short discussion about travel demand models December 05, 2007. Seminar, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnina da Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Bierlaire M. Modeling the human dimension of transport November 29, 2007. Leçon inaugurale, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Modeling the walking behavior of pedestrians November 19, 2007. Workshop on Locomotion Models in Animation, Robotics, and Biomechanics, Virtual Reality Lab, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Thémans M. Development and estimation of advanced Discrete Choice Models November 15, 2007. Seminar at Philipp Morris Research Center, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
- Thémans M. Development and estimation of advanced Discrete Choice Models October 24, 2007. Seminar at Nestlé Research Center, Vers-chez-les-Blanc, Switzerland.
- Frejinger E. Random Sampling of Alternatives in a Route Choice Context October 19, 2007. European Transport Conference, Leiden, The Netherlands.
- Fosgerau M., Bierlaire M. Discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms October 17, 2007. European Transport Conference, Leeuwenhorst, The Netherlands.
- Frejinger E. Path Sampling for the Estimation of Route Choice Models October 12, 2007. Seminar, Department of Transport and Economics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Patterson Z. La planification des transports et la forme urbaine : de l'approche traditionnelle vers les modèles intégrés October 09, 2007. Conférences de l'Inter, EPFL, Lausanne.
- Vacca I., Bierlaire M., Salani M. Optimization at Container Terminals: Status, Trends and Perspectives September 14, 2007. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Robust Optimization with Recovery: Application to Shortest Paths and Airline Scheduling September 13, 2007. STRC 2007, EPFL TRANSP-OR, Monte Verità.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Describing network congestion and blocking with an analytic queueing network model September 13, 2007. STRC, 7th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Patterson Z., Bierlaire M. An UrbanSim Model of Brussels in a Short Timeline September 13, 2007. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Monte Verita.
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. Random Sampling of Alternatives for Route Choice Modeling September 12, 2007. Swiss Transport Research Conference, , Ascona, Switzerland.
- Thémans M., Zufferey N., Bierlaire M. A heuristic for nonlinear global optimization relevant to discrete choice model estimation September 12, 2007. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Vacca I., Bierlaire M., Salani M. Yard Optimization at Sea Container Terminals September 08, 2007. 38th Annual Conference of the Italian Operations Research Society (AIRO), , Genova, Italy.
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. Choice set generation for route choice models using a sampling approach August 31, 2007. Third Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Transport and Mobility Laboratory, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Patterson Z. Mode and Carrier Choice in the Quebec City - A Random Parameters Approach August 31, 2007. Third Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Transport and Mobility Laboratory, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Cruz J., Robin T., Sorci M., Bierlaire M., Thiran J. Modelling Human Perception of Facial Expressions by Discrete Choice Models August 30, 2007. Third Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Transport and Mobility Laboratory, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Fosgerau M., Bierlaire M. Circumventing the problem of the scale: discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms August 30, 2007. Third Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Transport and Mobility Laboratory, EPFL, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. Column Generation Methods for Disrupted Airline Schedules August 28, 2007. Fifth Joint Operations Research Days, ETHZ, Zürich.
- Robin T., Cruz J., Sorci M., Bierlaire M. Modelling Human Perception of Facial Expressions by Discrete Choice Models August 28, 2007. Fifth Joint Operations Research Days, ETHZ, Zurich.
- Vacca I., Bierlaire M., Salani M. Optimization of Container Terminal Operations August 27, 2007. Fifth Joint Operations Research Days, ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Thémans M. Numerical Methods and Models Relevant to Transportation Applications August 24, 2007. PhD public defence, EPFL, Lausanne.
- Bierlaire M. BIOGEME: an open source package for the estimation of advanced discrete choice models July 17, 2007. 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Zuerich, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Modelling and forecasting human behaviours: new challenges and opportunities July 11, 2007. (Invited lecture)R and D Management Conference, Nestlé, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Frejinger E. Three challenges in route choice modeling July 04, 2007. Seminar, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Eggenberg N., Bierlaire M., Salani M. Airline Disruptions: Aircraft Recovery with Maintenance Constraints June 21, 2007. OR Seminar June 2007, EPFL, MA 31.
- Eggenberg N., Bierlaire M., Salani M. Airline Disruptions: Aircraft Recovery with Maintenance Constraints June 12, 2007. TRISTAN VI, Phuket (Thailand).
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. Stochastic Path Generation Algorithm for Route Choice Models June 12, 2007. TRISTAN VI, Phuket, Thailand.
- Thémans M., Bierlaire M. A heuristic for nonlinear global optimization relevant to discrete choice models estimation June 12, 2007. TRISTAN VI, Phuket Island, Thailand.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. An analytic finite capacity queueing network model capturing congestion and spillbacks June 11, 2007. TRISTAN VI, Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis, EPFL, Phuket Island, Thailand.
- Patterson Z., Ewing G., Haider M. Mode and Carrier Choice in the Quebec City - Windsor Corridor: A Random Parameters Approach June 11, 2007. TRISTAN-VI, EPFL, Phuket Island, Thailand.
- Spassov I., Bierlaire M., Merminod B. Map-based Autonomous Personal Localization and Tracking June 07, 2007. TRISTAN VI, Phuket, Thailand.
- Patterson Z., Ewing G., Haider M. Is Carrier Choice Different for 3PLs and other End-shippers? Some Preliminary Findings June 04, 2007. Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Winnipeg, Canada.
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. Importance sampling of alternatives for route choice models May 24, 2007. Doctoral school, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Capturing blocking and spillback in finite capacity queueing networks May 24, 2007. Selected chapters from operations research, Mathematics Doctoral School, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Bolduc D., McFadden D. The estimation of multivariate extreme value models from choice-based samples May 09, 2007. (Invited lecture)Modèles de choix discrets. Applications en transport et marketing, ESSEC Business School, Cergy-Pontoise, France.
- Bierlaire M., Thémans M., Zufferey N. A heuristic for global nonlinear optimization April 25, 2007. Séminaire du Groupe de Recherche sur les Transports, FUNDP - Université de Namur, Namur, Belgium.
- Bierlaire M. Discrete choice models and heuristics for global nonlinear optimization April 24, 2007. Mathematical Programming Seminar, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.
- Patterson Z. Exploring the impact of gender in travel behaviour: A case study of suburban commuters in Montreal March 19, 2007. (Invited lecture), McGill University, School of Urban Planning, Montreal, Quebec.
- Eggenberg N., Bierlaire M., Salani M. A Recovery Algorithm for a Disrupted Airline Schedule March 07, 2007. Zinal Seminar 2007, EPFL, Zinal.
- Eggenberg N., Salani M., Bierlaire M. A Recovery Algorithm for a Disrupted Airline Schedule March 07, 2007. Zinal 2007, EPFL TRANSP-OR, Zinal.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Analysis of finite capacity queueing networks March 07, 2007. 3ième cycle romand de recherche opérationnelle, Zinal, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Frejinger E. Route choice modeling based on network-free data March 06, 2007. Séminaire du 3ème cycle romand de Recherche Opérationnelle, Zinal, Switzerland.
- Thémans M., Bierlaire M. Optimisation non-linéaire globale avec applications aux modèles de choix discret February 21, 2007. FRANCORO V / ROADEF 2007, Grenoble, France.
- Patterson Z., Ewing G., Haider M. Shipper Mistrust of Rail Use: First Stated Preference Carrier Choice Survey for the Quebec City - Windsor Corridor January 23, 2007. 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Eggenberg N., Bierlaire M., Salani M. A Recovery Algorithm for a Disrupted Airline Schedule January 16, 2007. OR Seminar January 2007, EPFL, MA 12.
- 2006
- Bierlaire M. Divers aspects de la modélisation de la demande en transport December 14, 2006. Séminaire du Laboratoire Ville, Mobilité et Transports, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Marne la Vallée, France.
- Patterson Z. The potential for Premium-intermodal Services to Reduce Freight CO2 Emissions in the Quebec City - Windsor Corridor: A Stated Preference Application November 18, 2006. 53rd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Toronto, Canada.
- Fosgerau M., Bierlaire M. Circumventing the problem of the scale: discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms November 07, 2006. Seminar, Intelligent Transportation Systems Program, Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Ma (USA).
- Frejinger E. Recent developments in route choice modeling October 05, 2006. Seminar, Intelligent Transportation Systems Program, Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Ma (USA).
- Bierlaire M. Recent methodological developments in discrete choice models September 30, 2006. (Invited lecture)Metodi, modelli e tecnologie dell'informazione a supporto delle decisioni, Università di Napoli – Federico II, Procida, Italy.
- Bierlaire M., Bolduc D., McFadden D. The estimation of generalized extreme value models from choice-based samples September 20, 2006. European Transport Conference, Strasbourg, France.
- Bierlaire M., Frejinger E., Stojanovic J. A latent route choice model in Switzerland September 19, 2006. European Transport Conference, Strasbourg, France.
- Bierlaire M., Thémans M. Solving singularity issues in the estimation of econometric models September 19, 2006. European Transport Conference, Strasbourg, France.
- Thémans M., Bierlaire M. Solving singularity issues in the estimation of econometric models September 18, 2006. European Transport Conference (ETC), Strasbourg, France.
- Osorio C., Bierlaire M. Analysis of finite capacity queueing networks September 15, 2006. 4th Joint Operations Research Days, EPFL, Lausanne.
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. A route choice model suitable for traffic simulation September 05, 2006. International Symposium of Traffic Simulation 2006, EPFL, Lausanne.
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. Capturing Correlation in Route Choice Models using Subnetworks August 18, 2006. 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Kyoto, Japan.
- Antonini G., Bierlaire M. Modélisation du comportement de marche des piétons June 06, 2006. Séminaire du GRT, Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium.
- Osorio C. Finite capacity queueing networks May 30, 2006. Selected chapters from discrete optimization, Mathematics Doctoral School, EPFL.
- Antonini G., Bierlaire M. Discrete Choice Models for Pedestrian Walking Behavior May 23, 2006. Seminar on Cognitive Vision in Traffic analyses, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
- Frejinger E. Development of route choice models May 16, 2006. Doctoral School, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. Capturing correlation in route choice models using subpaths and subnetworks March 15, 2006. Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Spassov I., Bierlaire M., Merminod B. Bayesian approach for indoor pedestrian localisation March 15, 2006. Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Thémans M., Bierlaire M. Solving singularity issues in the estimation of econometric models March 15, 2006. Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Hess S., Bierlaire M., Polak J. Discrete mixtures models March 15, 2006. Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Hess S., Bierlaire M., Polak J. Confounding between substitution patterns and random taste heterogeneity March 15, 2006. Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Fosgerau M., Bierlaire M. Extending and testing mixtures of the multinomial logit model March 15, 2006. Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Antonini G., Bierlaire M. Modelling pedestrian interactions with discrete choice models March 15, 2006. Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Thémans M. Méthodes de région de confiance pour l'optimisation singulière sans contrainte February 06, 2006. ROADEF 2006, Société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision 6, Lille, France.
- 2005
- Bierlaire M., Abbe E., Toledo T. Normalization and correlation of cross-nested logit models October 04, 2005. European Transport Conference, Strasbourg, France.
- Thémans M. Trust-region based algorithms for singular nonlinear optimization with applications to discrete choice models September 15, 2005. 3rd Joint Oerations Research Days, IBM, Rüschlikon, Switzerland.
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. Capturing Overlap with Subpaths in Route Choice Models September 01, 2005. First Workshop on Applications of Discrete Choice Models, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M., Bolduc D., McFadden D. Sampling issues with GEV models August 24, 2005. Conference of the European Regional Science Association, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Bierlaire M. Transportation analysis: a bottom-up approach July 26, 2005. Seminar on Transportation Engineering, ENAC EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Mixture of discrete choice models: an application to Value of Travel Time Savings analysis July 20, 2005. Seminar, Centre de recherche sur les transports, Montréal, Canada.
- Bierlaire M. Estimating advanced random utility models with BIOGEME May 11, 2005. (Invited lecture)TRAIL Symposium on "The Reliability of Traveling and the Robustness of Transport Systems", Delft, The Netherlands.
- Bierlaire M. Capturing complex transportation behaviors with advanced random utility models May 09, 2005. TRAIL Symposium on "The Reliability of Traveling and the Robustness of Transport Systems", Delft, The Netherlands.
- Thémans M. Trust-region based algorithms for singular nonlinear optimization with applications to discrete choice models May 01, 2005. Presentation for EPFL doctoral school in mathematics, EPFL, Switzerland.
- Thémans M. Algorithmic developments for the estimation of advanced discrete choice models March 09, 2005. 5th Swiss Transportation Research Conference, EPFL CAST - GR-BIE, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Thémans M. Development of Swiss models for transportation demand presiction in response to real-time traffic information March 09, 2005. 5th Swiss Transportation Research Conference, EPFL - CAST - GR-BIE, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Thémans M. On the Globalization of a Generalized Secant Method for solving Nonlinear Systems of Equations February 28, 2005. 3ème cycle romand de Recherche Opérationnelle, EPFL, Zinal, Switzerland.
- 2004
- Bierlaire M. Introduction to mixtures of Generalized Extreme Value models: models and estimation December 02, 2004. (Invited lecture), Imperial College London, Centre for Transport Studies, London, United Kingdom.
- Bierlaire M., Antonini G. Modèles de déplacement pour la simulation de piétons November 30, 2004. ITS Télématique, Lavoc - EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Estimation of mixed generalized extreme value models November 04, 2004. Seminar of statistics, Faculty of Economics and Applied Economics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
- Thémans M. Modeling response to traffic information in Switzerland October 04, 2004. European Transport Conference, Sttrasbourg, France.
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. Challenges in Route Choice Modeling September 10, 2004. Second Joint Operations Research Days, Coppet, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Résolution de problèmes non linéaires bruités de grande taille August 18, 2004. (Plenary lecture)FRANCORO - Conférence Internationale en Recherche Opérationnelle, Université de Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Introduction to discrete choice models July 12, 2004. (Invited lecture), University of Peruggia, Peruggia, Italy.
- Bierlaire M. A New Algorithm to Solve Large-scale Fixed-point Problems June 13, 2004. 5th Triennal Symposium of Transportation Analysis, Le Gosier, Guadeloupe, French West Indies.
- Bierlaire M. Modelling choices using Biogeme June 11, 2004. IVT-Seminar, Wert der Zeit und des Verlaesslichkeit in der Schweiz, ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland.
- Frejinger E., Bierlaire M. Route choice models based on GPS data April 02, 2004. Workshop on Computational Econometrics and Statistics, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
- Thémans M., Bierlaire M. Algorithmic developments for the estimation of advanced discrete choice models April 02, 2004. Workshop on Computational Econometrics and Statistics, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. The Mixed Network GEV model April 02, 2004. Workshop on Computational Econometrics and Statistics, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Solving large scale systems of nonlinear equations February 15, 2004. International Conference on Optimization, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Land Sachsen-Anhalt, DE.
- Bierlaire M. Solving Large-Scale Systems of Noisy Nonlinear Equations January 19, 2004. (Invited lecture)Research seminar on quantitative methods in economics, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
- 2003
- Bierlaire M. Modeling the content of a scene: a behavioral approach October 06, 2003. Summer Institute of the NCCR on Multimodal Information Management, Crans-Montana, Switzerland.
- Crittin F., Bierlaire M. A new approach to solve large-scale systems of nonlinear equations August 18, 2003. 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Oeuvray R., Bierlaire M. A Derivative-Free Algorithm based on Radial Basis Functions (RBF) August 18, 2003. 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Bierlaire M. A new class of robust methods to solve noisy systems of nonlinear equations August 18, 2003. 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Bierlaire M. Behavioral Dynamics for Pedestrians August 10, 2003. 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Lucerne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. A new method to solve large-scale systems of nonlinear equations with noise August 01, 2003. Seminar, Economic Department, University Laval, Laval, Québec.
- Bierlaire M. Behavioral issues in traffic simulation June 11, 2003. Seminar on traffic simulation, EPFL, LAVOC, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Discrete choice models: formulations and estimations May 28, 2003. (Invited lecture), Università della Svizzera Italiana, Instituto Ricerche Economiche, Lugano, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Behavioral model-based scene analysis February 05, 2003. Workshop of the NCCR on Interactive Multimodal Information Management, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- 2002
- Bierlaire M. Mathematical modeling of human behavior: theory and practice November 21, 2002. Basis Science Faculty Day, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. BIOGEME: logiciel gratuit pour l'estimation de modèles de choix discret October 24, 2002. Journées des transports, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Cergy, Paris.
- Bierlaire M. LSQR Algorithm for real-time OD estimation and prediction October 13, 2002. First Greek Transportation Research Conference, Athen, Greece.
- Bierlaire M. Behavioral dynamics of pedestrians: state-of-the-art and applications to scene analysis October 03, 2002. Summer Institute of the NCCR on Interactive Multimodal Information Management, Martigny, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. BIOGEME: an open source package for the estimation of GEV models September 03, 2002. Seminar, Centre for traffic and Transport, Technical Universty of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark.
- Thémans M. Modélisation et simulation du flux d'une ligne d'embouteillage August 10, 2002. Internal seminar , EPFL, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Analyse de la demande en transport: Modèles agrégés et désagrégés May 24, 2002. Séminaires INRETS, Arcueil, France.
- Bierlaire M. DynaMIT: from theory to practice March 20, 2002. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. The Network GEV model March 20, 2002. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Simulation-based evaluation on the impact of Telematics in the Lausanne area - a pilot study March 20, 2002. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. An efficient algorithm for real-time estimation and prediction of dynamic OD table March 20, 2002. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Decision-Aid for Traffic Diversion January 13, 2002. Transportation Research Board 81st Annual Meeting, Washington, USA.
- 2001
- Bierlaire M. Estimation of GEV models: issues and implemantation June 01, 2001. (Invited lecture)UC Berkeley Invitational Choice Symposium, UC Berkeley, Pacific Grove (Ca), USA.
- Bierlaire M. New algorithmic approaches for the anticipatory guidance generation problem March 01, 2001. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. A general formulation of the cross-nested logit model March 01, 2001. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Papabiles: simulation-based evaluation of the impact of telematics in the Lausanne area: a pilot study March 01, 2001. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Acceptance of modal innovation: the case of the SwissMetro March 01, 2001. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Estimation of GEV and Cross-Nested Logit Models February 15, 2001. (Invited lecture)Workshop on Route Choice Models, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (Ma), USA.
- Bierlaire M. Introduction à l'optimisation non linéaire January 01, 2001. 3ième Journée de l'automatique, Département de Génie Mécanique, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Real-Time Systems for ITS Applications and consistency in predictive informations systems January 01, 2001. MIT Summer School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (Ma), USA.
- 2000
- Bierlaire M. General framework for Dynamic Demand Simulation January 01, 2000. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Atlanta, USA.
- Bierlaire M. Computational issues in anticipatory route guidance generation January 01, 2000. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Atlanta, USA.
- Bierlaire M. Real-Time Systems for ITS Applications and consistency in predictive information systems January 01, 2000. MIT Summer School, Massachusetts Institute of technology, Cambridge (Ma), USA.
- 1999
- Bierlaire M. DynaMIT: Dynamic Network Assignment for Management of Information to Travelers December 02, 1999. IVT Seminar neue Simulationsmodelle der Verkehrsnachfrage in Netzen, ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Un laboratoire de simulation pour l'évaluation de systèmes dynamiques de gestion du trafic December 01, 1999. IML, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Institut International de Management pour la Logistique, Paris, France.
- Bierlaire M. The anticipatory route guidance generation problem. Theory and Practice November 01, 1999. Audit-Symposium, EPFL, Department of Mathematics, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. SILS: Shaping and Improving Logistics Systems October 18, 1999. Colloque Nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication, Paris. France.
- Bierlaire M. Investigation of Route Guidance Generation Issues by Simulation with DynaMIT July 19, 1999. 14th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Jerusalem, Israël.
- Bierlaire M. The Route Guidance Generation Problem May 10, 1999. Optimization Days, Montréal, Canada.
- Bierlaire M. Real-Time Simulation of Traffic Demand/Supply Interactions within DynaMIT May 10, 1999. Optimization Days, Montréal, Canada.
- Bierlaire M. DynaMIT: un système en temps réel pour la prédiction du trafic et la génération d'information pour les conducteurs April 02, 1999. Groupe de recherche sur les Transports, Département de Mathématiques, Université de Namur, Namur, Belgium.
- Bierlaire M. Un laboratoire de simulation pour l'évaluation de systèmes dynamiques de gestion du trafic April 01, 1999. IML course, Institut International de Management pour la Logistique, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Real-Time Systems for ITS Applications and consistency in predictive information Systems January 01, 1999. MIT Summer School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (Ma), USA.
- 1998
- Bierlaire M. Algorithmic aspects of discrete choice modelling November 12, 1998. Colloquium in Combinatorics, Geometric Algorithms and Optimization, ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. La simulation du trafic: pourquoi et comment? October 06, 1998. Colloque en mémoire du Professeur Charles Rapin, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. DynaMIT: a simulation-based system for traffic prediction and guidance generation June 17, 1998. TRISTAN III, San Juan, Porto-Rico.
- Bierlaire M. Software Design Aspects of DynaMIT: Dynamic Network Assignement for the Management of Information to Travelers April 26, 1998. INFORMS National meeting, Montréal, Canada.
- Bierlaire M. Dynamic Network Assignment for Management of Information to Travelers Real-Time System for Traffic Prediction and Guidance Generation April 26, 1998. INFORMS National meeting, Montréal, Canada.
- Bierlaire M. A distributed system of models for real-time operation of a traffic management center February 16, 1998. CERFACS Seminars, Toulouse, France.
- Bierlaire M. DynaMIT: un système en temps réel pour la prédiction du trafic et la génération d'information aux conducteurs February 11, 1998. Seminar, EPFL, ITEP, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bierlaire M. Demand simulation for traffic estimation and prediction in a real-time dynamic traffic assignment system January 01, 1998. Transportation Seminar Series, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley, USA.
- Bierlaire M. DynaMIT: a simulation-based system for traffic prediction January 01, 1998. DACCORD Short-term forecasting workshop, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Bierlaire M. Un laboratoire de simulation pour l'évaluation de systèmes dynamique de gestion du trafic January 01, 1998. IML, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Institut International de Management pour la Logistique, Paris, France.
- Bierlaire M. DynaMIT: un système en temps réel pour la prédiction du trafic et la génération d'information aux conducteurs January 01, 1998. INRETS, Arcueil-Cachan, France.
- Bierlaire M. Demonstration of the DynaMIT system January 01, 1998. ITS America Annual Meeting, Detroit (MI), USA.
- Bierlaire M. Introduction to HieLoW, an interactive package to estimate hierarchical logit models January 01, 1998. MIT Summer School on Individual Choice Behavior: Theory and Application on Discrete Choice Analysis to Consumer Demand and Market Share, MIT, Cambridge (MA), USA.
- Bierlaire M. Real-Time Systems for ITS Applications, and consistency in predictive informations systems January 01, 1998. MIT Summer School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (Ma), USA.
- 1997
- Bierlaire M. Design and Development of DynaMIT May 04, 1997. INFORMS, San Diego (Ca), USA.
- Bierlaire M. Discrete choice models March 10, 1997. NATO Advanced Studies Institute on Operations research and decision aid methodologies in traffic and transportation management, Hotel UNI, Balatonfured, Hungary.
- Bierlaire M. Introduction to HieLoW, an interactive package to estimate hierarchical logit models January 01, 1997. MIT Summer School on Individual Choice Behavior: Theory and Application of Discrete Choice Analysis to Consumer Demand and Market Share, MIT, Cambridge (Ma), USA.
- Bierlaire M. Dynamic Traffic assignment System Design requirements and Data Needs January 01, 1997. Transportation Research Board, 76th Annual Meeting, Washington (D.C), USA.
- 1996
- Bierlaire M. DynaMIT: Dynamic Network Assignment for the Management of Information to Travelers January 01, 1996. Research seminar of the Center for Transportation Studies, MIT, Cambridge (Ma), USA.
- Bierlaire M. DynaMIT: Dynamic Network Assignment for the Management of Information to travelers January 01, 1996. 4th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, Newcastle, UK.
- Bierlaire M. Introduction to HieLoW, an interactive package to estimate hierarchical logit models January 01, 1996. MIT Summer School on Individual Choice Behavior: Theory and Application of Discrete Choice Analysis, MIT, Cambridge (Ma), USA.
- Bierlaire M. Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment System January 01, 1996. MIT Symposium on Advanced Projects in Intelligent Transportation Systems, MIT, Cambridge (Ma), USA.
- 1995
- Bierlaire M. HieLoW, a package that estimates hierarchical logit models January 01, 1995. World Conference on Transportation Research, Sydney, Australia.
- Bierlaire M. MEUSE: an origin-destination matrix estimator that exploits structure January 01, 1995. World Conference on Transportation Research, Sydney, Australia.
- Bierlaire M. HieLoW: Hierarchical Logit for Windows January 01, 1995. 3th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, Barcelona, Spain.
- Bierlaire M. HieLoW, un logiciel interactif pour les modèles de choix discret January 01, 1995. French-speaking Conference on Operational Research, Mons, Belgium.
- 1994
- Bierlaire M. HieLoW: un logiciel pour les études de choix discrets January 01, 1994. La Technique d'enquêtes de préférences déclarées et ses applications dans le domaine des services, Brussels, Belgium.
- Bierlaire M. MEUSE: an origin-destination matrix estimator that exploits structure January 01, 1994. Conjooint conference CORS'94 - Optimization Days, Montréal, Canada.
- Bierlaire M. Fuzzy random utility models January 01, 1994. Seminar, MIT, Center for Transportation Studies, Cambridge (Ma), USA.
- Bierlaire M. MEUSE: an origin-destination matrix estimator that exploits structure January 01, 1994. Seminar, MIT, Center for Transportation Studies, Cambridge, (Ma), USA.
- 1993
- Bierlaire M. MEUSE: un modèle d'estimation de matrices origines-destinations qui exploite la structure January 01, 1993. Congrès International Francophone: Quels transports pour nos villes de demain?, Versailles, France.
- 1992
- Bierlaire M. Use of parking surveys to estimate demand matrices January 01, 1992. EIASM Conference- Logistics: transportation and distribution, Brussels, Belgium.
- Bierlaire M. Le plan de circulation à Namur January 01, 1992. European meeting "Pour des transports efficaces en ville", Institut Wallon, Namur, Belgium.