Research projects
  • The Elevator Dispatching Problem with Destination Control
  • E-Bike City
  • Migration and Discrete Choice Models (MIGDCM)
  • Intelligent digital twins for assessing and predicting bridge road traffic demands
  • Activity scheduling an rhythmic style: multi-day modeling of mobility habits
  • Optimization of individual mobility plans to simulate future travel in Switzerland
  • OrgVisionPro: Automated organizational design and optimization
  • Activity based travel demand forecasting
  • PAM Personal Autonomous Moving platforms
  • Design of a car-free city center: a fringe parking system with accelerated moving walkways
  • Accessibility based optimization of educational infrastructure networks
  • Incorporating competitors' behavior in demand based optimization models
  • Leveraging Public and Open Data for Transportation Mode detection
  • Network Design for SBB Cargo
  • Cost reduction using passenger centric timetabling
  • Capacity building program in urban mobility and transportation
  • Incorporating advanced behavioral models in mixed integer linear optimization
  • TRANS-FORM: Smart transfers through unravelling urban form and travel flow dynamics
  • myTOSA 2.0 - Enhanced simulation and optimization tool for cost-optimal deployment of TOSA electric buses
  • Demand-based facility location problem
    • Aug 01, 2015 - Dec 31, 2015
    • Sponsor: EDF
    • Principal investigator: Michel Bierlaire
    • Project manager: Shadi Sharif Azadeh
  • Drive For You: a driving assistant tool to detecting pedestrians
  • Electric vehicle adoption dynamics: exploring market potentials
    • Apr 01, 2014 - Mar 31, 2017
    • Sponsor: Nissan
    • Principal investigator: Michel Bierlaire
    • Project manager: Matthieu de Lapparent
    • Collaborator: Anna Fernandez Antolin
  • Air navigation platform: flights planning by using real-time weather data
  • PostCarWorld: A Trans-Discplinary Multi-Dimensional Stimulation
  • Revisiting the Route Choice Problem: A Multi-Level Modeling Framework for Route Choice Analysis Based On Latent Constructs
  • Modular Logistics Units in Shared Co-modal Networks
  • Pedflux: Pedestrian flow modeling in train stations
  • Pedestrian dynamics: flows and behavior
  • myTOSA: catenary-free 100% electric urban public mass-transportation system
  • Léman 2030: Flux piétons Gare de Lausanne
  • SIEU : Urban Energy Information System
  • Large scale robust optimization of bulk port operations.
  • CLIP-AIR concept: Integrated schedule planning for a new generation of aircrafts
  • NRP 65: Sustainable Urban Patterns (SUPat)
  • Route choice models and smart phone data
  • Optimizing Staffing Plans at Airports
  • Robust Optimization of Railway Locomotive Assignment
  • Demande de consommateurs pour des véhicules électriques
  • A Solution Technique for the Locomotive Refueling Problem
  • SURPRICE: Sustainable mobility through road user charging
  • SustainCity: Micro-simulation for the prospective of sustainable cities in Europe
  • Projet d'agglomération Lausanne-Morges - AFTPU - Fourniture d'indicateurs pour alimenter l'analyse multicritère pour le choix de la variante de la desserte Nord
    • Jan 01, 2010 - Jun 30, 2010
    • Sponsor: Service des routes et de la mobilité de la Commune de Lausanne
    • Principal investigator: Michel Bierlaire
    • Project manager: Jean-Pierre Leyvraz
  • Models and methods for large scale optimization problems and applications in container terminals
  • Dépouillement des enquêtes de mobilité aux Hautes Ecoles
  • Methods and tools for supporting the use, calibration and validation of traffic simulation models
  • CATS City Alternative Transport System
  • OPTIMA: Inferring transport mode preferences from attitudes
  • Disaggregate behavioral models exploiting data from Nokia devices
  • Simulation-based optimization of a railroad yard
  • Invariant features in omnidirectional images
  • A PrototypeTransportation Land-use Model for the Region of Lausanne, Switzerland
  • SOPHOS: Simulation-based Optimization of the Performance in Hospital Operating suites
  • Column generation methods for the recovery of disrupted airline schedules
  • Behavioural modelling of human experts for scene analysis
  • Projet d'agglomération Lausanne-Morges - Axes forts de transports publics urbains - Mise au point des variantes, choix d'une variante préférentielle et d'un axe fort prioritaire.
  • Travaux de modélisation Emme2 en liens avec projets : SDOL (image directrice), desserte Le Mont, augmentation de capacité m2
  • Système d'informatique géographique pour l'observatoire de la mobilité
  • Projet d'agglomération Lausanne-Morges, évaluation du projet et de ses mesures selon les critères édictés par la Confédération, travaux de modélisation avec le modèle EMME2 (contrat CL/2007/02)
  • Projet d'agglomération Lausanne-Morges - Axes forts TC - Cadrage stratégique et définition d'un réseau d'axes forts (contrat FMa/2007/02)
  • Optimization of container terminal operations
  • SOPHOS: Simulation-based Optimization of the Performance in Hospital Operating Suites
  • Einbezug von Reisekosten bei der Modelliering des Mobilitätsverhalten
  • Development of route choice models
  • Enseignement orienté projet assisté par ordinateur
  • Modèles de prévision de ventes (Sales forecasting models)
  • Optimization methods for advanced discrete choice models
  • Organisation des tournées de bus (Planning of school bus pick-up services)
  • New algorithms for the route guidance generation problem
  • Algorithmes d'optimisation performants pour le recalage rigide d'images en radiochirurgie et en radiothérapie stéréotaxique fractionnée assistées par ordinateur
  • Plan de gestion du trafic: Etude pilote pour la Suisse Occidentale (traffic management plan: pilot survey in Western Switzerland)
  • Optimisation de grande taille sans dérivés (Large-scale derivate-free optimization)
  • Development and Evaluation of DynaMIT, a real-time Dynamic Traffic Assignment system for traffic prediction and guidance generation
PhD theses
Tom Haering, Algorithms for large scale choice-based optimization
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Started: May 01, 2021
Marija Kukic, Modeling the activities of households
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Started: Oct 01, 2020
Negar Rezvany, Urban energy demand
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire, Tim Hillel
  • Started: Oct 01, 2020
Cloe Cortes Balcells, Activity-based models and epidemics
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire, Rico Krueger
  • Started: Sep 15, 2020
Nicola Ortelli, Assisted specification of choice models
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Started: Sep 02, 2019
Alexis Gumy, Aux frontières de la mobilité. Vers la construction sociale des « bonnes manières » de se déplacer ?
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire, Vincent Kaufmann
  • Started: Jul 01, 2018
Janody Pougala, OASIS : An integrated optimisation framework for activity scheduling
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire, Tim Hillel
  • Committee: Prof D. Ruggiero (chair), Prof M. Bierlaire, Dr T. Hillel (supervisors), Prof K. Axhausen, Prof R. Moeckel, Prof P. Mokhtarian.
  • Private defense: Oct 20, 2023
  • Public defense: Jan 26, 2024
Selin Atac, Demand-based mobility sharing systems
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire, Nikola Obrenovic
  • Committee: Kenan Zhang (ETHZ), Claudia Archetti (U. Brescia), Joseph Chow (NYU), Nikola Obrenovic (co-director), Michel Bierlaire (director), Olga Fink (chair)
  • Private defense: Feb 28, 2023
  • Public defense: Apr 21, 2023
Gael Lederrey, Bridging the gap between model-driven and data-driven methods in the era of Big Data
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire, Tim Hillel
  • Committee: Prof. B. Farooq (Ryerson), Prof. F. Rodrigues (DTU), Prof. A. Alahi (EPFL), Dr T. Hillel (co-director), Prof. M. Bierlaire (director), Prof. Vassilopoulos (chair)
  • Private defense: Sep 16, 2022
  • Public defense: Nov 04, 2022
Stefano Bortolomiol, Optimization and equilibrium problems with discrete choice models of demand
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire, Virginie Lurkin
  • Committee: Prof. Emma Frejinger (U. Montréal), Prof. Grazia Speranza (U. Brescia), Prof. Francesco Corman (ETHZ), Prof. Dusan Licina (chair), Prof. Virginie Lurkin (cosupervisor), Prof. Michel Bierlaire (supervisor).
  • Private defense: Dec 09, 2021
  • Public defense: Mar 18, 2022
Nicholas Molyneaux, Dynamic control strategies for managing pedestrian flows
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: A. Alahi (chair), M. Bierlaire (supervisor), N. Geroliminis, S. Hoogendoorn, H. Mahmassani
  • Private defense: Jul 22, 2021
  • Public defense: Sep 16, 2021
Meritxell Pacheco, A general framework for the integration of complex choice models into mixed integer optimization
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire, Shadi Sharif-Azadeh
  • Committee: Prof. B. Atasoy (TU Delft), Prof. B. Gendron (U. Montréal), Prof. D. Kuhn (EPFL), Prof. S. Sharif-Azadeh (TU Eindhoven, co-director), Prof. M. Andersen (EPFL, chair), Prof. M. Bierlaire (EPFL, director)
  • Private defense: May 19, 2020
  • Public defense: Sep 11, 2020
Anna Fernandez Antolin, Dealing with correlations in discrete choice models
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire, Prof. M. de Lapparent
  • Committee: Prof. E. Cherchi (U. Newcastle), Prof. C. A. Guevara (U. Chile), Prof. A. Alahi (EPFL). Prof. K. Beyer (chair), Prof. M. Bierlaire (thesis director), Prof. M. de Lapparent (thesis co-director)
  • Private defense: Nov 08, 2017
  • Public defense: Feb 23, 2018
Stefan Binder, Integration of passenger satisfaction in railway timetable rescheduling for major disruptions
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: Prof. M. Gendreau (Polytechnique Montréal), Dr. M. Laumanns (BestMile SA), Prof. F. Corman (ETHZ), Prof. D. Lignos (chair), Prof. M. Bierlaire (thesis director)
  • Private defense: Nov 02, 2017
  • Public defense: Jan 26, 2018
Iliya Markov, Rich Vehicle and Inventory Routing Problems with Stochastic Demands
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire, Prof. Sacha Varone
  • Committee: Prof. J.-F. Cordeau (HEC Montréal), Prof. G. Speranza (Uni. Brescia), Prof. D. Kuhn (EPFL), Prof. C. Fivet (chair), Prof. S. Varone (thesis director), Prof. M. Bierlaire (thesis director)
  • Private defense: Aug 24, 2017
  • Public defense: Nov 24, 2017
Evanthia Kazagli, Aggregate route choice models
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: Prof. O. Nielsen (DTU), Prof. G. Floetteroed (KTH), Prof. N. Geroliminis (EPFL). Prof. A. Nussbaumer (chair), Prof. M. Bierlaire (thesis director)
  • Private defense: Aug 25, 2017
  • Public defense: Nov 10, 2017
Stefano Moret, Strategic energy planning under uncertainty
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire, François Maréchal
  • Committee: Prof. A. Faaji (Univ. Groningen), Prof. Th. Kreutz (Princeton), Prof. D. Kuhn (EPFL), Prof. F. Maréchal (thesis director), Prof. M. Bierlaire (thesis director), Prof. J. Schiffmann (chair).
  • Private defense: Sep 04, 2017
  • Public defense: Oct 20, 2017
Marija Nikolic, Data-driven fundamental models for pedestrian movements
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: Prof. H. Mahmassani (Northwestern University), Prof. S. Hoogendoorn (TU DElft), Prof. Geroliminis (EPFL) Prof. Frossard (chairman), Prof. Bierlaire (thesis director)
  • Private defense: Feb 23, 2017
  • Public defense: May 05, 2017
Tomás Robenek, Behaviorally driven train timetable design
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: Prof. T. Raviv (Tel Aviv Uiv.), Prof. A. Schöbel (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen), Prof. U. Weidmann (ETHZ), Prof. Beyer (EPFL, chair), Prof. Bierlaire (EPFL)
  • Private defense: Nov 10, 2016
  • Public defense: Dec 09, 2016
Flurin Hänseler, Modeling and estimation of pedestrian flows in train stations
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: Prof. Lam (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Prof. Hoogendoorn (TU Delft), Prof. Weidmann (ETHZ), Prof. Geroliminis (chair), Prof. Bierlaire (thesis director)
  • Private defense: Feb 11, 2016
  • Public defense: Mar 18, 2016
Antonin Danalet, Activity choice modeling for pedestrian facilities
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: Prof. Golay (chair), Prof. Axhausen (ETHZ), Prof. Pereira (DTU), Prof. Shiftan (Technion), Prof. Bierlaire (EPFL)
  • Private defense: Oct 13, 2015
  • Public defense: Dec 04, 2015
Aurélie Glerum, Static and Dynamic Mathematical Models of Behavior
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: Prof. Frejinger (U. Montréal), Prof. Walker (UC Berkeley), Prof. Thalmann (EPFL), Prof. Bernier-Latmani (president of the jury), Prof. Bierlaire (thesis director)
  • Private defense: May 07, 2014
  • Public defense: Jul 14, 2014
Nitish Umang, From container terminals to bulk ports: models and algorithms for integrated planning and robust scheduling
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: Prof. Bernier-Latmani (president), Prof. J.-F. Cordeau (HEC Montréal), Prof. A. Erera (Georgia Tech), Prof. D. Kuhn (EPFL), Prof. M. Bierlaire (thesis director)
  • Private defense: Feb 24, 2014
  • Public defense: Apr 17, 2014
Bilge Atasoy, Integrated supply-demand models for the optimization of flexible transportation systems
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire, Matteo Salani
  • Committee: Prof. Cynthia Barnhart (MIT), Prof. François Soumis (Polytechnique Montréal), Prof. François Maréchal (EPFL), Prof. Philippe Thalmann (EPFL, President), Prof. Bierlaire (EPFL, supervisor), Dr. Salani (IDSIA, co-supervisor)
  • Private defense: Oct 07, 2013
  • Public defense: Nov 22, 2013
Jingmin Chen, Modeling route choice behavior using smartphone data
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: Prof. Bierlaire (supervisor), Prof. Frejinger (KTH Stockholm), Prof. Hess (president), Prof. Pereira (U. Coimbra), Prof. Vandergheynst (EPFL),
  • Private defense: Dec 17, 2012
  • Public defense: Jan 25, 2013
Ricardo Hurtubia, Discrete choice and microsimulation methods for agent-based land use modeling
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: Prof. Mountford (chairman), Prof. Bierlaire (thesis director), Prof. Axhausen (ETHZ), Prof. Martinez (U. Chile), Prof. de Palma (ENS Cachan)
  • Private defense: Oct 02, 2012
  • Public defense: Nov 02, 2012
Javier Cruz, Model-based Behavioural Tracking and Scale Invariant Features in Omnidirectional Matching
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire, Prof. Jean-Philippe Thiran
  • Committee: Prof. Cavallero (Queen Mary U. of London, UK), Prof. Macq (U. Catholique de Louvain, Belgium), Dr. Bogdanova (EPFL), Prof. Thiran (thesis director), Prof. Bierlaire (thesis director), Dr. Vesin (president)
  • Private defense: Aug 16, 2011
  • Public defense: Sep 30, 2011
Thomas Robin, New challenges in disaggregate behavioral modeling: emotions, investments and mobility.
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: Dr. G. Antonini (IBM Research), Dr. S. Hess (U. of Leeds, UK), Prof. J.-Ph. Thiran (EPFL), Prof. Mountford (president), Prof. M. Bierlaire (thesis director)
  • Private defense: Apr 05, 2011
  • Public defense: May 27, 2011
Ilaria Vacca, Container terminal management: integrated models and large-scale optimization algorithms
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire, Dr. Matteo Salani, IDSIA, Lugano
  • Committee: Prof. M. Christiansen (NTNU, Norway), Prof. G. Speranza (U. Brescia, Italy), Prof. N. Geroliminis (EPFL), Prof. F. Eisenbrand (EPFL), Dr. M. Salani (IDSIA), Prof. M. Bierlaire (EPFL)
  • Private defense: Dec 06, 2010
  • Public defense: Feb 04, 2011
Carolina Osorio Pizano, Mitigating network congestion: analytical models, optimization methods and their applications
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: J. Barcelo (UPC), M. Bierlaire (EPFL), A. Odoni (MIT), P. Thiran (EPFL)
  • Private defense: Jan 25, 2010
  • Public defense: Apr 16, 2010
Niklaus Eggenberg, Combining robustness and recovery for airline schedules
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: C. Barnhart (MIT), M. Bierlaire (EPFL), Th. Liebling (EPFL), F. Margot (CMU)
  • Private defense: Nov 13, 2009
  • Public defense: Dec 11, 2009
Emma Frejinger, Route choice analysis: data, models, algorithms and applications
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: M. Bierlaire (EPFL), M. Ben-Akiva (MIT), P. Bovy (TU Delft), Th. Liebling (EPFL), Th. Mountford (EPFL)
  • Private defense: Dec 17, 2007
  • Public defense: Apr 30, 2008
  • Winner of two prestigious prizes in 2008: Dissertation Prize of the Transportation Science & Logistics Society of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) and the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize from the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR)
Ivan Spassov, Algorithms for map-aided autonomous indoor pedestrian positioning and navigation
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire, Prof. B. Merminod, TOPO, EPFL.
  • Committee: M. Bierlaire (EPFL), A.-G. Dumont (EPFL), N.-E. El Faouzi (INRETS, Lyon), B. Merminod (EPFL), Th. Mountford (EPFL), M. Wieser (U. Graz, Austria)
  • Private defense: Oct 25, 2007
  • Public defense: Nov 23, 2007
Michaël Thémans, Numerical methods and models relevant to transportation applications
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: M. Bierlaire (EPFL), Th. Liebling (EPFL),Th. Mountford (EPFL), A. Sartenaer (FUNDP), N. Zufferey (U. Laval, Québec)
  • Private defense: Jul 18, 2007
  • Public defense: Aug 24, 2007
Gianluca Antonini, A discrete choice modeling framework for pedestrian walking behavior with application to human tracking in video sequences
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire, Prof. J.-Ph. Thiran, ITS, EPFL
  • Committee: M. Ben-Akiva (MIT), M. Bierlaire (EPFL), A. Cavallaro (UCL), R. Siegwart (EPFL), J-Ph. Thiran (EPFL)
  • Private defense: Nov 05, 2005
  • Public defense: Dec 16, 2005
  • IATBR's Eric Pas Dissertation Prize 2005 - Honorable Mention
Rodrigue Oeuvray, Trust-region methods based on radial basis functions with applications to biomedical imaging
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: M. Bierlaire (EPFL), A. Conn (IBM), Th. Liebling (EPFL), A. Sartenaer (FUNDP), M. Unser (EPFL)
  • Private defense: Apr 18, 2005
  • Public defense: May 19, 2005
Frank Crittin, New algorithmic methods for real-time transportation problems
  • Supervision: Michel Bierlaire
  • Committee: M. Bierlaire (EPFL), M. Ben-Akiva (MIT), D. Bonvin (EPFL), Th. Liebling (EPFL), K. Nagel (ETHZ)
  • Private defense: Oct 28, 2003
  • Public defense: Dec 12, 2003