- English only
Transport and Mobility Laboratory: presentations
- Synthetic populations and activity-based models: a dynamic perspective, Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Activity Based Model Symposium, TU Munich
- December 12, 2024, Raitenhaslach, Germany
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- Integrating housing and transport interactions: A strategic dynamic approach, Rezvany, N., Docquier, F., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Negar Rezvany
- Sustainable Urban Multimodal Mobility (SUM) Lab Seminar, TU Delft
- December 10, 2024, Netherlands
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Activity-based models: an optimization approach, Rezvany, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, TU Delft
- November 13, 2024, The Netherlands
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Activity-based models: recent developments in travel demand modeling, Rezvany, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- SBB Research Comittee, Swiss Federal Railways
- November 01, 2024, Bern, Switzerland
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- Activity-based models: recent developments in travel demand modeling, Rezvany, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Keynote presentation
- International Symposium on Intelligent Technology for Future Transportation
- October 19, 2024, Helsinki, Finland
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- Irrational Behavior and Optimization, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, TU Delft
- October 16, 2024, The Netherlands
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Hybrid Simulator for Projecting Synthetic Households in Unforeseen Events, Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Kukic
- Conference in Emerging Technologies in Transportation Systems (TRC-30)
- September 04, 2024, Heraklion, Crete
- [XML Marc]
- The stochastic electric dial-a-ride problem with recourse, Ricard, L., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stochastic optimization of bus schedules, Ricard, L., Desaulniers, G., Lodi, A., and Rousseau, L.
- Group decision-mechanisms in activity-based models, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Negar Rezvany
- 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR)
- July 16, 2024, Vienna, Austria
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- Travel Behavior and Individual Choices in Infectious Disease Spread: Enhancing Activity-Based Models with Awareness and Testing Dynamics, Cortes Balcells, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Cloe Cortes Balcells
- IATBR 2024
- July 14, 2024, Ascona, Switzerland
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- Stochastic optimization of bus schedules, Ricard, L., Desaulniers, G., Lodi, A., and Rousseau, L.
- Fast Algorithms for (Capacitated) Continuous Pricing with Discrete
Choice Demand Models, Haering, T., Legault, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tom Haering
- EURO 2024
- June 30, 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Stochastic optimization of bus schedules, Ricard, L., Desaulniers, G., Lodi, A., and Rousseau, L.
- Fast Algorithms for (Capacitated) Continuous Pricing with Discrete
Choice Demand Models, Haering, T., Legault, R., Torres, F., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tom Haering
- Swiss OR Days 2024
- June 27, 2024, Geneva, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Intra-household interactions in ABMs: Household-level choice set generation and parameter estimation, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Negar Rezvany
- 12th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART)
- June 19, 2024, Espoo, Finland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- An integrated injury severity and risk-taking behavior model for the evaluation of Via Sicura, Ortelli, N., de Lapparent, M., Varotto, S. F., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nicola Ortelli
- 12th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Aalto University
- June 19, 2024, Espoo, Finland
- [XML Marc]
- Bridging Epidemiology and Mobility: Creating a Policy-Aware Activity-Based Model for Epidemiological Studies, Cortes Balcells, C., Torres, F., Krueger, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Cloe Cortes Balcells
- HEART 2024
- June 18, 2024, Ascona, Switzerland
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- Combining behavioral models and optimization to assess climate change actions, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Action Inaction Climate Change Symposium
- June 13, 2024, Munster, France
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- Hybrid Simulator for Projecting Synthetic Households in Unforeseen Events, Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Kukic
- 16th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- June 07, 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Fast algorithms for (capacitated) continuous pricing with discrete choice
demand models, Haering, T., Legault, R., Torres, F., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tom Haering
- 16th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- June 07, 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- An application of DCM in household scheduling: Choice set generation and parameter estimation, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Negar Rezvany
- 16th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- June 07, 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland
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- Modeling the Influence of Perceived Risk due to COVID-19 on Daily Activity Scheduling through an Endogenous Choice Set Formation Approach, Cortes Balcells, C., Torres, F., Krueger, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Cloe Cortes Balcells
- DCM 2024
- June 07, 2024, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Household-level choice set generation and parameter estimation, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Negar Rezvany
- 24th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 16, 2024, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A conditional trust-region algorithm for the estimation of discrete choice models, Ortelli, N., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nicola Ortelli
- 24th Swiss Transport Research Conference
- May 16, 2024, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Hybrid Simulator for Projecting Synthetic Households in Unforeseen Events, Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Kukic
- STRC 2024
- May 15, 2024, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Enhancing Epidemiological Models with Activity-Travel Behavior and Risk Perception: A Simulation Framework for Policy Management, Cortes Balcells, C., Torres, F., Krueger, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Cloe Cortes Balcells
- STRC 2024
- May 15, 2024, Ascona, Switzerland
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- Fast Algorithms for (Capacitated) Continuous Pricing with Discrete Choice Demand Models, Haering, T., Legault, R., Torres, F., and Bierlaire, M.
- Mobility and Individual Choices in the Spread of Infectious Diseases: Enhancing Activity-Based Models with Awareness and Testing Dynamics, Cortes Balcells, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Cloe Cortes Balcells
- ICMC 2024
- April 01, 2024, Ascona, Switzerland
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- Sequential Search with Flexible Information, Ilinov, P., Matveenko, A., Sharma, S., Tsakas, E., and Mark, V.
- Pavel Ilinov
- MaCCI Annual 2024, Mannheim Center of Competition and Innovation
- March 14, 2024, Mannheim, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Intra-household interactions in ABMs, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Negar Rezvany
- Behaviour & Infrastructure Group (BIG) Research Colloquium, University College London (UCL)
- February 23, 2024, Online
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- Transport et mobilité : l'importance de la recherche, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Séminaire d’introduction de l’ETH Zurich pour les parlementaires fédérales / fédéraux nouvellement élues / élus 2024, ETH Zurich
- February 08, 2024, Konolfingen, Switzerland
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- Synthetic Population Projections and Unforeseen Events, Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Kukic
- 2nd EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL
- February 06, 2024, Barcelona, Spain
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- Intra-household interactions in ABMs: Household-level choice set generation, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Negar Rezvany
- 2nd EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL
- February 06, 2024, Barcelona, Spain
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- Activity-Based Modeling for capturing Dynamics of Mobility, Awareness, and Individual Choices in Disease Spread, Cortes Balcells, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Cloe Cortes Balcells
- Internal Seminar 2024
- February 05, 2024, Ascona, Switzerland
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- Fast Algorithms for Capacitated Continuous Pricing with Discrete Choice
Demand Models, Haering, T., Torres, F., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tom Haering
- 2nd EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL
- February 05, 2024, Barcelona, Spain
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Strategies for the electric bus scheduling problem with battery degradation: A stochastic perspective, Ricard, L., Desaulniers, G., Lodi, A., and Rousseau, L.
- Un nouveau modèle hybride pour la modélisation de la conduite imprudente et de la gravité des accidents
, Ortelli, N., Varotto, S. F., Bierlaire, M., and de Lapparent, M.
- Nicola Ortelli
- Séminaire interne de l'IIDE
- October 12, 2023, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
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- Hybrid Simulator for Capturing Dynamics of Synthetic Populations, Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Kukic
- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)
- September 23, 2023, Bilbao, Spain
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- Is it better to be first? Search with endogenous information, Ilinov, P., Matveenko, A., and Sharma, S.
- Pavel Ilinov
- Invited talk, IOB, University of Basel
- September 21, 2023, University of Basel, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- The stochastic multi-depot electric vehicle scheduling problem with recourse, Ricard, L., Desaulniers, G., Lodi, A., and Rousseau, L.
- Large-Scale Continuous Pricing With Discrete Choice Demand Modeling
, Haering, T., Ljubic, I., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tom Haering
- 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, ETHZ
- September 07, 2023, Zurich, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Resampling estimation of discrete choice models
, Ortelli, N., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nicola Ortelli
- 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, ETHZ
- September 07, 2023, Zurich, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Continuous Pricing with Advanced Discrete Choice Demand Modeling: A Spatial Branch and Benders Decomposition Algorithm
, Haering, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tom Haering
- 19th Swiss Operations Research Days, USI
- September 07, 2023, Lugano, Switzerland
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- Modelling the impact of activity duration on utility-based scheduling decisions: a comparative analysis, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Janody Pougala
- 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, ETHZ
- September 06, 2023, Zurich, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modelling the impact of activity duration on utility-based scheduling decisions, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Janody Pougala
- MatSIM User Meeting, ETHZ
- September 05, 2023, Zurich, Switzerland
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- Is it better to be first? Search with endogenous information, Ilinov, P., Matveenko, A., and Sharma, S.
- Pavel Ilinov
- EEA-ESEM 2023, EEA
- August 30, 2023, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
- [XML Marc]
- Simulating multiple intra-household interactions in ABMs , Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Negar Rezvany
- World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR)
- July 20, 2023, Montreal, Canada
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- Solving a pricing problem under irrational behavior, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Data Science for Real-Time Decision-Making, Polytechnique Montréal
- July 18, 2023, Montréal, Canada
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A Spatial Branch and Benders Decomposition Algorithm for Continuous Pricing with Advanced Discrete Choice Demand Modeling, Haering, T., Ljubic, I., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Network Optimization Workshop, CIRRELT, Montréal
- June 29, 2023, La Spezia, Italy
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- Is it better to be first? , Ilinov, P.
- Pavel Ilinov
- 13th Conference on Economic Design, Society for Economic Design
- June 16, 2023, University of Girona, Spain
- [XML Marc]
- Joint modelling of household activity patterns and
domestic energy demand, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Negar Rezvany
- ISI Seminar Series, Infrastructure Systems Institute, University College London
- June 13, 2023, London, UK
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- Is it better to be first? , Ilinov, P.
- Pavel Ilinov
- Oligo Workshop 2023, Oligo Society
- June 09, 2023, University of Padova, Italy
- [XML Marc]
- New features in Biogeme, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- 15th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- June 02, 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland
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- Is it better to be first? , Ilinov, P.
- Pavel Ilinov
- 15th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- June 02, 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Modelling the impact of activity duration on utility-based scheduling decisions: a comparative analysis, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Janody Pougala
- 15th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- June 02, 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Stochastic adaptive resampling
for the estimation of discrete choice models, Ortelli, N., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nicola Ortelli
- 15th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- June 01, 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland
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- Mathematical Modeling of Irrational Behavior: towards a linear formulation, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of the Department of Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics, ESSEC
- May 16, 2023, Paris, France
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Initial comparisons between Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value (MDCEV) model and Optimization-based Activity Scheduling Integrating Simultaneous choice dimensions (OASIS) framework, Wang, M., Pougala, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Mengyi Wang
- 23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 12, 2023, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Stochastic adaptive resampling for the estimation of discrete choice models, Ortelli, N., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nicola Ortelli
- 23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference
- May 11, 2023, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
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- Hybrid Simulator for Capturing Dynamics of Synthetic Population, Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Kukic
- STRC 2023
- May 10, 2023, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- From domestic energy demand to household activity patterns, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Negar Rezvany
- 23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 10, 2023, Ascona, Switzerland
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- Interdisciplinary Behavioral Model (IBM) for Controlling Infectious Diseases, Cortes Balcells, C., Krueger, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Cloe Cortes Balcells
- STRC 2023
- May 10, 2023, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A Spatial Branch and Bound Algorithm for Continuous Pricing with Advanced Discrete Choice Demand Modeling
, Haering, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tom Haering
- STRC 2023
- May 10, 2023, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- From one-day to multiday activity scheduling: extending the OASIS framework, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Janody Pougala
- STRC 2023
- May 10, 2023, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Sampling of alternatives in migration aspiration models, Beine, M., Bierlaire, M., Paschalidis, E., and Vortisch, A.
- Evangelos Paschalidis
- 23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 10, 2023, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Optimization and Discrete Choice Models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Distinguished Seminar Series, Koc University
- April 25, 2023, Istanbul, Turkey
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- Modeling intra-household interactions and in-home activities in activity-based models, Pougala, J., Rezvany, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of the Department of Technology, Management and Economics, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
- February 24, 2023, Lyngby, Denmark
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Disaggregate activity scheduling models
, Pougala, J., Rezvany, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of the Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering group, EPFL
- February 24, 2023, Sion
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Synthetic Population Generation: Hierarchies and Activities, Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Kukic
- 1st EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL
- February 17, 2023, Annecy, France
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- Simulating multiple intra-household interactions, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Negar Rezvany
- 1st EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL
- February 17, 2023, Annecy, France
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- Further development of Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value (MDCEV) model and comparisons with OASIS framework
, Wang, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Mengyi Wang
- 1st EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL
- February 17, 2023, Annecy, France
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- An integrated ordered logit and latent variable model for crash injury severity: a Swiss case study using disaggregate crash reports, Ortelli, N., Varotto, S. F., Bierlaire, M., and de Lapparent, M.
- Nicola Ortelli
- 1st EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL
- February 16, 2023, Annecy, France
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- An integrated ordered logit and latent variable model for crash injury severity: a Swiss case study using disaggregate crash reports, Ortelli, N., Varotto, S. F., Bierlaire, M., and de Lapparent, M.
- Nicola Ortelli
- 16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR)
- December 15, 2022, Santiago, Chile
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- OASIS: An integrated framework to simulate daily scheduling, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Janody Pougala
- 16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR)
- December 12, 2022, Santiago, Chile
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- OASIS: An optimisation framework for daily activity scheduling, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Janody Pougala
- USL Seminar Series, Urban Systems Laboratory, Imperial College London
- November 25, 2022, London, UK
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- OASIS: An optimisation framework for daily activity scheduling, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Janody Pougala
- , City Modelling Lab, ARUP
- November 24, 2022, London, UK
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- OASIS: An optimisation framework for daily activity scheduling, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Janody Pougala
- ISI Seminar Series, Infrastructure Systems Institute, University College London
- October 31, 2022, London, UK
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- An optimisation framework for activity-based models, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Janody Pougala
- Seeon Symposium on Activity-Based Modelling, TUM
- September 13, 2022, Kloster Seeon, Germany
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- A general framework to evaluate different rebalancing operations strategies in one-way car sharing systems, Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Selin Atac
- German OR Days 2022 (GOR 2022)
- September 07, 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany
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- The crop plant scheduling problem, Obrenovic, N., Atac, S., Bortolomiol, S., Brdar, S., Marko, O., and Crnojevic, V.
- Nikola Obrenovic
- Italian OR Days 2022 (AIRO 2022)
- September 02, 2022, Florence, Italy
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- Evaluation of demand forecasting in bike sharing systems: A general framework and selected case studies, Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Selin Atac
- 11th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN XI)
- June 23, 2022, Mauritius
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- A Benders decomposition for maximum simulated likelihood estimation of advanced discrete choice models, Haering, T., Bongiovanni, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tom Haering
- 11th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN XI)
- June 23, 2022, Mauritius
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Mathematical modeling of human behavior: application to mobility , Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Modèles et algorithmes: du discret au continu, Bézout Labex
- June 14, 2022, Marne-la-Vallée, France
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- Comparing different rebalancing operations strategies in car sharing systems: A generic optimization framework, Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Selin Atac
- 18th Swiss Operations Research Days, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
- June 03, 2022, Winterthur, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A utility optimization-based framework for joint in- and out-of-home scheduling, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Negar Rezvany
- 10th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART)
- June 03, 2022, Leuven, Belgium
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Activity-based models: an optimization approach, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- hEART 2022: 10th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation
- June 02, 2022, Leuven, Belgium
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A Benders decomposition for maximum simulated likelihood estimation of advanced discrete choice models, Haering, T., Bongiovanni, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tom Haering
- hEART 2022: 10th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation
- June 02, 2022, Leuven, Belgium
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Integrated in- and out-of-home scheduling framework: A utility optimization-based approach , Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Negar Rezvany
- Decision-aid methodologies in transportation, EPFL
- May 24, 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Evaluating different strategies to solve rebalancing operations in car sharing systems, Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Selin Atac
- 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 19, 2022, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- One-step simulator for synthetic household generation, Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Kukic
- STRC 2022
- May 19, 2022, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A Benders decomposition for maximum simulated likelihood estimation of advanced discrete choice models, Haering, T., Bongiovanni, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tom Haering
- 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 19, 2022, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Faster estimation of discrete choice models via dataset reduction, Ortelli, N., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nicola Ortelli
- 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference
- May 19, 2022, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Parameter estimation for activity-based models, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Janody Pougala
- STRC 2022
- May 19, 2022, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Integrated in- and out-of-home scheduling framework: A utility optimization-based approach, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Negar Rezvany
- STRC 2022
- May 19, 2022, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- SARS-CoV-2 epidemiological model based on socio-economic variables in Switzerland, Cortes Balcells, C., Krueger, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Cloe Cortes Balcells
- STRC 2022
- May 18, 2022, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- One-step simulator for the generation of synthetic households, Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Kukic
- ETH workshop on agent-based models , Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (ETHZ-IVT)
- April 27, 2022, Zurich, Switzerland
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- Optimisation-based activity-based models, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Janody Pougala
- ETH workshop on agent-based models , Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (ETHZ-IVT)
- April 27, 2022, Zurich, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Integrated models of transport and energy demand, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Negar Rezvany
- ETH workshop on agent-based models , Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (ETHZ-IVT)
- April 27, 2022, Zurich, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Disaggregation of a SIRD model for policy testing in targeted groups of the population, Cortes Balcells, C., Krueger, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Cloe Cortes Balcells
- April 27, 2022, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Choice set generation for activity-based models, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Janody Pougala
- mobil.TUM 2022: 12th International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport, TUM Asia
- April 06, 2022, Online
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- Introduction to Bayesian inference, Krueger, R.
- Rico Krueger
- Research seminar, School of Engineering and IT, University of New South Wales
- December 15, 2021, Canberra, Australia
- [XML Marc]
- An overview of deep learning strategies for choice modelling: current solutions and future directions, Wong, M.
- Melvin Wong
- Bridging machine learning and behaviour models, Alan Turing Institute
- November 08, 2021, Online
- [Abstract][XML Marc]
- Designing a MATSim environment for a one-way car sharing system as a transport mode, Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Selin Atac
- INFORMS Annual Meeting 2021
- October 27, 2021, Anaheim, California, USA
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Disaggregate demand models and optimization: challenges and research avenues, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Engineering Seminar Series, New York University
- October 24, 2021, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- [XML Marc]
- Assisted specification of discrete choice models, Ortelli, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Traffic seminar series, New York University
- October 24, 2021, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Demand-based operations of vehicle sharing systems, Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Selin Atac
- Seminar at the C2SMART Lab, New York University
- October 15, 2021, New York City, New York, US
- [XML Marc]
- Disaggregate Demand Models and Optimization, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of the Manufacturing Sciences and Logistics Department, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne
- October 07, 2021, Carry-le-Rouet
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Human behavior and optimization, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of the Department of Control and Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Torino
- September 21, 2021, Torino, Italy
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A multi-objective approach for station clustering in bike sharing systems, Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Selin Atac
- 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- September 14, 2021, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A unimodal ordered logit model for ranked choices, Wong, M., Martín-Baos, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Melvin Wong
- 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 14, 2021, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Benders decomposition for choice-based optimization problems with discrete upper-level variables, Bortolomiol, S., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefano Bortolomiol
- 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 14, 2021, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Population synthesis at the level of households, Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Kukic
- STRC 2021
- September 14, 2021, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Resolving time conflicts in activity-based scheduling: A case study of Lausanne, Haering, T., Manser, P., Hillel, T., Pougala, J., Krueger, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tom Haering
- STRC 2021
- September 14, 2021, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Choice set generation for activity-based models, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Janody Pougala
- STRC 2021
- September 14, 2021, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Integrated models of transport and energy demand: A literature review and framework
, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Negar Rezvany
- STRC 2021
- September 14, 2021, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- DATGAN: Integrating expert knowledge into deeplearning for population synthesis , Lederrey, G., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Agent-based epidemiological models, Cortes Balcells, C., Krueger, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Cloe Cortes Balcells
- STRC 2021
- September 13, 2021, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Can we infer on behavioral impacts of public policy on accident severity outcomes?, Ortelli, N., Bierlaire, M., and de Lapparent, M.
- Nicola Ortelli
- 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 13, 2021, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Unravelling spatial familiarity & multi-day mobility motifs, Schultheiss, M., Pougala, J., and Kukic, M.
- 3rd Bridging Transportation Researchers Conference, Bridging Transportation Researchers
- August 05, 2021, Online
- [XML Marc]
- A Benders decomposition approach for the choice-based uncapacitated facility location and pricing problem, Bortolomiol, S., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefano Bortolomiol
- 7th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop, Erasmus School of Economics
- July 19, 2021, Online
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Assisted specification of discrete choice models, Ortelli, N.
- Nicola Ortelli
- CMC Online Seminar Series 2021, Choice Modelling Centre (CMC), University of Leeds
- July 13, 2021, Leeds, UK
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Changes in activity-travel behaviour of London Underground users during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, Bansal, P., Kessels, R., Krueger, R., and Graham, D. J
- Rico Krueger
- ICMC Mini Online Event
- May 28, 2021,
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Unraveling action space metrics and organisational patterns, Schultheiss, M., Pougala, J., and Kukic, M.
- Transport Research Day 2021, BIVEC-GIBET
- May 27, 2021, Online
- [XML Marc]
- Reconstructing daily schedules of individuals: a utility maximization approach, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Online
- Lunch Seminar in Economics, Department of Economics and Management, University of Luxembourg
- May 05, 2021, Luxembourg
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Bayesian machine learning and spatial count data models: Advances in estimation and specification, Krueger, R.
- Rico Krueger
- Research seminar, Transport Division at DTU Management, Technical University of Denmark
- February 03, 2021, Lyngby, Denmark
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modelling mobility tool availability at a household and individual level: A case study of Switzerland, Hillel, T., Pougala, J., Bierlaire, M., Manser, P., Haering, T., and Luethi, R.
- Tim Hillel
- hEART 2020, 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation
- February 03, 2021, Lyon, France
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A New Spatial Count Data Model with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees for Accident Hot Spot Identification, Krueger, R., Bansal, P., and Buddhavarapu, P.
- Rico Krueger
- hEART 2020: 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, LAET (ENTPE, University Lyon2)
- February 03, 2021, Lyon, France
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Synthetic population generation using GANs and expert knowledge, Lederrey, G., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Gael Lederrey
- AUM2020: Online Global Workshop
- January 28, 2021, Home
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Validating disaggregate models at an aggregate scale: A case study of mobility tool ownership in Switzerland, Hillel, T., Pougala, J., Bierlaire, M., Scherr, W., and Manser, P.
- Tim Hillel
- Applied Urban Modelling 2020: Modelling the New Urban World
- January 28, 2021, Cambridge, UK
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Activity-based models: an optimization perspective, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Applied Urban Modelling: Urban modelling and the planning of the built environment, The Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies, University of Cambridge
- November 23, 2020, online
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Activity-based models: an optimization perspective, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Applied Urban Modelling Symposium 2020, The Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies, University of Cambridge
- November 23, 2020, Cambridge, UK
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Demystifying out-of-sample discrete choice prediction: What can we learn from machine learning?, Wong, M.
- Melvin Wong
- CMC Online Seminar Series 2020, Choice Modelling Centre (CMC), University of Leeds
- November 17, 2020, Leeds, UK
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Agent-based epidemiological models:
Importance of dissagregation in SARS-CoV-2 models for policy decision making, Cortes Balcells, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Cloe Cortes Balcells
- Internal Seminar 2020
- September 24, 2020, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Variational Bayesian Inference for Spatial Negative Binomial Count Data Models with Unobserved Heterogeneity, Bansal, P., Krueger, R., Bierlaire, M., and Graham, D. J
- Bridging Transportation Researchers Online Conference
- August 12, 2020,
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A New Spatial Count Data Model with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees for Accident Hot Spot Identification, Krueger, R., Bansal, P., and Buddhavarapu, P.
- Rico Krueger
- Bridging Transportation Researchers Online Conference
- August 12, 2020,
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A Lagrangian decomposition scheme for the choice-based optimization framework, Pacheco, M., Gendron, B., Bierlaire, M., and Sharif Azadeh, S.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- OR seminar, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- June 26, 2020,
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Variational Bayesian inference for spatial negative binomial count data models with unobserved heterogeneity, Bansal, P., Krueger, R., Bierlaire, M., and Graham, D. J
- Rico Krueger
- STRC 2020
- May 14, 2020,
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Vehicle sharing systems: Does demand forecasting yield a better service?, Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Selin Atac
- 20th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 13, 2020, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Scheduling of daily activities: an optimization approach, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Janody Pougala
- STRC 2020
- May 13, 2020, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Scheduling of daily activities: an optimization approach, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- The 5th NYUAD Transportation Symposium, NYUAD Research Center for Interacting Urban Networks
- November 25, 2019, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Weak teachers: A machine learning approach for assisted specification of Discrete Choice Models, Hillel, T., Bierlaire, M., and Jin, Y.
- Tim Hillel
- Applied Urban Modelling Workshop, University of Cambridge
- September 18, 2019, Cambridge, UK
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Activity-based Travel Demand Forecasting: Extensions to the SBB Nationwide Model, Hillel, T., Pougala, J., Bierlaire, M., Manser, P., and Scherr, W.
- Tim Hillel
- nextRail19, International Rail and Mobility Conference, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH Zurich
- September 13, 2019, Zurich, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Railway Disruption Management with Viriato and Algorithm Platform, Buschor, O., Pacheco, M., Bortolomiol, S., Bierlaire, M., Obrenovic, N., and Hellwig, M.
- Nikola Obrenovic
- nextRail19 - International Rail and Mobility Conference, ETH Zurich
- September 13, 2019, Zurich, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A holistic decision making framework for a vehicle sharing system, Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nikola Obrenovic
- Modern Approaches in Data Engineering and Information System Design Workshop 2019, University of Maribor
- September 08, 2019, Bled, Slovenia
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A demand-based optimization approach to find market equilibria in oligopolies, Bortolomiol, S., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefano Bortolomiol
- 8th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- September 05, 2019, Budapest, Hungary
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Weak teachers: Assisted specification of discrete choice models using ensemble learning, Hillel, T., Bierlaire, M., Elshafie, M. Z E B, and Jin, Y.
- Tim Hillel
- hEART 2019, 8th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- September 04, 2019, Budapest, Hungary
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A new framework for a vehicle sharing system, Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Selin Atac
- German OR days 2019, Technische Universität Dresden
- September 04, 2019, Dresden, Germany
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- An algorithmic framework to find market equilibria in oligopolies using demand-based optimization models, Bortolomiol, S., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefano Bortolomiol
- Revenue Management and Pricing Workshop, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- August 28, 2019, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- An optimization framework for a light electric vehicle sharing system, Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Selin Atac
- EURO 2019, University College Dublin
- June 24, 2019, Dublin, Ireland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Improving pedestrian dynamics by preventing counter-flow, Molyneaux, N., Scarinci, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nicholas Molyneaux
- Tenth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN X)
- June 20, 2019, Hamilton Island, Australia
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A demand-based optimization approach to model oligopolistic competition, Bortolomiol, S., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefano Bortolomiol
- 10th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN)
- June 17, 2019, Hamilton Island, Australia
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Discrete choice and machine learning: Thomson and Thompson?, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of the Choice Modelling Center, University of Leeds
- June 11, 2019, United Kingdom
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A framework for a vehicle sharing system, Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Selin Atac
- 17th Swiss Operations Research Days, University of Lausanne (UNIL)
- June 07, 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Stochastic Optimization with Adaptive Batch Size: Discrete Choice Models as a Case Study, Lederrey, G., Lurkin, V., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Gael Lederrey
- 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 17, 2019, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- An optimization framework for a light electric vehicle sharing system, Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Selin Atac
- 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 17, 2019, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- The impact of counter-flow on pedestrian walking times., Molyneaux, N., Scarinci, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nicholas Molyneaux
- 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 17, 2019, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Passenger satisfaction maximization within a demand-based optimization framework, Pacheco, M., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 16, 2019, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A demand-based optimization approach
to find market equilibria in oligopolies, Bortolomiol, S., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefano Bortolomiol
- 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 15, 2019, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
Weak teachers: assisted specification of discrete choice models using ensemble learning algorithms, Hillel, T.
- Tim Hillel
- Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2019, EPFL
- April 26, 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Improving pedestrian dynamics by controlling pedestrian flows, Molyneaux, N., Scarinci, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nicholas Molyneaux
- http://www.trans-form-project.org/
- TRANS-FORM workshop, EPFL
- April 04, 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modelling competitive markets within a demand-based optimization framework, Bortolomiol, S., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefano Bortolomiol
- Third AIROYoung Workshop, Sapienza University of Rome
- March 29, 2019, Rome, Italy
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Incorporating behavioral model into transport optimization, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Incorporating Behavioural Science into Transport Modelling for Facing Future Challenges of Vehicle Automation, TU Delft
- December 03, 2018, Delft, The Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Smart transfers through unravelling urban form and travel flow dynamics, Bierlaire, M., Molyneaux, N., Scarinci, R., and Oyama, Y.
- Michel Bierlaire
- The 4th NYUAD Transportation Symposium, New-York University
- November 19, 2018, Abu Dhabi
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- SNM: Stochastic Newton Method for Optimization of Discrete Choice Models , Lederrey, G., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Gael Lederrey
- The 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
- November 07, 2018, Maui, Hawaii, USA
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Network Design for SBB Cargo, Obrenovic, N., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nikola Obrenovic
- SBB Research Fund Meeting, SBB CFF FSS
- October 25, 2018, Zurich, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Discrete choice and machine learning: two peas in a pod?, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Plenary
- Mathematics Applied in Transport and Traffic Systems, Delft University of Technology
- October 17, 2018, Delft, The Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Reducing variability in passenger transfer times with two management strategies inside transportation hubs, Molyneaux, N., Scarinci, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nicholas Molyneaux
- International Conference on Operations Research, Université libre de Bruxelles
- September 14, 2018, Brussels, Belgium
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modelling competition in demand-based optimization models, Bortolomiol, S., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefano Bortolomiol
- International Conference on Operations Research, Université libre de Bruxelles
- September 14, 2018, Brussels, Belgium
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A Lagrangian relaxation technique for the demand-based benefit maximization problem, Pacheco, M., Gendron, B., Lurkin, V., Bierlaire, M., and Sharif Azadeh, S.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- Annual international conference of the German Operations Research Society (OR2018), Université libre de Bruxelles
- September 14, 2018, Brussels, Belgium
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A Lagrangian relaxation technique for the demand-based benefit maximization problem, Pacheco, M., Gendron, B., Lurkin, V., Bierlaire, M., and Sharif Azadeh, S.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- hEART 2018, 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, National Technical University of Athens
- September 06, 2018, Athens, Greece
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Model of the Swiss Freight Railway Network Design Problem, Obrenovic, N., Lurkin, V., Bortolomiol, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nikola Obrenovic
- hEART 2018, 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, National Technical University of Athens
- September 06, 2018, Athens, Greece
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Optimization of DCMs, and beyond!, Lederrey, G., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Gael Lederrey
- 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, National Technical University of Athens
- September 05, 2018, Athens, Greece
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Gating as a management strategy for
controlling pedestrian flows , Molyneaux, N., Scarinci, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nicholas Molyneaux
- 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, National Technical University of Athens
- September 05, 2018, Athens, Greece
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Optimal capacity location problem of parking and accelerated moving walkways to design a car-free city center, Oyama, Y., Scarinci, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Yuki Oyama
- hEART 2018, 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, National Technical University of Athens
- September 05, 2018, Athens, Greece
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A new framework for assessing classification algorithms for mode choice prediction, Hillel, T., Bierlaire, M., Elshafie, M. Z E B, and Jin, Y.
- Tim Hillel
- hEART 2018, 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, National Technical University of Athens
- September 05, 2018, Athens, Greece
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Integrating discrete choice models in mixed integer linear programming to capture the interactions between supply and demand, Pacheco, M., Sharif Azadeh, S., Gendron, B., Bierlaire, M., and Lurkin, V.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- 15th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, University of California Santa Barbara
- July 17, 2018, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Discrete-continuous maximum likelihood estimation, Lurkin, V., Fernandez-Antolin, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Virginie Lurkin
- 15th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research
- July 16, 2018, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
- [XML Marc]
- Optimization of Discrete Choice Models, Lederrey, G., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Gael Lederrey
- Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2018, EPFL
- June 22, 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Lagrangian relaxation for the demand-based benefit maximization problem, Pacheco, M., Gendron, B., Lurkin, V., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Gendron, B.
- Modeling of human movement behavior, Nikolic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Nikolic
- 4th Advances in Destination Management - Visitor Data and Decision Making: Challenges and Opportunities, University of St. Gallen
- June 14, 2018, St. Gallen, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modelling competition in demand-based optimization models, Bortolomiol, S., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefano Bortolomiol
- 16th Swiss Operations Research Days, Universität Bern
- June 12, 2018, Bern, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Freight railway network design problem, Obrenovic, N., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nikola Obrenovic
- 16th Swiss Operations Research Days, Universität Bern
- June 12, 2018, Bern, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Lagrangian relaxation for the demand-based benefit maximization problem, Pacheco, M., Gendron, B., Lurkin, V., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- 16th Swiss Operations Research Days, Universität Bern
- June 12, 2018, Bern, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Controlling Pedestrian Flows Using a Dynamic Traffic Management System, Molyneaux, N., Scarinci, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nicholas Molyneaux
- 7th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment: Smart Transportation
- June 06, 2018, The University of Hong Kong, China
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Capacity-Oriented Marshaling and Shunting
Yards Location Problem, Obrenovic, N., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nikola Obrenovic
- Odysseus 2018 - 7th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, University of Cagliari
- June 05, 2018, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- SNM: Stochastic Newton Method for Optimization of Discrete Choice Models, Lederrey, G., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Gael Lederrey
- 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 18, 2018, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Validation of probabilistic classifiers, Hillel, T., Bierlaire, M., Elshafie, M. Z E B, and Jin, Y.
- Tim Hillel
- 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 18, 2018, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Two management strategies for improving passenger transfer experience in train stations ., Molyneaux, N., Scarinci, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nicholas Molyneaux
- 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 18, 2018, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modelling competition in demand-based optimization models, Bortolomiol, S., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefano Bortolomiol
- 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 17, 2018, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A Lagrangian relaxation technique for the demand-based benefit maximization problem, Pacheco, M., Gendron, B., Lurkin, V., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 17, 2018, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- From moving vehicles to moving people: mobility as a service, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Workshop: Future of Public Transport, Erasmus Universiteit
- April 09, 2018, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Towards People-oriented Mobility (PoM), Lurkin, V.
- Virginie Lurkin
- Operations Planning And Control Group Seminar
- February 05, 2018, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- [XML Marc]
- Modeling advanced disaggregate demand as MILP, Bierlaire, M.
- Keynote
- 32nd annual conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society, ORBEL
- February 02, 2018, Liège, Belgium
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Planning of feeding station installment
and battery sizing for an electric
urban bus network, Lurkin, V., Zanarini, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Virginie Lurkin
- ORBEL 32 Conference
- February 02, 2018, Liège, Belgium
- [XML Marc]
- Maximum likelihood estimation of discrete and continuous parameters: an MILP formulation, Fernandez-Antolin, A., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- ORBEL 32 Conference, HEC Liège
- February 02, 2018, Liège, Belgium
- [XML Marc]
- Integrating advanced discrete choice models in mixed integer linear optimization, Pacheco, M., Sharif Azadeh, S., Bierlaire, M., and Gendron, B.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- ORBEL 32 Conference , HEC Liège
- February 02, 2018, Liège, Belgium
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Simulation-based population synthesis using Gibbs sampling, Farooq, B., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Conference on synthetic population, Swiss Federal Office for Spatial Development
- December 08, 2017, Bern, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Mathematical modeling of human behavior: from data to applications, Bierlaire, M., and Nikolic, M.
- Journées de la Technique, Swiss Engineering
- November 21, 2017, IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Advanced Discrete Choice Model: What Do We Do With Them?, Bierlaire, M.
- The 3rd NYUAD Transportation Symposium, New-York University
- November 19, 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Capturing how individuals filter and screen alternatives for discrete choice modeling applications, Lurkin, V., Garrow, L. A., Newman, J. P, and Bierlaire, M.
- Virginie Lurkin
- 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting
- October 24, 2017, Houston, USA
- [XML Marc]
- Introduction to Disaggregate Demand Models, Bierlaire, M., and Lurkin, V.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited tutorial
- INFORMS Annual Meeting Houston, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
- October 23, 2017, Houston, Tx
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Discrete-continuous maximum likelihood estimation, Fernandez-Antolin, A., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting
- October 23, 2017, Houston, USA
- [XML Marc]
- Behavior Models and Optimization, Bierlaire, M.
- Invited keynote speaker
- Summer course, University of Tokyo
- October 14, 2017, Tokyo, Japan
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Formulating discrete choice models as Mixed Integer Linear Problems (MILP), Bierlaire, M.
- Research seminar, Shanghai Maritime University
- October 10, 2017, Shanghai, China
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Calculating indicators with Biogeme, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Choice Modelling in Environmental Research: Challenges, Applications and New Trends, Centre for Development and Environment
- September 25, 2017, University of Bern, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A unified modeling and solution framework for stochastic routing problems, Markov, I., Bierlaire, M., Cordeau, J., and Varone, S.
- Iliya Markov
- hEART 2017 - 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
- September 14, 2017, Haifa, Israel
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Discrete-continuous maximum likelihood, Fernandez-Antolin, A., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion
- September 14, 2017, Haifa, Israel
- [XML Marc]
- Modeling Competition among Airline Itineraries, Lurkin, V., and Garrow, L. A.
- Virginie Lurkin
- 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion
- September 13, 2017, Haifa, Israel
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Hybrid traffic simulation of an innovative catenary-free electric bus service, Scarinci, R., Bierlaire, M., and Zanarini, A.
- Riccardo Scarinci
- 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion
- September 12, 2017, Haifa, Israel
- [XML Marc]
- Pedestrian multi-class speed-density relationship: evaluation of integrated and sequential approach, Nikolic, M., Bierlaire, M., Markov, I., and Bondo, R.
- Marija Nikolic
- 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion
- September 12, 2017, Haifa, Israel
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
An efficient algorithm for the multi-objective railway timetable rescheduling problem, Binder, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefan Binder
- 6th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART)
- September 12, 2017, Haifa, Israel
- [XML Marc]
- Markov assignment for a pedestrian activity-based network design problem, Oyama, Y., Hato, E., Scarinci, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Yuki Oyama
- hEART 2017, 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Israel Institute of Technology
- September 12, 2017, Haifa, Israel
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A Lagrangian relaxation method for a choice-based optimization framework capturing the demand-supply interaction, Pacheco, M., Sharif Azadeh, S., Bierlaire, M., and Gendron, B.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- Annual international conference of the German Operations Research Society (OR2017), Freie Universität Berlin
- September 07, 2017, Berlin, Germany
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Data-driven spatio-temporal discretization
for pedestrian flow characterization, Nikolic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Nikolic
- Intelligent Traffic Control and Service in Big Data Environment, EPFL
- August 23, 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Data-driven spatio-temporal discretization
for pedestrian flow characterization, Nikolic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Nikolic
- 22nd International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory
- July 24, 2017, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Planning of feeding station installment
for a full electric large capacity urban bus system, Lurkin, V., Sharif Azadeh, S., Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M.
- Virginie Lurkin
- 21st IFORS Conference
- July 20, 2017, Quebec, Canada
- [XML Marc]
- Integrating supply and demand within the framework of mixed integer linear problems, Pacheco, M., Sharif Azadeh, S., Bierlaire, M., and Gendron, B.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, IFORS
- July 19, 2017, Québec City, Canada
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Mathematical models of behavior for the prediction of
demand in transportation and energy, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of the Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- July 11, 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A unified framework for rich routing problems with stochastic demands, Markov, I., Bierlaire, M., Cordeau, J., Maknoon, Y., and Varone, S.
- Iliya Markov
- Verolog 2017 - Sixth meeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- July 11, 2017, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Lagrangian relaxation for the integration of discrete choice models in mixed integer linear problems, Pacheco, M., Sharif Azadeh, S., Bierlaire, M., and Gendron, B.
- Using non-traditional data sources
to understand travel behavior, Lurkin, V., and Garrow, L. A.
- Virginie Lurkin
- 12th Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, EPFL
- June 23, 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Discrete-continuous maximum likelihood, Fernandez-Antolin, A., Lurkin, V., Pacheco, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2017, EPFL
- June 23, 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Application of the MRI framework to a large network: Québec city,, Kazagli, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2017, EPFL
- June 22, 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Structural estimation for route choice models considering link specificity of measurement error variances, Oyama, Y.
- A comparison of classification methods for modelling urban mode choice, Hillel, T., Elshafie, M. Z E B, and Jin, Y.
- Tim Hillel
- Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2017, EPFL
- June 22, 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Integrating advanced discrete choice models in mixed integer linear optimization, Pacheco, M., Sharif Azadeh, S., Bierlaire, M., and Gendron, B.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2017, EPFL
- June 22, 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling route choice using aggregate models, Kazagli, E.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- Invited lecture, Ecole des Ponts - ParisTech
- May 24, 2017, Paris
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling route choice in Québec city using mental representations , Kazagli, E., Bierlaire, M., and de Lapparent, M.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 18, 2017, Ascona
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Pedestrian management strategies for improving flow dynamics in transportation hubs, Molyneaux, N., Scarinci, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nicholas Molyneaux
- 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 18, 2017, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Review of transportation mode detection
approaches based on smartphone data, Nikolic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Nikolic
- 17th Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- May 18, 2017, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Discrete-continuous maximum likelihood for the estimation of nested logit models, Fernandez-Antolin, A., Lurkin, V., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- 16th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 18, 2017, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Integrating advanced demand models within the framework of mixed integer linear problems: A Lagrangian relaxation method for the uncapacitated case, Pacheco, M., Sharif Azadeh, S., Bierlaire, M., and Gendron, B.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 18, 2017, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Efficient investigation of multiple dimensions of the railway timetable rescheduling problem, Binder, S., Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefan Binder
- 17th Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- May 17, 2017, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- A general framework for routing problems
with stochastic demands, Markov, I., Bierlaire, M., Cordeau, J., Maknoon, Y., and Varone, S.
- Iliya Markov
- 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 17, 2017, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A New Approach to Choice-Based
Revenue Management, Lurkin, V., Pacheco, M., Sharif Azadeh, S., Bierlaire, M., and Gendron, B.
- Virginie Lurkin
- AGIFORS RM Group Meeting
- May 17, 2017, San Francisco, United States
- [XML Marc]
- Estimation of Airline Itinerary Choice Models Using Disaggregate Ticket Data, Lurkin, V., Garrow, L. A., Higgins, M., Newman, J. P, and Schyns, M.
- Virginie Lurkin
- AGIFORS SSP Group Meeting
- May 16, 2017, San Francisco, United States
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- From Complex Travel Behaviour to Optimization: the Methodological Challenges, Bierlaire, M., and Pacheco, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Transport Seminar Series, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University
- March 22, 2017, Newcastle upon Tyne
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Travel discomfort-time tradeoffs in Paris subway, de Lapparent, M.
- Matthieu de Lapparent
- Seminar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Yamanashi
- March 09, 2017, Kofu, Japan
- [XML Marc]
- Structural modelling of sales and prices in the 2015 new car market in France, de Lapparent, M.
- Matthieu de Lapparent
- Seminar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Yamanashi
- March 09, 2017, Kofu, Japan
- [XML Marc]
- Data-driven fundamental models for pedestrian movements, Nikolic, M.
- Marija Nikolic
- Workshop on Transportation Network and Management, EPFL
- March 09, 2017, Lausanne
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- On modeling optimal use and ownership duration of a car: a dynamic discrete choice approach, de Lapparent, M.
- Matthieu de Lapparent
- Seminar, Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya University
- March 07, 2017, Nagoya, Japan
- [XML Marc]
- Structural modelling of sales and prices in the 2015 new car market in France, de Lapparent, M.
- Matthieu de Lapparent
- Small International Workshop on Advanced Choice Modelling, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- March 06, 2017, Tokyo, Japan
- [XML Marc]
- Modeling Interactions under Imperfect Information, de Lapparent, M.
- Matthieu de Lapparent
- International Workshop on Dynamic Risk Management of Transport Network: Social Interaction, Monitoring and Simulation, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- March 05, 2017, Tokyo, Japan
- [XML Marc]
- Behaviorally driven train timetable design, Robenek, T.
- Tomás Robenek
- Invited seminar, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- March 02, 2017, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- [XML Marc]
- Introduction to choice modeling, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecture, GuangDong University of Technology
- January 06, 2017, Guangzhou, China
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Using disaggregate demand models in operations research, Bierlaire, M., and Pacheco, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited seminar, GuangDong University of Technology
- January 05, 2017, Guangzhou, China
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Dynamic choice models with panel data, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecture, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- January 03, 2017, Hong Kong
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Demand forecasting with discrete choice models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecture, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- January 03, 2017, Hong Kong
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Integrating advanced discrete choice models into (mixed) integer linear optimization, Bierlaire, M., and Pacheco, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited seminar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- January 03, 2017, Hong Kong
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Pedestrians: the new kings of smart cities, Bierlaire, M., Nikolic, M., and Scarinci, R.
- Michel Bierlaire
- The 2nd NYUAD Transportation Symposium, NYU Abu Dhabi
- November 20, 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Zielwahl von Fussgängern anhand von WiFi-Daten, Danalet, A.
- Antonin Danalet
- Bundesamt für Raumentwicklung (ARE)
- November 17, 2016, Bern, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Modeling in Air Transportation:
Cargo Loading and Itinerary Choice, Lurkin, V.
- Virginie Lurkin
- 2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting - Aviation Applications Dissertation Prize
- November 14, 2016, Nashville, United States
- [XML Marc]
- Structural modeling of sales and prices in the 2015 new car market in France, de Lapparent, M.
- Matthieu de Lapparent
- EI seminar, Erasmus University, Department of Econometrics, Econometric Institute
- October 20, 2016, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- [XML Marc]
- A new mathematical formulation to integrate supply and demand within a choice-based optimization framework, Pacheco, M., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- Seminario en el Departamento de Ingeniería de Transporte y Logística, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- October 13, 2016, Santiago de Chile, Chile
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A new mathematical formulation to integrate supply and demand within a choice-based optimization framework, Pacheco, M., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- Seminario ISCI, Universidad de Chile
- October 12, 2016, Santiago de Chile, Chile
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A passenger assignment model for the railway timetable rescheduling problem, Binder, S., Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefan Binder
- 5th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART)
- September 16, 2016, Delft, The Netherlands
- [XML Marc]
- Waste collection inventory routing with non-stationary stochastic demands, Markov, I., Bierlaire, M., Cordeau, J., Maknoon, Y., and Varone, S.
- Iliya Markov
- hEART 2016 - 5th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, TU Delft
- September 16, 2016, Delft, The Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Assessing complex route choice models using an abstracted network based on mental representations, Kazagli, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- hEART 2016, 5th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Delft University of Technology
- September 16, 2016, Delft, Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Integrating supply and demand within the framework of mixed integer optimization problems
mixed integer optimization problems, Pacheco, M., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- hEART 2016, 5th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Delft University of Technology
- September 15, 2016, Delft, Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Multi-class speed-density
relationship for pedestrian traffic, Nikolic, M., Bierlaire, M., de Lapparent, M., and Scarinci, R.
- Marija Nikolic
- hEART 2016, 5th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Delft University of Technology
- September 14, 2016, Delft, the Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Data-driven characterization of pedestrian flows, Nikolic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Nikolic
- hEART 2016, 5th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Delft University of Technology
- September 14, 2016, Delft, the Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling demand for new cars in France, Fernandez-Antolin, A., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- hEART 2016, 5th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Delft University of Technology
- September 14, 2016, Delft, Netherlands
- [XML Marc]
- Incorporating advanced behavioral models in integer optimization, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Random Regret Models Symposium, TU Delft
- September 13, 2016, The Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Integrating demand uncertainty in inventory routing
for recyclable waste collection, Markov, I., Bierlaire, M., Cordeau, J., Maknoon, Y., and Varone, S.
- Iliya Markov
- 14th Join Operattions Research Days, Università della Svizzera italiana
- September 09, 2016, Lugano, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- How do we make a choice?, Fernandez-Antolin, A.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- My Thesis in 180 Seconds, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- September 06, 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- User-centric flexible
transportation systems, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Plenary talk
- 16th COTA conference International Conference of Transportation Professionals
- July 08, 2016, Shanghai, China
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Network design problem for electrical bus
, Maknoon, Y., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Yousef Maknoon
- EURO 2016
- July 06, 2016, Poznan, Poland
- [XML Marc]
- A choice-based optimization approach in flexible mobility
on demand, Sharif Azadeh, S., Bierlaire, M., Atasoy, B., and Ben-Akiva, M.
- Shadi Sharif Azadeh
- Euro 2016
- July 06, 2016,
- [XML Marc]
- A new mathematical formulation to integrate supply and demand within a choice-based optimization framework, Pacheco, M., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- EURO 2016
- July 06, 2016, Poznan, Poland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- On the trade-off between passenger convenience and operational costs in railway disruption management, Binder, S., Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefan Binder
- Ninth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN IX)
- June 17, 2016, Oranjestad, Aruba
- [XML Marc]
- Waste collection inventory routing with non-stationary stochastic demands, Markov, I., Maknoon, Y., Cordeau, J., Varone, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Iliya Markov
- June 17, 2016, Oranjestad, Aruba
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Discrete choice models and operations research: a
difficult combination, Bierlaire, M., and Sharif Azadeh, S.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Plenary lecture
- 9th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis , TRISTAN
- June 16, 2016, Oranjestad, Aruba
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling demand for new cars in Germany: a Bayesian approach, de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Matthieu de Lapparent
- 9th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis
- June 16, 2016, Oranjestad, Aruba
- [XML Marc]
- Assessing complex route choice models using an abstracted network based on mental representations, Kazagli, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- June 16, 2016, Oranjestad, Aruba
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Choice-based routing problem in the context of flexible mobility on demand, Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Shadi Sharif Azadeh
- Tristan 2016
- June 15, 2016, Aruba
- [XML Marc]
- Network design of a transport system based on accelerating moving walkways, Scarinci, R., Markov, I., and Bierlaire, M.
- Riccardo Scarinci
- Ninth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis TRISTAN IX
- June 15, 2016, Oranjestad, Aruba
- [XML Marc]
- Multi-class speed-density
relationship for pedestrian traffic, Nikolic, M., Bierlaire, M., de Lapparent, M., and Scarinci, R.
- Marija Nikolic
- Ninth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN IX)
- June 14, 2016, Oranjestad, Aruba
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Data-driven characterization of
pedestrian traffic, Nikolic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Nikolic
- Ninth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN IX)
- June 14, 2016, Oranjestad, Aruba
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Incorporating advanced behavioral models in mixed linear optimization, Pacheco, M., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- Ninth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN IX)
- June 14, 2016, Oranjestad, Aruba
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Flexible substitution patterns in new car sales, Fernandez-Antolin, A., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- June 13, 2016, Oranjestad, Aruba
- [XML Marc]
- Hybrid Cyclicity: Combining The Benefits Of Cyclic And Non-Cyclic Timetables, Robenek, T., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tomás Robenek
- Ninth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN IX)
- June 13, 2016, Oranjestad, Aruba
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Waste collection inventory routing with non-stationary stochastic demands, Markov, I., Maknoon, Y., Cordeau, J., Varone, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Iliya Markov
- Verolog 2016 - Fifth meeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization, Ecole des Mines de Nantes
- June 06, 2016, Nantes, France
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Inventory routing with non-stationary stochastic demands, Markov, I., Maknoon, Y., Cordeau, J., Varone, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Iliya Markov
- 16th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 19, 2016, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Exploring Pareto solutions of the multi-objective railway disruption management problem, Binder, S., Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefan Binder
- 16th Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- May 19, 2016, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Uncovering substitution patterns in new car sales using a cross nested logit model, Fernandez-Antolin, A., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- 16th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 19, 2016, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Hybrid Cyclicity: Combining The Benefits Of Cyclic And Non-Cyclic Timetables, Robenek, T., Maknoon, Y., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tomás Robenek
- 16th Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- May 19, 2016, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Data-driven characterization of
pedestrian flows, Nikolic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Nikolic
- 16th Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- May 18, 2016, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A new mathematical formulation to integrate supply and demand within a choice-based optimization framework, Pacheco, M., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Meritxell Pacheco
- 16th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 18, 2016, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Assessing complex route choice models using mental representations, Kazagli, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- 16th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 18, 2016, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- , Sharif Azadeh, S., Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M.
- May 17, 2016, Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Dealing with structural correlation in discrete choice models: The complex case of route choice, Kazagli, E.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- Invited lecture, Ecole des Ponts - ParisTech
- May 12, 2016, Paris
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- How do I choose a new car? A discrete-choice approach., Fernandez-Antolin, A., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- Invited lecture, Ecole des Ponts - ParisTech
- May 12, 2016, Paris, France
- [XML Marc]
- I would like a new car, which one do I choose?, Fernandez-Antolin, A., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2016
- April 22, 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Pedestrians in transportation hubs: movement and behavior in the era of big data, Scarinci, R., Nikolic, M., Danalet, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Riccardo Scarinci
- Verkehr Aktuell - TUM Speaker's series at Deutsches Museum, Technical University of Munich TUM
- April 21, 2016, Munich, Germany
- [XML Marc]
- Assessing complex route choice models using an abstracted network based on mental representations, Kazagli, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- 11th Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, EPFL
- April 21, 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Modeling and estimation of pedestrian flows in train stations (Public defense), Hänseler, F.
- Flurin Hänseler
- Public thesis defense, EPFL
- March 11, 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling and estimation of pedestrian flows in train stations (Private defense), Hänseler, F.
- Flurin Hänseler
- Private thesis defense, EPFL
- February 11, 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Statistiques, Econométrie, et Big Data, de Lapparent, M.
- Matthieu de Lapparent
- Journée assurance et big data, Ecole des Ponts Paris-Tech
- January 12, 2016, Paris, France
- [XML Marc]
- Discrete choice and discrete optimization: a continuous quest for integration, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar on Advances on Discrete Choice models In the honor of Daniel McFadden, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
- December 18, 2015, Cergy-Pontoise, France
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- The behavioral dimension of optimization, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of Numerical Analysis, Institute of Computational Science and Engineering, EPFL
- December 16, 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modélisation du choix d'activité pour les infrastructures piétonnes, Danalet, A.
- Antonin Danalet
- Ma thèse en slides, EPFL
- December 04, 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Vehicle routing and demand forecasting in recyclable waste collection, Markov, I., Maknoon, Y., de Lapparent, M., Cordeau, J., Varone, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Iliya Markov
- CIRRELT Seminar, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur les réseaux d'entreprise, la logistique et le transport
- November 26, 2015, Montréal,Canada
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Pas si "bad", le "Big data", Danalet, A.
- Antonin Danalet
- Cafés scientifiques UniNE, Université de Neuchâtel (UniNE)
- November 18, 2015, Neuchâtel
- [Abstract][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Demand and supply optimization, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- New Directions in Mathematical Approaches for Traffic Flow Management: Decision Support for Traffic, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA
- November 16, 2015, Los Angeles
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Network Design Problem for Battery Electric Bus, Maknoon, Y., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Yousef Maknoon
- INFORMS Annual Meeting 2015
- November 03, 2015, Philadelphia, USA
- [XML Marc]
- Choice based demand model in the context of flexible mobility on demand, Sharif Azadeh, S., Bierlaire, M., Ben-Akiva, M., and Atasoy, B.
- Shadi Sharif Azadeh
- INFORMS Annual Meeting
- November 02, 2015, Philadelphia, USA
- [XML Marc]
- A dynamic network loading model for anisotropic and congested pedestrian flows, Hänseler, F., Lam, W., Bierlaire, M., Lederrey, G., and Nikolic, M.
- Flurin Hänseler
- TGF '15, TU Delft
- October 30, 2015, Delft, The Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Data-driven characterization of multidirectional pedestrian traffic, Nikolic, M., Bierlaire, M., and Hänseler, F.
- Marija Nikolic
- TGF '15, TU Delft
- October 28, 2015, Delft, The Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Les modèles LUTI : état de l’art, exemples internationaux et effets d’agglomération, de Lapparent, M.
- Matthieu de Lapparent
- La prise en compte des effets d’agglomération dans le calcul socioéconomique, CGI, CGEDD, France-Stratégie
- October 22, 2015, Paris, France
- [XML Marc]
- My thesis in slides, Danalet, A.
- Antonin Danalet
- PhD thesis Oral Exam, EPFL
- October 13, 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Mobility in a Post-Car World: investigating a transport system based on Accelerated Moving Walkways, Scarinci, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Riccardo Scarinci
- Master course "On the road" , Laboratory of Urbanism Lab-U, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL
- October 02, 2015, Lausanne Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Table ronde "Le lancement de projets partageant des données et des informations entre services publics et privés: défis et opportunité", Danalet, A.
- Antonin Danalet
- Smart City 2015, Innobridge Services
- September 23, 2015, Swiss Tech Convention Center (STCC)
- [Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Moving walkways: from a past science-fiction transport system to future reality, Scarinci, R., Bahrami, F., Ourednik, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Riccardo Scarinci
- The Future of Mobilities, T2M Cosmobilities
- September 17, 2015, Caserta, Italy
- [XML Marc]
- Accelerating Moving Walkways: Optimization of an Innovative Transport System for Dense Urban Areas, Scarinci, R., Markov, I., and Bierlaire, M.
- Riccardo Scarinci
- 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation hEART, Technical University of Denmark
- September 11, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
- [XML Marc]
- Towards an integrated approach for demand forecasting and vehicle routing in recyclable waste collection, Markov, I., de Lapparent, M., Varone, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Iliya Markov
- hEART 2015 - 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, DTU
- September 11, 2015, Copenhagen
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A new approach to airline and train demand modeling using registered transactions, Sharif Azadeh, S., Marcotte, P., and Bierlaire, M.
- Shadi Sharif Azadeh
- hEART 2015, DTU
- September 11, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
- [XML Marc]
- Assessment of A Route Choice Model Based on Mental Representations for Practical Applications, Kazagli, E., Bierlaire, M., and Flötteröd, G.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- hEART 2015, 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
- September 11, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Destination choice with longitudinal data, Danalet, A., Tinguely, L., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Antonin Danalet
- 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART 2015), Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
- September 10, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
- [Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- On the trade-off between passenger convenience and operational costs in railway disruption management, Binder, S., Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefan Binder
- 4th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Technical University of Denmark
- September 10, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
- [XML Marc]
- A dynamic network loading model for anisotropic and congested pedestrian flows, Hänseler, F., Lam, W., Bierlaire, M., Lederrey, G., and Nikolic, M.
- Flurin Hänseler
- 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Technical University of Denmark
- September 10, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Truck scheduling in logistic network
with transshipment centers
, Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M.
- Yousef Maknoon
- hEART2015
- September 10, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
- [XML Marc]
- Evaluating the Quality of Railway Timetables, Robenek, T., Maknoon, Y., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tomás Robenek
- 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation
- September 10, 2015, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Characterization of multidirectional pedestrian flows based on three-dimensional Voronoi tessellations, Nikolic, M., Bierlaire, M., and Hänseler, F.
- Marija Nikolic
- 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Technical University of Denmark
- September 09, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Capturing non-linearities between observed and unobserved variables: how to model the "car loving" attitude while correcting for endogeneity, Fernandez-Antolin, A., Guevara-Cue, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Technical University of Denmark
- September 09, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
- [XML Marc]
- Incorporating advanced behavioral models in integer optimization, Bierlaire, M., and Sharif Azadeh, S.
- Michel Bierlaire
- CIRRELT Seminar, Interuniversity Research Center om Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation
- August 26, 2015, Montréal, Canada
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Travel discomfort-time tradeoffs in Paris subway: an empirical analysis using interval regression models, de Lapparent, M., and Koning, M.
- Matthieu de Lapparent
- 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research
- July 23, 2015, Beaumont Estate, Windsor
- [XML Marc]
- Evaluating the Quality of Railway Timetables, Robenek, T., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tomás Robenek
- 13th Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport
- July 22, 2015, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- The activity path approach to activity pattern modeling, Danalet, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Antonin Danalet
- 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research
- July 20, 2015, Beaumont Estate, Windsor
- [Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Passenger demand modeling under availability constraints and customer segmentation assumptions, Sharif Azadeh, S., Marcotte, P., Savard, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Shadi Sharif Azadeh
- July 20, 2015, Windsor, UK
- [XML Marc]
- Modeling the unobserved: an application of the MIS method to RP Swiss data, Fernandez-Antolin, A., Guevara-Cue, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research
- July 19, 2015, Beaumont Estate, Windsor
- [XML Marc]
- An exact formulation of the passenger-oriented train timetable rescheduling problem in case of severe disruptions, Binder, S., Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefan Binder
- 27th European Conference on Operational Research, University of Strathclyde
- July 15, 2015, Glasgow, Scotland
- [XML Marc]
- Demand-based network design problem , Maknoon, Y., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Yousef Maknoon
- EURO 2015
- July 14, 2015, Glasgow, Scotland
- [XML Marc]
- An optimization model to 3D route planning for air navigation systems, Sharif Azadeh, S., Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M.
- Shadi Sharif Azadeh
- EURO INFORMS, University of Strathclyde
- July 13, 2015, Glasgow, Scotland
- [XML Marc]
- Airline passenger behavior modeling in revenue management systems, Sharif Azadeh, S., Marcotte, P., and Bierlaire, M.
- Shadi Sharif Azadeh
- June 14, 2015, Montreal, Canada
- [XML Marc]
- Vehicle routing and demand forecasting in a generalized waste collection problem, Markov, I., de Lapparent, M., Varone, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Iliya Markov
- Verolog 2015 - Fourth meeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization, University of Vienna
- June 09, 2015, Vienna, Austria
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Activity path size for correlation between activity paths, Danalet, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Antonin Danalet
- Tenth Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, EPFL
- May 29, 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- A Route Choice Model Based on Mental Representations, Kazagli, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- 10th Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2015, EPFL
- May 28, 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Correcting for endogeneity using the MIS method: a case study using mode choice RP data in Switzerland, Fernandez-Antolin, A., Guevara-Cue, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- Workshop on Discrete Choice Models 2015
- May 28, 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Passenger-centric railway operations, Bierlaire, M., Binder, S., Maknoon, Y., and Robenek, T.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Network Optimization Workshop
- May 19, 2015, La Rochelle, France
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Revisiting the Route Choice Problem: A Modeling Framework Based on Mental Representations, Kazagli, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- International Choice Modelling Conference 2015
- May 12, 2015, Austin, Texas - USA
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Passenger-oriented railway disposition timetables in case of severe disruptions, Binder, S., Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefan Binder
- 15th Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- April 17, 2015, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Railway Passenger Service Timetable Design, Robenek, T., Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tomás Robenek
- 15th Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- April 17, 2015, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Destination Choice Model including panel data using WiFi localization in a pedestrian facility, Tinguely, L., Danalet, A., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- 15th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- April 16, 2015, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A Route Choice Model based on Mental Representations, Kazagli, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- 15th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- April 16, 2015, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling a waste disposal process via a discrete mixture of count data models, Markov, I., de Lapparent, M., Bierlaire, M., and Varone, S.
- Iliya Markov
- 15th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- April 16, 2015, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling pedestrian flows in train stations: The example of Lausanne railway station, Hänseler, F., Bierlaire, M., Molyneaux, N., Scarinci, R., and Thémans, M.
- Flurin Hänseler
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- April 16, 2015, Ascona
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Correcting for endogeneity using the EMIS method: a case study with revealed preference data, Fernandez-Antolin, A., Guevara-Cue, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- 15th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- April 16, 2015, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Importance sampling for activity path choice, Danalet, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Antonin Danalet
- 15th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- April 15, 2015, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Pedestrian flow characterization based on spatio-temporal Voronoi tessellations, Nikolic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Nikolic
- 15th Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- April 15, 2015, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Demand-based scheduling, Bierlaire, M., Binder, S., Maknoon, Y., and Robenek, T.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of the Dpt of Economics and Management, University of Brescia
- April 10, 2015, Italy
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Generation and evaluation of passenger-oriented railway disposition timetables in case of severe disruptions, Binder, S., Maknoon, Y., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefan Binder
- 6th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis
- March 26, 2015, Tokyo, Japan
- [XML Marc]
- The Ideal Train Timetabling Problem, Robenek, T., Sharif Azadeh, S., Maknoon, Y., Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tomás Robenek
- The 6th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (RailTokyo2015)
- March 25, 2015, Tokyo, Japan
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Pedestrian research at TRANSP-OR: from fundamental indexes to behavioral modeling, Scarinci, R., Danalet, A., Hänseler, F., Nikolic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Riccardo Scarinci
- Saudi Arabia delegation from Mecca visit at EPFL, Transportation Center (TraCE), EPFL
- February 27, 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Generation and evaluation of passenger-oriented railway disposition timetables in case of severe disruptions, Binder, S., Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefan Binder
- Programme Doctoral en Recherche Opérationnelle
- January 14, 2015, Zinal, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Train Timetabling - New Approach, Robenek, T.
- Tomás Robenek
- CUSO Doctoral Programme in Operations Research – Spring Seminar
- January 13, 2015, Zinal, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Impact of demand modeling in revenue management systems, Sharif Azadeh, S.
- Workshop on Big Data, Polytechnique Montreal
- January 01, 2015, Montreal
- [XML Marc]
- A macroscopic loading model for dynamic, multi-directional and congested pedestrian flows, Hänseler, F., Lam, W., and Bierlaire, M.
- Flurin Hänseler
- Hong Kong Society for Research in Transportation (HKSTS) Annual Conference, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- December 16, 2014, Hong Kong, China
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Solving mobility challenges through demand-oriented and user-centric innovation , Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Guest speaker, Verbier Investment Forum on Mobility
- December 05, 2014, Verbier, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Modeling opportunities from modern pedestrian data, Bierlaire, M., Nikolic, M., Hänseler, F., Danalet, A., and Scarinci, R.
- Michel Bierlaire
- TRAIL Master Class on Urban Mobility Laboratory, TU Delft
- November 18, 2014, Deflt, The Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Vehicle Routing with Cross-dock Selection
, Maknoon, Y., Baptiste, P., and Laporte, G.
- Yousef Maknoon
- INFORMS Annual Meeting 2014
- November 12, 2014, San Francisco, USA
- [XML Marc]
- Simulation and optimization in transportation: an overview, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Séminaire de la chaire CN en intermodalité des transports, CIRRELT
- November 06, 2014, Montréal, Canada
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Optimization of the network design of a futuristic transport system based on accelerated moving walkways, Scarinci, R., Rojanawisut, B., Markov, I., Bierlaire, M., Lopez, G., and Chen, J.
- Riccardo Scarinci
- Master course "On the road" LAB-U, EPFL
- October 31, 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Route choice models: bringing behavioral aspects into shortest path, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Graphs and Decisions
- October 27, 2014, University of Luxembourg
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Pedestrian-oriented flow characterization, Nikolic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Nikolic
- Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics conference (PED 2014), Delft University of Technology,
- October 24, 2014, Delft, the Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- User-centric research for predicting future transportation demand, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Invited speaker
- IATA Airs@t User Forum
- October 08, 2014, Athens, Greece
- [XML Marc]
- Clip-air: a concept for future air transport, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Invited speaker
- IATA Airs@t User Forum
- October 08, 2014, Athens, Greece
- [XML Marc]
- Impact of demand modeling in revenue management systems, Sharif Azadeh, S.
- Shadi Sharif Azadeh
- Workshop on Big Data, Polytechnique Montreal
- October 07, 2014, Montreal
- [XML Marc]
- Solving a complex waste collection routing problem with intermediate disposals, Markov, I., Varone, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Iliya Markov
- hEART 2014 - 3rd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, University of Leeds
- September 12, 2014, Leeds, UK
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Revisiting Route Choice Modeling: A Multi-Level Modeling Framework for Route Choice Behavior, Kazagli, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- hEART 2014, 3rd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds
- September 12, 2014, Leeds, United Kingdom
- [XML Marc]
- The Ideal Train Timetabling Problem, Robenek, T., Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tomás Robenek
- 3rd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation
- September 12, 2014, Leeds, United Kingdom
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Activity choice modeling for pedestrian facilities: Validation on synthetic data, Danalet, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Antonin Danalet
- 3nd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART) 2014, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds
- September 11, 2014, Leeds, United Kingdom
- [Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Probabilistic speed-density relationship for heterogeneous pedestrian traffic, Nikolic, M., Bierlaire, M., and Farooq, B.
- Marija Nikolic
- 3rd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, University of Leeds
- September 11, 2014, Leeds, United Kingdom
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A correction for endogeneity in choice models with psychological constructs, Guevara-Cue, A., Fernandez-Antolin, A., Glerum, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- 3rd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART) 2014, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds
- September 11, 2014, Leeds, United Kingdom
- [XML Marc]
- Scheduling Material Handling
in Cross-Docking Terminals, Maknoon, Y.
- Yousef Maknoon
- CUSO - doctoral program in operations research
- August 02, 2014, Zinal, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- The Ideal Train Timetabling Problem, Robenek, T., Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tomás Robenek
- 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies
- July 17, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A global optimization method for demand modeling, Sharif Azadeh, S.
- Shadi Sharif Azadeh
- July 15, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
- [XML Marc]
- Activity choice in pedestrian facilities, Danalet, A.
- Antonin Danalet
- Students from the Honor Program of Eindhoven visiting EPFL
- July 09, 2014, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Specification of the cross nested logit model with sampling of alternatives for route choice models, Lai, X., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- International workshop on current topics in choice modelling, University of Leeds
- June 26, 2014, Leeds, UK
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Vehicle routing for a complex waste collection problem, Markov, I., Varone, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Iliya Markov
- Verolog 2014 - Third meeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization, University of Oslo
- June 23, 2014, Oslo, Norway
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Revisiting Route Choice Modeling: A Multi-Level Modeling Framework for Route Choice Behavior, Kazagli, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- 9th Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, EPFL
- June 20, 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Choice Probability Generating Functions, Fernandez-Antolin, A., Bierlaire, M., Fosgerau, M., and McFadden, D.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- 9th Workshop on Discrete Choice Models
- June 20, 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Introducing a non-parametric method for customer behavior modeling, Sharif Azadeh, S.
- Shadi Sharif Azadeh
- EPFL, Workshop on discrete choice models
- June 19, 2014, Lausanne
- [XML Marc]
- Choice set generation for activities using importance sampling, Danalet, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Antonin Danalet
- Ninth Workshop on Discrete Choice Models
- June 19, 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Les comportements piétons dans les pôles d'échange intermodaux : Une collaboration avec les CFF, Danalet, A., Nikolic, M., Hänseler, F., and Bierlaire, M.
- Antonin Danalet
- Visite délégation AQTIM Québec, Transportation Center (TraCE), EPFL
- June 16, 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Simulation and optimization in transportation, Bierlaire, M.
- International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization , National Technical University of Athens
- June 04, 2014, Kos Island, Greece
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Optimization of the network design of a futuristic transport system based on moving walkways, Scarinci, R., Lopez, G., Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Riccardo Scarinci
- 14th Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- May 16, 2014, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Generation and evaluation of passenger-oriented railway disposition timetables, Binder, S., Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefan Binder
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- May 15, 2014, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Modelling of train-induced pedestrian flows in railway stations, Molyneaux, N., Hänseler, F., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nicholas Molyneaux
- 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 15, 2014, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A dynamic discrete-continuous choice model for car ownership and usage: estimation procedure, Glerum, A., Frejinger, E., Karlstrom, A., Beser Hugosson, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- May 15, 2014, Ascona
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Revisiting Route Choice Modeling: A Multi-Level Modeling Framework for Route Choice Behavior, Kazagli, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- May 15, 2014, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Exploratory Analysis of Endogeneity in Discrete Choice Models , Fernandez-Antolin, A., Stathopoulos, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Anna Fernandez Antolin
- 14th Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- May 15, 2014, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- The Ideal Train Timetabling Problem, Robenek, T., Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tomás Robenek
- 14th Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- May 15, 2014, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Activity pattern modeling: A path choice approach, Danalet, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Antonin Danalet
- 14th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 15, 2014, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Probabilistic speed-density relationship for pedestrians based on data driven space and time representation, Nikolic, M., Bierlaire, M., and Farooq, B.
- Marija Nikolic
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- May 15, 2014, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Vehicle routing for a complex waste collection problem, Markov, I., Varone, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Iliya Markov
- 14th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 14, 2014, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Waste collection routing with time windows and intermediate disposal trips, Markov, I., Varone, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Iliya Markov
- 12th Joint Operations Research Days, EPFL
- May 09, 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Generation and evaluation of passenger-oriented railway disposition timetables, Binder, S., Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Stefan Binder
- 12th Swiss OR Days
- May 08, 2014, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- The Ideal Train Timetabling Problem, Robenek, T., Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tomás Robenek
- 12th Swiss Operations Research Days
- May 08, 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- WiFi-Based Marauder's Map, or where are members of a campus and why?, Danalet, A.
- Antonin Danalet
- Workshop on pedestrian models 2014, EPFL
- April 11, 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Probabilistic speed-density relationship for pedestrians based on data driven space and time representation, Nikolic, M., Bierlaire, M., and Farooq, B.
- Marija Nikolic
- April 10, 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Transportation Research at EPFL: From Supply Chain to Intelligent Vehicles, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Nestlé's Logistics Blue Sky Day
- March 21, 2014, Montreux, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Transportation Center: Research related to traffic management and public transport operations , Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Green Day of the Transportation Department of State of Geneva
- January 28, 2014, Coppet, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Analysis and modeling of pedestrian flows in railway stations, Hänseler, F.
- Flurin Hänseler
- Meeting SBB-Beirat Technologie, Methoden und Prozesse, SBB-CFF-FFS
- December 04, 2013, Lausanne
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A dynamic discrete-continuous choice model of car ownership, usage and fuel type, Glerum, A., Frejinger, E., Karlstrom, A., Beser Hugosson, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- Workshop session on 'discrete-continuous models of car ownership and use', University of Leeds
- November 12, 2013, Leeds, UK
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Forecasting the demand for electric vehicles, Glerum, A., Stankovikj, L., Thémans, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- EDC seminar, University of Leeds
- November 12, 2013, Leeds, UK
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A path choice approach to activity modeling with a pedestrian case study, Danalet, A.
- Antonin Danalet
- Workshop "Statistique, transport et activités", Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann (équipe Mistis) & GAEL (Laboratoire d'Economie Appliquée de Grenoble)
- November 05, 2013, Grenoble, France
- [Abstract][Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Recent trends in pedestrian modeling at EPFL, Bierlaire, M., Danalet, A., Hänseler, F., and Nikolic, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte, Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería
- October 23, 2013, Santiago, Chile
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A dynamic discrete-continuous choice model to explain car ownership, usage and fuel type decisions, Glerum, A., Frejinger, E., Karlstrom, A., Beser Hugosson, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- IRE seminar, Università della Svizzera italiana
- October 11, 2013, Lugano, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Integrated choice and latent variable models: applications to vehicle and mode choice modeling, Glerum, A., Stankovikj, L., Thémans, M., Atasoy, B., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- IRE seminar, Università della Svizzera italiana
- October 10, 2013, Lugano, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- EPFL's Transportation Research: Strategy & Selected Projects, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Eurotech Workshop on Transportation
- October 08, 2013, Brussels, Belgium
- [XML Marc]
- Strategies to deal with uncertainty in real time in the berth allocation problem, Umang, N., Bierlaire, M., and Erera, A. L.
- Nitish Umang
- International Conference on Operations Research
- September 06, 2013, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
- [XML Marc]
- A mesoscopic dynamic flow model for pedestrian movement in railway stations, Hänseler, F., Farooq, B., and Bierlaire, M.
- Flurin Hänseler
- 2nd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART 2013)
- September 06, 2013, Stockholm
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A dynamic discrete-continuous choice model of car ownership, usage and fuel type, Glerum, A., Frejinger, E., Karlstrom, A., Beser Hugosson, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- Second Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation
- September 05, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Spatial tessellations of pedestrian dynamics, Nikolic, M., Bierlaire, M., and Farooq, B.
- Marija Nikolic
- 2nd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation
- September 05, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Demand Based Timetabling of Passenger Railway Service, Robenek, T., Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tomás Robenek
- 2nd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation
- September 05, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A Pedestrian Destination-Chain Choice Model from Bayesian Estimation of Pedestrian Activities using Sensors Data, Danalet, A., Bierlaire, M., and Farooq, B.
- Antonin Danalet
- 2nd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART 2013)
- September 05, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden
- [Abstract][Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Modeling behavior to support economical decisions, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Modelling Expert Network Workshop, Nestle
- September 02, 2013, Konolfingen, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- EPFL: Aperçu des activités en transport routier durable, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Congrès annuel de l'association e'mobile
- August 23, 2013, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Accounting for expectations about the future: a dynamic discrete-continuous choice model (DDCCM) of car ownership, usage and fuel type, Glerum, A., Frejinger, E., Karlstrom, A., Beser Hugosson, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- Seminar rCITI, University of New South Wales
- July 26, 2013, Sydney, Australia
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Mixtures and latent variables in discrete choice models: an introduction, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Tutorial
- International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory
- July 16, 2013, Delft, The Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Incorporating Travelers’ Mental Representations in Route Choice Modeling, Kazagli, E.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- DATA SIM Summer School 2013, Mobility Modeling and Big Data Sources, Hasselt University
- July 15, 2013, Hasselt, Belgium
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Pedestrian flow characteristics based on individual trajectories, Nikolic, M.
- Marija Nikolic
- DATA SIM Summer School 2013, Mobility Modeling and Big Data Sources, Hasselt University
- July 15, 2013, Hasselt, Belgium
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling car ownership and usage: a dynamic discrete-continuous choice modeling approach, Glerum, A., Frejinger, E., Karlstrom, A., Beser Hugosson, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- International Choice Modelling Conference
- July 04, 2013, Sydney, Australia
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Tactical Design of Electric Bus Network Using Optimization Tools, Robenek, T., Chen, J., Atasoy, B., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tomás Robenek
- 26th European Conference on Operational Research
- July 01, 2013, Rome, Italy
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Impact analysis of a exible air transportation system: Clip-Air, Bierlaire, M., Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Leonardi, C.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Network Optimization Workshop
- June 27, 2013, Syracuse, Italy
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- From Information & Communication Technologies to Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Seminar at Federal Office of Communication , Invited speaker
- June 27, 2013, Bienne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Models and algorithms for integrated airline scheduling, fleeting and pricing, Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- The International IIE Conference
- June 26, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
- [XML Marc]
- Electric mobility: The social acceptance of electric vehicles on Swiss market, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Workshop de la Chaire Armand Peugeot, Ecole Centrale Paris
- June 25, 2013, Paris, France
- [XML Marc]
- Real-time management of the berth allocation problem with stochastic arrival and handling times, Umang, N., Bierlaire, M., and Erera, A. L.
- Nitish Umang
- Second INFORMS TSL Workshop 2013
- June 17, 2013, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove CA, USA
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Models and algorithms for integrated airline schedule planning and revenue management, Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- June 14, 2013, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Berth Allocation Problem in Real Time, Bierlaire, M., and Umang, N.
- Michel Bierlaire
- June 13, 2013, San Pedro De Atacama, Chile
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A Bayesian Approach to Detect Pedestrian Destination-Sequences from WiFi Signatures, Danalet, A., Farooq, B., and Bierlaire, M.
- Antonin Danalet
- Eighth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VIII)
- June 10, 2013, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
- [Abstract][Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Paired Route Impedance Correction for Multinomial Logit Model Based on Equivalent Impedance, Lai, X., and Jun, L.
- Xinjun Lai
- Workshop on Discrete Choice Models
- May 31, 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Modeling the willingness to join carsharing using latent class discrete choice models and mixed internet/paper survey data, Efthymiou, D., and Antoniou, C.
- Dimitrios Efthymiou
- Workshop on Discrete Choice Models
- May 31, 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Synthesizing Data on Agents and Their Associations: A Simulation and Graph Theoretic Approach, Farooq, B., and Bierlaire, M.
- Bilal Farooq
- Eighth Workshop on Discrete Choice Models
- May 31, 2013, Lausanne
- [Abstract][XML Marc]
- Enhanced measurement equations for latent class choice models, Glerum, A., Hurtubia, R., Nguyen, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- Eighth workshop on discrete choice models, EPFL
- May 31, 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A framework to model inter-temporal renewal decisions, Stathopoulos, A., Glerum, A., Thémans, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Amanda Stathopoulos
- 8th Workshop on discrete choice models, EPFL
- May 30, 2013, Lausanne
- [XML Marc]
- Revealed preference data from WiFi traces for pedestrian activity scheduling, Danalet, A., Farooq, B., and Bierlaire, M.
- Antonin Danalet
- Eighth Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, EPFL
- May 30, 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Population Synthesis: A Different Perspective, Farooq, B., and Bierlaire, M.
- Bilal Farooq
- Workshop on Land-Use Transport Interactions
- May 24, 2013, Paris
- [Abstract][XML Marc]
- Agent-Based Indicators Analysis in the Context of Policy Evaluation: Preliminary Findings , Efthymiou, D., Farooq, B., Bierlaire, M., and Antoniou, C.
- Dimitrios Efthymiou
- Workshop on Land-Use Transport Interaction Models
- May 24, 2013, Paris, France
- [XML Marc]
- Analysis of an itinerary-based airline fleet assignment model with choice-driven recapture and pricing, Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- Seminar at IDSIA/SUPSI
- May 22, 2013, Manno-Lugano, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Analysis of an itinerary-based airline fleet assignment model with passenger-choice driven recapture and pricing, Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- 11th Swiss OR Days
- May 02, 2013, Geneva
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Dynamic vehicle ownership forecasting: a framework to model inter-temporal renewal decisions, Stathopoulos, A., Glerum, A., Thémans, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Amanda Stathopoulos
- Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- April 25, 2013, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- A dynamic discrete-continuous choice model of car ownership and usage, Glerum, A., Frejinger, E., Karlstrom, A., Beser Hugosson, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- April 25, 2013, Ascona
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A mesoscopic dynamic flow model for pedestrian movement in railway stations, Hänseler, F., Farooq, B., and Bierlaire, M.
- Flurin Hänseler
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- April 25, 2013, A
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Incorporating “Mental Maps” in Route Choice Modeling: Preliminary Ideas, Kazagli, E., Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Evanthia Kazagli
- Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC)
- April 25, 2013, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Exploratory analysis of pedestrian flow characteristics in mobility hubs using trajectory data, Nikolic, M., Farooq, B., and Bierlaire, M.
- Marija Nikolic
- Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC)
- April 25, 2013, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Towards an activity-based model for pedestrian facilities, Danalet, A., Farooq, B., and Bierlaire, M.
- Antonin Danalet
- 13th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- April 25, 2013, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Integration of explicit supply-demand interactions in airline schedule planning and fleet assignment, Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- April 24, 2013, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Exploratory analysis of demand interaction in the planning of passenger railway service, Robenek, T., Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Tomás Robenek
- Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- April 24, 2013, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Simulation based Population Synthesis, Bierlaire, M., Farooq, B., Hurtubia, R., and Flötteröd, G.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Transportation@MIT Seminar Series, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- February 22, 2013, Cambridge, MA
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Flexibility in air transportation through new technologies and advance supply-demand interactions, Atasoy, B., Bierlaire, M., and Salani, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- Group meeting, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Transportation
- February 13, 2013, Boston, US
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Introduction to disaggregate demand models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Dinalog Winterschool 2013, Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics (Dinalog)
- January 29, 2013, Breda, The Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Impact analysis of a flexible air transportation system: Clip-Air, Atasoy, B., Salani, M., Bierlaire, M., and Leonardi, C.
- Bilge Atasoy
- Visit of SAFRAN Group
- January 23, 2013, EPFL
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Detecting pedestrian destinations from ubiquitous digital footprint, Danalet, A.
- Antonin Danalet
- FCL-Talk, Future Cities Laboratory (FCL)
- January 22, 2013, ValueLab Asia, CREATE Tower, Singapore
- [Abstract][Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Opportunistic Transport Data Collection, Efthymiou, D., and Antoniou, C.
- Dimitrios Efthymiou
- 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board
- January 15, 2013, Washington D.C.
- [XML Marc]
- Dynamic discrete choice modeling for car use, ownership and fuel type based on register data, Glerum, A., Frejinger, E., Karlstrom, A., Beser Hugosson, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- IRUC seminar, DTU
- December 17, 2012, Copenhagen
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Integrated Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Systems: Planning and Design , Farooq, B.
- Bilal Farooq
- Invited speaker, École Polytechnique de Montréal
- December 06, 2012, Montréal, Canada
- [Abstract][XML Marc]
- Transport durable: De la sociologie aux technologies en passant par la logistique, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Séminaire TraCE-Alliance "De l'intelligence dans vos déplacements"
- November 29, 2012, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Simulation Methods in Urban Infrastructure Systems, Farooq, B.
- Bilal Farooq
- Invited speaker, Universidade de Coimbra
- November 26, 2012, Coimbra, Portugal
- [Abstract][XML Marc]
- Sustainable UrbanPatterns (SUPat), Efthymiou, D., and Wissen, U.
- Dimitrios Efthymiou
- Workshop of National Research programme NRP 65 "New Urban Quality"
- November 23, 2012, Zurich
- [XML Marc]
- Reactive methods to solve the berth allocation problem with stochastic arrival and handling times, Umang, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nitish Umang
- First Large Scale Optimization Workshop
- November 22, 2012, Vevey, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A branch-and-price algorithm to solve the integrated berth allocation and yard assignment problem in bulk ports, Robenek, T., Umang, N., Bierlaire, M., and Ropke, S.
- Tomás Robenek
- First Workshop on Large Scale Optimization
- November 21, 2012, Vevey, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Solution methods for an integrated airline schedule planning and revenue management model, Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- First Workshop on Large Scale Optimization
- November 21, 2012, Vevey, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- The innovation Cell of PSA - Peugeot-Citroën on EPFL's campus, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Seminar StelLab, PSA-Peugeot-Citroën
- November 15, 2012, Paris, France
- [XML Marc]
- Car demand in the future: enriching forecasting models with market dynamics, behavioural variables and policy evolution, Stathopoulos, A., Glerum, A., Thémans, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Amanda Stathopoulos
- Research and innovation for transport systems in of the future, Paristech, Ministère Recherche et Enseignement Supérieur
- November 14, 2012, Paris
- [XML Marc]
- From Technology... to Sociology in Transportation , Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Annual Conference of the Cosmobilities Network on Governing Mobility
- November 01, 2012, Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Pedestrian flow modeling in train stations: ‘Le?man 2030 – Flux pie?tons Gare de Lausanne’ and PedFlux, Hänseler, F.
- Flurin Hänseler
- SBB-I-AT-BZU-PFL Expert Meeting
- October 29, 2012, Bern
- [XML Marc]
- Demand models for transportation modes: a focus on the measurement of latent constructs affecting decisions, Glerum, A., Hurtubia, R., Nguyen, M., Atasoy, B., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- TLA/ToL joint seminar, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- October 12, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- An integrated schedule planning and revenue management model, Atasoy, B., Bierlaire, M., and Salani, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- LATSIS Symposium: 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems
- September 07, 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Bid-auction framework for microsimulation of location choice with endogenous real estate prices, Hurtubia, R., Martinez, F., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems, EPFL
- September 06, 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- An enhanced measurement model of perception of comfort in public transportation, Glerum, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- LATSIS 2012: 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems
- September 06, 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Real Time Recovery in Berth Allocation Problem, Umang, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nitish Umang
- 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems
- September 06, 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Dynamic vehicle ownership forecasting, Stathopoulos, A., Glerum, A., Thémans, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Amanda Stathopoulos
- Latsis Symposium 2012, EPFL
- September 05, 2012, EPFL
- [XML Marc]
- Estimating Pedestrian Activities from Digital Footprints, Danalet, A., Farooq, B., and Bierlaire, M.
- Antonin Danalet
- Latsis Symposium 2012: 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems
- September 05, 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- The use of word data to measure perception in hybrid choice models, Glerum, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- 13th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research
- July 17, 2012, Toronto
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Heterogeneity in Urban Freight Policy Analysis: The Case of Own-Account Retailers and Transport Providers in Rome's LTZ, Stathopoulos, A., and Marcucci, E.
- Amanda Stathopoulos
- The 13th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, University of Toronto
- July 17, 2012,
- [XML Marc]
- Probabilistic multimodal map-matching with rich smartphone data, Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- 13th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research
- July 16, 2012, Toronto, Canada
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Linking the decision process to underlying constructs in a latent variable latent class approach: first round, Hess, S., and Stathopoulos, A.
- Amanda Stathopoulos
- The 13th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, University of Toronto
- July 16, 2012,
- [XML Marc]
- SustainCity: Land use models for sustainable cities in Europe, Hurtubia, R.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- Simmobility long term model workshop, MIT (SMART)
- July 13, 2012, Singapore
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Some challenges in electric mobility, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Research Seminar at SGS Headquarters
- July 12, 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Real-Time Disruption Recovery in Berth Allocation Problem, Umang, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nitish Umang
- 25th European Conference on Operational Research
- July 11, 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- An integrated fleet assignment model with supply-demand interactions, Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- 25th European Conference on Operational Research
- July 09, 2012, Vilnius, Lithunia
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Berth Allocation Problem in Real Time, Umang, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nitish Umang
- 10th Joint Operations Research Days 2012
- June 29, 2012, Neuchatel, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Models and algorithms for integrated schedule planning and revenue management, Atasoy, B., Bierlaire, M., and Salani, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- 10th Joint Operations Research Days 2012
- June 28, 2012, Neuchatel
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- CLIP-AIR: A new concept for multimodal transport based on a modular aircraft, Thémans, M., Leonardi, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Orchestrating Winning Performance 2012, IMD Business School
- June 26, 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Electric Mobility: Some Challenges and Its Acceptation in Switzerland, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Research Seminar at the Nestlé Research Center
- June 12, 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Integrated and Robust Planning of Bulk Port Operations, Umang, N., Bierlaire, M., and Robenek, T.
- Nitish Umang
- Euro Summer Institute on Maritime Logistics, ESI 2012
- June 05, 2012, Bremen, Germany
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Disruption Management and Re-scheduling in Berth Allocation Problem in Bulk Ports, Umang, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nitish Umang
- 5th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Odysseus 2012
- May 25, 2012, Mykonos, Greece
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Cost Optimization for the Capacitated Railroad Blocking and Train Design Problem, Bierlaire, M., Boyaci, B., Kumar, P., and Binder, S.
- Michel Bierlaire
- 5th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics
- May 21, 2012, Mykonos, Greece
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Location Optimization for a Vehicle Sharing Service, Kumar, P., and Bierlaire, M.
- Prem Kumar
- Swiss Transport Research Conference, STRC
- May 04, 2012, Ascona
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Accounting for response behavior heterogeneity in the measurement of attitudes: an application to demand for electric vehicles, Glerum, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- May 04, 2012, Ascona
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Preliminary ideas for dynamic estimation of pedestrian origin-destination demand within train stations, Hänseler, F., Farooq, B., and Bierlaire, M.
- Flurin Hänseler
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- May 03, 2012, Ascona
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Dynamic microsimulation of location choices with a quasi-equilibrium auction approach, Hurtubia, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- 12th Swiss Transport Research Conference
- May 03, 2012, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Preliminary Exploration of Pedestrian Destinations using Traces from WiFi Infrastructures, Danalet, A., Bierlaire, M., and Farooq, B.
- Antonin Danalet
- 12th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 03, 2012, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Scenario Analysis of Pedestrian Flow in Public Spaces, Sahaleh, S., Bierlaire, M., Farooq, B., Danalet, A., and Hänseler, F.
- An integrated fleet assignment and itinerary choice model for a new flexible aircraft, Atasoy, B., Bierlaire, M., and Salani, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 02, 2012, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Real Time Recovery in Berth Allocation Problem in Bulk Ports, Umang, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Nitish Umang
- Swiss Transport Research Conference, STRC
- May 02, 2012, Monte Verita / Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Integrated berth allocation and yard assignment problem using column generation, Robenek, T., Umang, N., Bierlaire, M., and Ropke, S.
- Tomás Robenek
- Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- May 02, 2012, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Bid-auction framework for microsimulation of location choice with endogenous real estate prices, Hurtubia, R., Martinez, F., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- 2nd Workshop on Urban Dynamics - URBANICS II
- March 28, 2012, Termas de Chillán, Chile
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A new approach to synthesize heterogeneous agents and their associations for urban microsimulations, Farooq, B., Bierlaire, M., and Flötteröd, G.
- Bilal Farooq
- 2nd Workshop of Urban Dynamics
- March 28, 2012, Termas de Chillán, Chile
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling alternative fuel vehicle purchases: a discrete choice experiment, Stathopoulos, A.
- Amanda Stathopoulos
- NECTAR CLUSTER 2 Workshop Urban and Regional Transport: Regulation, Sustainability, E-Mobility, Dresden University of Technology
- February 10, 2012, Germany
- [XML Marc]
- Analyse, modélisation et prédiction de la demande de véhicules électriques sur le marché automobile suisse, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Keynote speech
- 3ème Congrès Suisse sur la Mobilité Electrique
- February 08, 2012, Luzern, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Demand based airline scheduling for a new generation of aircraft, Atasoy, B., Bierlaire, M., and Salani, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- Séminaire du 3ème cycle romand de Recherche Opérationnelle
- January 16, 2012, ZINAL
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modèles de demande intégrant attitudes et perceptions, Glerum, A., Bierlaire, M., Atasoy, B., and Thémans, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- Séminaire du laboratoire GAEL, INRA et Université Pierre Mendès France
- December 08, 2011, Grenoble, France
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Integrating Latent Concepts in Demand Models , Bierlaire, M., Glerum, A., Atasoy, B., and Thémans, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of the Department of Applied Economics, University of the Basque Country
- November 25, 2011, Bilbao, Spain
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Recent Advances in Agent Synthesis for Large-Scale Integrated Models, Farooq, B.
- Bilal Farooq
- Invited Speaker, Institute of Transportation Engineers, University of Toronto Chapter
- November 18, 2011, Toronto, ON, Canada
- [XML Marc]
- Simulation-based optimization for urban traffic management, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- Annual Meeting, INFORMS
- November 16, 2011, Charlotte, NC
- [XML Marc]
- Dynamic network loading: a differentiable approach that yields queue-length probability distributions, Osorio, C., Bierlaire, M., and Flötteröd, G.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- Annual Meeting, INFORMS
- November 13, 2011, Charlotte. NC
- [XML Marc]
- Probabilistic analytical modeling of spatial dependency in urban networks, Osorio, C., and Flötteröd, G.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- Annual Meeting, INFORMS
- November 13, 2011, Charlotte. NC
- [XML Marc]
- 1. Towards a comprehensive calibration methodology for MATSim, Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- transportation seminar, Technical University of Berlin
- October 18, 2011, Berlin, Germany
- [XML Marc]
- Modeling and Simulation of Human Choices: from Utility Theory to Applications, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Plenary lecture
- Symposium on "Enhance or Replace: Finding the Right Live vs. Synthetic Balance", North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- October 13, 2011, Bern, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Calibration of traffic simulations from network data, Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- KTH Transportation Seminar Series, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- October 07, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden
- [XML Marc]
- Bid-auction framework for microsimulation of location choice with endogenous real estate prices, Hurtubia, R., Martinez, F., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- XV Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte
- October 06, 2011, Santiago, Chile
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Quelle mobilité pour demain? Quelques solutions innovantes et durables, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Journée de l'Energie (Valais)
- October 05, 2011, Martigny (VS), Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Transportation Center @ EPFL: Overview of research activities and projects, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Research seminar, XEROX Research Centre Europe
- September 27, 2011, Grenoble (France)
- [XML Marc]
- Analyse de la demande et des comportements de mobilité , Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Colloque sur la mobilité durable «Nouveaux comportements dans le domaine de la mobilité: enjeux et perspectives», Pôle de compétence mobil-IT (Jura)
- September 14, 2011, Delémont (JU, Switzerland)
- [XML Marc]
- Understanding Sustainable Evolution of Urban Engineering Systems using Behavioural Modelling and Microsimulation, Farooq, B.
- Bilal Farooq
- Invited Speaker, University of British Columbia
- September 08, 2011, Kelowna, Okanagen, BC, Canada
- [Abstract][XML Marc]
- Integrated schedule planning with supply-demand interactions for a new generation of aircrafts, Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- OR 2011
- September 01, 2011, Zurich
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Interactions complexes entre infrastructures et piétons: tracking et modélisation comportementale des flux piétonniers dans les secteurs des gares, Thémans, M., and Danalet, A.
- Antonin Danalet
- Planification et construction dans les secteurs ferroviaires, Association suisse pour l'aménagement national VLP-ASPAN
- September 01, 2011, Genève
- [Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Modeling residential location choice and real estate prices with a bid-auction approach, Hurtubia, R., Martinez, F., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- 51st European Congress of the Regional Science Association International (ERSA)
- August 31, 2011,
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Simulation based Population Synthesis, Farooq, B., Bierlaire, M., and Flötteröd, G.
- Bilal Farooq
- Seventh workshop on discrete choice models, EPFL
- August 26, 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][XML Marc]
- Models capturing latent constructs, Glerum, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- Seventh workshop on discrete choice models, EPFL
- August 25, 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling residential location choice and real estate prices with a bid-auction approach, Hurtubia, R., Martinez, F., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- Seventh Workshop on Discrete Choice Models
- August 25, 2011,
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Microsimulation Framework for Urban Price-Taker Markets, Farooq, B., Miller, E. J., Chingcuanco, F., and Giroux-Cook, M.
- Bilal Farooq
- Microsimulation Framework for Urban Price-Taker Markets
- July 29, 2011, Whistler, Canada
- [Abstract][XML Marc]
- Dynamic network loading: a stochastic differentiable model that derives link state distributions, Osorio, C., Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- 19th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory
- July 19, 2011, Berkeley CA
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Integrated airline schedule planning with supply-demand interactions, Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- IFORS 2011
- July 14, 2011, Melbourne, Australia
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Exact Solution Approaches to the Berth Allocation Problem in Bulk Sea Port Terminals, Umang, N., Bierlaire, M., and Vacca, I.
- Nitish Umang
- IFORS, 2011
- July 14, 2011, Melbourne, Australia
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Measuring the impact of individuals' perceptions on their transport mode choice, Glerum, A., Atasoy, B., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- IFORS 2011
- July 14, 2011, Melbourne, Australia
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Integrating latent concepts in a demand model for electric vehicles, Glerum, A., Thémans, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- IFORS 2011
- July 14, 2011, Melbourne, Australia
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Optimal Inventory Policies with Non-stationary Supply Disruptions and Advance Supply Information, Atasoy, B.
- Bilge Atasoy
- IFORS 2011
- July 11, 2011, Melbourne, Australia
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Ingénierie de l'évacuation des personnes: la simulation, Robin, T.
- Thomas Robin
- Formation continue, Haute école d'ingénierie et de gestion du canton de Vaud (HEIG-VD)
- July 08, 2011, Yverdon-les-Bains
- [XML Marc]
- Metropolis-Hastings sampling of paths, Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- International Choice Modeling Conference (ICMC)
- July 06, 2011, Oulton Hall, Leeds
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Mode choice with attitudinal latent class: a Swiss case-study, Atasoy, B., Glerum, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Second International Choice Modeling Conference
- July 06, 2011, Leeds, UK
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling demand for electric vehicles: the effect of car users' attitudes and perceptions, Glerum, A., Thémans, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- ICMC 2011
- July 06, 2011, Leeds, UK
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling the investors'behavior, Robin, T., and Bierlaire, M.
- Thomas Robin
- International Choice Modelling Conference
- July 04, 2011, Leeds, UK
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Adjectives qualifying individuals’ perceptions impacting on transport mode preferences, Glerum, A., Atasoy, B., Monticone, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- ICMC 2011
- July 04, 2011, Leeds, UK
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Disaggregate simulation and some implications for calibration, Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- MULTITUDE project meeting, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
- June 28, 2011, Stochholm, Sweden
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Combining simulation-based and analytical traffic models to mitigate urban congestion, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop, INFORMS
- June 28, 2011, Asilomar, CA, USA
- [XML Marc]
- Using smartphone data for travel demand analysis: challenges and opportunities, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecture
- Emerging issues and methods in policy-oriented travel demand analysis, Transportation Research Institute, the Technion
- June 23, 2011, Haifa, Israël
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Metropolis-Hastings sampling of paths, Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), KU Leuven
- June 22, 2011, Leuven, Belgium
- [Abstract][XML Marc]
- Research on vehicles for ground transportation at EPFL, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Event for the launch of Commercial Vehicles Middle East, Chartered Institute of Logistics
- June 20, 2011, Emirates Aviation College, Dubai, UAE
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Optima: When flexible transport is able to meet a dispersed demand throughout the whole territory, Danalet, A.
- Antonin Danalet
- TraCE Research Day 2011
- June 17, 2011, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- TraCE: From society needs to cutting-edge research, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- TraCE Research Day 2011
- June 17, 2011, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Optimization of stochastic traffic simulators for urban traffic management, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- Aerospace Computational Design Lab Seminar Series, MIT
- May 13, 2011, Cambridge, MA
- [XML Marc]
- Probabilistic multi-modal map matching with rich smartphone data, Chen, J., Bierlaire, M., and Flötteröd, G.
- Jingmin Chen
- Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- May 13, 2011,
- [XML Marc]
- The Berth Allocation Problem in Bulk Ports, Umang, N., Bierlaire, M., and Vacca, I.
- Nitish Umang
- Swiss Transport Research Conference, STRC
- May 13, 2011, Monte Verita / Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Integrated schedule planning with supply-demand interactions, Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- May 13, 2011, Ascona
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Necessary and sufficient condition for unique flows in certain intersection models, Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- Swiss Transport Research Conference, STRC
- May 12, 2011, Monte Verita / Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Towards a unified framework of urban built space evolution: Agents and Processes, Farooq, B.
- Bilal Farooq
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- May 12, 2011, Monte Verita / Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Bid rent model for simultaneous determination of location and rent in land use microsimulations, Hurtubia, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- May 12, 2011, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Emergence of electric mobility: a nested approach to vehicle choice modeling, Glerum, A., Thémans, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- May 11, 2011, Ascona
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Choice set generation for iterated DTA simulations, Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- internal seminar, TU Berlin
- May 04, 2011, Berlin, Germany
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- From smartphone data to route choice modeling, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- ITS Friday Seminar, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California
- April 29, 2011, Berkeley
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A simulation-based optimization framework for urban traffic control, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- Transportation Center Seminar Series, Northwestern University
- April 21, 2011, Evanston, IL
- [XML Marc]
- Le transport de marchandises en ville: Vers une optimisation opérationnelle et une meilleure coordination?, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Association Transports et Environnement, Assemblée Générale 2011
- March 23, 2011, Geneva, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Integrated dynamic transport simulations, Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- KTH seminar "Methodological advances in transport modeling", KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- March 11, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden
- [XML Marc]
- A simulation-based optimization framework for urban traffic control, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- 52nd Annual Transportation Reserach Forum
- March 11, 2011, Long Beach, CA, USA
- [XML Marc]
- A Dynamic Multidimensional Decisions Modelling Framework for New Built Space Supply, Farooq, B.
- Bilal Farooq
- Workshop on Equilibrium Sorting in Urban Economics and Transportation Models, Center for Energy Policy and Economics, ETHZ
- March 09, 2011, Zurich
- [XML Marc]
- Container terminal management: integrated models and large-scale optimization algorithms, Vacca, I., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ilaria Vacca
- Invited speaker
- Seminar series, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
- March 07, 2011, Rome, Italy
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Multidimensional Discrete-Continuous Modelling of Choice Bundles: Theory and Application, Farooq, B.
- Bilal Farooq
- Invited Speaker, Department of Transport and Regional Economics, University of Antwerp
- February 25, 2011, Antwerp
- [XML Marc]
- Traveler information and traffic management systems, Osorio, C.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- Driver-facing Technologies To Improve Mobility, MIT
- February 04, 2011, Cambridge, MA
- [XML Marc]
- Mobility detection with smartphone data, Bierlaire, M., Chen, J., and Flötteröd, G.
- Michel Bierlaire
- iTEAM Workshop 2011
- January 27, 2011, Washington, DC.
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- ILUTE Microsimulation Framework of Urban Spatial Dynamics: Recent Developments, Farooq, B., and Miller, E. J.
- Bilal Farooq
- iTeam Workshop on Activity Based Modelling and Microsimulation
- January 27, 2011, Washington DC
- [XML Marc]
- Simulation-based optimization of congested urban road networks, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- 90th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board
- January 26, 2011, Washington, DC
- [XML Marc]
- Multidimensional Decision Modeling Framework for Built Space Supply, Farooq, B., Miller, E. J., and Haider, M.
- Bilal Farooq
- Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, TRB
- January 25, 2011, Washington DC
- [XML Marc]
- Disaggregate path flow estimation in an iterated DTA microsimulation, Flötteröd, G., and Liu, R.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board
- January 24, 2011, Washington D.C., USA
- [XML Marc]
- Mitigating network congestion: analytical models, optimization methods and their applications, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- 90th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board
- January 23, 2011, Washington, DC
- [XML Marc]
- Evolution of Urban Built Space: Markets and Decisions, Farooq, B.
- Bilal Farooq
- Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, TRB
- January 23, 2011, Washington DC
- [XML Marc]
- Integrated airline schedule planning with supply-demand interactions, Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- ZINAL 2011
- January 18, 2011, ZINAL
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment is not a black box, Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- internal seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- January 07, 2011, Cambridge MA, USA
- [Abstract][XML Marc]
- Simulation and optimization of urban transport systems, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Réunion "Plan Climat 2010" du Conseil Général des Alpes Maritimes
- December 16, 2010, Nice, France
- [XML Marc]
- Discrete choice models with latent classes and variables, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Plenary speaker
- TRAIL Congress , The Netherlands Research School for Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics
- November 24, 2010, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- EPFL's Transportation Center: Research related to rail industry, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Swissrail Board Meeting 2010
- November 24, 2010, Bussnang, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- File-based interaction between Cadyts and SUMO, Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- SUMO workshop, German Aerospace Center
- November 11, 2010, Berlin, Germany
- [XML Marc]
- TraCE: Le centre de transport à l'EPFL, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Visite des Administrations Latines, Voyage vers les futurs possibles
- November 02, 2010, EPFL, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Map matching with smartphones GPS data, Bierlaire, M., Chen, J., and Newman, J. P
- Michel Bierlaire
- Deuxième séminaire recherche franco-suisse, Pôle Véhicule du Futur
- October 28, 2010, Strasbourg, France
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- EPFL's Transportation Center: Mobility of the future, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- 2ème séminaire de recherche Franco-Suisse, Pôle Véhicule du Futur
- October 28, 2010, Strasbourg, France
- [XML Marc]
- Combining Visual and Behavioural Models for Pedestrian Tracking, Cruz, J.
- Javier Cruz
- Transp-OR Seminar Series, EPFL
- October 25, 2010, Lausanne
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- TraCE: Le centre de transport à l'EPFL, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Visite des Maires Francophones à l'EPFL, 13ème sommet de la Francophonie
- October 22, 2010, EPFL, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Técnicas para la estimación de modelos MEV con muestreo de alternativas, Hurtubia, R., Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- Modelos avanzados de demanda, Universidad de Chile
- October 20, 2010, Santiago, Chile
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Computing full link state distributions in the dynamic network loading problem, Osorio, C., Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- European Transport Conference (ETC)
- October 12, 2010, Glasgow, Scotland
- [XML Marc]
- Evaluation of pedestrian data collection methods within a simulation framework, Fetiarison, M., Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Mamy Fetiarison
- European Transport Conference (ETC)
- October 12, 2010, Glasgow, Scotland
- [XML Marc]
- Estimation techniques for MEV models with sampling of alternatives, Hurtubia, R., Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- European Transport Conference
- October 11, 2010, Glasgow, Scotland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Comparative analysis of hedonic rents and maximum bids in a land-use simulation context, Hurtubia, R., Martinez, F., Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- October 03, 2010, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A Mathematical Model for the Locomotive Refueling Problem, Kumar, P.
- Starting With UrbanSim: On the Creation of an Introductory Project, Gallay, O.
- Olivier Gallay
- Transp-OR Internal Seminar, EPFL
- September 23, 2010, Lausanne
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Intelligent traffic systems, Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- eCAADe 2010 -- 28th Conference Future Cities, ETHZ
- September 14, 2010, Zurich, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Application of Markov Decision Processes to pipeline data, Glerum, A., Antonini, G., Wörner, S., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- Eighth Joint Operations Research Days, University of Fribourg
- September 10, 2010, Fribourg, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Gate Optimization: Schedule Planning and Day of Operations, Kumar, P.
- Prem Kumar
- VIII IBM Joint OR Days, University of Fribourg
- September 09, 2010, Fribourg
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Centralized Versus Decentralized Control - A Solvable Stylized Model in Transportation, Gallay, O.
- Olivier Gallay
- Eighth Joint Operations Research Days
- September 09, 2010, Fribourg
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Crew Scheduling in Transportation: A Survey and Proposed Directions, Kumar, P.
- Optimization in container terminals: hierarchical vs integrated solution approaches, Vacca, I., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ilaria Vacca
- 10th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- September 02, 2010, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Metropolis-Hastings sampling of alternatives for route choice models, Bierlaire, M., and Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- 10th STRC Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 02, 2010, Ascona / Monte Verita
- [XML Marc]
- Evaluation of pedestrian data collection methods within a simulation framework, Fetiarison, M., Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Mamy Fetiarison
- STRC, 10th Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 02, 2010, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Demand for public transport services: Integrating qualitative and quantitative methods, Atasoy, B., Glerum, A., Hurtubia, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 01, 2010, Ascona
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Metropolis-Hastings sampling of alternatives for route choice models, Bierlaire, M., and Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- Workshop on discrete choice models, EPFL TRANSP-OR
- August 20, 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Inferring smartphone users’ activities, Chen, J., Bierlaire, M., Hurtubia, R., and Flötteröd, G.
- Jingmin Chen
- Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- August 20, 2010, Ascona
- [XML Marc]
- Bootstrapping approach for sampling of alternatives in MEV models, Hurtubia, R., Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- Sixth Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- August 20, 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling Route Choice Behavior From Smartphone GPS data, Chen, J., Bierlaire, M., and Newman, J. P
- Michel Bierlaire
- Sixth Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- August 19, 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Analysis of the impact of travellers' attitudes and perceptions on mode choice in low-density areas, Glerum, A., Atasoy, B., Monticone, A., Hurtubia, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aurélie Glerum
- Sixth workshop on discrete choice models, EPFL
- August 19, 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A differentiable dynamic network loading model that yields queue length distributions and accounts for spillback, Osorio, C., Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- DTA 2010 -- The Third International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment
- July 30, 2010, Takayama, Japan
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A general methodology and a free software for the calibration of DTA models, Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- DTA 2010 -- The Third International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment
- July 29, 2010, Takayama, Japan
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Estimation of choice models in dynamic traffic simulations, Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- ITS Leeds Seminar series, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds
- July 23, 2010, Leeds, England
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Online calibration of dynamic traffic assignment, Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Integrated Modeling and Simulation Workshop
- July 16, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Urban traffic control for congested networks: a novel metamodel simulation optimization approach, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- Pan-American Conference of Traffic and Transportation Engineering and Logistics
- July 16, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
- [XML Marc]
- SustainCity: Development of an integrated UrbanSim-MATsim model of Brussels , Hurtubia, R.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- Integrated Modeling and Simulation Workshop (iTEAM), Instituto Superior Técnico - IST
- July 16, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Description of the Nokia data collection campaign: Issues and successes, Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Jingmin Chen
- iTeam Meeting
- July 15, 2010, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon
- [XML Marc]
- Centralized Versus Decentralized Control - A Solvable Stylized Model in Transportation, Gallay, O.
- Olivier Gallay
- July 14, 2010, Lisbon
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A simulation-based optimization framework for urban traffic congestion management, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- World Conference on Transport Research
- July 13, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
- [XML Marc]
- Considering latent attitudes in mode choice: The case of Switzerland, Hurtubia, R., Atasoy, B., Glerum, A., Curchod, A., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- World Conference on Transport Research
- July 13, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Travellers well-being measuring and dynamic facial expression recognition, Robin, T., Bierlaire, M., and Cruz, J.
- Thomas Robin
- World Conference on Transport Research
- July 12, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Description of the Nokia data collection campaign: Issues and successes, Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Jingmin Chen
- World Conference on Transport Research
- July 12, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
- [XML Marc]
- A framework for the data-consistent deployment of urban microsimulations, Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics Committee (AHB45) Summer Meeting of the Transportation Research Board
- July 09, 2010, Annecy, France
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- CLIP-AIR: A modular multi-modal transportation system, Atasoy, B., and Salani, M.
- Bilge Atasoy
- Schedule and Strategic Planning Study Group meeting
- June 25, 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Recursive column generation for the Tactical Berth Allocation Problem, Vacca, I., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ilaria Vacca
- TRISTAN VII - Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis
- June 24, 2010, Tromso, Norway
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- An Introduction to EPFL and TRANSP-OR, Kumar, P.
- Robust Airline Schedules, Eggenberg, N., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Niklaus Eggenberg
- Schedule and Strategic Planning Study Group meeting, AGIFORS
- June 24, 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Exploiting smart phone data to identify users' activities, Chen, J., Hurtubia, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Jingmin Chen
- NRC-Lausanne bi-annual seminars
- June 23, 2010, EPFL
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Robust and Recoverable Maintenance Routing Schedules , Eggenberg, N., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Tristan VII, Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis
- June 23, 2010, Tromso, Norway
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling the dynamics of all-day activity plans, Himpe, W., Flötteröd, G., Hurtubia, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- Seventh Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VII)
- June 22, 2010, Tromso, Norway
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A simulation-based optimization approach to perform urban traffic control, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- TRISTAN VII, Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis
- June 22, 2010, Tromsø, Norway
- [XML Marc]
- A differentiable dynamic network loading model that yields queue length distributions and accounts for spillback, Osorio, C., Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- Seventh Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VII)
- June 21, 2010, Tromso, Norway
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling mobility patterns from smart phone data, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Du transport à la demande à la mobilité flexible : Les solutions apportées par le centre de transport de l’EPFL aux nouvelles exigences de notre société, Transortation Center, EPFL
- June 16, 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- EPFL's Transportation Center: Some on-going projects, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- A3-Event on Mobility
- June 16, 2010, EPFL, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Modélisation des flux de piétons, Robin, T.
- Thomas Robin
- Module "Transports publics intégrés", bloc "Accès au train et mobilité combinée", Chemins de fer fédéraux (CFF)
- June 15, 2010, EPFL
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- EPFL's Transportation Center: Sustainable Mobility, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Clean Technology European Partnering Event, 1-2 June 2010
- June 01, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Estimating hybrid choice models with the new version of Biogeme, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar series, Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETHZ
- May 27, 2010, Zürich, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- The Tactical Berth Allocation Problem: integrated optimization in container terminals, Vacca, I., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ilaria Vacca
- Invited speaker
- Seminar series, Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA)
- May 19, 2010, Lugano, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Demand calibration from network data, Flötteröd, G., and Chen, Y.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- MATSim user meeting, ETH Zurich
- May 19, 2010, Zurich, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- How robust are robust schedules in reality?, Eggenberg, N., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Niklaus Eggenberg
- Seminar, IBM Research Center
- May 10, 2010, Zurich (Switzerland)
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling of the Trading Behavior, Robin, T.
- Thomas Robin
- Transp-OR Seminar Series, EPFL
- May 10, 2010, Lausanne
- [XML Marc]
- Models and methods for road traffic telematics, Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- IVT-Seminar "Perspektiven der Strassenverkehrstechnik" (perspectives of road traffic engineering), ETH Zurich
- May 05, 2010, Zurich, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Coupling simulation-based and analytical traffic models to mitigate urban congestion, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- MIT Transportation Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- May 04, 2010, Cambridge MA, USA
- [XML Marc]
- Recent research challenges in pedestrian modeling, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited expert
- Transport and Crowd Management Workshop, Center of Research Excellence in Hajj and Omrah
- May 03, 2010, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Behavioural Pedestrian Tracking (II), Cruz, J.
- Javier Cruz
- Transp-OR Seminar Series, EPFL
- April 12, 2010, Lausanne
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- EPFL's Transportation Center: Smart mobility, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Seminar at IBM Zürich Research Center
- March 18, 2010, Zürich, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Overview of transportation research at EPFL, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- PREDIT seminar, French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Transport
- March 15, 2010, Paris, France
- [XML Marc]
- Mathematical modeling of behavior, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecturer
- Séminaire 3e cycle d'optimisation, FUNDP, University of Namur, Belgium
- March 11, 2010, Blankenberge, Belgium
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Evaluating the potential for intercity travel combining public transport and active modes, Lavadinho, S., and Hurtubia, R.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- 1st Workshop on Urban Dynamics - URBANICS
- February 25, 2010, Marbella, Chile
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Inferring activity choice from context measurements using Bayesian inference and random utility models, Hurtubia, R., Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- 1st Workshop on Urban Dynamics - URBANICS
- February 25, 2010, Marbella, Chile
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Going beyond path flow estimation -- calibration of arbitrary demand dimensions from traffic counts, Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- Workshop of COST Action TU0903 "Methods and tools for supporting the use, calibration and validation of traffic simulation models"
- February 04, 2010, Barcelona, Spain
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- The Vehicle Routing Problem with Discrete Split Deliveries and Time Windows, Vacca, I., and Salani, M.
- Ilaria Vacca
- 3ème cycle romand de recherche opérationnelle
- January 18, 2010, Zinal, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Analysis of Implicit Choice Set Generation Using the Constrained Multinomial-Logit Model, Bierlaire, M., Hurtubia, R., and Flötteröd, G.
- Michel Bierlaire
- TRB 89th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board
- January 12, 2010, Washington, DC.
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Route Choice Analysis: Data, Models, Algorithms and Applications, Frejinger, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, International Association for Travel Behaviour Research
- December 18, 2009, Jaipur, India
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling Route Choice Behavior From Smart-phone GPS data, Chen, J., Newman, J. P, and Bierlaire, M.
- Behavioral calibration of a large-scale travel behavior microsimulation, Flötteröd, G., Chen, Y., Rieser, M., and Nagel, K.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- 12th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR)
- December 17, 2009, Jaipur, India
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A visualization tool for Nokia Smartphone data, Chen, J.
- Jingmin Chen
- Nokia Research Center Data Collection Workshop, Nokia Research Center in Lausanne
- December 04, 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Modeling and simulating local pedestrian navigation with discrete choice models, Fetiarison, M.
- Mamy Fetiarison
- Workshop on Benchmarking Pedestrian Movement Simulation Models, AIT Austrian Institue of Technology
- December 03, 2009, Vienna, Autria
- [XML Marc]
- Mobilité combinée. Enseignements et pistes d'action., Bierlaire, M., Doyen, E., Kaufmann, V., and Schuler, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited speaker
- Movimento, Car Postal
- November 12, 2009, Bern, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition using a Discrete Choice Model, Robin, T.
- Thomas Robin
- Transp-OR Seminar Series, EPFL
- November 09, 2009, Lausanne
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Behavioural Pedestrian Tracking, Cruz, J.
- Javier Cruz
- Transp-OR Seminar Series, EPFL
- November 09, 2009, Lausanne
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Collecting mobility data with smartphones: challenges and opportunities, Newman, J. P, Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Eurocities DATTA 3rd Workshop "Travel and activity rhythms: from new methodologies to empirical evidence", Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- October 15, 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A Study on the Impact of Competition on Airport Congestion, Eggenberg, N., Marla, L., and Barnhart, C.
- Niklaus Eggenberg
- October 12, 2009, San Diego
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Explore the past to improve the Future: How can airlines benefit from historical data?, Barnhart, C., Chiraphadhanakul, V., and Eggenberg, N.
- Niklaus Eggenberg
- October 11, 2009, San Diego
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Improved estimation of travel demand from traffic counts based on a new linearization of the network loading map, Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- European Transport Research Conference 2009
- October 07, 2009, Leeuwenhorst, The Netherlands
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Jingmin Chen
- European Transportation Conference 2009
- October 05, 2009,
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Models and Heuristics for the Tactical Berth Allocation Problem with Quay-Crane Assignment and Transshipment Costs, Giallombardo, G., Moccia, L., Salani, M., and Vacca, I.
- Ilaria Vacca
- European Transport Conference (ETC)
- October 05, 2009, The Netherlands
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A multi-model algorithm for the optimization of congested networks, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- ETC, European Transport Conference
- October 05, 2009, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands
- [XML Marc]
- Inferring the activities of smartphone users from context measurements using Bayesian inference and random utility models, Hurtubia, R., Bierlaire, M., and Flötteröd, G.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- European Transport Conference
- October 05, 2009, Leeuwenhorst, The Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- The Vehicle Routing Problem with Discrete Split Delivery and Time Windows, Vacca, I., and Salani, M.
- Ilaria Vacca
- 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- September 11, 2009, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A simulation optimization framework for the management of congested urban road networks, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- STRC, 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 10, 2009, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Cadyts - a free calibration tool for dynamic traffic simulations, Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 10, 2009, Ascona / Monte Verita
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Congestion in a competitive world: A study of the impact of competition on airline operations, Eggenberg, N., and Marla, L.
- Niklaus Eggenberg
- September 10, 2009, Monte Verità
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Dynamic facial expression recognition using a behavioural model, Robin, T., Bierlaire, M., and Cruz, J.
- Thomas Robin
- STRC, 9th Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- September 10, 2009, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Estimation of discrete choice models: extending BIOGEME, Bierlaire, M., and Fetiarison, M.
- Mamy Fetiarison
- STRC, 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 09, 2009, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Properties, advantages, and drawbacks of the block logit model, Newman, J. P, and Bierlaire, M.
- Jeffrey Newman
- 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 09, 2009, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][XML Marc]
- A comparative analysis of implicit and explicit methods to model choice set generation, Bierlaire, M., Hurtubia, R., and Flötteröd, G.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 09, 2009, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Ambush avoidance in Vehicle Routing, Salani, M., Swartz, P. G., and Duyckaerts, G.
- Matteo Salani
- AIRO 2009
- September 08, 2009, Siena
- [XML Marc]
- Ambush avoidance in Vehicle Routing, Swartz, P. G., Duyckaerts, G., and Salani, M.
- Matteo Salani
- IBM OR Days
- September 04, 2009, Lugano
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Uncertainty Feature Optimization for the Airline Scheduling Problem, Eggenberg, N., and Salani, M.
- Niklaus Eggenberg
- September 03, 2009, Lugano
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A method of calculating path observation likelihood from GPS data, Bierlaire, M., Newman, J. P, and Chen, J.
- Jingmin Chen
- Workshop on discrete choice models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- August 28, 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Inferring activities from context measurements using Bayesian inference and random utility models, Hurtubia, R., Bierlaire, M., and Flötteröd, G.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- Workshop on discrete choice models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- August 28, 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A new dynamic facial expression recognition framework, Robin, T., Bierlaire, M., and Cruz, J.
- Thomas Robin
- Workshop on discrete choice models, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
- August 28, 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Experimental analysis of the implicit choice set generation using the Constrained Multinomial Logit model, Bierlaire, M., Hurtubia, R., and Flötteröd, G.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Workshop on discrete choice models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- August 27, 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Pay no attention to the alternatives behind the curtain: demand forecasting with missing data, Newman, J. P
- Jeffrey Newman
- Workshop on discrete choice models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- August 27, 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Estimation of discrete choice models: extending BIOGEME, Bierlaire, M., and Fetiarison, M.
- ClipAir: a modular air transportation system, Salani, M., and De Tenorio, A.
- Matteo Salani
- Seminar at Amadeus
- July 10, 2009, Sophia-Antipolis, France
- [XML Marc]
- Adjusted Mixture Designs illustrated with examples from food industry, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- EPFL Civil Engineering Seminar Series
- July 07, 2009, EPFL, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- An exact algorithm for the discrete split delivery vehicle routing problem with time windows, Salani, M., and Vacca, I.
- Ilaria Vacca
- 23rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO)
- July 06, 2009, Bonn, Germany
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Robust scheduling and disruption recovery for airlines, Eggenberg, N., and Salani, M.
- Matteo Salani
- Seminar at IDSIA
- July 03, 2009, Lugano
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Trace: the new transportation center at EPFL, Bierlaire, M., and Lavadinho, S.
- Michel Bierlaire
- French-Swiss workshop with CCEM and the Pôle "Véhicule du futur", Competence Center Energy and Mobility
- June 25, 2009, Villingen, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Transportation research at the TRANSP-OR laboratory, Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- presented to the committee VSS FK 9 in ITS of the Swiss association of road and transportation experts, EPFL
- June 24, 2009, Lausanne
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Recent advances in the calibration of travel demand models from traffic counts, Flötteröd, G.
- Gunnar Flötteröd
- presented to the committee VSS FK 9 in ITS of the Swiss association of road and transportation experts, EPFL
- June 24, 2009, Lausanne
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- L’espace : un point de vue mathématique avec applications à l’analyse de la mobilité, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Journée d'étude "Penser l'espace", Laboratoire CHOROS
- June 19, 2009, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Some research projects at the Transport and Mobility Laboratory (EPFL), Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Offsite meeting Lysis, Lysis, Nagravision
- June 09, 2009, Lutry, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Estimation of discrete choice models under various sampling strategies, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecture
- European Regional Meeting, International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics
- June 02, 2009, Cagliari, Italy
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Experimental analysis of the implicit choice set generation using the Constrained Multinomial Logit, Bierlaire, M., Hurtubia, R., and Flötteröd, G.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- 4th Kuhmo-Nectar Conference, Denmark Technical University
- June 02, 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- The Tactical Berth Allocation Problem with QC Assignment and Transshipment Costs, Giallombardo, G., Moccia, L., Salani, M., and Vacca, I.
- Ilaria Vacca
- ODYSSEUS 2009 - 4th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics
- May 29, 2009, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Discrete choice models: a glance at the state-of-the-art and the state-of-practice, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Research seminar, Nestlé Research Center
- May 27, 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Validation of a discrete choice model in the context of pedestrian walking behavior , Robin, T., Antonini, G., Bierlaire, M., and Cruz, J.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of the Centre for Transport Studies, KTH - The Royal Institute of Technology
- May 18, 2009, Stockholm, Sweden
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Introduction to mixtures in discrete choice models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Séminaire "Modèles de trafic", Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité (INRETS)
- May 14, 2009, Paris, France
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Recent developments in discrete choice modeling: properties of the Multivariate Extreme Value models and their impact on applications, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Lunch Seminar in Energy, Environmental and Resource Economics, Centre for Energy Policy and Economics, ETHZ
- May 08, 2009, Zürich, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Yard traffic and congestion in container terminals, Vandaele, A., Bierlaire, M., Salani, M., and Vacca, I.
- Ilaria Vacca
- 6th International Conference on Computational Management Science
- May 01, 2009, Geneva
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A metamodel approach for simulation optimization of congested urban road networks, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- Computational Management Science Conference
- May 01, 2009, Geneva, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Automatic facial expression recognition: a discrete choice approach, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Plenary keynote presentation
- International Choice Modelling Conference, Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds
- April 01, 2009, Harrogate, UK
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Parallel computing for simulated maximum likelihood estimation in Biogeme, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- International Choice Modelling Conference, Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds
- March 30, 2009, Harrogate, UK
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Simulation-based optimization of congested urban networks, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- ITS Research Seminar Series, Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- March 03, 2009, Cambridge, MA, USA
- [XML Marc]
- Airline disruption recovery and robustness, Eggenberg, N., and Salani, M.
- Matteo Salani
- February 11, 2009, Nancy, France
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Uncertainty Feature Optimization for the Airline Scheduling Problem, Eggenberg, N., and Salani, M.
- Niklaus Eggenberg
- NSF Seminars, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- February 04, 2009, Boston, MA
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Models and Heuristics for the Tactical Berth Allocation Problem with Quay-Crane Assignment and Transshipment Quadratic Costs, Giallombardo, G., Moccia, L., Salani, M., and Vacca, I.
- Ilaria Vacca
- 3ème cycle romand de recherche opérationnelle
- January 21, 2009, Zinal, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Behavioural modeling of facial expression recognition, Robin, T., Bierlaire, M., and Cruz, J.
- Thomas Robin
- 3ème cycle romand de recherche opérationnelle, EPFL
- January 20, 2009, Zinal (Switzerland)
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Exploiting mobility data from Nokia smartphones, Bierlaire, M., and Newman, J. P
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- January 06, 2009, Cambridge, Ma
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Accounting for congestion and spillbacks in fixed-time traffic signal optimization: a queueing network approach, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- ITS Research Seminar Series, Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- November 04, 2008, Cambridge, MA, USA
- [XML Marc]
- Optimization of Uncertainty Features for Transportation Problems , Eggenberg, N., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Niklaus Eggenberg
- Swiss Transportation Research Conference 2008
- October 17, 2008, Monte Verità, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behaviour model, Robin, T., Antonini, G., Bierlaire, M., and Cruz, J.
- Thomas Robin
- Swiss Transportation Research Conference 2008
- October 16, 2008, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Development of prototype UrbanSim models, Patterson, Z., Bierlaire, M., and Hurtubia, R.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- 8th Swiss Transport Research Conference
- October 16, 2008, Monte Veritá, Ascona
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- An application of the constrained multinomial Logit (CMNL) for modeling dominated choice alternatives, Martinez, F., Cascetta, E., Pagliara, F., Bierlaire, M., and Axhausen, K.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Swiss Transport Research Conference 2008
- October 16, 2008, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A multiple model approach for traffic signal optimization in the city of Lausanne, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- STRC, 8th Swiss Transport Research Conference
- October 16, 2008, Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behaviour model, Robin, T., Antonini, G., Bierlaire, M., and Cruz, J.
- Thomas Robin
- European Transportation Conference 2008
- October 08, 2008, Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Network performance optimization using a queueing network model, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- ETC, European Transport Conference
- October 06, 2008, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands
- [XML Marc]
- Development of prototype UrbanSim models, Patterson, Z., Bierlaire, M., and Hurtubia, R.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- European Transport Conference 2008
- October 06, 2008, The Netherlands
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- The Tactical Berth Allocation Problem (TBAP) with quay crane assignment and transshipment-related quadratic yard costs, Giallombardo, G., Moccia, L., Salani, M., and Vacca, I.
- Ilaria Vacca
- European Transport Conference (ETC)
- October 06, 2008, The Netherlands
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling dominated choice alternatives using the constrained multinomial logit , Martinez, F., Cascetta, E., Pagliara, F., Bierlaire, M., and Axhausen, K.
- Michel Bierlaire
- European Transport Conference 2008
- October 06, 2008, Leiden, The Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Choix du réseau de bus accompagnant le m2, Leyvraz, J.
- Jean-Pierre Leyvraz
- Comptoir Suisse, 2008, EPFL
- September 27, 2008, Lausanne
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Network performance evaluation and optimization using a queueing network model, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- CSII, Ciclo de Seminarios de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de los Andes
- September 22, 2008, Bogotá, Colombia
- [XML Marc]
- Evaluation de projets futurs en transports, Leyvraz, J.
- Jean-Pierre Leyvraz
- Comptoir Suisse, 2008, EPFL
- September 20, 2008, Lausanne
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Signal control optimization with a queueing network model capturing congestion, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- PANAM XV, Pan-American Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering
- September 16, 2008, Cartagena, Colombia
- [XML Marc]
- Two-stage column generation: a novel framework, Salani, M., and Vacca, I.
- Ilaria Vacca
- 6th Joint Operations Research Days, EPFL
- September 12, 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Measures of congestions in container terminals, Salani, M., Vacca, I., and Vandaele, A.
- Matteo Salani
- AIRO 2008
- September 10, 2008, Ischia, Italy
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A queueing network approach to the traffic signal optimization of the Lausanne city center, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- CLAIO XIV, Latin-Ibero-American Conference on Operations Research
- September 10, 2008, Cartagena, Colombia
- [XML Marc]
- Behavioural modeling of dynamic facial expression recognition, Robin, T., Bierlaire, M., and Cruz, J.
- Thomas Robin
- Workshop on discrete choice models, EPFL
- August 29, 2008, EPFL
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- The Constrained Multinomial Logit: A semi–compensatory choice model, Martinez, F., Aguila, F., and Hurtubia, R.
- Ricardo Hurtubia
- Workshop on discrete choice models
- August 28, 2008,
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Adaptive route choices in risky networks, Gao, S., Frejinger, E., and Ben-Akiva, M.
- Emma Frejinger
- Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, EPFL
- August 28, 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- A heuristic for nonlinear global optimization, Bierlaire, M., Thémans, M., and Zufferey, N.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Graph and Optimization Meeting 2008
- August 26, 2008, Saint-Maximin La Sainte Baume, France
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Pieces of Choices: Alternative Allocations in Network-GEV Models, Newman, J. P
- Jeffrey Newman
- Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, EPFL
- August 26, 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Fast multi-view face tracking with pose estimation, Cruz, J., Meynet, J., Arsan, T., and Thiran, J.
- Javier Cruz
- 16th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO2008), European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP)
- August 26, 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Swiss Transport Research in Motion, Bierlaire, M., Kaufmann, V., and Lavadinho, S.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecture
- Visionen einer besseren Mobilität, Mobility Academy, TCS
- June 26, 2008, Verkehrshaus, Luzern
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Column Generation for the Split Delivery VRP, Ceselli, A., and Salani, M.
- Column Generation 2008
- June 19, 2008, Aussois, France
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- The complex nature of route choice models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Plenary lecture
- Trasporti, Ambiente, Territorio: la ricerca di un nuovo equilibrio, Società Italiana di Economia dei Trasporti e della logistica
- June 19, 2008, Sassari, Italy
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Optimización de semáforos en el centro de Lausana mediante un modelo de filas de espera, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- ACIS, Primer Simposio Asociación Colombiana de Investigadores en Suiza
- May 17, 2008, Lausana, Suiza
- [Abstract][XML Marc]
- Two-stage column generation, Salani, M., and Vacca, I.
- Matteo Salani
- 7th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (CTW08), Università degli Studi di Milano
- May 15, 2008, Gargnano, Italy
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- UFO: Uncertainty Feature Optimization, an Implicit Paradigm for Problems with Noisy Data, Eggenberg, N., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Niklaus Eggenberg
- May 14, 2008, Gargnano, Italy
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Recovery of disrupted airline schedules, Eggenberg, N., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminartermin des Forschungs-Centrums Netzindustrien und Infrastruktur (CNI), TU Berlin
- April 24, 2008, Berlin, Germany
- [XML Marc]
- An algorithm for the recovery of disrupted airline schedules, Eggenberg, N., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Methodological Innovation Seminar, Department of Transport, Danish Technical University
- April 09, 2008, Lyngby, Denmark
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behaviour model, Robin, T., Bierlaire, M., Antonini, G., and Cruz, J.
- Thomas Robin
- Seminar of the faculty of Business and Economics, Universté catholique de Louvain
- March 14, 2008, Leuven, Belgium
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A heuristic for nonlinear global optimization, Bierlaire, M., Thémans, M., and Zufferey, N.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar, Applied Mathematics Dpt, SINTEF, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- February 06, 2008, Oslo, Norway
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Route choice models: Introduction and recent developments, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar, Applied Mathematics Dpt, SINTEF, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- February 06, 2008, Oslo, Norway
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Some challenges in route choice modeling, Bierlaire, M., and Frejinger, E.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar, Transport and Economics Dpt, Royal Institute of Technology
- February 04, 2008, Stockholm, Sweden
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behaviour model, Robin, T., Bierlaire, M., Antonini, G., and Cruz, J.
- Thomas Robin
- Seminars of the third cycle of swiss operational research, Third cycle of swiss operational research
- January 23, 2008, Zinal, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Validation of a discrete choice model of walking behavior, Robin, T., Bierlaire, M., Antonini, G., and Cruz, J.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of the Centre for Traffic and Transport, Technical University of Denmark
- January 11, 2008, Lyngby, Denmark
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behaviour model, Robin, T., Bierlaire, M., Antonini, G., and Cruz, J.
- Thomas Robin
- Workshop on calibration of microscopic pedestrian movement simulations, Arsenal research center
- December 13, 2007, Vienna, Austria
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Advances in route choice modelling, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Neue Entwicklungen in der Entscheidungsmodellierung, Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETHZ
- December 06, 2007, Zurich, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A short discussion about travel demand models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnina da Lisboa
- December 05, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling the human dimension of transport, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Leçon inaugurale, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- November 29, 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling the walking behavior of pedestrians, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Workshop on Locomotion Models in Animation, Robotics, and Biomechanics, Virtual Reality Lab, EPFL
- November 19, 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Development and estimation of advanced Discrete Choice Models, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Seminar at Philipp Morris Research Center
- November 15, 2007, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Development and estimation of advanced Discrete Choice Models, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Seminar at Nestlé Research Center
- October 24, 2007, Vers-chez-les-Blanc, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Random Sampling of Alternatives in a Route Choice Context, Frejinger, E.
- Emma Frejinger
- European Transport Conference
- October 19, 2007, Leiden, The Netherlands
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms, Fosgerau, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- European Transport Conference
- October 17, 2007, Leeuwenhorst, The Netherlands
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Path Sampling for the Estimation of Route Choice Models, Frejinger, E.
- Emma Frejinger
- Seminar, Department of Transport and Economics, Royal Institute of Technology
- October 12, 2007, Stockholm, Sweden
- [XML Marc]
- La planification des transports et la forme urbaine : de l'approche traditionnelle vers les modèles intégrés, Patterson, Z.
- Zachary Patterson
- Conférences de l'Inter, EPFL
- October 09, 2007, Lausanne
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Optimization at Container Terminals: Status, Trends and Perspectives, Vacca, I., Bierlaire, M., and Salani, M.
- Ilaria Vacca
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 14, 2007, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Robust Optimization with Recovery: Application to Shortest Paths and Airline Scheduling, Eggenberg, N., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Niklaus Eggenberg
- September 13, 2007, Monte Verità
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Describing network congestion and blocking with an analytic queueing network model, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- STRC, 7th Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 13, 2007, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- An UrbanSim Model of Brussels in a Short Timeline, Patterson, Z., and Bierlaire, M.
- Zachary Patterson
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 13, 2007, Monte Verita
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Random Sampling of Alternatives for Route Choice Modeling, Frejinger, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Emma Frejinger
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 12, 2007, Ascona, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A heuristic for nonlinear global optimization relevant to discrete choice model estimation, Thémans, M., Zufferey, N., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 12, 2007, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Yard Optimization at Sea Container Terminals, Vacca, I., Bierlaire, M., and Salani, M.
- Ilaria Vacca
- 38th Annual Conference of the Italian Operations Research Society (AIRO)
- September 08, 2007, Genova, Italy
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Mode and Carrier Choice in the Quebec City - A Random Parameters Approach, Patterson, Z.
- Zachary Patterson
- Third Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Transport and Mobility Laboratory, EPFL
- August 31, 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Choice set generation for route choice models using a sampling approach, Frejinger, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Emma Frejinger
- Third Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Transport and Mobility Laboratory, EPFL
- August 31, 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Circumventing the problem of the scale: discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms, Fosgerau, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Third Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Transport and Mobility Laboratory, EPFL
- August 30, 2007, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modelling Human Perception of Facial Expressions by Discrete Choice Models, Cruz, J., Robin, T., Sorci, M., Bierlaire, M., and Thiran, J.
- Javier Cruz
- Third Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Transport and Mobility Laboratory, EPFL
- August 30, 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Column Generation Methods for Disrupted Airline Schedules, Eggenberg, N., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Niklaus Eggenberg
- Fifth Joint Operations Research Days, ETHZ
- August 28, 2007, Zürich
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modelling Human Perception of Facial Expressions by Discrete Choice Models, Robin, T., Cruz, J., Sorci, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Thomas Robin
- Fifth Joint Operations Research Days, ETHZ
- August 28, 2007, Zurich
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Optimization of Container Terminal Operations, Vacca, I., Bierlaire, M., and Salani, M.
- Ilaria Vacca
- Fifth Joint Operations Research Days, ETHZ
- August 27, 2007, Zurich, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Numerical Methods and Models Relevant to Transportation Applications, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- PhD public defence
- August 24, 2007, EPFL, Lausanne
- [XML Marc]
- BIOGEME: an open source package for the estimation of advanced discrete choice models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- July 17, 2007, Zuerich, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modelling and forecasting human behaviours: new challenges and opportunities, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecture
- R and D Management Conference, Nestlé
- July 11, 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Three challenges in route choice modeling, Bierlaire, M., and Frejinger, E.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar, Technical University of Denmark
- July 04, 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Airline Disruptions: Aircraft Recovery with Maintenance Constraints, Eggenberg, N., Bierlaire, M., and Salani, M.
- Niklaus Eggenberg
- OR Seminar June 2007, EPFL
- June 21, 2007, MA 31
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Airline Disruptions: Aircraft Recovery with Maintenance Constraints, Eggenberg, N., Bierlaire, M., and Salani, M.
- Niklaus Eggenberg
- June 12, 2007, Phuket (Thailand)
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Stochastic Path Generation Algorithm for Route Choice Models, Frejinger, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Emma Frejinger
- June 12, 2007, Phuket, Thailand
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A heuristic for nonlinear global optimization relevant to discrete choice models estimation, Thémans, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- June 12, 2007, Phuket Island, Thailand
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- An analytic finite capacity queueing network model capturing congestion and spillbacks, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- TRISTAN VI, Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis, EPFL
- June 11, 2007, Phuket Island, Thailand
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Mode and Carrier Choice in the Quebec City - Windsor Corridor: A Random Parameters Approach, Patterson, Z., Ewing, G., and Haider, M.
- Zachary Patterson
- June 11, 2007, Phuket Island, Thailand
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Map-based Autonomous Personal Localization and Tracking, Spassov, I., Bierlaire, M., and Merminod, B.
- Michel Bierlaire
- June 07, 2007, Phuket, Thailand
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Is Carrier Choice Different for 3PLs and other End-shippers? Some Preliminary Findings, Patterson, Z., Ewing, G., and Haider, M.
- Zachary Patterson
- Canadian Transportation Research Forum
- June 04, 2007, Winnipeg, Canada
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Importance sampling of alternatives for route choice models, Frejinger, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Emma Frejinger
- Doctoral school, EPFL
- May 24, 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Capturing blocking and spillback in finite capacity queueing networks, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- Selected chapters from operations research, Mathematics Doctoral School, EPFL
- May 24, 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- The estimation of multivariate extreme value models from choice-based samples, Bierlaire, M., Bolduc, D., and McFadden, D.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecture
- Modèles de choix discrets. Applications en transport et marketing, ESSEC Business School
- May 09, 2007, Cergy-Pontoise, France
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A heuristic for global nonlinear optimization, Bierlaire, M., Thémans, M., and Zufferey, N.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Séminaire du Groupe de Recherche sur les Transports, FUNDP - Université de Namur
- April 25, 2007, Namur, Belgium
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Discrete choice models and heuristics for global nonlinear optimization, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Mathematical Programming Seminar, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics
- April 24, 2007, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Exploring the impact of gender in travel behaviour: A case study of suburban commuters in Montreal, Patterson, Z.
- Zachary Patterson
- Invited lecture
- , McGill University, School of Urban Planning
- March 19, 2007, Montreal, Quebec
- [Abstract][XML Marc]
- A Recovery Algorithm for a Disrupted Airline Schedule, Eggenberg, N., Bierlaire, M., and Salani, M.
- Niklaus Eggenberg
- Zinal Seminar 2007, EPFL
- March 07, 2007, Zinal
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Analysis of finite capacity queueing networks, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- 3ième cycle romand de recherche opérationnelle
- March 07, 2007, Zinal, Switzerland
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A Recovery Algorithm for a Disrupted Airline Schedule, Eggenberg, N., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Niklaus Eggenberg
- Zinal 2007, EPFL TRANSP-OR
- March 07, 2007, Zinal
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Route choice modeling based on network-free data, Bierlaire, M., and Frejinger, E.
- Emma Frejinger
- Séminaire du 3ème cycle romand de Recherche Opérationnelle
- March 06, 2007, Zinal, Switzerland
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Optimisation non-linéaire globale avec applications aux modèles de choix discret, Thémans, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- February 21, 2007, Grenoble, France
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Shipper Mistrust of Rail Use: First Stated Preference Carrier Choice Survey for the Quebec City - Windsor Corridor, Patterson, Z., Ewing, G., and Haider, M.
- Zachary Patterson
- 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board
- January 23, 2007, Washington, DC
- [Abstract][XML Marc]
- The Potential for Premium-intermodal Services to Reduce Freight CO2 Emissions in the Quebec City - Windsor Corridor: A Stated Preference Application, Patterson, Z., Ewing, G., and Haider, M.
- A Recovery Algorithm for a Disrupted Airline Schedule, Eggenberg, N., Bierlaire, M., and Salani, M.
- Niklaus Eggenberg
- OR Seminar January 2007, EPFL
- January 16, 2007, MA 12
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Divers aspects de la modélisation de la demande en transport, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Séminaire du Laboratoire Ville, Mobilité et Transports, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
- December 14, 2006, Marne la Vallée, France
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- The potential for Premium-intermodal Services to Reduce Freight CO2 Emissions in the Quebec City - Windsor Corridor: A Stated Preference Application, Patterson, Z.
- Zachary Patterson
- 53rd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International
- November 18, 2006, Toronto, Canada
- [XML Marc]
- Circumventing the problem of the scale: discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms, Fosgerau, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar, Intelligent Transportation Systems Program, Massachussetts Institute of Technology
- November 07, 2006, Cambridge, Ma (USA)
- [Abstract][Download PDF][Infoscience][XML Marc]
- Recent developments in route choice modeling, Frejinger, E.
- Emma Frejinger
- Seminar, Intelligent Transportation Systems Program, Massachussetts Institute of Technology
- October 05, 2006, Cambridge, Ma (USA)
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Recent methodological developments in discrete choice models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecture
- Metodi, modelli e tecnologie dell'informazione a supporto delle decisioni, Università di Napoli – Federico II
- September 30, 2006, Procida, Italy
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- The estimation of generalized extreme value models from choice-based samples, Bierlaire, M., Bolduc, D., and McFadden, D.
- Michel Bierlaire
- European Transport Conference
- September 20, 2006, Strasbourg, France
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A latent route choice model in Switzerland, Bierlaire, M., Frejinger, E., and Stojanovic, J.
- Emma Frejinger
- European Transport Conference
- September 19, 2006, Strasbourg, France
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Solving singularity issues in the estimation of econometric models, Bierlaire, M., and Thémans, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- European Transport Conference
- September 19, 2006, Strasbourg, France
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Solving singularity issues in the estimation of econometric models, Thémans, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- European Transport Conference (ETC)
- September 18, 2006, Strasbourg, France
- [XML Marc]
- Analysis of finite capacity queueing networks, Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- 4th Joint Operations Research Days, EPFL
- September 15, 2006, Lausanne
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- A route choice model suitable for traffic simulation, Frejinger, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Emma Frejinger
- International Symposium of Traffic Simulation 2006, EPFL
- September 05, 2006, Lausanne
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Capturing Correlation in Route Choice Models using Subnetworks, Frejinger, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Emma Frejinger
- 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research
- August 18, 2006, Kyoto, Japan
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Testing the choice of a mixing distribution in discrete choice models, Fosgerau, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research
- August 18, 2006, Kyoto, Japan
- [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modélisation du comportement de marche des piétons, Antonini, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Séminaire du GRT, Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix
- June 06, 2006, Namur, Belgium
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Finite capacity queueing networks, Osorio, C.
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- Selected chapters from discrete optimization, Mathematics Doctoral School, EPFL
- May 30, 2006,
- [XML Marc]
- Discrete Choice Models for Pedestrian Walking Behavior, Antonini, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar on Cognitive Vision in Traffic analyses, Lund University
- May 23, 2006, Lund, Sweden
- [XML Marc]
- Development of route choice models, Frejinger, E.
- Emma Frejinger
- Doctoral School, EPFL
- May 16, 2006, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Discrete mixtures models, Hess, S., Bierlaire, M., and Polak, J.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- March 15, 2006, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Capturing correlation in route choice models using subpaths and subnetworks, Frejinger, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Emma Frejinger
- Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- March 15, 2006, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Confounding between substitution patterns and random taste heterogeneity, Hess, S., Bierlaire, M., and Polak, J.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- March 15, 2006, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Bayesian approach for indoor pedestrian localisation, Spassov, I., Bierlaire, M., and Merminod, B.
- Ivan Spassov
- Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- March 15, 2006, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Solving singularity issues in the estimation of econometric models, Thémans, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- March 15, 2006, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Extending and testing mixtures of the multinomial logit model, Fosgerau, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- March 15, 2006, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Modelling pedestrian interactions with discrete choice models, Antonini, G., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Swiss Transportation Research Conference
- March 15, 2006, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Méthodes de région de confiance pour l'optimisation singulière sans contrainte, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- ROADEF 2006, Société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision 6
- February 06, 2006, Lille, France
- [XML Marc]
- Normalization and correlation of cross-nested logit models, Bierlaire, M., Abbe, E., and Toledo, T.
- Michel Bierlaire
- European Transport Conference
- October 04, 2005, Strasbourg, France
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Trust-region based algorithms for singular nonlinear optimization with applications to discrete choice models, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- 3rd Joint Oerations Research Days, IBM
- September 15, 2005, Rüschlikon, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Capturing Overlap with Subpaths in Route Choice Models, Frejinger, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Emma Frejinger
- First Workshop on Applications of Discrete Choice Models
- September 01, 2005, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Sampling issues with GEV models, Bierlaire, M., Bolduc, D., and McFadden, D.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Conference of the European Regional Science Association
- August 24, 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- [XML Marc]
- Transportation analysis: a bottom-up approach, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar on Transportation Engineering, ENAC EPFL
- July 26, 2005, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Mixture of discrete choice models: an application to Value of Travel Time Savings analysis, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar, Centre de recherche sur les transports
- July 20, 2005, Montréal, Canada
- [XML Marc]
- Estimating advanced random utility models with BIOGEME, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecture
- TRAIL Symposium on "The Reliability of Traveling and the Robustness of Transport Systems"
- May 11, 2005, Delft, The Netherlands
- [XML Marc]
- Capturing complex transportation behaviors with advanced random utility models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- TRAIL Symposium on "The Reliability of Traveling and the Robustness of Transport Systems"
- May 09, 2005, Delft, The Netherlands
- [XML Marc]
- Trust-region based algorithms for singular nonlinear optimization with applications to discrete choice models, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Presentation for EPFL doctoral school in mathematics
- May 01, 2005, EPFL, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Algorithmic developments for the estimation of advanced discrete choice models, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- 5th Swiss Transportation Research Conference, EPFL CAST - GR-BIE
- March 09, 2005, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Development of Swiss models for transportation demand presiction in response to real-time traffic information, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- 5th Swiss Transportation Research Conference, EPFL - CAST - GR-BIE
- March 09, 2005, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- On the Globalization of a Generalized Secant Method for solving Nonlinear Systems of Equations, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- 3ème cycle romand de Recherche Opérationnelle, EPFL
- February 28, 2005, Zinal, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Introduction to mixtures of Generalized Extreme Value models: models and estimation, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecture
- , Imperial College London, Centre for Transport Studies
- December 02, 2004, London, United Kingdom
- [XML Marc]
- Modèles de déplacement pour la simulation de piétons, Bierlaire, M., and Antonini, G.
- Michel Bierlaire
- ITS Télématique, Lavoc - EPFL
- November 30, 2004, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Estimation of mixed generalized extreme value models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar of statistics, Faculty of Economics and Applied Economics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- November 04, 2004, Leuven, Belgium
- [Download PDF][XML Marc]
- Modeling response to traffic information in Switzerland, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- European Transport Conference
- October 04, 2004, Sttrasbourg, France
- [XML Marc]
- Challenges in Route Choice Modeling, Frejinger, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Emma Frejinger
- Second Joint Operations Research Days
- September 10, 2004, Coppet, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Résolution de problèmes non linéaires bruités de grande taille, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Plenary lecture
- FRANCORO - Conférence Internationale en Recherche Opérationnelle, Université de Fribourg
- August 18, 2004, Fribourg, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Introduction to discrete choice models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecture
- , University of Peruggia
- July 12, 2004, Peruggia, Italy
- [XML Marc]
- A New Algorithm to Solve Large-scale Fixed-point Problems, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- 5th Triennal Symposium of Transportation Analysis
- June 13, 2004, Le Gosier, Guadeloupe, French West Indies
- [XML Marc]
- Modelling choices using Biogeme, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- IVT-Seminar, Wert der Zeit und des Verlaesslichkeit in der Schweiz, ETHZ
- June 11, 2004, Zürich, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Route choice models based on GPS data, Frejinger, E., and Bierlaire, M.
- Emma Frejinger
- Workshop on Computational Econometrics and Statistics
- April 02, 2004, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- The Mixed Network GEV model, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Workshop on Computational Econometrics and Statistics
- April 02, 2004, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Algorithmic developments for the estimation of advanced discrete choice models, Thémans, M., and Bierlaire, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Workshop on Computational Econometrics and Statistics
- April 02, 2004, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Solving large scale systems of nonlinear equations, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- International Conference on Optimization
- February 15, 2004, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Land Sachsen-Anhalt, DE
- [XML Marc]
- Solving Large-Scale Systems of Noisy Nonlinear Equations, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecture
- Research seminar on quantitative methods in economics, University of Zurich
- January 19, 2004, Zurich, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Modeling the content of a scene: a behavioral approach, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Summer Institute of the NCCR on Multimodal Information Management
- October 06, 2003, Crans-Montana, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- A new class of robust methods to solve noisy systems of nonlinear equations, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming
- August 18, 2003, Copenhagen, Denmark
- [XML Marc]
- A new approach to solve large-scale systems of nonlinear equations, Crittin, F., and Bierlaire, M.
- Frank Crittin
- 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming
- August 18, 2003, Copenhagen, Denmark
- [XML Marc]
- A Derivative-Free Algorithm based on Radial Basis Functions (RBF), Oeuvray, R., and Bierlaire, M.
- Rodrigue Oeuvray
- 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming
- August 18, 2003, Copenhagen, Denmark
- [XML Marc]
- Behavioral Dynamics for Pedestrians, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research
- August 10, 2003, Lucerne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- A new method to solve large-scale systems of nonlinear equations with noise, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar, Economic Department, University Laval
- August 01, 2003, Laval, Québec
- [XML Marc]
- Behavioral issues in traffic simulation, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar on traffic simulation, EPFL, LAVOC
- June 11, 2003, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Discrete choice models: formulations and estimations, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecture
- , Università della Svizzera Italiana, Instituto Ricerche Economiche
- May 28, 2003, Lugano, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Behavioral model-based scene analysis, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Workshop of the NCCR on Interactive Multimodal Information Management, EPFL
- February 05, 2003, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Mathematical modeling of human behavior: theory and practice, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Basis Science Faculty Day, EPFL
- November 21, 2002, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- BIOGEME: logiciel gratuit pour l'estimation de modèles de choix discret, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Journées des transports, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
- October 24, 2002, Cergy, Paris
- [XML Marc]
- LSQR Algorithm for real-time OD estimation and prediction, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- First Greek Transportation Research Conference
- October 13, 2002, Athen, Greece
- [XML Marc]
- Behavioral dynamics of pedestrians: state-of-the-art and applications to scene analysis, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Summer Institute of the NCCR on Interactive Multimodal Information Management
- October 03, 2002, Martigny, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- BIOGEME: an open source package for the estimation of GEV models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar, Centre for traffic and Transport, Technical Universty of Denmark
- September 03, 2002, Lyngby, Denmark
- [XML Marc]
- Modélisation et simulation du flux d'une ligne d'embouteillage, Thémans, M.
- Michaël Thémans
- Internal seminar
- August 10, 2002, EPFL, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Analyse de la demande en transport: Modèles agrégés et désagrégés, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Séminaires INRETS
- May 24, 2002, Arcueil, France
- [XML Marc]
- An efficient algorithm for real-time estimation and prediction of dynamic OD table, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- March 20, 2002, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- DynaMIT: from theory to practice, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- March 20, 2002, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- The Network GEV model, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- March 20, 2002, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Simulation-based evaluation on the impact of Telematics in the Lausanne area - a pilot study, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- March 20, 2002, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Decision-Aid for Traffic Diversion, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Transportation Research Board 81st Annual Meeting
- January 13, 2002, Washington, USA
- [XML Marc]
- Estimation of GEV models: issues and implemantation, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecture
- UC Berkeley Invitational Choice Symposium, UC Berkeley
- June 01, 2001, Pacific Grove (Ca), USA
- [XML Marc]
- A general formulation of the cross-nested logit model, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- March 01, 2001, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Acceptance of modal innovation: the case of the SwissMetro, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- March 01, 2001, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- New algorithmic approaches for the anticipatory guidance generation problem, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- March 01, 2001, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Papabiles: simulation-based evaluation of the impact of telematics in the Lausanne area: a pilot study, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Swiss Transport Research Conference
- March 01, 2001, Ascona, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Estimation of GEV and Cross-Nested Logit Models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Invited lecture
- Workshop on Route Choice Models, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- February 15, 2001, Cambridge (Ma), USA
- [XML Marc]
- Introduction à l'optimisation non linéaire, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- 3ième Journée de l'automatique, Département de Génie Mécanique, EPFL
- January 01, 2001, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Real-Time Systems for ITS Applications and consistency in predictive informations systems, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- MIT Summer School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- January 01, 2001, Cambridge (Ma), USA
- [XML Marc]
- Real-Time Systems for ITS Applications and consistency in predictive information systems, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- MIT Summer School, Massachusetts Institute of technology
- January 01, 2000, Cambridge (Ma), USA
- [XML Marc]
- General framework for Dynamic Demand Simulation, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- International Symposium on Mathematical Programming
- January 01, 2000, Atlanta, USA
- [XML Marc]
- Computational issues in anticipatory route guidance generation, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- International Symposium on Mathematical Programming
- January 01, 2000, Atlanta, USA
- [XML Marc]
- DynaMIT: Dynamic Network Assignment for Management of Information to Travelers, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- IVT Seminar neue Simulationsmodelle der Verkehrsnachfrage in Netzen, ETHZ
- December 02, 1999, Zürich, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Un laboratoire de simulation pour l'évaluation de systèmes dynamiques de gestion du trafic, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- IML, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Institut International de Management pour la Logistique
- December 01, 1999, Paris, France
- [XML Marc]
- The anticipatory route guidance generation problem. Theory and Practice, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Audit-Symposium, EPFL, Department of Mathematics
- November 01, 1999, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- SILS: Shaping and Improving Logistics Systems, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Colloque Nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication
- October 18, 1999, Paris. France
- [XML Marc]
- Investigation of Route Guidance Generation Issues by Simulation with DynaMIT, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- 14th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory
- July 19, 1999, Jerusalem, Israël
- [XML Marc]
- The Route Guidance Generation Problem, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Optimization Days
- May 10, 1999, Montréal, Canada
- [XML Marc]
- Real-Time Simulation of Traffic Demand/Supply Interactions within DynaMIT, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Optimization Days
- May 10, 1999, Montréal, Canada
- [XML Marc]
- DynaMIT: un système en temps réel pour la prédiction du trafic et la génération d'information pour les conducteurs, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Groupe de recherche sur les Transports, Département de Mathématiques, Université de Namur
- April 02, 1999, Namur, Belgium
- [XML Marc]
- Un laboratoire de simulation pour l'évaluation de systèmes dynamiques de gestion du trafic, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- IML course, Institut International de Management pour la Logistique, EPFL
- April 01, 1999, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Real-Time Systems for ITS Applications and consistency in predictive information Systems, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- MIT Summer School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- January 01, 1999, Cambridge (Ma), USA
- [XML Marc]
- Algorithmic aspects of discrete choice modelling, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Colloquium in Combinatorics, Geometric Algorithms and Optimization, ETHZ
- November 12, 1998, Zürich, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- La simulation du trafic: pourquoi et comment?, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Colloque en mémoire du Professeur Charles Rapin, EPFL
- October 06, 1998, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- DynaMIT: a simulation-based system for traffic prediction and guidance generation, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- June 17, 1998, San Juan, Porto-Rico
- [XML Marc]
- Dynamic Network Assignment for Management of Information to Travelers Real-Time System for Traffic Prediction and Guidance Generation, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- INFORMS National meeting
- April 26, 1998, Montréal, Canada
- [XML Marc]
- Software Design Aspects of DynaMIT: Dynamic Network Assignement for the Management of Information to Travelers, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- INFORMS National meeting
- April 26, 1998, Montréal, Canada
- [XML Marc]
- A distributed system of models for real-time operation of a traffic management center, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- CERFACS Seminars
- February 16, 1998, Toulouse, France
- [XML Marc]
- DynaMIT: un système en temps réel pour la prédiction du trafic et la génération d'information aux conducteurs, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar, EPFL, ITEP
- February 11, 1998, Lausanne, Switzerland
- [XML Marc]
- Un laboratoire de simulation pour l'évaluation de systèmes dynamique de gestion du trafic, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- IML, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Institut International de Management pour la Logistique
- January 01, 1998, Paris, France
- [XML Marc]
- Demonstration of the DynaMIT system, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- ITS America Annual Meeting
- January 01, 1998, Detroit (MI), USA
- [XML Marc]
- Introduction to HieLoW, an interactive package to estimate hierarchical logit models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- MIT Summer School on Individual Choice Behavior: Theory and Application on Discrete Choice Analysis to Consumer Demand and Market Share, MIT
- January 01, 1998, Cambridge (MA), USA
- [XML Marc]
- Demand simulation for traffic estimation and prediction in a real-time dynamic traffic assignment system, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Transportation Seminar Series, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California
- January 01, 1998, Berkeley, USA
- [XML Marc]
- DynaMIT: un système en temps réel pour la prédiction du trafic et la génération d'information aux conducteurs, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- January 01, 1998, Arcueil-Cachan, France
- [XML Marc]
- Real-Time Systems for ITS Applications, and consistency in predictive informations systems, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- MIT Summer School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- January 01, 1998, Cambridge (Ma), USA
- [XML Marc]
- DynaMIT: a simulation-based system for traffic prediction, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- DACCORD Short-term forecasting workshop
- January 01, 1998, Delft, The Netherlands
- [XML Marc]
- Design and Development of DynaMIT, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- May 04, 1997, San Diego (Ca), USA
- [XML Marc]
- Discrete choice models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- NATO Advanced Studies Institute on Operations research and decision aid methodologies in traffic and transportation management, Hotel UNI
- March 10, 1997, Balatonfured, Hungary
- [XML Marc]
- Introduction to HieLoW, an interactive package to estimate hierarchical logit models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- MIT Summer School on Individual Choice Behavior: Theory and Application of Discrete Choice Analysis to Consumer Demand and Market Share, MIT
- January 01, 1997, Cambridge (Ma), USA
- [XML Marc]
- Dynamic Traffic assignment System Design requirements and Data Needs, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Transportation Research Board, 76th Annual Meeting
- January 01, 1997, Washington (D.C), USA
- [XML Marc]
- DynaMIT: Dynamic Network Assignment for the Management of Information to Travelers, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Research seminar of the Center for Transportation Studies, MIT
- January 01, 1996, Cambridge (Ma), USA
- [XML Marc]
- DynaMIT: Dynamic Network Assignment for the Management of Information to travelers, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- 4th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation
- January 01, 1996, Newcastle, UK
- [XML Marc]
- Introduction to HieLoW, an interactive package to estimate hierarchical logit models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- MIT Summer School on Individual Choice Behavior: Theory and Application of Discrete Choice Analysis, MIT
- January 01, 1996, Cambridge (Ma), USA
- [XML Marc]
- Real-Time Dynamic Traffic Assignment System, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- MIT Symposium on Advanced Projects in Intelligent Transportation Systems, MIT
- January 01, 1996, Cambridge (Ma), USA
- [XML Marc]
- HieLoW, a package that estimates hierarchical logit models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- World Conference on Transportation Research
- January 01, 1995, Sydney, Australia
- [XML Marc]
- MEUSE: an origin-destination matrix estimator that exploits structure, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- World Conference on Transportation Research
- January 01, 1995, Sydney, Australia
- [XML Marc]
- HieLoW: Hierarchical Logit for Windows, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- 3th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation
- January 01, 1995, Barcelona, Spain
- [XML Marc]
- HieLoW, un logiciel interactif pour les modèles de choix discret, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- French-speaking Conference on Operational Research
- January 01, 1995, Mons, Belgium
- [XML Marc]
- MEUSE: an origin-destination matrix estimator that exploits structure, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Conjooint conference CORS'94 - Optimization Days
- January 01, 1994, Montréal, Canada
- [XML Marc]
- HieLoW: un logiciel pour les études de choix discrets, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- La Technique d'enquêtes de préférences déclarées et ses applications dans le domaine des services
- January 01, 1994, Brussels, Belgium
- [XML Marc]
- Fuzzy random utility models, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar, MIT, Center for Transportation Studies
- January 01, 1994, Cambridge (Ma), USA
- [XML Marc]
- MEUSE: an origin-destination matrix estimator that exploits structure, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Seminar, MIT, Center for Transportation Studies
- January 01, 1994, Cambridge, (Ma), USA
- [XML Marc]
- MEUSE: un modèle d'estimation de matrices origines-destinations qui exploite la structure, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- Congrès International Francophone: Quels transports pour nos villes de demain?
- January 01, 1993, Versailles, France
- [XML Marc]
- Use of parking surveys to estimate demand matrices, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- EIASM Conference- Logistics: transportation and distribution
- January 01, 1992, Brussels, Belgium
- [XML Marc]
- Le plan de circulation à Namur, Bierlaire, M.
- Michel Bierlaire
- European meeting "Pour des transports efficaces en ville", Institut Wallon
- January 01, 1992, Namur, Belgium
- [XML Marc]
Presentations (919)
- Transportation Research
- Operations Research
- Discrete Choice Models
Modeling, optimization, simulation