Transport and Mobility Laboratory: yearly report 2024



Spring 2024

Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
Section(s): Civil Engineering
Lecturers: Fabian Torres, Evangelos Paschalidis
Teaching assistant: Tom Haering
Number of students: unknown
Introduction to Transportation Systems
Section(s): Civil Engineering
Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
Teaching assistant: Marija Kukic, Negar Rezvany
Number of students: unknown
Optimization and Simulation
Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Cloe Cortes Balcells, Léa Ricard, Pavel Ilinov
Number of students: unknown

PhD thesesTop

Defense scheduled in 2024 or after and theses in progress


Janody Pougala
OASIS : An integrated optimisation framework for activity scheduling
Co-supervisor: Tim Hillel
Committee: Prof D. Ruggiero (chair), Prof M. Bierlaire, Dr T. Hillel (supervisors), Prof K. Axhausen, Prof R. Moeckel, Prof P. Mokhtarian.
Exam: October 20, 2023
Defense: January 26, 2024


Alexis Gumy
Aux frontières de la mobilité. Vers la construction sociale des « bonnes manières » de se déplacer ?
Co-supervisor: Vincent Kaufmann
Marija Kukic
Modeling the activities of households
Cloe Cortes Balcells
Activity-based models and epidemics
Co-supervisor: Rico Krueger
Tom Haering
Algorithms for large scale choice-based optimization
Nicola Ortelli
Assisted specification of choice models
Negar Rezvany
Urban energy demand
Co-supervisor: Tim Hillel

PhD committeesTop

Caroline Winkler
Measuring and modeling time use patterns in Switzerland
ETHZ, Switzerland
April 09, 2024
Nikita Gusarov
Performance of econometric and Machine Learning models for the economic study of discrete consumer choices
Université Grenoble Alpes, France
February 19, 2024

Masters thesesTop

Thamin Maurer
Section: Civil Engineering
Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
Expert: Etienne Schaefer, SMA
Timothée Hirt
Section: Mechanical Engineering
Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
Esteban Requena
Section: Civil Engineering
Cost Control Methodology for Infrastructure Projects in Construction Phase
Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
Martim Beels
Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
Expert: Dr Christophe Salzmann
Antoine Goupil de Bouille
Section: Mathematics
Optimizing Gas Storage Strategies: Addressing Price Fluctuations and Leakage through a Mercuria Case Study
Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Cloe Cortes Balcells, Fabian Torres
Mohamed Essayouti
Section: Mathematics
Stochastic on-demand electric vehicle routing and charge scheduling
Supervision:Léa Ricard, Tom Haering, Michel Bierlaire
Expert: Claudia Bongiovanni
Alexandre Monti
Section: Mathematics
Application of the information-theoretic clustering to the discrete choice
Supervision:Pavel Ilinov, Evangelos Paschalidis, Michel Bierlaire
Dixit Sabharwal
Section: Communication Systems
Modeling the Influence of Fear on Daily Activity Scheduling during a Pandemic through an Endogenous Choice Set Formation Approach.
Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Cloe Cortes Balcells, Janody Pougala
Pablo Garcia
Section: Civil Engineering
Actualisation des méthodes d'analyse des carrefours giratoires
Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
Expert: Franco Tufo
Supervised by Micael Tille
Xinling Li
Section: Civil Engineering
Learning joint rebalancing and dynamic pricing policies for Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand systems
Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
Expert: Filipe Rodrigues

Semester projectsTop

Alexia Stephanie Liviana Paratte
Comparative analysis of discrete choice models estimation using different software packages
February 19, 2024-May 31, 2024
Supervision: Evangelos Paschalidis, Negar Rezvany, Michel Bierlaire
Jules Schneuwly
A computational comparison of open-source branch-and-price solvers
February 19, 2024-June 21, 2024
Supervision: Léa Ricard, Fabian Torres, Michel Bierlaire
Anne-Valérie Preto
Solve the problem of the EPFL campus in MOBi,
Section: Civil Engineering
February 19, 2024-June 09, 2024
Supervision: Negar Rezvany, Fabian Torres, Michel Bierlaire, Antonin Danalet
Anne-Valérie Preto
Improving the specification of migration aspiration discrete choice models via attitudinal variables
Section: Civil Engineering
February 19, 2024-May 31, 2024
Supervision: Evangelos Paschalidis, Nicola Ortelli, Michel Bierlaire
Mya Jamal Lahjouji
Comparison of different methodologies for interpolating traffic count data
Section: Civil Engineering
February 19, 2024-May 31, 2024
Supervision: Marija Kukic, Nicholas Molyneaux, Michel Bierlaire
Gabriel André Veigas Marques
Construction of an Itinerary Optimization Algorithm for a Trip Planning App
February 19, 2024-June 07, 2024
Supervision: Fabian Torres, Tom Haering, Michel Bierlaire
Honoka Shirai
Investigating latent behaviour in multiday activity scheduling
September 14, 2023-January 15, 2024
Supervision: Janody Pougala, Negar Rezvany, Michel Bierlaire
Pierre Alexis Hellich
Modeling Individual Activity Schedules and Behavior Changes in COVID-19 Using Metaheuristic Optimization
September 14, 2023-January 15, 2024
Supervision: Cloe Cortes Balcells, Fabian Torres, Michel Bierlaire
Aline Janvier
Generating a synthetic population with health and COVID-19 information
September 14, 2023-January 15, 2024
Supervision: Cloe Cortes Balcells, Marija Kukic, Michel Bierlaire

Additional teachingTop

Bayesian Estimation; Individual Prediction
Discrete Choice Analysis: Bayesian estimation and Individual prediction, February 15, 2024
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Lecturer: Ilinov Pavel
Assistant(s): Kukic Marija, Paschalidis Evangelos
Logit Mixtures; Combining Data (SP and RP)
Discrete Choice Analysis: Predicting Individual Behavior and Market Demand, February 13, 2024
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Lecturer: Paschalidis Evangelos
Assistant(s): Cortes Balcells Cloe, Ortelli Nicola
Nested logit; Aggregate forecasting
Discrete Choice Analysis: Predicting Individual Behavior and Market Demand, February 12, 2024
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Lecturer: Cortes Balcells Cloe
Assistant(s): Ilinov Pavel, Paschalidis Evangelos
Introduction, Logit Estimation and Testing
Discrete Choice Analysis: Predicting Individual Behavior and Market Demand, February 11, 2024
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Lecturer: Haering Tom
Assistant(s): Rezvany Negar, Ortelli Nicola, Torres Fabian


Pedro Zattoni
Inverse Optimization for Routing Problems
Affiliation: TU Delft, The Netherlands
June 05, 2024

Organization of conferences, workshops, etc.Top

No event scheduled at the moment. Please consult this page later.

Discrete Choice Analysis: Predicting Individual Behavior and Market Demand
February 11, 2024-February 15, 2024
Location: EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Role: Founder, organizer and lecturer
Winter School on Optimization and Operations Research
January 14, 2024-January 19, 2024
Location: Hotel Europe, Zinal
Role: Organizer


Papers in international journals (accepted for publication)Top

  1. Kukic, M., Li, X., and Bierlaire, M. (to appear). One-step Gibbs sampling for the generation of synthetic households, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies (accepted for publication on July 14, 2024)
  2. Beine, M., Bierlaire, M., and Docquier, F. (to appear). New York, Abu Dhabi, London or Stay at Home? Using a Cross-Nested Logit Model to Identify Complex Substitution Patterns in Migration, Journal of Economic Geography (accepted for publication on January 16, 2024)

Papers in international journalsTop

  1. Obrenovic, N., Atac, S., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). Light electric vehicle sharing systems: Functional design of a comprehensive decision making solution, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 182(104043):.
  2. Ortelli, N., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). Resampling Estimation of Discrete Choice Models, Journal of Choice Modelling 50(100467):.

Book chaptersTop

  1. Richer, C., Torres, F., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). The Static Elevator Dispatching Problem with Destination Control. In Crainic, T.G., Gendreau, M., Frangioni, A. (ed) Combinatorial Optimization and Applications . Springer.
  2. Sharif Azadeh, S., Pacheco, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). Decomposition Methods for Choice-Based Optimization Models. In Crainic, T.G., Gendreau, M., Frangioni, A. (ed) Combinatorial Optimization and Applications . Springer.
  3. Varotto, S. F., Krueger, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). Modelling travel behaviour: a choice modelling perspective . In D. Potoglou and J. Spinney (ed) Handbook of Travel Behavior pp.118-139. Elgar.

Conference proceedingsTop

  1. Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). Integration of group decision-mechanisms into activity-based models. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR) July 14-18, 2024, 2024.
  2. Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). Hybrid Simulator for Projecting Synthetic Households in Unforeseen Events. Proceedings of the 24th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) 15-17 May, 2024.
  3. Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). Household-level choice-set generation and parameter estimation in activity-based models. Proceedings of the 24th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) 15-17 May, 2024.

Technical reportsTop

  1. Torres, F., Gendreau, M., and Rei, W. (2024). Pricing Routes: Compensation of Crowd-Drivers. Technical report TRANSP-OR 240717. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL.
  2. Ilinov, P., Matveenko, A., Senkov, M., and Starkov, E. (2024). Optimally Biased Expertise. Technical report TRANSP-OR 240223. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL.
  3. Ortelli, N., de Lapparent, M., Varotto, S. F., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). An integrated ordered logit and latent variable model for accident injury severity and risk-taking behavior. Technical report TRANSP-OR 240101. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL.
  4. Ricard, L., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). 50 years of behavioral models for transportation and logistics. Technical report TRANSP-OR 220408. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL.
  5. Cortes Balcells, C., Torres, F., Krueger, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). Modeling the Influence of Restriction Policies and Perceived Risk due to COVID-19 on Daily Activity Scheduling. Technical report 240703. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL.

Speaker in external seminarsTop

  1. Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M., Group decision-mechanisms in activity-based models. 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR), July 16, 2024, Vienna, Austria
  2. Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M., Intra-household interactions in ABMs: Household-level choice set generation and parameter estimation. 12th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART) , June 19, 2024, Espoo, Finland
  3. Bierlaire, M., Combining behavioral models and optimization to assess climate change actions. Action Inaction Climate Change Symposium, June 13, 2024, Munster, France
  4. Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M., Hybrid Simulator for Projecting Synthetic Households in Unforeseen Events. 16th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, June 07, 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland
  5. Haering, T., Legault, R., Torres, F., and Bierlaire, M., Fast algorithms for (capacitated) continuous pricing with discrete choice demand models. 16th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, June 07, 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland
  6. Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M., An application of DCM in household scheduling: Choice set generation and parameter estimation. 16th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, June 07, 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland
  7. Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M., Household-level choice set generation and parameter estimation. 24th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 16, 2024, Ascona, Switzerland
  8. Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M., Hybrid Simulator for Projecting Synthetic Households in Unforeseen Events. STRC 2024, May 15, 2024, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland
  9. Haering, T., Torres, F., and Bierlaire, M., Fast Algorithms for (Capacitated) Continuous Pricing with Discrete Choice Demand Models. STRC 2024, May 15, 2024, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland
  10. Ilinov, P., Matveenko, A., Sharma, S., Tsakas, E., and Mark, V., Sequential Search with Flexible Information. MaCCI Annual 2024, Mannheim Center of Competition and Innovation, March 14, 2024, Mannheim, Switzerland
  11. Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M., Intra-household interactions in ABMs. Behaviour & Infrastructure Group (BIG) Research Colloquium, University College London (UCL), February 23, 2024, Online
  12. Bierlaire, M., Transport et mobilité : l'importance de la recherche. Séminaire d’introduction de l’ETH Zurich pour les parlementaires fédérales / fédéraux nouvellement élues / élus 2024, ETH Zurich, February 08, 2024, Konolfingen, Switzerland
  13. Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M., Synthetic Population Projections and Unforeseen Events. 2nd EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL, February 06, 2024, Barcelona, Spain
  14. Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M., Intra-household interactions in ABMs: Household-level choice set generation. 2nd EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL, February 06, 2024, Barcelona, Spain
  15. Haering, T., Torres, F., and Bierlaire, M., Fast Algorithms for Capacitated Continuous Pricing with Discrete Choice Demand Models. 2nd EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL, February 05, 2024, Barcelona, Spain

Awards and distinctionsTop

  1. Negar Rezvany : Best Paper Award (June 20, 2024). Institution: European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART).


  1. Journal of Choice Modelling (1)
  2. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies (1)

Research projects (2)Top

E-Bike City
Sponsor: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Team: Michel Bierlaire (PI), Janody Pougala (PM)
Period: September 01, 2022-December 31, 2025
This project has the following content: Transport policy is currently not finding a way out of its dilemma; the imminent need to decarbonize a sector fast which has barely moved in the recent past and the social requirement to maintain and increase accessibility across all modes, but not to encourage sprawl while still allowing further decreases in the generalised cost of travel by new technologies and business models. We propose to use a radical departure from previous proposed ideas to enable the policy and transport industry to begin thinking from a different starting point. The design idea is to reallocate 50% of the existing urban road space to e-bikes, bicycles, and other micromobility modes and to assess what this change could achieve in terms of accessibility, generalised costs of travel, changes in daily life and reductions in emissions and CO2. The project will integrate careful involvement of the various stakeholders from citizens, cities, firms to interest groups, but will also provide the materials needed to communicate the ideas and their equity impacts visually and verbally at the required levels of complexity.
Migration and Discrete Choice Models (MIGDCM)
Sponsor: Swiss National Science Foundation
Team: Michel Bierlaire (PI), Silvia Varotto (PM), Evangelos Paschalidis (PM)
Period: March 01, 2022-March 31, 2025
International migration is at the forefront of policy debates in most countries around the world. In industrialized nations, the proportion of foreigners in total population increased from 4.5 to 12 percent between 1960 and 2019, stirring up fears about economic costs for natives, loss of national identity, and integration issues. In poor countries, international migration raises concerns about the brain drain of highly-skilled workers, as college and university graduates have a much greater propensity to emigrate internationally than the less educated. Hence, the questions of how many people migrate (i.e., migration intensity}, which people migrate first or are more likely to migrate (i.e., migrants' selection), and where migrants choose to settle (i.e., migrants' sorting) have been analyzed from all possible angles in recent literature. Specifically, understanding how people revise their decisions about whether to emigrate, and where to, when facing changes in the global environment is of crucial importance for decision-makers.

Miscellaneous responsibilitiesTop



  1. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Transportation Research Part C (since January 01, 2006)
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  2. Director of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland (since July 01, 2006)
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  3. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research (since November 08, 2011)
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  4. Associate Editor, Operations Research (since January 01, 2012)
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  5. Member of the International Advisory Committee, International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (since July 17, 2013)
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  6. Member of the research council, Swiss Federal Railways (SBB), Bern, Switzerland (since January 01, 2015)
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  7. Founder, member of the steering committee, European Association for Research in Transportation (since September 09, 2015)
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  8. Associate Editor, Transport Findings (since October 01, 2018)
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  9. Member of the International Scientific Advisory Board , Transportation Research Center, Kumasi, Kumasi, Ghana (since November 01, 2018)
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  10. Member of the Editorial Board, Transportation Research Part B (since December 01, 2018)
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  11. Member of the Social Commission, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (since April 01, 2023)
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  1. Member of the Editorial Board, Transportation Letters (since February 15, 2021)
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  1. Member of the Committee Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics (ACP50) , Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. (since April 15, 2022)
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Finished in 2024


  1. Chair of the jury for the EURO Distinguished Service Award 2024, EURO The Association of European Operational Research Societies (October 25, 2023-October 25, 2024)
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  2. Chair of the jury for the EURO Distinguished Service Award 2024, EURO The Association of European Operational Research Societies (June 07, 2023-August 31, 2024)
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  • Transportation Research
  • Operations Research
  • Discrete Choice Models


Modeling, optimization, simulation

Select year