- English only
Transport and Mobility Laboratory: EPFL courses
Spring 2025
- Optimization and Simulation
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Cloe Cortes Balcells, Lea Ricard, Pavel Ilinov
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/OptSim2025
Fall 2024
- Introduction to optimization and operations research
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Fabian Torres, Lea Ricard, Marija Kukic, Tom Haering
- Mathematical modeling of behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics, Master in Financial Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Evangelos Paschalidis, Negar Rezvany, Cloe Cortes Balcells, Pavel Ilinov
- Webpage: https://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=1001
Spring 2024
- Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Fabian Torres, Evangelos Paschalidis
- Teaching assistant: Tom Haering
- Introduction to Transportation Systems
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Marija Kukic, Negar Rezvany
- Optimization and Simulation
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Cloe Cortes Balcells, Lea Ricard, Pavel Ilinov
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/OptSim2024
Fall 2023
- Introduction to optimization and operations research
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Fabian Torres, Lea Ricard, Marija Kukic, Tom Haering
- Mathematical modeling of behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics, Master in Financial Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Evangelos Paschalidis, Nicola Ortelli, Janody Pougala, Cloe Cortes Balcells
- Webpage: https://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=1001
Spring 2023
- Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Fabian Torres, Evangelos Paschalidis
- Teaching assistant: Selin Atac, Tom Haering
- Introduction to Transportation Systems
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Marija Kukic, Janody Pougala, Mengyi Wang
- Optimization and Simulation
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Cloe Cortes Balcells, Selin Atac
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/OptSim2023
Fall 2022
- Introduction to optimization and operations research
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Fabian Torres, Selin Atac, Marija Kukic, Negar Rezvany
- Mathematical modeling of behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics, Master in Financial Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Silvia Varotto, Nicola Ortelli, Cloe Cortes Balcells, Tom Haering
- Webpage: https://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=1001
Spring 2022
- Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Tim Hillel, Nour Dougui
- Teaching assistant: Selin Atac, Janody Pougala, Marija Kukic, Negar Rezvany
- Optimization and Simulation
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Silvia Varotto, Selin Atac, Cloe Cortes Balcells
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/OptSim2022
Fall 2021
- Introduction to optimization and operations research
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Lecturer: Virginie Lurkin
- Teaching assistant: Nour Dougui, Negar Rezvany, Nicholas Molyneaux, Gael Lederrey
- Mathematical modeling of behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics, Master in Financial Engineering
- Lecturer: Virginie Lurkin
- Teaching assistant: Melvin Wong, Silvia Varotto, Nicola Ortelli, Janody Pougala
- Webpage: https://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=1001
Spring 2021
- Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Tim Hillel, Nour Dougui
- Teaching assistant: Selin Atac, Janody Pougala, Marija Kukic, Negar Rezvany
- Webpage: https://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/decisionAid2020/index.php
- Optimization and Simulation
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Rico Krueger, Melvin Wong
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/OptSim2021
Fall 2020
- Introduction to optimization and operations research
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Nour Dougui, Selin Atac, Stefano Bortolomiol, Marija Kukic
- Mathematical modeling of behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics, Master in Financial Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Melvin Wong, Rico Krueger, Janody Pougala, Nicola Ortelli
- Webpage: https://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=1001
Spring 2020
- Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Tim Hillel, Nour Dougui
- Teaching assistant: Stefano Bortolomiol, Gael Lederrey, Selin Atac, Janody Pougala
- Webpage: https://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/decisionAid2020/index.php
- Optimization and Simulation
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Rico Krueger, Melvin Wong
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/OptSim2020/
Fall 2019
- Introduction to optimization and operations research
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Nour Dougui, Selin Atac, Stefano Bortolomiol, Nicholas Molyneaux
- Webpage: https://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=14491
- Mathematical modeling of behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics, Master in Financial Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Tim Hillel, Meritxell Pacheco, Janody Pougala, Nicola Ortelli
- Webpage: https://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=1001
Spring 2019
- Conception et gestion des systèmes de transport
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Daniel Emery
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=384
- Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Nikola Obrenovic, Tim Hillel
- Teaching assistant: Stefano Bortolomiol, Gael Lederrey, Selin Atac
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/decisionAid2019/index.php
- Optimization and Simulation
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Yuki Oyama, Nikola Obrenovic
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/OptSim2019/
- Systèmes de transport
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Daniel Emery
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=12461
Fall 2018
- Exploitation ferroviaire
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Daniel Emery
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=10991
- Number of students: 16
- Introduction à l'optimisation et à la recherche opérationnelle
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Nikola Obrenovic, Nour Dougui, Stefano Bortolomiol, Selin Atac
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/optimization2018/
- Mathematical modeling of behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics, Master in Financial Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Meritxell Pacheco, Yuki Oyama, Nicholas Molyneaux
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/dca2018
Spring 2018
- Conception et gestion des systèmes de transport
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Daniel Emery
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=384
- Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Virginie Lurkin, Nikola Obrenovic
- Teaching assistant: Stefano Bortolomiol, Gael Lederrey
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/decisionAid2018/index.php
- Optimization and Simulation
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Yuki Oyama, Nikola Obrenovic, Riccardo Scarinci
- Teaching assistant: Gael Lederrey, Zhengchao Wang
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/OptSim2018/
- Systèmes de transport
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Daniel Emery
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=12461
Fall 2017
- Exploitation ferroviaire
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Daniel Emery
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=10991
- Number of students: 18
- Introduction à l'optimisation et à la recherche opérationnelle
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Virginie Lurkin, Gael Lederrey, Nikola Obrenovic
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/optimization2017/
- Mathematical modeling of behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics, Master in Financial Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Meritxell Pacheco, Anna Fernandez Antolin, Evanthia Kazagli, Yuki Oyama
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/dca2017
- Modélisation des systèmes de transports
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Anne Curchod
Spring 2017
- Conception et gestion des systèmes de transport
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Daniel Emery
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=384
- Number of students: 51
- Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Virginie Lurkin, Mor Kaspi
- Teaching assistant: Tomás Robenek, Stefan Binder, Iliya Markov, Meritxell Pacheco
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/enrol/index.php?id=15132
- Enjeux mondiaux : Mobilité A
- Section(s): All sections
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Nicholas Molyneaux, Stefan Binder
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=13982
- Optimization and Simulation
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Riccardo Scarinci
- Teaching assistant: Marija Nikolic, Stefan Binder
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/OptSim2017/
- Systèmes de transport
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Daniel Emery
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=12461
- Number of students: 12
Fall 2016
- Exploitation ferroviaire
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Daniel Emery
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=10991
- Number of students: 23
- Introduction à l'optimisation et à la recherche opérationnelle
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Yousef Maknoon
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/optimization2016/
- Mathematical modeling of behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics, Master in Financial Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Evanthia Kazagli, Anna Fernandez Antolin, Meritxell Pacheco
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/dca2016
- Modélisation des systèmes de transports
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Anne Curchod, Matthieu de Lapparent
- Number of students: 46
- Villes et Transports
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Matthieu de Lapparent
- Number of students: 40
Spring 2016
- Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Matthieu de Lapparent, Shadi Sharif Azadeh
- Teaching assistant: Anna Fernandez Antolin, Tomás Robenek, Yousef Maknoon, Evanthia Kazagli
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/decisionAid2016/index.php
- Decomposition for network design
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturer: Bernard Gendron
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/Gendron2016/index.php
- Number of students: 7
- Enjeux mondiaux : Mobilité A
- Section(s): All sections
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Stefan Binder, Shadi Sharif Azadeh
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=13982
- Optimization and Simulation
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Riccardo Scarinci, Yousef Maknoon
- Teaching assistant: Iliya Markov, Marija Nikolic
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/OptSim2016/
- Semaine ENAC "Remix Public Space"
- Section(s): Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Architecture, Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Riccardo Scarinci
- Webpage: http://enac.epfl.ch/projeter-ensemble/semaine-ENAC
Fall 2015
- Introduction à l'optimisation et à la recherche opérationnelle
- Section(s): Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Shadi Sharif Azadeh, Yousef Maknoon
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=14491
- Mathematical modeling of behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics, Master in Financial Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Matthieu de Lapparent
- Teaching assistant: Evanthia Kazagli, Anna Fernandez Antolin
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/dca2015/
Spring 2015
- Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Matthieu de Lapparent, Shadi Sharif Azadeh
- Teaching assistant: Evanthia Kazagli, Anna Fernandez Antolin, Iliya Markov, Yousef Maknoon
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/decisionAid2015/index.php
- Enjeux Mondiaux
- Section(s): All sections
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Stefan Binder, Flurin Hänseler
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=13982
- Optimization and Simulation
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Riccardo Scarinci, Yousef Maknoon
- Teaching assistant: Tomás Robenek, Marija Nikolic
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/OptSim2015/
- Semaine ENAC "Le piéton vecteur d'urbanité"
- Section(s): Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Architecture, Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Antonin Danalet
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/enrol/index.php?id=7401
Fall 2014
- Introduction à l'optimisation
- Section(s): Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Shadi Sharif Azadeh
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/opti2014
- Mathematical modeling of behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics, Master in Financial Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Matthieu de Lapparent
- Teaching assistant: Anna Fernandez Antolin, Evanthia Kazagli
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/dca2014/
- Modélisation des systèmes de transports
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Anne Curchod
- Teaching assistant: Stefan Binder
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=14218
Spring 2014
- Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Amanda Stathopoulos, Jianghang Chen
- Teaching assistant: Iliya Markov, Anna Fernandez Antolin
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/decisionAid2014
- Enjeux mondiaux
- Section(s): All sections
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Stefan Binder, Antonin Danalet
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=13982
- Optimization and Simulation
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Riccardo Scarinci, Jianghang Chen
- Teaching assistant: Tomás Robenek, Marija Nikolic
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/OptSim2014/
Fall 2013
- Introduction à l'optimisation différentiable
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Computer science
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Nitish Umang
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/optimizationfall2013/
- Mathematical modeling of behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics, Master in Financial Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Amanda Stathopoulos
- Teaching assistant: Evanthia Kazagli, Anna Fernandez Antolin
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/dca2013/
- Recherche opérationnelle
- Section(s): Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Nitish Umang
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/rofall2013/
Spring 2013
- Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Jianghang Chen
- Teaching assistant: Evanthia Kazagli, Tomás Robenek
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/decisionAid2013
- Optimization and Simulation
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Bilal Farooq, Jianghang Chen
- Teaching assistant: Aurélie Glerum, Antonin Danalet
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/OptSim2013/
Fall 2012
- Introduction à l'optimisation différentiable
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Computer science
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Bilge Atasoy
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/optimization2012/
- Mathematical modeling of behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics, Master in Financial Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Antonin Danalet, Amanda Stathopoulos
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/dca2012/
Spring 2012
- Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Prem Kumar
- Teaching assistant: Jingmin Chen, Nitish Umang
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/decisionAid2012
- Optimization and Simulation
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Bilal Farooq, Prem Kumar
- Teaching assistant: Nitish Umang
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/OptSim2012/
- Recherche opérationnelle
- Section(s): Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Flurin Hänseler
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/ro2012
Fall 2011
- Introduction à l'optimisation différentiable
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Computer science
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Bilge Atasoy, Nitish Umang
- Number of students: 92
- Mathematical modeling of behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics, Master in Financial Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Aurélie Glerum, Antonin Danalet
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/dca2011/
- Modélisation des systèmes Énergie et Transports
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Anne Curchod, Michel Bierlaire
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=1251
Spring 2011
- Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Prem Kumar
- Teaching assistant: Jingmin Chen, Nitish Umang
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/decisionAid2011
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Gunnar Flötteröd
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=9901
- Comments: Taught in collaboration with Prof. Dumont, Prof. Martinoli, and Prof. Geroliminis.
- Optimization and Simulation
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Gunnar Flötteröd
- Teaching assistant: Ilaria Vacca
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=6791
- Recherche opérationnelle
- Section(s): Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Mamy Fetiarison, Francesco Piu
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/ro2011/
Fall 2010
- Introduction à l'optimisation différentiable
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Computer science
- Lecturer: Michaël Thémans
- Teaching assistant: Bilge Atasoy, Ricardo Hurtubia
- Number of students: 107
- Mathematical modeling of behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics, Master in Financial Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Aurélie Glerum, Thomas Robin
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/dca2010/
- Number of students: 24
- Modélisation des systèmes Énergie et Transports
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Anne Curchod, Michel Bierlaire
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=1251
- Number of students: 23
Spring 2010
- Méthodologies d'aide à la décision dans le domaine des transports
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Gunnar Flötteröd, Jean-Pierre Leyvraz, Niklaus Eggenberg
- Number of students: 18
- Optimization and Simulation
- Section(s): Doctoral program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Gunnar Flötteröd
- Teaching assistant: Ilaria Vacca
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=6791
- Number of students: 39
- Recherche opérationnelle
- Section(s): Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Mamy Fetiarison, Bilge Atasoy
- Webpage: http://transp-or.epfl.ch/courses/RechOp/09-10
- Number of students: 60
- Transport et télématique
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Jean-Pierre Leyvraz
- Number of students: 16
Fall 2009
- Introduction à l'optimisation différentiable
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Computer science
- Lecturer: Michaël Thémans
- Teaching assistant: Ilaria Vacca
- Number of students: 101
- Mathematical Modeling of Behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Thomas Robin, Jingmin Chen
- Webpage: NULL
- Number of students: 37
- Modélisation des systèmes Énergie et Transports
- Section(s): Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Javier Cruz, Ricardo Hurtubia
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=1251
- Number of students: 58
Spring 2009
- Méthodologies d'aide à la décision dans le domaine des transports
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Matteo Salani, Jean-Pierre Leyvraz, Gunnar Flötteröd
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=2361
- Number of students: 15
- Recherche opérationnelle
- Section(s): Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Mamy Fetiarison, Jingmin Chen
- Webpage: NULL
- Number of students: 59
- Transport et télématique
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Jean-Pierre Leyvraz
- Number of students: 9
Fall 2008
- Introduction à l'optimisation différentiable
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Computer science
- Lecturer: Michaël Thémans
- Teaching assistant: Ilaria Vacca
- Mathematical modeling of behavior
- Section(s): Mathematics, Management of Technology and Financial Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Thomas Robin, Jeffrey Newman
- Webpage: NULL
- Number of students: 31
- Modélisation des systèmes Énergie et Transports
- Section(s): Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Javier Cruz, Ricardo Hurtubia
- Webpage: http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=1251
- Number of students: 48
Spring 2008
- Mathematical models and algorithms for decision-making support
- Section(s): Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Matteo Salani
- Webpage: NULL
- Méthodologies d'aide à la décision dans le domaine des transports
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Matteo Salani, Jean-Pierre Leyvraz, Zachary Patterson
- Number of students: 15
- Recherche opérationnelle
- Section(s): Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Ilaria Vacca
- Number of students: 57
- Transport et télématique
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturers: Michel Bierlaire, Jean-Pierre Leyvraz
- Number of students: 9
Fall 2007
- Modélisation des systèmes Énergie et Transports
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Javier Cruz
- Number of students: 31
- Modélisation mathématique du comportement
- Section(s): Mathematics
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Carolina Osorio Pizano, Thomas Robin
- Optimisation 1
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Communication Systems, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Lecturer: Michaël Thémans
- Teaching assistant: Niklaus Eggenberg, Ilaria Vacca
Spring 2007
- Recherche opérationnelle
- Section(s): Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Matteo Salani
- Transport et télématique
- Section(s): Civil Engineering
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Jean-Pierre Leyvraz
Fall 2006
- Modélisation mathématique du comportement
- Section(s): Mathematics
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Carolina Osorio Pizano
- Number of students: 26
- Optimisation 1
- Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Communication Systems
- Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
- Teaching assistant: Niklaus Eggenberg
- Number of students: 92
- Transportation Research
- Operations Research
- Discrete Choice Models
Modeling, optimization, simulation