Transport and Mobility Laboratory: presentations


    Presentations (last year: 26)

  • Group decision-mechanisms in activity-based models, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
    Negar Rezvany
    17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR)
    July 16, 2024, Vienna, Austria
    [Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Intra-household interactions in ABMs: Household-level choice set generation and parameter estimation, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
    Negar Rezvany
    12th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART)
    June 19, 2024, Espoo, Finland
    [Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Combining behavioral models and optimization to assess climate change actions, Bierlaire, M.
    Michel Bierlaire
    Action Inaction Climate Change Symposium
    June 13, 2024, Munster, France
    [Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Hybrid Simulator for Projecting Synthetic Households in Unforeseen Events, Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
    Marija Kukic
    16th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
    June 07, 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland
    [XML Marc]
  • Fast algorithms for (capacitated) continuous pricing with discrete choice demand models, Haering, T., Legault, R., Torres, F., and Bierlaire, M.
    Tom Haering
    16th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
    June 07, 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland
    [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • An application of DCM in household scheduling: Choice set generation and parameter estimation, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
    Negar Rezvany
    16th workshop on Discrete Choice Models, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
    June 07, 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland
    [Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Household-level choice set generation and parameter estimation, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
    Negar Rezvany
    24th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
    May 16, 2024, Ascona, Switzerland
    [Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Hybrid Simulator for Projecting Synthetic Households in Unforeseen Events, Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
    Marija Kukic
    STRC 2024
    May 15, 2024, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland
    [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Fast Algorithms for (Capacitated) Continuous Pricing with Discrete Choice Demand Models, Haering, T., Torres, F., and Bierlaire, M.
    Tom Haering
    STRC 2024
    May 15, 2024, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland
    [Abstract][XML Marc]
  • Sequential Search with Flexible Information, Ilinov, P., Matveenko, A., Sharma, S., Tsakas, E., and Mark, V.
    Pavel Ilinov
    MaCCI Annual 2024, Mannheim Center of Competition and Innovation
    March 14, 2024, Mannheim, Switzerland
    [XML Marc]
  • Intra-household interactions in ABMs, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
    Negar Rezvany
    Behaviour & Infrastructure Group (BIG) Research Colloquium, University College London (UCL)
    February 23, 2024, Online
    [Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Transport et mobilité : l'importance de la recherche, Bierlaire, M.
    Michel Bierlaire
    Séminaire d’introduction de l’ETH Zurich pour les parlementaires fédérales / fédéraux nouvellement élues / élus 2024, ETH Zurich
    February 08, 2024, Konolfingen, Switzerland
    [Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Synthetic Population Projections and Unforeseen Events, Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
    Marija Kukic
    2nd EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL
    February 06, 2024, Barcelona, Spain
    [Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Intra-household interactions in ABMs: Household-level choice set generation, Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
    Negar Rezvany
    2nd EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL
    February 06, 2024, Barcelona, Spain
    [Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Fast Algorithms for Capacitated Continuous Pricing with Discrete Choice Demand Models, Haering, T., Torres, F., and Bierlaire, M.
    Tom Haering
    2nd EPFL Symposium on Transportation Research, EPFL
    February 05, 2024, Barcelona, Spain
    [Abstract][Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Strategies for the electric bus scheduling problem with battery degradation: A stochastic perspective, Ricard, L., Desaulniers, G., Lodi, A., and Rousseau, L.
    Léa Ricard
    INFORMS 2023
    October 16, 2023, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
    [Abstract][XML Marc]
  • Un nouveau modèle hybride pour la modélisation de la conduite imprudente et de la gravité des accidents , Ortelli, N., Varotto, S. F., Bierlaire, M., and de Lapparent, M.
    Nicola Ortelli
    Séminaire interne de l'IIDE, HEIG-VD
    October 12, 2023, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
    [Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Hybrid Simulator for Capturing Dynamics of Synthetic Populations, Kukic, M., and Bierlaire, M.
    Marija Kukic
    IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)
    September 23, 2023, Bilbao, Spain
    [Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Is it better to be first? Search with endogenous information, Ilinov, P., Matveenko, A., and Sharma, S.
    Pavel Ilinov
    Invited talk, IOB, University of Basel
    September 21, 2023, University of Basel, Switzerland
    [XML Marc]
  • The stochastic multi-depot electric vehicle scheduling problem with recourse, Ricard, L., Desaulniers, G., Lodi, A., and Rousseau, L.
    Léa Ricard
    11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, ETH Zurich
    September 07, 2023, Zurich, Switzerland
    [Abstract][XML Marc]
  • Large-Scale Continuous Pricing With Discrete Choice Demand Modeling , Haering, T., Ljubic, I., and Bierlaire, M.
    Tom Haering
    11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, ETHZ
    September 07, 2023, Zurich, Switzerland
    [Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Resampling estimation of discrete choice models , Ortelli, N., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M.
    Nicola Ortelli
    11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, ETHZ
    September 07, 2023, Zurich, Switzerland
    [Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Continuous Pricing with Advanced Discrete Choice Demand Modeling: A Spatial Branch and Benders Decomposition Algorithm , Haering, T., and Bierlaire, M.
    Tom Haering
    19th Swiss Operations Research Days, USI
    September 07, 2023, Lugano, Switzerland
    [Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Modelling the impact of activity duration on utility-based scheduling decisions: a comparative analysis, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
    Janody Pougala
    11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, ETHZ
    September 06, 2023, Zurich, Switzerland
    [Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Modelling the impact of activity duration on utility-based scheduling decisions, Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M.
    Janody Pougala
    MatSIM User Meeting, ETHZ
    September 05, 2023, Zurich, Switzerland
    [Download PDF][XML Marc]
  • Is it better to be first? Search with endogenous information, Ilinov, P., Matveenko, A., and Sharma, S.
    Pavel Ilinov
    EEA-ESEM 2023, EEA
    August 30, 2023, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
    [XML Marc]


  • Transportation Research
  • Operations Research
  • Discrete Choice Models


Modeling, optimization, simulation