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Transport and Mobility Laboratory: technical reports
- Ricard et al., 2025
- Ricard, L., Desaulniers, G., Lodi, A., and Rousseau, L. (2025). Chance-constrained battery management strategies for the electric bus scheduling problem. Technical report arXiv:2503.19853. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Column generation, Scheduling], Transportation research [Public transportation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Haering et al. 2024
- Haering, T., Legault, R., Torres, F., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). Heuristics and Exact Algorithms for Choice-Based Capacitated and Uncapacitated Continuous Pricing. Technical report TRANSP-OR 240905. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation-based optimization, Heuristics][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Torres,Gendreau and Rei, 2024.
- Torres, F., Gendreau, M., and Rei, W. (2024). Pricing Routes: Compensation of Crowd-Drivers. Technical report TRANSP-OR 240717. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Combinatorial optimization, Vehicle routing][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Ilinov et al., 2024
- Ilinov, P., Matveenko, A., Senkov, M., and Starkov, E. (2024). Optimally Biased Expertise. Technical report TRANSP-OR 240223. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Game Theory, Consumer behavior[Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Ortelli et al., 2024
- Ortelli, N., de Lapparent, M., Varotto, S. F., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). An integrated ordered logit and latent variable model for accident injury severity and risk-taking behavior. Technical report TRANSP-OR 240101. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Applications][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Ricard and Bierlaire, 2024.
- Ricard, L., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). 50 years of behavioral models for transportation and logistics. Technical report TRANSP-OR 220408. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Literature review[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Cortes Balcells et al., 2024.
- Cortes Balcells, C., Krueger, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). Modeling Disease Spread: Integrating Mobility, Awareness, and Behavior. Technical report 240909. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation, Simulation-based optimization][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire, 2024
- Bierlaire, M. (2024). Arithmetic expressions in Biogeme. Technical report 240805. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire and Wang, 2024
- Bierlaire, M., and Wang, M. (2024). The MDCEV model with Biogeme: estimation and forecasting. Technical report 240721. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Cortes Balcells et al., 2024.
- Cortes Balcells, C., Torres, F., Krueger, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). Modeling the Influence of Restriction Policies and Perceived Risk due to COVID-19 on Daily Activity Scheduling. Technical report 240703. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation, Simulation-based optimization][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Rezvany et al., 2024
- Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M. (2024). Household-level choice-set generation and parameter estimation in activity-based models. Technical report . Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Scheduling, Simulation-based optimization], Transportation research [Activity based models], Discrete choice [Model estimation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire and Paschalidis, 2023
- Bierlaire, M., and Paschalidis, E. (2023). Estimating MEV models with samples of alternatives. Technical report TRANSP-OR 231225. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation, Multivariate Extreme Value models (or GEV)][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Haering et al., 2023
- Haering, T., Legault, R., Torres, F., Ljubic, I., and Bierlaire, M. (2023). Exact Algorithms for Continuous Pricing with Advanced Discrete Choice Demand Models. Technical report TRANSP-OR 231211. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation-based optimization, Nonlinear optimization][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire, 2023
- Bierlaire, M. (2023). A short introduction to Biogeme. Technical report TRANSP-OR 230620. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Ortelli et al., 2023
- Ortelli, N., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2023). Resampling estimation of discrete choice models. Technical report TRANSP-OR 230330. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Cortes Balcells et al., 2023.
- Cortes Balcells, C., Krueger, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2023). Multi-objective Optimization of Activity-Travel Policies for Epidemic Control: Balancing Health and Economic Outcomes on Socio-Economic Segments. Technical report 230905. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation, Simulation-based optimization][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire and Ortelli, 2023
- Bierlaire, M., and Ortelli, N. (2023). Assisted specification with Biogeme 3.2.12. Technical report 230816. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation, Model specification][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Rezvany et al., 2023
- Rezvany, N., Bierlaire, M., and Hillel, T. (2023). Simulating intra-household interactions for in- and out-of-home activity scheduling. Technical report . Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Scheduling, Simulation-based optimization], Transportation research [Activity based models][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Pougala et al., 2022
- Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M. (2022). OASIS: Optimisation-based Activity Scheduling with Integrated Simultaneous choice dimensions. Technical report TRANSP-OR 221124. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation, Scheduling], Transportation research [Activity based models], Discrete choice [Model specification, Model estimation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bataillard et al., 2022
- Bataillard, L., Pougala, J., Haering, T., and Bierlaire, M. (2022). A comparative analysis of optimization algorithms for activity-based applications. Technical report TRANSP-OR 220610. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Combinatorial optimization, Scheduling], Transportation research [Activity based models][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Varotto et al., 2022
- Varotto, S. F., Krueger, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2022). Modelling travel behaviour: A choice modelling perspective. Technical report TRANSP-OR 220315. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Cortes Balcells et al., 2022.
- Cortes Balcells, C., Krueger, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2022). Disaggregate modeling and policy optimization for the Swiss SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. Technical report 221007. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation, Simulation-based optimization][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire and Ortelli, 2022
- Bierlaire, M., and Ortelli, N. (2022). Assisted specification with Biogeme. Technical report 220707. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation, Model specification][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Manser et al., 2021
- Manser, P., Haering, T., Hillel, T., Pougala, J., Krueger, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2021). Resolving temporal scheduling conflicts in activity-based modelling. Technical report TRANSP-OR 211209. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Mixed integer programming, Scheduling], Transportation research [Activity based models], Discrete choice [Applications, Model specification][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Krueger and Daziano, 2021
- Krueger, R., and Daziano, R. (2021). Stated choice analysis of preferences for COVID-19 vaccines using the Choquet integral. Technical report TRANSP-OR 211129. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification, Applications][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Pacheco Paneque et al., 2021
- Pacheco, M., Gendron, B., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M. (2021). A Lagrangian decomposition scheme for choice-based optimization. Technical report TRANSP-OR 210827. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Mixed integer programming], Discrete choice [Applications][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Krueger et al., 2021
- Krueger, R., Bierlaire, M., Daziano, R., Rashidi, T., and Bansal, P. (2021). Evaluating the predictive abilities of mixed logit models with unobserved inter- and intra-individual heterogeneity. Technical report TRANSP-OR 210617. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation, Mixtures][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Molyneaux et al., 2021
- Molyneaux, N., and Bierlaire, M. (2021). Analysis and modelling of intra-hub pedestrian dynamics. Technical report TRANSP-OR 210526. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Pedestrians, Public transportation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Krueger et al., 2021
- Krueger, R., Bierlaire, M., Gasos, T., and Bansal, P. (2021). Robust discrete choice models with t-distributed kernel errors. Technical report TRANSP-OR 210518. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Mode choice], Discrete choice [Model specification][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire et al., 2021
- Bierlaire, M., Frejinger, E., and Hillel, T. (2021). Dynamic choice models. Technical report TRANSP-OR 210305. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification, Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Molyneaux et al., 2021
- Molyneaux, N., and Bierlaire, M. (2021). Controlling pedestrian flows with moving walkways. Technical report TRANSP-OR 210218. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Pedestrians, Traffic management][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bortolomiol et al., 2021
- Bortolomiol, S., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M. (2021). Price-based regulation of oligopolistic markets under discrete choice models of demand. Technical report TRANSP-OR 210127. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Mixed integer programming], Discrete choice [Applications], Game Theory, Consumer behavior[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Pougala et al., 2021
- Pougala, J., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M. (2021). Capturing trade-offs between daily scheduling choices. Technical report TRANSP-OR 210101. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation, Scheduling], Transportation research [Value of time], Discrete choice [Model specification][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Xie et al., 2021
- Xie, S., Hillel, T., and Jin, Y. (2021). An Early Stopping Bayesian Data Assimilation Approach for Mixed-Logit Estimation. Technical report arXiv:2101.11159. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Mode choice], Discrete choice [Machine learning, Model estimation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Rezvany et al., 2021
- Rezvany, N., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M. (2021). Integrated models of transport and energy demand: A literature review and framework. Technical report . Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Activity based models], Energy, Literature review[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire and Krueger, 2020
- Bierlaire, M., and Krueger, R. (2020). Sampling and discrete choice. Technical report TRANSP-OR 201109. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Ortelli et al., 2020
- Ortelli, N., Hillel, T., Pereira, F. C., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2020). Assisted Specification of Discrete Choice Models. Technical report TRANSP-OR 200708. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Hillel, 2020
- Hillel, T. (2020). New perspectives on the performance of machine learning classifiers for mode-choice prediction. Technical report TRANSP-OR 200704. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Mode choice], Discrete choice [Machine learning][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire, 2020
- Bierlaire, M. (2020). A short introduction to PandasBiogeme. Technical report TRANSP-OR 200605. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Krueger et al., 2020
- Krueger, R., Bansal, P., Bierlaire, M., Daziano, R., and Rashidi, T. (2020). Variational bayesian inference for mixed logit models with unobserved inter-and intra-individual heterogeneity. Technical report arXiv:1905.00419. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation, Mixtures][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Wong and Farooq, 2020
- Wong, M., and Farooq, B. (2020). ResLogit: A residual neural network logit model for data-driven choice modelling. Technical report arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.10058v2. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification, Machine learning][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire, 2019
- Bierlaire, M. (2019). Monte-Carlo integration with PandasBiogeme. Technical report TRANSP-OR 191231. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Lederrey et al., 2019
- Lederrey, G., Lurkin, V., Hillel, T., and Bierlaire, M. (2019). Estimation of Discrete Choice Models with Hybrid Stochastic Adaptive Batch Size Algorithms. Technical report TRANSP-OR 191213. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bortolomiol et al., 2019
- Bortolomiol, S., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M. (2019). A disaggregate choice-based approach to find epsilon-equilibria of oligopolistic markets. Technical report TRANSP-OR 191107. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Mixed integer programming], Discrete choice [Applications], Game Theory, Consumer behavior[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Molyneaux et al., 2019
- Molyneaux, N., Scarinci, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2019). Design and analysis of control strategies for pedestrian flows. Technical report TRANSP-OR 191031. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Pedestrians, Traffic management][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Mueller et al., 2019
- Mueller, F., Guerster, M., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M. (2019). Can regional railway become emission-free with recently announced vehicles? - A case study of Bavaria. Technical report TRANSP-OR 191028. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Environmental issues][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Hillel et al., 2019
- Hillel, T., Bierlaire, M., and Jin, Y. (2019). A systematic review of machine learning methodologies for modelling passenger mode choice. Technical report TRANSP-OR 191025. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Mode choice], Discrete choice [Machine learning][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bansal et al., 2019
- Bansal, P., Krueger, R., Bierlaire, M., Daziano, R., and Rashidi, T. (2019). Bayesian estimation of mixed multinomial logit models: Advances and simulation-based evaluations.. Technical report arXiv:1904.03647. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Mixtures, Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire, 2018
- Bierlaire, M. (2018). Estimating choice models with latent variables with PandasBiogeme. Technical report TRANSP-OR 181227. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire, 2018
- Bierlaire, M. (2018). Calculating indicators with PandasBiogeme. Technical report TRANSP-OR 181223. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification, Applications][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire, 2018
- Bierlaire, M. (2018). PandasBiogeme: a short introduction. Technical report TRANSP-OR 181219. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Scarinci et al., 2018
- Scarinci, R., Zanarini, A., and Bierlaire, M. (2018). Electrification of urban mobility: the case of catenary-free buses. Technical report TRANSP-OR 181030. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Public transportation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Xia et al., 2018
- Xia, J., Dai, W., Polak, J., and Bierlaire, M. (2018). Dimension reduction for origin-destination flow estimation: blind estimation made possible. Technical report 1810.06077. arXiv Research theme(s): Transportation research [Origin-destination matrices][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Pacheco et al., 2017
- Pacheco, M., Sharif Azadeh, S., Bierlaire, M., and Gendron, B. (2017). Integrating advanced discrete choice models in mixed integer linear optimization. Technical report TRANSP-OR 170714. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Mixed integer programming, Simulation], Consumer behavior[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Kazagli et al., 2017
- Kazagli, E., Bierlaire, M., and de Lapparent, M. (2017). Operational route choice methodologies for practical applications. Technical report TRANSP-OR 170526. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Route choice], Discrete choice [Route choice][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire and Lurkin, 2017
- Bierlaire, M., and Lurkin, V. (2017). Introduction to disaggregate demand models. Technical report TRANSP-OR 170508. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Binder et al., 2017
- Binder, S., Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M. (2017). Introducing exogenous priority rules for the capacitated passenger assignment problem. Technical report TRANSP-OR 170209. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Rail][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Scarinci et al., 2017
- Scarinci, R., Markov, I., and Bierlaire, M. (2017). Network design of a transport system based on accelerating moving walkways. Technical report TRANSP-OR 170123. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Heuristics], Transportation research [Public transportation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Robenek et al., 2016
- Robenek, T., Sharif Azadeh, S., Maknoon, Y., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2016). Train Timetable Design Under Elastic Passenger Demand. Technical report TRANSP-OR 160923. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Mixed integer programming, Heuristics], Transportation research [Rail, Departure time choice][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Maknoon et al., 2016
- Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M. (2016). A passenger-centric approach to enhance railway services. Technical report TRANSP-OR 160805. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Rail][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire, 2016
- Bierlaire, M. (2016). PythonBiogeme: a short introduction. Technical report TRANSP-OR 160706. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Binder et al., 2016
- Binder, S., Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M. (2016). The multi-objective railway timetable rescheduling problem. Technical report TRANSP-OR 160530. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Rail][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Robenek et al., 2016
- Robenek, T., Sharif Azadeh, S., Maknoon, Y., and Bierlaire, M. (2016). Hybrid Cyclicity: Combining The Benefits Of Cyclic And Non-Cyclic Timetables. Technical report TRANSP-OR 160510. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Heuristics, Scheduling], Transportation research [Rail, Public transportation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Fernandez-Antolin et al., 2016
- Fernandez-Antolin, A., Guevara-Cue, A., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2016). Correcting for endogeneity using the multiple indicator solution. Technical report TRANSP-OR 160405. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Value of time, Mode choice], Discrete choice [Model estimation, Model specification][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Emery, 2016
- Emery, D. (2016). Inspection indépendante sur la sécurité des essais dynamiques sur Lignes Nouvelles. Technical report 161130. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Rail][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire and Sharif Azadeh, 2016
- Bierlaire, M., and Sharif Azadeh, S. (2016). Demand-based discrete optimization. Technical report 160209. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Mixed integer programming], Discrete choice [Applications][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Danalet et al., 2015
- Danalet, A., Tinguely, L., de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2015). Location choice with longitudinal WiFi data. Technical report TRANSP-OR 151110. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Pedestrians, Intelligent Transportation Systems], Discrete choice [Mixtures, Model specification], Consumer behavior[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Location choice with longitudinal WiFi data, Journal of Choice Modelling 18():1-17 (2016).
- [Infoscience]
- Bierlaire, 2015
- Bierlaire, M. (2015). BisonBiogeme: syntax of the modeling language. Technical report TRANSP-OR 151102. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Hänseler et al., 2015
- Hänseler, F., Lam, W., Bierlaire, M., Lederrey, G., and Nikolic, M. (2015). A dynamic network loading model for anisotropic and congested pedestrian flows. Technical report TRANSP-OR 151026. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation, Nonlinear optimization], Transportation research [Pedestrians, Public transportation], Discrete choice [Model specification, Model estimation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Hänseler et al., 2015
- Hänseler, F., Bierlaire, M., and Scarinci, R. (2015). Assessing the usage and level-of-service of pedestrian facilities in train stations: A Swiss case study. Technical report TRANSP-OR 151008. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation, Least squares], Transportation research [Public transportation, Pedestrians], Discrete choice [Model estimation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Robenek et al., 2015
- Robenek, T., Maknoon, Y., Sharif Azadeh, S., Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M. (2015). Passenger Centric Train Timetabling Problem. Technical report TRANSP-OR 150917. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Scheduling, Mixed integer programming], Transportation research [Rail, Public transportation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Maknoon et al., 2015
- Maknoon, Y., Sharif Azadeh, S., and Bierlaire, M. (2015). Trajectory planning for small aircrafts. Technical report TRANSP-OR 150901. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Airlines, GPS data][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Kazagli et al., 2015
- Kazagli, E., Bierlaire, M., and Flötteröd, G. (2015). Revisiting the Route Choice Problem: A Modeling Framework Based on Mental Representations. Technical report TRANSP-OR 150824. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Route choice], Discrete choice [Route choice, Model specification][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire, 2015
- Bierlaire, M. (2015). BisonBiogeme: estimating a first model. Technical report TRANSP-OR 150720. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Hänseler et al., 2015
- Hänseler, F., Molyneaux, N., and Bierlaire, M. (2015). Estimation of pedestrian origin-destination demand in train stations. Technical report TRANSP-OR 150703. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation, Least squares], Transportation research [Origin-destination matrices, Pedestrians], Discrete choice [Route choice, Model estimation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Nikolic et al., 2015
- Nikolic, M., Bierlaire, M., and Farooq, B. (2015). Probabilistic speed-density relationship for pedestrian traffic: a data-driven approach. Technical report TRANSP-OR 150411. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation], Transportation research [Pedestrians, Public transportation], Discrete choice [Model estimation, Mixtures][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Markov et al., 2015
- Markov, I., Varone, S., and Bierlaire, M. (2015). The waste collection VRP with intermediate facilities, a heterogeneous fixed fleet and a flexible assignment of origin and destination depot. Technical report TRANSP-OR 150212. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Vehicle routing, Heuristics], Transportation research [Freight and logistics][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Hänseler et al., 2015
- Hänseler, F., Molyneaux, N., and Bierlaire, M. (2015). Schedule-based estimation of pedestrian origin-destination demand in railway stations. Technical report TRANSP-OR 150108. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation, Least squares], Transportation research [Origin-destination matrices, Pedestrians], Discrete choice [Route choice, Model estimation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire, 2015
- Bierlaire, M. (2015). Monte-Carlo integration with PythonBiogeme. Technical report 150806. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Saujot et al., 2015
- Saujot, M., de Lapparent, M., Arnaud, E., and Prados, E. (2015). To make LUTI models operational tools for planning. Technical report 150310. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Land use and Transportation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Lapparent and Koning 2015
- de Lapparent, M., and Koning, M. (2015). Travel discomfort-time tradeoffs in Paris subway: an empirical analysis using interval regression models. Technical report 150112. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Stated preferences, Model specification], Consumer behavior[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Moret et al., 2014
- Moret, S., Bierlaire, M., and Maréchal, F. (2014). Robust Optimization for Strategic Energy Planning. Technical report TRANSP-OR 141115. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Robust optimization], Energy[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire, 2014
- Bierlaire, M. (2014). Simulation and optimization in transportation: a short review. Technical report TRANSP-OR 141113. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation-based optimization, Simulation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Glerum and Bierlaire, 2014
- Glerum, A., and Bierlaire, M. (2014). Capturing response behavior heterogeneity in the quantification of semi-open questions: a mixed discrete-continuous approach. Technical report TRANSP-OR 140305. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Mode choice], Discrete choice [Model specification, Model estimation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Buczkowska, Coulombel and Lapparent 2014
- Buczkowska, S., Coulombel, N., and de Lapparent, M. (2014). Euclidean distance versus travel time in business location: A probabilistic mixture of hurdle-Poisson models. Technical report 141031. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Land use and Transportation], Other[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Lai and Bierlaire, 2014
- Lai, X., and Bierlaire, M. (2014). Specification of the cross nested logit model with sampling of alternatives for route choice models. Technical report 140602. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Route choice, Multivariate Extreme Value models (or GEV)][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Hänseler et al., 2013
- Hänseler, F., Bierlaire, M., Farooq, B., and Mühlematter, T. (2013). An aggregate model for transient and multi-directional pedestrian flows in public walking areas. Technical report TRANSP-OR 131219. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation], Transportation research [Pedestrians, Public transportation], Discrete choice [Route choice, Model estimation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Umang et al., 2013
- Umang, N., Erera, A. L., and Bierlaire, M. (2013). The robust single machine scheduling problem with uncertain release and processing times. Technical report TRANSP-OR 131029. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Scheduling, Mixed integer programming][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Danalet et al., 2013
- Danalet, A., Farooq, B., and Bierlaire, M. (2013). A Bayesian Approach to Detect Pedestrian Destination-Sequences from WiFi Signatures. Technical report TRANSP-OR 131002. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Shortest paths], Transportation research [Pedestrians, GPS data][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: A Bayesian Approach to Detect Pedestrian Destination-Sequences from WiFi Signatures, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 44():146 - 170 (2014).
- [Infoscience]
- Hänseler et al., 2013
- Hänseler, F., Molyneaux, N., Thémans, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2013). Pedestrian strategies within railway stations: Analysis and modeling of pedestrian flows (PedFlux Mid-Term Report). Technical report TRANSP-OR 130920. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Pedestrians, Public transportation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Hurtubia et al., 2013
- Hurtubia, R., Nguyen, M., Glerum, A., and Bierlaire, M. (2013). Integrating psychometric indicators in latent class choice models. Technical report TRANSP-OR 130423. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Mode choice, Public transportation], Discrete choice [Model specification, Model estimation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Atasoy et al. 2013
- Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2013). A local search heuristic for a mixed integer nonlinear integrated airline schedule planning problem. Technical report TRANSP-OR 130402. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Heuristics, Combinatorial optimization], Transportation research [Airlines][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Umang et al., 2013
- Umang, N., Bierlaire, M., and Erera, A. L. (2013). Real-time management of berth allocation with stochastic arrival and handling times. Technical report TRANSP-OR 130215. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Scheduling, Simulation], Transportation research [Freight and logistics][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Farooq et al., 2013
- Farooq, B., Bierlaire, M., Hurtubia, R., and Flötteröd, G. (2013). Simulation based Synthesis of Population. Technical report TRANSP-OR 130125. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation], Transportation research [Land use and Transportation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Schuler et al., 2012
- Schuler, M., Faure, P., Munafò, S., Danalet, A., and Dessemontet, P. (2012). Projektstudie über den kombinierten Verkehr : Verbesserung der Dienstleistungsqualität und Entwicklung der Fahrgastzahlen bei PostAuto. Technical report TRANSP-OR 121201. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Public transportation, Land use and Transportation], Consumer behavior[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- [Infoscience]
- Schuler et al., 2012
- Schuler, M., Faure, P., Munafò, S., Danalet, A., and Dessemontet, P. (2012). Amélioration de la qualité de service et évolution de la fréquentation de CarPostal. Technical report TRANSP-OR 121130. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Public transportation, Land use and Transportation], Consumer behavior[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- [Infoscience]
- Robenek et al., 2012
- Robenek, T., Umang, N., Bierlaire, M., and Ropke, S. (2012). A branch-and-price algorithm to solve the integrated berth allocation and yard assignment problem in bulk ports. Technical report TRANSP-OR 121030. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Column generation, Scheduling][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Farooq et al., 2012
- Farooq, B., Miller, E. J., Chingcuanco, F., and Giroux-Cook, M. (2012). Microsimulation framework for urban price-taker markets. Technical report TRANSP-OR 120827. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Microsimulation Framework for Urban Price-Taker Markets, Journal of Transport and Land Use 6(1): (2013).
- Ythier et al., 2012
- Ythier, J., Walker, J., and Bierlaire, M. (2012). The role of the social network and the usage of communication in travel behavior measured with Smartphone data. Technical report TRANSP-OR 120801. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [GPS data], Discrete choice [Model specification][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Atasoy et al. 2012
- Atasoy, B., Salani, M., Bierlaire, M., and Leonardi, C. (2012). Impact analysis of a flexible air transportation system. Technical report TRANSP-OR 120717. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Scheduling], Transportation research [Airlines], Discrete choice [Model estimation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Impact analysis of a flexible air transportation system, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 13(2):123-146 (2013).
- Bierlaire M. and Chen J. 2012
- Chen, J., and Bierlaire, M. (2012). Probabilistic multimodal map-matching with rich smartphone data. Technical report TRANSP-OR 120618. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Intelligent Transportation Systems, GPS data][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Atasoy et al. 2012
- Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2012). An integrated airline scheduling, fleeting and pricing model for a monopolized market. Technical report TRANSP-OR 120501. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Scheduling], Transportation research [Airlines], Discrete choice [Model estimation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: An integrated airline scheduling, fleeting and pricing model for a monopolized market, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 29(2):76-90 (2014).
- Atasoy & Bierlaire, 2012
- Atasoy, B., and Bierlaire, M. (2012). An air itinerary choice model based on a mixed RP/SP dataset. Technical report TRANSP-OR 120426. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Airlines], Discrete choice [Model estimation, Model specification][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Glerum et al., 2012
- Glerum, A., Atasoy, B., and Bierlaire, M. (2012). Using semi-open questions to integrate perceptions in choice models. Technical report TRANSP-OR 120325. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Mode choice, Public transportation], Discrete choice [Model estimation, Model specification][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Kumar and Bierlaire, 2012
- Kumar, P., and Bierlaire, M. (2012). Multi-Objective Airport Gate Assignment Problem in Planning and Operations. Technical report TRANSP-OR 120321. TECHNICAL REPORT TRANSP-OR EPFL Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Scheduling, Combinatorial optimization], Transportation research [Airlines][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Danalet and Sahaleh, 2012
- Danalet, A., and Sahaleh, S. (2012). Projet de recherche sur la mobilité combinée : Rapport de l'enquête de préférences déclarées. Technical report TRANSP-OR 120315. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Public transportation, Mode choice], Discrete choice [Stated preferences, Model estimation], Consumer behavior[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- [Infoscience]
- Glerum et al., 2012
- Glerum, A., Stankovikj, L., Thémans, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2012). Forecasting the demand for electric vehicles: accounting for attitudes and perceptions. Technical report TRANSP-OR 120217. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification, Stated preferences], Consumer behavior[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Hurtubia and Bierlaire, 2012
- Hurtubia, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2012). Estimation of bid functions for location choice and price modeling with a latent variable approach. Technical report TRANSP-OR 120206. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Land use and Transportation], Discrete choice [Model estimation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Umang et al., 2012
- Umang, N., Bierlaire, M., and Vacca, I. (2012). Exact and heuristic methods to solve the berth allocation problem in bulk ports. Technical report TRANSP-OR 120116. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Scheduling, Heuristics][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Cruz-Mota et al, 2011
- Cruz, J., Bierlaire, M., and Thiran, J. (2011). Sample and Pixel Weighting Strategies for Robust Incremental Visual Tracking. Technical report TRANSP-OR 111027. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Computer vision, Image analysis[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Kumar and Bierlaire, 2011
- Kumar, P., and Bierlaire, M. (2011). Optimizing Fueling Decisions for Locomotives in Railroad Networks. Technical report TRANSP-OR 111006. TECHNICAL REPORT TRANSP-OR EPFL Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Scheduling, Robust optimization], Transportation research [Rail][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Atasoy et al., 2011
- Atasoy, B., Salani, M., Leonardi, C., and Bierlaire, M. (2011). Clip-Air, a flexible air transportation system. Technical report TRANSP-OR 110929. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Scheduling], Transportation research [Airlines][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire et al., 2011
- Bierlaire, M., Curchod, A., Danalet, A., Doyen, E., Faure, P., Glerum, A., Kaufmann, V., Tabaka, K., and Schuler, M. (2011). Projet de recherche sur la mobilité combinée, Rapport définitif de l'enquête de préférences révélées. Technical report TRANSP-OR 110704. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Public transportation, Mode choice], Discrete choice [Model estimation, Model specification], Consumer behavior[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- [Infoscience]
- Flötteröd and Bierlaire, 2011
- Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2011). Metropolis-Hastings sampling of paths. Technical report TRANSP-OR 110606. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation], Discrete choice [Route choice][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Corthout, Flötteröd, Viti, Tampere (2011)
- Corthout, R., Flötteröd, G., Viti, F., and Tampere, C. (2011). Non-unique flows in macroscopic first-order intersection models. Technical report TRANSP-OR 110520. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Dynamic Traffic Assignment][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Atasoy et al., 2011
- Atasoy, B., Glerum, A., and Bierlaire, M. (2011). Attitudes towards mode choice in Switzerland. Technical report TRANSP-OR 110502. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Mode choice], Discrete choice [Model specification][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Vacca et al., 2011
- Vacca, I., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2011). An exact algorithm for the integrated planning of berth allocation and quay crane assignment. Technical report TRANSP-OR 110323. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Column generation, Combinatorial optimization], Transportation research [Maritime, Freight and logistics][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Robin and Bierlaire (2011)
- Robin, T., and Bierlaire, M. (2011). Modeling the behavior of investors. Technical report . Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Flötteröd, Chen, and Nagel (2010)
- Flötteröd, G., Chen, Y., and Nagel, K. (2010). Behavioral calibration and analysis of a large-scale travel microsimulation. Technical report TRANSP-OR 101212. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Origin-destination matrices, Dynamic Traffic Assignment][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Flötteröd and Rohde (2010)
- Flötteröd, G., and Rohde, J. (2010). Operational macroscopic modeling of complex urban road intersections. Technical report TRANSP-OR 101204. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Traffic management][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Operational macroscopic modeling of complex urban intersections, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 45(6):903-922 (2011).
- Osorio and Bierlaire, 2010
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). A simulation-based optimization framework for urban traffic control. Technical report TRANSP-OR 101203. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation-based optimization, Derivative free optimization], Transportation research [Traffic management][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Salani et al., 2010
- Salani, M., Vacca, I., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). Two-stage column generation. Technical report TRANSP-OR 101130. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Combinatorial optimization, Column generation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Flötteröd and Liu (2010)
- Flötteröd, G., and Liu, R. (2010). Disaggregate path flow estimation in an iterated DTA microsimulation. Technical report TRANSP-OR 101116. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Origin-destination matrices, Dynamic Traffic Assignment][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire et al., 2010
- Bierlaire, M., Chen, J., and Newman, J. P (2010). Modeling Route Choice Behavior From Smartphone GPS data. Technical report TRANSP-OR 101016. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [GPS data], Discrete choice [Route choice][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Flötteröd and Bierlaire, 2010
- Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). A framework for the data-consistent deployment of urban microsimulations. Technical report TRANSP-OR 100904. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Land use and Transportation, Intelligent Transportation Systems][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Osorio, Flötteröd, and Bierlaire, 2010
- Osorio, C., Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). Dynamic network loading: a differentiable model that derives link state distributions. Technical report TRANSP-OR 100815. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Queueing], Transportation research [Dynamic Traffic Assignment][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Dynamic network loading: a differentiable model that derives link state distributions, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 45(9):1410-1423 (2011).
- Leyvraz J-P., 2010
- Leyvraz, J. (2010). Programme d’agglomération Lausanne-Morges AFTPU : Fourniture d’indicateurs pour alimenter l’analyse multicritères en vue du choix de la variante pour la desserte nord, rapport final. Technical report TRANSP-OR 100716. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Mode choice, Route choice][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Fosgerau et al., 2010
- Fosgerau, M., McFadden, D., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). Choice probability generating functions. Technical report TRANSP-OR 100605. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification, Multivariate Extreme Value models (or GEV)][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Robin et al. (2010)
- Robin, T., Bierlaire, M., and Cruz, J. (2010). Dynamic facial expression recognition with a discrete choice model. Technical report TRANSP-OR 100423. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Image analysis, Computer vision[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Osorio and Bierlaire, 2010
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). A tractable analytical model for large-scale congested protein synthesis networks. Technical report TRANSP-OR 100420. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Queueing][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Eggenberg et al, 2010
- Eggenberg, N., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). Robust and Recoverable Maintenance Routing Schedules. Technical report TRANSP-OR 100115. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Scheduling, Robust optimization], Transportation research [Airlines][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Flötteröd, Bierlaire, and Nagel, 2010
- Flötteröd, G., Bierlaire, M., and Nagel, K. (2010). Bayesian demand calibration for dynamic traffic simulations. Technical report TRANSP-OR 100105. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Origin-destination matrices][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Bayesian demand calibration for dynamic traffic simulations, Transportation Science 45(4):541-561 (2011).
- Gallay, 2010
- Gallay, O. (2010). Starting with UrbanSim: On the Creation of an Introductory Project. Technical report . Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Land use and Transportation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Hashemi, Hongler and Gallay, 2010
- Hashemi, F., Hongler, M., and Gallay, O. (2010). Spatio-Temporal Patterns for a Generalized Innovation Diffusion Model. Technical report . Technical report TRANSP-OR Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Consumer behavior[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Salani and Vacca, 2009
- Salani, M., and Vacca, I. (2009). Branch and Price for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Discrete Split Deliveries and Time Windows. Technical report TRANSP-OR 091224. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Column generation, Vehicle routing][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Branch and Price for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Discrete Split Deliveries and Time Windows, European Journal of Operational Research 213(3):470-477 (2011).
- Swartz et al. 2009
- Swartz, P. G., Duyckaerts, G., and Salani, M. (2009). Ambush avoidance in Vehicle Routing for valuable delivery. Technical report TRANSP-OR 091216. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Vehicle routing], Game Theory[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Chiraphadhanakul et Eggenberg, 2009
- Chiraphadhanakul, V., and Eggenberg, N. (2009). How to evaluate the robustness of airlines schedules. Technical report TRANSP-OR 091006. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Robust optimization], Transportation research [Airlines][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Osorio and Bierlaire, 2009
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M. (2009). A surrogate model for traffic optimization of congested networks: an analytic queueing network approach. Technical report TRANSP-OR 090825. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Queueing], Transportation research [Traffic management][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Flötteröd and Rohde, 2009
- Flötteröd, G., and Rohde, J. (2009). Modeling complex intersections with the cell-transmission model. Technical report TRANSP-OR 090719. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Dynamic Traffic Assignment][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Sorci et al., 2009
- Sorci, M., Robin, T., Cruz, J., Bierlaire, M., and Thiran, J. (2009). Modelling human perception of facial expressions. Technical report TRANSP-OR 090706. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification], Computer vision[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire, Hurtubia, and Flötteröd, 2009
- Bierlaire, M., Hurtubia, R., and Flötteröd, G. (2009). An experimental analysis of the implicit choice set generation using the Constrained Multinomial Logit model. Technical report TRANSP-OR 090518. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification, Model estimation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: An analysis of the implicit choice set generation using the Constrained Multinomial Logit model, Transportation Research Record 2175():92-97 (2010).
- Cruz-Mota et al., 2009
- Cruz, J., Bogdanova, I., Paquier, B., Bierlaire, M., and Thiran, J. (2009). Scale Invariant Feature Transform on the Sphere: Theory and Applications. Technical report TRANSP-OR 090426. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Computer vision, Image analysis[Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Scale Invariant Feature Transform on the Sphere: Theory and Applications, International Journal of Computer Vision 98(2):217-241 (2012).
- Lämmel and Flötteröd, 2009
- Lämmel, G., and Flötteröd, G. (2009). Towards system optimum: Finding optimal routing strategies in time dependent networks for large-scale evacuation problems. Technical report TRANSP-OR 090420. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Pedestrians][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Giallombardo et al., 2009
- Giallombardo, G., Moccia, L., Salani, M., and Vacca, I. (2009). Modeling and Solving the Tactical Berth Allocation Problem. Technical report TRANSP-OR 090312. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Combinatorial optimization, Heuristics], Transportation research [Freight and logistics, Maritime][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Modeling and Solving the Tactical Berth Allocation Problem, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 44(2):232-245 (2010).
- Alahi et al., 2009
- Alahi, A., Vandergheynst, P., Bierlaire, M., and Kunt, M. (2009). A Master-Slave Approach to Detect and Match Objects Across Several Uncalibrated Moving Cameras. Technical report TRANSP-OR 090309. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Computer vision[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire and Robin, 2009
- Bierlaire, M., and Robin, T. (2009). Pedestrians choices. Technical report TRANSP-OR 090303. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Pedestrians], Discrete choice [Model specification][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Flötteröd, 2009
- Flötteröd, G. (2009). Macroscopic Network Loading of Microscopic Network Demand. Technical report TRANSP-OR 090115. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Dynamic Traffic Assignment][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Eggenberg et al, 2009b
- Eggenberg, N., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2009). Constraint-Specific Recovery Networks for Solving Airline Recovery Problems. Technical report TRANSP-OR 081001. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Scheduling, Combinatorial optimization], Transportation research [Airlines][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Newman 2009
- Newman, J. P (2009). Systematically heterogeneous covariance in network GEV Models. Technical report . Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Multivariate Extreme Value models (or GEV)][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Flötteröd et al., 2008
- Flötteröd, G., Bierlaire, M., and Nagel, K. (2008). Bayesian calibration of dynamic traffic simulations. Technical report TRANSP-OR 081028. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Dynamic Traffic Assignment][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Osorio and Bierlaire, 2008
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M. (2008). Accounting for congestion and spillbacks in fixed-time traffic signal optimization: an analytical queueing model approach. Technical report TRANSP-OR 081026. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Queueing], Transportation research [Traffic management][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Alahi et al., 2008
- Alahi, A., Bierlaire, M., and Kunt, M. (2008). Combination of Fixed and Mobile Cameras for Automatic Pedestrian Detection. Technical report TRANSP-OR 081005. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Image analysis, Computer vision[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Salani and Vacca, 2008
- Salani, M., and Vacca, I. (2008). Two-stage column generation and applications. Technical report TRANSP-OR 081002. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Column generation, Combinatorial optimization][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Patterson and Bierlaire, 2008
- Patterson, Z., and Bierlaire, M. (2008). Development of Prototype UrbanSim Models. Technical report TRANSP-OR 080814. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Land use and Transportation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Cruz et al., 2008
- Cruz, J., Bierlaire, M., and Thiran, J. (2008). Multiple-View Scenes: Reconstruction and Virtual Views. Technical report TRANSP-OR 080710. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Computer vision, Image analysis[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Vacca et al., 2008
- Vacca, I., Bierlaire, M., and Salani, M. (2008). Optimization at Container Terminals: Status, Trends and Perspectives (revised version). Technical report TRANSP-OR 080528. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Combinatorial optimization], Transportation research [Freight and logistics, Maritime][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Patterson and Hurtubia 2008
- Patterson, Z., and Hurtubia, R. (2008). A Prototype Integrated Transportation Land-use Model for the Lausanne Region. Technical report . Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Land use and Transportation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Vacca et al., 2007
- Vacca, I., Bierlaire, M., and Salani, M. (2007). Optimization at Container Terminals: Status, Trends and Perspectives. Technical report TRANSP-OR 071204. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Combinatorial optimization], Transportation research [Freight and logistics, Maritime][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Frejinger and Bierlaire, 2007
- Frejinger, E., and Bierlaire, M. (2007). Sampling of Alternatives for Route Choice Modeling. Technical report TRANSP-OR 071121. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Route choice], Discrete choice [Model specification, Route choice][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Robin et al., 2007
- Robin, T., Antonini, G., Bierlaire, M., and Cruz, J. (2007). Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behavior model. Technical report TRANSP-OR 071116. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Pedestrians], Discrete choice [Model specification][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behavior model, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 43(1):36-56 (2009).
- Gao et al., 2007
- Gao, S., Frejinger, E., and Ben-Akiva, M. (2007). Adaptive Route Choice Models in Stochastic Time-Dependent Networks. Technical report TRANSP-OR 070730. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Route choice], Discrete choice [Route choice][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Adaptive Route Choice Models in Stochastic Time-Dependent Networks, Transportation Research Record 2085():136-143 (2008).
- Antonini et al., 2007
- Antonini, G., Bierlaire, M., Schneider, S., and Robin, T. (2007). Specification, estimation and validation of a pedestrian walking behavior model. Technical report TRANSP-OR 070727. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Pedestrians][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Fosgerau and Bierlaire, 2007
- Fosgerau, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2007). Circumventing the problem of the scale: discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms. Technical report TRANSP-OR 070703. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 43(5):494-505 (2009).
- Bierlaire et al., 2007
- Bierlaire, M., Leyvraz, J., Paulus, P., and Robin, T. (2007). Montage d’une matrice multimodale 2020 avec le modèle EMME/2 de l’agglomération Lausanne-Morges. Technical report TRANSP-OR 070614. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Origin-destination matrices, Mode choice][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Osorio and Bierlaire, 2007
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M. (2007). An analytic finite capacity queueing network model capturing blocking, congestion and spillbacks. Technical report TRANSP-OR 070604. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Queueing][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: An analytic finite capacity queueing network model capturing the propagation of congestion and blocking, European Journal of Operational Research 196(3):996-1007 (2009).
- Bierlaire and Lucadamo, 2007
- Bierlaire, M., and Lucadamo, A. (2007). Sampling of alternatives using multidimensional analysis. Technical report TRANSP-OR 070522. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire et al., 2007
- Bierlaire, M., Thémans, M., and Zufferey, N. (2007). A heuristic for nonlinear global optimization. Technical report TRANSP-OR 070430. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Nonlinear optimization, Combinatorial optimization][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire, 2007
- Bierlaire, M. (2007). Recent methodological developments in discrete choice models. Technical report TRANSP-OR 070415. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Multivariate Extreme Value models (or GEV), Mixtures][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire and Frejinger, 2007
- Bierlaire, M., and Frejinger, E. (2007). Route choice modeling with network-free data. Technical report TRANSP-OR 070214. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Route choice, GPS data], Discrete choice [Model estimation, Route choice][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Route choice modeling with network-free data, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 16(2):187-198 (2008).
- Bierlaire and Frejinger, 2007
- Bierlaire, M., and Frejinger, E. (2007). Technical note: A Stochastic Choice Set Generation Algorithm. Technical report TRANSP-OR 070213. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Route choice], Discrete choice [Route choice, Model specification][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Leyvraz et al., 2006
- Leyvraz, J., Mattenberger, P., and Robert-Grandpierre, A. (2006). Mise à jour majeure de la modélisation EMME2 de l'agglomération Lausanne-Morges. Technical report TRANSP-OR 061208. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Origin-destination matrices][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Bierlaire and Thémans, 2006
- Bierlaire, M., and Thémans, M. (2006). Dealing with singularities in nonlinear unconstrained optimization. Technical report TRANSP-OR 061207. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Nonlinear optimization][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Dealing with singularities in nonlinear unconstrained optimization, European Journal of Operational Research 196(1):33-42 (2009).
- Hess et al., 2006
- Hess, S., Bierlaire, M., and Polak, J. (2006). A systematic comparison of continuous and discrete mixture models. Technical report TRANSP-OR 061117. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Mixtures][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: A systematic comparison of continuous and discrete mixture models, European Transport 37():35-61 (2007).
- Fosgerau and Bierlaire, 2006
- Fosgerau, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2006). Discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms. Technical report TRANSP-OR 060831. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 43(5):494-505 (2009).
- Bierlaire et al, 2006
- Bierlaire, M., Bolduc, D., and McFadden, D. (2006). The estimation of Generalized Extreme Value models from choice-based samples. Technical report TRANSP-OR 060810. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Multivariate Extreme Value models (or GEV), Model estimation][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: The estimation of Generalized Extreme Value models from choice-based samples, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 42(4):381-394 (2008).
- Fosgerau, Bierlaire, 2006
- Fosgerau, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2006). A practical test for the choice of mixing distribution in discrete choice models. Technical report RO 060315. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Testing][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: A practical test for the choice of mixing distribution in discrete choice models, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 41(7):784-794 (2007).
- [Infoscience]
- Bierlaire et al., 2006
- Bierlaire, M., Thémans, M., and Axhausen, K. (2006). Analysis of driver's response to real-time information in Switzerland. Technical report GR-BIE-REPORT-2006-002. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Intelligent Transportation Systems][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Analysis of driver's response to real-time information in Switzerland, European Transport 34():21-41 (2006).
- [Infoscience]
- Frejinger, Bierlaire, 2006
- Frejinger, E., and Bierlaire, M. (2006). Capturing correlation in large-scale route choice models. Technical report GR-BIE-REPORT-2006-002. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Route choice], Discrete choice [Route choice, Mixtures][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Capturing correlation with subnetworks in route choice models, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 41(3):363-378 (2007).
- [Infoscience]
- Bierlaire et al., 2006
- Bierlaire, M., Crittin, F., and Thémans, M. (2006). A multi-iterate method to solve systems of nonlinear equations. Technical report GR-BIE-REPORT-2006-001. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Nonlinear equations and fixed point][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: A multi-iterate method to solve systems of nonlinear equations, European Journal of Operational Research 183(1):20-41 (2007).
- [Infoscience]
- Vrtic et al., 2006
- Vrtic, M., Schuessler, N., Erath, A., Axhausen, K., Frejinger, E., Stojanovic, J., Bierlaire, M., Rudel, R., and Maggi, R. (2006). Including travelling costs in the modelling of mobility behaviour. Technical report . Final report for SVI research program Mobility Pricing: Projekt B1, on behalf of the Swiss Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications and the Swiss Federal Roads Authority Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Route choice, Value of time][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Abbé et al., 2005
- Abbe, E., Bierlaire, M., and Toledo, T. (2005). Normalization and correlation of cross-nested logit models. Technical report RO-050912. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Multivariate Extreme Value models (or GEV)][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Normalization and correlation of cross-nested logit models, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 41(7):795-808 (2007).
- Antonini, Bierlaire, 2005
- Antonini, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2005). Capturing interactions in pedestrian walking behavior in a discrete choice framework. Technical report GR-BIE-REPORT-2005-001. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Pedestrians], Discrete choice [Multivariate Extreme Value models (or GEV), Mixtures][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- [Infoscience]
- Oeuvray, R., 2004
- Oeuvray, R. (2004). Convergence theory of the BOOSTERS algorithm. Technical report RO-2004.1208. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Derivative free optimization][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- [Infoscience]
- Oeuvray, Bierlaire, 2004
- Oeuvray, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2004). Performance evaluation of BOOSTERS. Technical report RO-2004.1207. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Derivative free optimization][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- [Infoscience]
- Antonini et al., 2004
- Antonini, G., Bierlaire, M., and Weber, M. (2004). Discrete choice models of pedestrian behavior. Technical report RO-040916. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Pedestrians][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Discrete choice models of pedestrian walking behavior, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 40(8):667-687 (2006).
- [Infoscience]
- Hess et al., 2004
- Hess, S., Bierlaire, M., and Polak, J. (2004). Estimation of value-of-time using Mixed Logit models. Technical report RO-040528. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Value of time], Discrete choice [Mixtures][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- [Infoscience]
- Bierlaire, 2004
- Bierlaire, M. (2004). Estimation et prédiction en temps-réel de tables origine-destination. Technical report RO-040504. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Origin-destination matrices][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- [Infoscience]
- Bierlaire, Crittin, 2004
- Bierlaire, M., and Crittin, F. (2004). A class of multi-iterate methods to solve systems of nonlinear equations. Technical report RO-040319. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Nonlinear equations and fixed point][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- [Infoscience]
- Oeuvray, Bierlaire, 2004
- Oeuvray, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2004). BOOSTERS: A Derivative-Free Algorithm Based on Radial Basis Functions. Technical report RO 2004.1124. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Derivative free optimization][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: BOOSTERS: a derivative-free algorithm based on radial basis functions, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 29(1):26-36 (2009).
- [Infoscience]
- Oeuvray, Bierlaire, 2004
- Oeuvray, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2004). A New Derivative-free Algorithm for the Medical Image Registration Problem. Technical report RO 2004.0731. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Derivative free optimization], Image analysis[Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: A new derivative-free algorithm for the medical image registration problem, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 27(2):115-124 (2007).
- [Infoscience]
- Divorra Escoda et al., 2004
- Divorra Escoda, O., Vandergheynst, P., and Bierlaire, M. (2004). Video Representation Using Greedy Approximations Over Redundant Parametric Dictionaries. Technical report RO 2004 0919. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Computer vision[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- [Infoscience]
- Antonini et al., 2004
- Antonini, G., Venegas, S., Thiran, J., and Bierlaire, M. (2004). A discrete choice pedestrian behavior for pedestrian detection in visual tracking systems. Technical report RO 2004 09 09. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Pedestrians], Computer vision[Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- [Infoscience]
- Spada et al., 2004
- Spada, M., Bierlaire, M., and Liebling, T. M. (2004). Decision-aid Methodology for the School Bus Routing and Scheduling Problem. Technical report RO 2004 05 03, Revised version. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Vehicle routing, Scheduling], Transportation research [Public transportation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Decision-aid methodology for the school bus routing and scheduling problem, Transportation Science 39(4):477-490 (2005).
- [Infoscience]
- Bierlaire,Thémans, 2004
- Bierlaire, M., Thémans, M., Axhausen, K., Widmer, P., Buhl, T., and Assef-Vaziri, F. (2004). Développement de modèles suisses pour la prédiction de la demande en transport pour des applications en temps réel. Technical report OFROU VSS 1135 november 2004. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Intelligent Transportation Systems], Discrete choice [Stated preferences][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Daly, Bierlaire, 2003
- Daly, A., and Bierlaire, M. (2003). A general and operational representation of GEV models. Technical report RO-030502. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Multivariate Extreme Value models (or GEV)][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: A General and Operational Representation of Generalised Extreme Value Models, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 40(4):285-305 (2006).
- [Infoscience]
- Bierlaire, Crittin, 2003
- Bierlaire, M., and Crittin, F. (2003). Solving large scale systems of nonlinear equations. Technical report RO 2003.08.04. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Nonlinear equations and fixed point][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Solving noisy large scale fixed point problems and systems of nonlinear equations, Transportation Science 40(1):44-63 (2006).
- [Infoscience]
- Bierlaire et al, 2003
- Bierlaire, M., Bolduc, D., and McFadden, D. (2003). Characterisctic of generalized extreme value distributions. Technical report . Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Multivariate Extreme Value models (or GEV)][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Oeuvray, Bierlaire, 2002
- Oeuvray, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2002). On the differentiability of the MI estimator. Technical report RO-020403. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Image analysis[Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- [Infoscience]
- Bierlaire, Crittin, 2002
- Bierlaire, M., and Crittin, F. (2002). A generalization of secant methods for solving nonlinear systems of equations. Technical report RO 2002.0120. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Nonlinear equations and fixed point][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire et al., 2002
- Bierlaire, M., Torday, A., and Baumann, D. (2002). PAPABILES; Phase II: 3ème voie et contrôle d'accès. Technical report RO 2002.0101. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Traffic management][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Spada et al., 2002
- Spada, M., Bierlaire, M., and Liebling, T. M. (2002). Decision-aid Methodology for the school Bus Routing and Scheduling Problem. Technical report RO 2002 0819. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Vehicle routing, Scheduling], Transportation research [Public transportation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Decision-aid methodology for the school bus routing and scheduling problem, Transportation Science 39(4):477-490 (2005).
- [Infoscience]
- Antonini et al, 2002
- Antonini, G., Venegas, S., Bierlaire, M., and Thiran, J. (2002). Behavioral Filtering of Human Trajectories for Automatic-Multi-Track Initiation. Technical report ITS-03-04. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Pedestrians], Computer vision[Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Schoenfelder et al, 2003
- Schoenfelder, S., Axhausen, K., Antille, N., and Bierlaire, M. (2002). Exploring the potentials of automatically colected GPS data for travel Behaviour analysis: A Swedish data source. Technical report . Research theme(s): Transportation research [GPS data][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, 2001
- Bierlaire, M. (2001). A theoretical analysis of the cross-nested logit model. Technical report RO 2001.1218. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Multivariate Extreme Value models (or GEV)][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: A theoretical analysis of the cross-nested logit model, Annals of Operations Research 144(1):287-300 (2006).
- Bierlaire, Crittin, 2001
- Bierlaire, M., and Crittin, F. (2001). An efficient algorithm for real-time estimation and prediction of dynamic OD tables. Technical report RO 2001.0808. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Origin-destination matrices][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: An efficient algorithm for real-time estimation and prediction of dynamic OD table, Operations Research 52(1):116-127 (2004).
- Benvenuti et al, 2001
- Benvenuti, G., Halary-Wagner, E., Hoffman, P., and Bierlaire, M. (2001). Highly uniform impinging rate for chemical molecular beams. Technical report . Research theme(s): Other[Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Crittin and Bierlaire, 2001
- Crittin, F., and Bierlaire, M. (2001). New algorithmic approaches for the anticipatory route guidance generation problem. Technical report . Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Nonlinear equations and fixed point], Transportation research [Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Intelligent Transportation Systems][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- [Infoscience]
- Torday, Bierlaire, Dumont, 2001
- Torday, A., Bierlaire, M., and Dumont, A. (2001). Simulation-based evaluation of the impact of variable speed limit signs on capacity and user safety. Technical report . Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation], Transportation research [Traffic management][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Liebling et al, 2000
- Liebling, T. M., Bierlaire, M., Crittin, F., Hêche, J., Thiémard, E., Stagno, A., and Righetti, F. (2000). Modeling and simulation in logistics. Technical report RO 2000.0831. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation], Transportation research [Freight and logistics][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, 2000
- Bierlaire, M. (2000). The Total Demand Scale: A new measure of quality for statistic and dynamic origin-destination. Technical report RO 2000.0601. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Origin-destination matrices][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: The total demand scale: A new measure of quality for static and dynamic origin-destination trip tables, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 36(9):837-850 (2002).
- Bierlaire et al, 2000
- Bierlaire, M., Ben-Akiva, M., Koutsopoulos, H. N., and Mishalani, R. (2000). Real-Time simulation of traffic demand-supply interactions within DynaMIT. Technical report RO 2000.0301. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation], Transportation research [Dynamic Traffic Assignment][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire et al., 2000
- Bierlaire, M., Mishalani, R., and Ben-Akiva, M. (2000). General framework for Dynamic Demand Simulation. Technical report RO 2000.0223. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Dynamic Traffic Assignment][Abstract] [Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc] [Download PDF]
- Spada, 1999
- Spada, M. (1999). Confection d'horaires et de tournées de bus scolaires. Technical report TRANSP-OR 151110. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Vehicle routing, Scheduling], Transportation research [Public transportation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, Crittin, 1999
- Bierlaire, M., and Crittin, F. (1999). Optimisation de grande taille sans dérivée: Etat de l'art et perspectives. Technical report RO 99.04.14. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Derivative free optimization][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- [Infoscience]
- Bierlaire, 1999
- Bierlaire, M. (1999). PROJET PAPABILES:Projet Autoroutier Pilote d'Aubonne-Belmont pour une Initiative Lausannoise d'Evaluation par Simulation (Phase I: Etude préliminaire). Technical report RO 1999.1021. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Operations research [Simulation], Transportation research [Traffic management][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, 1999
- Bierlaire, M. (1999). ANEGEV: Analysis and Estimation of Generalized Extreme Value Models. Technical report RO 1999.0915. Operations Research Group ROSO, Dpt of Mathematics, EPFL. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Multivariate Extreme Value models (or GEV), Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, 1995
- Bierlaire, M. (1995). A robust algorithm for the simultaneous estimation of hierarchical logit models. Technical report FUNDP GRT 95/3. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, 1995
- Bierlaire, M. (1995). Préférences déclarées des étudiants de licences pour les choix de cours à option, année académique 1994-1995. Technical report FUNDP 95/11. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model specification][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, 1995
- Bierlaire, M. (1995). Enquêtes de préférences révélées et déclarées concernant le choix modal des voyageurs du corridor Lisbonne-Porto-Braga.. Technical report . Research theme(s): Transportation research [Public transportation, Mode choice][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, Vandevyvere, 1995
- Bierlaire, M., and Vandevyvere, Y. (1995). HieLoW: the interactive user's guide. Technical report . Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Dellaert et al, 1995
- Dellaert, B., Arentze, T., Bierlaire, M., Borgers, A., and Timmermans, H. (1995). A multi-purpose multi-stop model of consumer shopping centre choice. Technical report . Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Multivariate Extreme Value models (or GEV)], Consumer behavior[Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Published as: Investigating consumers' tendency to combine multiple shopping purposes and destinations, Journal of Marketing Research 35(2):177-188 (1998).
- Bierlaire, 1994
- Bierlaire, M. (1994). HieLoW: un logiciel d'estimation de modèles logit emboîtés. Technical report cahiers du MET 5:69-87. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Model estimation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, Toint, 1994
- Bierlaire, M., and Toint, P. L. (1994). MEUSE: un estimateur de matrice origine-destination qui exploite la structure. Technical report Cahiers du MET 5: 69/87. Research theme(s): Operations research [Least squares], Transportation research [Origin-destination matrices][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire et al, 1993
- Bierlaire, M., Burton, D., and Lotan, T. (1993). On the behavioural aspects of modal choice. Technical report FUNDP 93/22. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Mode choice], Discrete choice [Model specification][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, 1992
- Bierlaire, M. (1992). Analyse d'un service gratuit de transport en commun lié à une surface commerciale: le bus Sarma entre Namur et Jambes. Technical report FUNDP, GRT 92/06. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Public transportation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, 1992
- Bierlaire, M. (1992). Sémianire AGIR: Stated preferences ou analyse des choix exprimés. Technical report FUNDP GRT 15. Research theme(s): Discrete choice [Stated preferences][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, Toint, 1991
- Bierlaire, M., and Toint, P. L. (1991). Les modèles de trafic: fonctionnement et applications. Technical report cahiers de l'Urbanisme. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Traffic management][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, Toint, 1990
- Bierlaire, M., and Toint, P. L. (1990). La circulation à Namur: projets d'aménagement. Technical report GEC report 90/14. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Traffic management][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, Toint, 1990
- Bierlaire, M., and Toint, P. L. (1990). Une approche de l'impportance relative des parkings au centre de Namur. Technical report GEC Report 90/1. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Land use and Transportation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, Burton, Thiry, 1989
- Bierlaire, M., Burton, D., and Thiry, S. (1989). Le contournement de Couvin: étude préliminaire. Technical report FUNDP, TRG 89/11. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Traffic management][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, Cornelis, 1989
- Bierlaire, M., and Cornelis, E. (1989). Etude de l'impact sur la circulation de l'implantation des bureaux de la Région Wallone à Jambes. Technical report FUNDP, GRT 89/12. Research theme(s): Transportation research [Land use and Transportation][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Bierlaire, 1988
- Bierlaire, M. (1988). Résolution de moindres carrés linéaires creux anec contraintes de bornes. Technical report Master's thesis, FUNDP. Research theme(s): Operations research [Least squares][Google Scholar][Bibtex] [XML Marc]
- Transportation Research
- Operations Research
- Discrete Choice Models
Modeling, optimization, simulation