Transport and Mobility Laboratory: PhD theses



Janody Pougala
OASIS : An integrated optimisation framework for activity scheduling
Co-supervisor: Tim Hillel
Committee: Prof D. Ruggiero (chair), Prof M. Bierlaire, Dr T. Hillel (supervisors), Prof K. Axhausen, Prof R. Moeckel, Prof P. Mokhtarian.
Private defense: October 20, 2023
Public defense: January 26, 2024


Selin Atac
Demand-based mobility sharing systems
Co-supervisor: Nikola Obrenovic
Committee: Kenan Zhang (ETHZ), Claudia Archetti (U. Brescia), Joseph Chow (NYU), Nikola Obrenovic (co-director), Michel Bierlaire (director), Olga Fink (chair)
Private defense: February 28, 2023
Public defense: April 21, 2023


Gael Lederrey
Bridging the gap between model-driven and data-driven methods in the era of Big Data
Co-supervisor: Tim Hillel
Committee: Prof. B. Farooq (Ryerson), Prof. F. Rodrigues (DTU), Prof. A. Alahi (EPFL), Dr T. Hillel (co-director), Prof. M. Bierlaire (director), Prof. Vassilopoulos (chair)
Private defense: September 16, 2022
Public defense: November 04, 2022
Stefano Bortolomiol
Optimization and equilibrium problems with discrete choice models of demand
Co-supervisor: Virginie Lurkin
Committee: Prof. Emma Frejinger (U. Montréal), Prof. Grazia Speranza (U. Brescia), Prof. Francesco Corman (ETHZ), Prof. Dusan Licina (chair), Prof. Virginie Lurkin (cosupervisor), Prof. Michel Bierlaire (supervisor).
Private defense: December 09, 2021
Public defense: March 18, 2022


Nicholas Molyneaux
Dynamic control strategies for managing pedestrian flows
Committee: A. Alahi (chair), M. Bierlaire (supervisor), N. Geroliminis, S. Hoogendoorn, H. Mahmassani
Private defense: July 22, 2021
Public defense: September 16, 2021


Meritxell Pacheco
A general framework for the integration of complex choice models into mixed integer optimization
Co-supervisor: Shadi Sharif-Azadeh
Committee: Prof. B. Atasoy (TU Delft), Prof. B. Gendron (U. Montréal), Prof. D. Kuhn (EPFL), Prof. S. Sharif-Azadeh (TU Eindhoven, co-director), Prof. M. Andersen (EPFL, chair), Prof. M. Bierlaire (EPFL, director)
Private defense: May 19, 2020
Public defense: September 11, 2020


Anna Fernandez Antolin
Dealing with correlations in discrete choice models
Co-supervisor: Prof. M. de Lapparent
Committee: Prof. E. Cherchi (U. Newcastle), Prof. C. A. Guevara (U. Chile), Prof. A. Alahi (EPFL). Prof. K. Beyer (chair), Prof. M. Bierlaire (thesis director), Prof. M. de Lapparent (thesis co-director)
Private defense: November 08, 2017
Public defense: February 23, 2018
Last known affiliation: BestMile SA
Stefan Binder
Integration of passenger satisfaction in railway timetable rescheduling for major disruptions
Committee: Prof. M. Gendreau (Polytechnique Montréal), Dr. M. Laumanns (BestMile SA), Prof. F. Corman (ETHZ), Prof. D. Lignos (chair), Prof. M. Bierlaire (thesis director)
Private defense: November 02, 2017
Public defense: January 26, 2018


Iliya Markov
Rich Vehicle and Inventory Routing Problems with Stochastic Demands
Co-supervisor: Prof. Sacha Varone
Committee: Prof. J.-F. Cordeau (HEC Montréal), Prof. G. Speranza (Uni. Brescia), Prof. D. Kuhn (EPFL), Prof. C. Fivet (chair), Prof. S. Varone (thesis director), Prof. M. Bierlaire (thesis director)
Private defense: August 24, 2017
Public defense: November 24, 2017
Last known affiliation: BestMile SA
Evanthia Kazagli
Aggregate route choice models
Committee: Prof. O. Nielsen (DTU), Prof. G. Floetteroed (KTH), Prof. N. Geroliminis (EPFL). Prof. A. Nussbaumer (chair), Prof. M. Bierlaire (thesis director)
Private defense: August 25, 2017
Public defense: November 10, 2017
Last known affiliation: Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud
Stefano Moret
Strategic energy planning under uncertainty
Co-supervisor: François Maréchal
Committee: Prof. A. Faaji (Univ. Groningen), Prof. Th. Kreutz (Princeton), Prof. D. Kuhn (EPFL), Prof. F. Maréchal (thesis director), Prof. M. Bierlaire (thesis director), Prof. J. Schiffmann (chair).
Private defense: September 04, 2017
Public defense: October 20, 2017
Marija Nikolic
Data-driven fundamental models for pedestrian movements
Committee: Prof. H. Mahmassani (Northwestern University), Prof. S. Hoogendoorn (TU DElft), Prof. Geroliminis (EPFL) Prof. Frossard (chairman), Prof. Bierlaire (thesis director)
Private defense: February 23, 2017
Public defense: May 05, 2017
Last known affiliation: Swisscom


Tomás Robenek
Behaviorally driven train timetable design
Committee: Prof. T. Raviv (Tel Aviv Uiv.), Prof. A. Schöbel (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen), Prof. U. Weidmann (ETHZ), Prof. Beyer (EPFL, chair), Prof. Bierlaire (EPFL)
Private defense: November 10, 2016
Public defense: December 09, 2016
Last known affiliation:
Flurin Hänseler
Modeling and estimation of pedestrian flows in train stations
Committee: Prof. Lam (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Prof. Hoogendoorn (TU Delft), Prof. Weidmann (ETHZ), Prof. Geroliminis (chair), Prof. Bierlaire (thesis director)
Private defense: February 11, 2016
Public defense: March 18, 2016
Last known affiliation: Postdoc, Technical University of Delft


Antonin Danalet
Activity choice modeling for pedestrian facilities
Committee: Prof. Golay (chair), Prof. Axhausen (ETHZ), Prof. Pereira (DTU), Prof. Shiftan (Technion), Prof. Bierlaire (EPFL)
Private defense: October 13, 2015
Public defense: December 04, 2015
Last known affiliation: Swiss Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE)


Aurélie Glerum
Static and Dynamic Mathematical Models of Behavior
Committee: Prof. Frejinger (U. Montréal), Prof. Walker (UC Berkeley), Prof. Thalmann (EPFL), Prof. Bernier-Latmani (president of the jury), Prof. Bierlaire (thesis director)
Private defense: May 07, 2014
Public defense: July 14, 2014
Last known affiliation: Data Analyst. Hôpital Riviera-Chablais
Nitish Umang
From container terminals to bulk ports: models and algorithms for integrated planning and robust scheduling
Committee: Prof. Bernier-Latmani (president), Prof. J.-F. Cordeau (HEC Montréal), Prof. A. Erera (Georgia Tech), Prof. D. Kuhn (EPFL), Prof. M. Bierlaire (thesis director)
Private defense: February 24, 2014
Public defense: April 17, 2014
Last known affiliation: General Electric Global Research Center


Bilge Atasoy
Integrated supply-demand models for the optimization of flexible transportation systems
Co-supervisor: Matteo Salani
Committee: Prof. Cynthia Barnhart (MIT), Prof. François Soumis (Polytechnique Montréal), Prof. François Maréchal (EPFL), Prof. Philippe Thalmann (EPFL, President), Prof. Bierlaire (EPFL, supervisor), Dr. Salani (IDSIA, co-supervisor)
Private defense: October 07, 2013
Public defense: November 22, 2013
Last known affiliation: Assitant Professor, Maritime and Transport Technology department, Technical University of Delft
Jingmin Chen
Modeling route choice behavior using smartphone data
Committee: Prof. Bierlaire (supervisor), Prof. Frejinger (KTH Stockholm), Prof. Hess (president), Prof. Pereira (U. Coimbra), Prof. Vandergheynst (EPFL),
Private defense: December 17, 2012
Public defense: January 25, 2013
Last known affiliation:


Ricardo Hurtubia
Discrete choice and microsimulation methods for agent-based land use modeling
Committee: Prof. Mountford (chairman), Prof. Bierlaire (thesis director), Prof. Axhausen (ETHZ), Prof. Martinez (U. Chile), Prof. de Palma (ENS Cachan)
Private defense: October 02, 2012
Public defense: November 02, 2012
Last known affiliation: Professor, University of Chile


Javier Cruz
Model-based Behavioural Tracking and Scale Invariant Features in Omnidirectional Matching
Co-supervisor: Prof. Jean-Philippe Thiran
Committee: Prof. Cavallero (Queen Mary U. of London, UK), Prof. Macq (U. Catholique de Louvain, Belgium), Dr. Bogdanova (EPFL), Prof. Thiran (thesis director), Prof. Bierlaire (thesis director), Dr. Vesin (president)
Private defense: August 16, 2011
Public defense: September 30, 2011
Last known affiliation: Cisco, Switzerland
Thomas Robin
New challenges in disaggregate behavioral modeling: emotions, investments and mobility.
Committee: Dr. G. Antonini (IBM Research), Dr. S. Hess (U. of Leeds, UK), Prof. J.-Ph. Thiran (EPFL), Prof. Mountford (president), Prof. M. Bierlaire (thesis director)
Private defense: April 05, 2011
Public defense: May 27, 2011
Last known affiliation: Loterie Romande
Ilaria Vacca
Container terminal management: integrated models and large-scale optimization algorithms
Co-supervisor: Dr. Matteo Salani, IDSIA, Lugano
Committee: Prof. M. Christiansen (NTNU, Norway), Prof. G. Speranza (U. Brescia, Italy), Prof. N. Geroliminis (EPFL), Prof. F. Eisenbrand (EPFL), Dr. M. Salani (IDSIA), Prof. M. Bierlaire (EPFL)
Private defense: December 06, 2010
Public defense: February 04, 2011
Last known affiliation: Senior Consultant at SAS (Rome, Italy)


Carolina Osorio Pizano
Mitigating network congestion: analytical models, optimization methods and their applications
Committee: J. Barcelo (UPC), M. Bierlaire (EPFL), A. Odoni (MIT), P. Thiran (EPFL)
Private defense: January 25, 2010
Public defense: April 16, 2010
Last known affiliation: Professor, Dpt. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Ma.


Niklaus Eggenberg
Combining robustness and recovery for airline schedules
Committee: C. Barnhart (MIT), M. Bierlaire (EPFL), Th. Liebling (EPFL), F. Margot (CMU)
Private defense: November 13, 2009
Public defense: December 11, 2009
Last known affiliation: APM Technologies, Geneva


Emma Frejinger
Route choice analysis: data, models, algorithms and applications
Winner of two prestigious prizes in 2008: Dissertation Prize of the Transportation Science & Logistics Society of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) and the Eric Pas Dissertation Prize from the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR)
Committee: M. Bierlaire (EPFL), M. Ben-Akiva (MIT), P. Bovy (TU Delft), Th. Liebling (EPFL), Th. Mountford (EPFL)
Private defense: December 17, 2007
Public defense: April 30, 2008
Last known affiliation: Professor, Université de Montréal


Ivan Spassov
Algorithms for map-aided autonomous indoor pedestrian positioning and navigation
Co-supervisor: Prof. B. Merminod, TOPO, EPFL.
Committee: M. Bierlaire (EPFL), A.-G. Dumont (EPFL), N.-E. El Faouzi (INRETS, Lyon), B. Merminod (EPFL), Th. Mountford (EPFL), M. Wieser (U. Graz, Austria)
Private defense: October 25, 2007
Public defense: November 23, 2007
Last known affiliation: RLJ Ingénieurs Conseils s.a., Lausanne
Michaël Thémans
Numerical methods and models relevant to transportation applications
Committee: M. Bierlaire (EPFL), Th. Liebling (EPFL),Th. Mountford (EPFL), A. Sartenaer (FUNDP), N. Zufferey (U. Laval, Québec)
Private defense: July 18, 2007
Public defense: August 24, 2007
Last known affiliation: Deputy of the Vice-President, EPFL


Gianluca Antonini
A discrete choice modeling framework for pedestrian walking behavior with application to human tracking in video sequences
IATBR's Eric Pas Dissertation Prize 2005 - Honorable Mention
Co-supervisor: Prof. J.-Ph. Thiran, ITS, EPFL
Committee: M. Ben-Akiva (MIT), M. Bierlaire (EPFL), A. Cavallaro (UCL), R. Siegwart (EPFL), J-Ph. Thiran (EPFL)
Private defense: November 05, 2005
Public defense: December 16, 2005
Last known affiliation: IBM Research, Rushlikon, Switzerland
Rodrigue Oeuvray
Trust-region methods based on radial basis functions with applications to biomedical imaging
Committee: M. Bierlaire (EPFL), A. Conn (IBM), Th. Liebling (EPFL), A. Sartenaer (FUNDP), M. Unser (EPFL)
Private defense: April 18, 2005
Public defense: May 19, 2005
Last known affiliation: Pictet Swiss Private Banking, Geneva, Switzerland


Frank Crittin
New algorithmic methods for real-time transportation problems
Committee: M. Bierlaire (EPFL), M. Ben-Akiva (MIT), D. Bonvin (EPFL), Th. Liebling (EPFL), K. Nagel (ETHZ)
Private defense: October 28, 2003
Public defense: December 12, 2003
Last known affiliation: International Financial Products

In progress

Alexis Gumy
Aux frontières de la mobilité. Vers la construction sociale des « bonnes manières » de se déplacer ?
Co-supervisor: Vincent Kaufmann
Marija Kukic
Modeling the activities of households
Cloe Cortes Balcells
Activity-based models and epidemics
Co-supervisor: Rico Krueger
Committee: Maya Abou Zeid (AUB), Kai Nagel (TU Berlin), Kenan Zhang (EPFL), Rico Krieger (DTU), Michel Bierlaire (EPFL), Andrew Sonta (EPFL, chair)
Tom Haering
Algorithms for large scale choice-based optimization
Nicola Ortelli
Assisted specification of choice models
Negar Rezvany
Urban energy demand
Co-supervisor: Tim Hillel


  • Transportation Research
  • Operations Research
  • Discrete Choice Models


Modeling, optimization, simulation