- English only
Transport and Mobility Laboratory: Master theses
- Mya Lahjouji
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Extracting activity schedules from MOBi mobility tracking data
- Supervision:Negar Rezvany, Marija Kukic, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 10/03/2025-11/07/2025
- Arturo Cerasi
- Section: Computer science
- Adapting simulation algorithms for generating synthetic panel data at the household level
- Supervision:Marija Kukic, Pavel Ilinov, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 17/02/2025-20/06/2025
- Anne-Valérie Preto
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Differentiation of Modal Preferences in Public Transportation: Analysis and Enhancement of the MOBiSim Model for Scenario Simulation in Lausanne
- Supervision:Negar Rezvany, Fabian Torres, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Antonin Danalet
- 09/09/2024-24/01/2025
- Quoc Dang Tran
- Section: Mathematics
- Integrating Advanced Discrete Choice Models into the Capacitated Facility Location Problem with Decentralized Priority Queues
- Supervision:Tom Haering, Lea Ricard
- Expert: Virginie Lurkin
- 09/09/2024-10/01/2025
- Thamin Maurer
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Etienne Schaefer, SMA
- 29/04/2024-23/08/2024
- Timothée Hirt
- Section: Mechanical Engineering
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 22/04/2024-18/10/2024
- Esteban Requena
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Cost Control Methodology for Infrastructure Projects in Construction Phase
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 01/04/2024-02/08/2024
- Martim Beels
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Dr Christophe Salzmann
- 18/03/2024-13/09/2024
- Antoine Goupil de Bouille
- Section: Mathematics
- Optimizing Gas Storage Strategies: Addressing Price Fluctuations and Leakage through a Mercuria Case Study
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Cloe Cortes Balcells, Fabian Torres
- Expert:
- 20/02/2024-24/06/2024
- Mohamed Essayouti
- Section: Mathematics
- Stochastic on-demand electric vehicle routing and charge scheduling
- Supervision:Lea Ricard, Tom Haering, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Claudia Bongiovanni
- 19/02/2024-05/07/2024
- Alexandre Monti
- Section: Mathematics
- Application of the information-theoretic clustering to the discrete choice
- Supervision:Pavel Ilinov, Evangelos Paschalidis, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 19/02/2024-28/06/2024
- Dixit Sabharwal
- Section: Communication Systems
- Modeling the Influence of Fear on Daily Activity Scheduling during a Pandemic through an Endogenous Choice Set Formation Approach.
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Cloe Cortes Balcells, Janody Pougala
- Expert:
- 19/09/2023-29/01/2024
- Pablo Garcia
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Actualisation des méthodes d'analyse des carrefours giratoires
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Franco Tufo
- 18/09/2023-02/02/2024
- Supervised by Micael Tille
- Xinling Li
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Learning joint rebalancing and dynamic pricing policies for Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand systems
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Filipe Rodrigues
- 18/09/2023-15/03/2024
- Lucas Bataillard
- Section: Mathematics
- Decision-Focused Learning for Transportation Network Design
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Emma Frejinger
- 03/04/2023-29/09/2023
- Thomas Poulain
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Optimisation et Déploiement d’une méthode de calculation au sein d’un groupe actif dans le second œuvre
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Bastien Sauve
- 13/03/2023-30/06/2023
- Hilda Horvath
- Section: Master in Data Science
- Energy efficiency estimation of buildings in Switzerland based on open-source data with machine learning models
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Félix Arbez-Gindre
- 27/02/2023-25/08/2023
- Salim Benchelabi
- Section: Mathematics
- Capturing dynamics in synthetic population
- Supervision:Marija Kukic, Janody Pougala, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Antonin Danalet
- 20/02/2023-26/06/2023
- Quentin Bochud
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Synthetic generation of activity motifs
- Supervision:Marija Kukic, Janody Pougala, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Gael Lederrey
- 20/02/2023-26/06/2023
- Olivier Laferrere
- Orders Allocation Management with Upstream Consolidation
- Supervision:Fabian Torres, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 01/08/2022-27/01/2023
- Pierre Bouquet
- Section: Mechanical Engineering
- Artificial intelligence for supply chain management and optimisation
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 28/02/2022-11/07/2022
- Project made at MIT under the supervision of Yossi Sheffi
- Mattia Mariantoni
- Section: Mathematics
- Targeted COVID-19 policies in Switzerland: A review of different optimization strategies.
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Cloe Cortes Balcells, Nour Dougui
- Expert: Joseph Lemaitre
- 20/02/2022-24/06/2022
- Pierre Tarazi
- Section: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Stochastic and robust hydropower unit commitment
- Supervision:Tom Haering, Nicola Ortelli
- Expert: Maziar Kermani
- 20/02/2022-26/08/2022
- Nicolas Richter
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Modélisation du réseau de transports publics genevois à la suite d'un événement réseau
- Supervision:Marija Kukic, Janody Pougala, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Antoine Stroh
- 21/09/2021-17/01/2022
- Nicolas Salvadé
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Representing destination choice sets within activity-based models
- Supervision:Janody Pougala, Tom Haering, Tim Hillel
- Expert: Patrick Manser
- 21/09/2021-17/01/2022
- Jean-Javid Nobari
- Section: Mechanical Engineering
- Space habitation: regenerative CO2 capture system. Application on a space simulation module.
- Supervision:Claudio Leonardi
- Expert: Philippe Müllhaupt, Jean-Paul Kneib, Baptiste Cunin
- 22/02/2021-20/08/2021
- Benoit Pahud
- Section: Civil Engineering
- The railway timetable rescheduling problem with capacity constraints
- Supervision:Nour Dougui, Marija Kukic, Stefano Bortolomiol
- Expert: Hellwig Matthias
- 22/02/2021-25/06/2021
- Lucas Ferrari
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Analyse du comportement d'une structure avec application des techniques de la réalité virtuelle
- Supervision:Claudio Leonardi
- Expert: Prof. Miguel Fernández Ruiz
- 01/02/2021-21/06/2021
- Isabelle Pumford
- Section: Computer science
- Simulating realistic traffic flows to predict bridge loadings
- Supervision:Tim Hillel, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Dimitrios Papastergiou, ASTRA
- 14/09/2020-15/01/2021
- Alain Azzi
- Section: Mechanical Engineering
- Feuille de route pour l'électrification du réseau de bus urbains de Lausanne à l'horizon 2030
- Supervision:Nicola Ortelli, Janody Pougala, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Philippe Seydoux
- 17/02/2020-14/08/2020
- Sergej Gasparovich
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Generating daily activity schedules using machine learning
- Supervision:Janody Pougala, Tim Hillel, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Antonin Danalet
- 17/02/2020-19/06/2020
- Julien Harbulot
- Transportation mode classification with smartphone accelerometer data: An end-to-end deep learning approach
- Supervision:Rico Krueger, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Florent Martin
- 17/02/2020-08/09/2020
- Adrien Nicolet
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Risk assessment of pedestrian crossings
- Supervision:Nicholas Molyneaux, Gael Lederrey, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 17/02/2020-17/07/2020
- René Lugrin
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Investigations on a pilot-survey for modelling mobility behaviours in Switzerland
- Supervision:Meritxell Pacheco, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Sylvie Garda
- 23/09/2019-24/01/2020
- Oliver Buschor
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Disruption-caused railway timetable rescheduling problem and its solution
- Supervision:Meritxell Pacheco, Stefano Bortolomiol, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Hellwig Matthias
- 01/08/2019-20/12/2019
- Rym Karime
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Warehouse inventory management optimization in Rolex SA
- Supervision:Nikola Obrenovic, Selin Atac, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Bruno Delaborde
- 25/02/2019-23/08/2019
- Mohamed Detsouli
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Dynamic optimization of a bicycle-sharing system
- Supervision:Stefano Bortolomiol, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Frédéric Meunier
- 18/02/2019-08/07/2019
- Jessica Hopkins
- Section: Mathematics
- Evaluation of Bootstrap methods
- Supervision:Tim Hillel, Gael Lederrey, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Damon Wischik
- 18/02/2019-21/06/2019
- Nicolas Pradignac
- Section: Computer science
- Heuristic algorithms to find market equilibria in oligopolies
- Supervision:Stefano Bortolomiol, Nikola Obrenovic, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Olivier Gallay
- 18/02/2019-08/07/2019
- Nicola Ortelli
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Automatic utility specification using machine learning techniques
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Francesco Pereira
- 18/09/2018-18/01/2019
- Thibaut Guillaume Marie Richard
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Innovative technologies for improvement of airport accessibility with the applications to Geneva Airport
- Supervision:Nikola Obrenovic, Selin Atac, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Philippe Canal, Virginie Marche
- 18/09/2018-18/01/2019
- Benoît Corday
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Offre ferroviaire 2030/35 entre Berne et Lausanne
- Supervision:Daniel Emery
- Expert: Vincent Krayenbuhl
- 19/02/2018-10/07/2018
- David Moy de Vitry
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Augmentation des réserves de capacité du métro m1 des TL
- Supervision:Daniel Emery
- Expert: Panos Tzieropoulos
- 19/02/2018-10/07/2018
- Clément Sintes
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Concepts d'accessibilité pour les JO d'hiver Sion 2026
- Supervision:Daniel Emery
- Expert: Claude Strickler
- 19/02/2018-10/07/2018
- Pauline Hansotte
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Modelling High Mobility Practices in Santiago de Chile
- Supervision:Matthieu de Lapparent
- Expert: Prof. Ricardo Hurtubia
- 21/09/2017-09/02/2018
- Cosupervised by Prof. Vincent Kaufmann
- Charles Jeanbart
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Moving walkways in train stations
- Supervision:Nicholas Molyneaux, Riccardo Scarinci, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: TBD
- 19/09/2017-03/02/2018
- Jean-Baptiste Landes
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Plan directeur du triangle ferroviaire Clermont-Ferrand – Gannat – St.-Germain-des-Fossés
- Supervision:Daniel Emery
- Expert: Benoît Descourvières
- 17/09/2017-31/01/2018
- Demotz Vincent
- Section: Computer science
- Simulator for fleet of autonomous vehicles
- Supervision:Riccardo Scarinci, Yuki Oyama, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Bastien Rojanawisut
- 21/02/2017-31/07/2017
- Jérôme Bichsel
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Organisation d'un interface rail-route en Valais Central
- Supervision:Daniel Emery
- Expert: Pascal Bovey
- 20/02/2017-31/07/2017
- Salma Deruiche
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Demand based rolling stock allocation
- Supervision:Virginie Lurkin, Stefan Binder, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Simon Landureau
- 20/02/2017-16/06/2017
- Martin Ellwanger
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Clip-Air-Rail - Capsules et gabarits ferroviaires
- Supervision:Daniel Emery, Claudio Leonardi
- Expert: Thomas Bernet
- 20/02/2017-31/07/2017
- Alexis Gumy
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Dynamiques de la grande mobilité
- Supervision:Matthieu de Lapparent, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: V. Kaufmann, E. Ravalet, Sebastien Munafo
- 20/02/2017-16/06/2017
- Christophe Paillard
- Section: Mathematics
- Concurrence sur les marchés automobiles européens: une approche par la modélisation de la demande
- Supervision:Matthieu de Lapparent, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Antonin Danalet
- 20/02/2017-16/06/2017
- Mathieu Plourde
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Modeling Heterogeneity of Drivers Route Choice Behavior in Quebec
- Supervision:Evanthia Kazagli, Matthieu de Lapparent, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Charisma Choudhury
- 20/02/2017-16/06/2017
- Marc-Edouard Schultheiss
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Integrating Bicycle Travel Demand to a Land-Use and Transport Model
- Supervision:Matthieu de Lapparent, Marija Nikolic, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Christopher Zegras
- 20/02/2017-16/06/2017
- Elisabeth Zbinden
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Passenger's Connection Time Preferences in Airline Itinerary Choice
- Supervision:Virginie Lurkin, Matthieu de Lapparent, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Laurie Garrow
- 20/02/2017-16/06/2017
- Federico Orsini
- Information system for passenger discretionary activities in transport terminals
- Supervision:Riccardo Scarinci, Marija Nikolic, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Riccardo Rossi
- 15/09/2016-28/02/2017
- Raphaël Lüthi
- Analysis, tuning, hybridization and design of experiments for an adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS) heuristic for a complex inventory routing problem
- Supervision:Iliya Markov, Yousef Maknoon, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 22/02/2016-24/06/2016
- Anna-Katharina Clodong
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Discrete choice model for the automobile market: modeling willingness-to-pay for marginal and non marginal changes in car attributes
- Supervision:Matthieu de Lapparent, Anna Fernandez Antolin, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 10/02/2016-10/06/2016
- Takao Dantsuji
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Disaggregate modeling of vehicle-miles traveled: what about users of alternative-fuel vehicles?
- Supervision:Matthieu de Lapparent, Anna Fernandez Antolin, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 15/09/2015-01/02/2016
- Guillaume Lopez
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Decision making for human resource training and allocation
- Supervision:Yousef Maknoon, Shadi Sharif Azadeh, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 15/09/2015-01/02/2016
- Ulrich Wehres
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Robust Design of a Single Line Electrical Bus
- Supervision:Shadi Sharif Azadeh, Yousef Maknoon, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 15/09/2015-01/02/2016
- Frédéric Rast
- Section: Environmental Sciences and Engineering
- Towards Solar Decathlon: evaluation of different mobility scenarios
- Supervision:Riccardo Scarinci, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Philippe Couty
- 14/09/2015-15/01/2016
- Baillif Maurin
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Modeling consideration and willingness-to-pay for electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in car renewal
- Supervision:Matthieu de Lapparent, Anna Fernandez Antolin, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Yves Delacrétaz
- 16/02/2015-20/07/2015
- Loïc Tinguely
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Exploiting pedestrian WiFi traces for destination choice modeling [Download PDF]
- Supervision:Antonin Danalet, Matthieu de Lapparent, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Andres Sevtsuk
- 16/02/2015-17/07/2015
- Guilhem Pujol
- Optimization of arrivals and departure ow management at congested airports
- Supervision:Shadi Sharif Azadeh, Michel Bierlaire, Tomás Robenek
- Expert:
- 15/09/2014-31/03/2015
- Bastien Rojanawisut
- Section: Mathematics
- Optimisation of the network design of a futuristic transport system based on accelerated moving walkways
- Supervision:Riccardo Scarinci, Iliya Markov, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Sacha Varone
- 15/09/2014-16/01/2015
- Amélie Buisson
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Individual activity-travel analysis based on smartphone WiFi data [Download PDF]
- Supervision:Evanthia Kazagli, Antonin Danalet
- Expert: Dr Francisco Pereira
- 17/02/2014-20/06/2014
- Guy Cooper
- Section: Mathematics
- A multi-class framework for a pedestrian cell transmission model accounting for population heterogeneity
- Supervision:Flurin Hänseler, Marija Nikolic
- Expert:
- 17/02/2014-20/06/2014
- Pierre de Pommerol
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Development And Implementation Of A Decision Making Tool In Quality Control Networks Using Quantitative System Modeling Techniques
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Prof. Nicolas Zufferey
- 17/02/2014-20/06/2014
- Alexis Dubil
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Development of a urban distribution model and a strategic decision making tool for Singapore’s freight transport planning
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Jianghang Chen
- Expert: Der Horng Lee
- 17/02/2014-20/06/2014
- Michael Friederich
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Mode Choice Analysis Using Smartphone Data
- Supervision:Evanthia Kazagli, Marija Nikolic, Anna Fernandez Antolin
- Expert:
- 17/02/2014-20/06/2014
- Billal Mahoubi
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Exploring approaches to model financial decisions
- Supervision:Amanda Stathopoulos, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 17/02/2014-20/06/2014
- Ilias Nafai
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Ulrich Weidmann
- 17/02/2014-20/06/2014
- Isabel Tovar
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Optimisation des tournées de ramassage des employés de l'aéroport de Genève
- Supervision:Tomás Robenek, Stefan Binder, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Philippe Quaglia, Aéroport international de Genève
- 17/02/2014-20/06/2014
- Maëlle Zimmerman
- Section: Mathematics
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Emma Frejinger
- 17/02/2014-20/06/2014
- Silvia Francesca Varotto
- How perceptions affect the modal choice? A cross country comparison from a gender oriented point of view
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Amanda Stathopoulos, Aurélie Glerum
- Expert:
- 01/03/2013-31/05/2013
- Stefan Binder
- Section: Environmental Sciences and Engineering
- Associations among Household Charasteristics, Vehicle Characteristics and Emission Failures: An Application of Targeted Marketing Data
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Laurie Garrow, GeorgiaTech
- 17/09/2012-12/02/2013
- Frédéric Pythoud
- Section: Mathematics
- Optimization of an electric bus network
- Supervision:Bilge Atasoy, Tomás Robenek, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Olivier Augé, ABB
- 17/09/2012-11/01/2013
- François Anken
- Section: Mathematics
- MEETAWAY: Connecting People Optimally
- Supervision:Prem Kumar, Bilge Atasoy, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Pedro Faustino
- 20/02/2012-06/07/2012
- Mahmoud Kharouf
- Section: Civil Engineering
- A two-stage sequential linear programming approach to optimize security staff at Geneva Airport
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Nitish Umang, Prem Kumar
- Expert: Vincent-Ruben Jimenez
- 20/02/2012-06/07/2012
- My Hang Nguyen
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Mode choice models for the city of Nice using psychometric indicators and latent variables
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Ricardo Hurtubia, Aurélie Glerum
- Expert: Valérie Attas, Veolia
- 20/02/2012-30/07/2012
- Jeanne Ythier
- Section: Environmental Sciences and Engineering
- Activity space and social network
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Prof. Joan Walker
- 20/02/2012-06/07/2012
- Tomas Robenek
- Integrated berth allocation and yard assignment in bulk ports using column generation
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Nitish Umang
- Expert:
- 01/02/2012-18/06/2012
- Student from DTU, Lyngby, Denmark
- Sohrab Sahaleh
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Pedestrian flow simulation and optimization in transportation hubs (case study)
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Bilal Farooq, Antonin Danalet
- Expert: Prof. Winnie Daamen
- 20/09/2011-17/02/2012
- Lidija Stankovikj
- Section: Mathematics
- Hybrid choice models: an application to automobile demand
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Aurélie Glerum
- Expert:
- 20/09/2011-17/02/2012
- Laurene Aigrain
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Mobility in the Middle East
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Jingmin Chen
- Expert: Prof. John Polak
- 21/02/2011-24/06/2011
- Done at Imperial College, London, UK
- Youssef Mezdani
- Section: Civil Engineering
- An analysis of Singapore's road pricing system using Multi-agent transport simulations
- Supervision:Gunnar Flötteröd
- Expert: Dr. Alexander Erath
- 21/02/2011-24/06/2011
- Done at the ETHZ Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore
- Aurélien Odobert
- Section: Civil Engineering
- The urban development effects of a metro line extension : western arm of the Orange Line from Montreal to Laval
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Ricardo Hurtubia
- Expert: Prof. Zachary Patterson
- 21/02/2011-24/06/2011
- Done at Concordia University, Montréal, Canada
- Sabine Luisier
- Section: Mathematics
- The modeling of the investors behavior
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Thomas Robin, Michaël Thémans
- Expert: Dr. Frank Crittin, LODH
- 21/09/2010-21/01/2011
- Ines Azaiez
- Section: Mathematics
- Sampling of alternatives for logit mixture models [Download PDF]
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Aurélie Glerum
- Expert: Prof. Ben-Akiva, MIT
- 22/02/2010-23/07/2010
- Done at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Laetitia Bettex
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Analyse des relations entre la forme urbaine, l'accessibilité aux transports en commun et la mobilité quotidienne des habitants de la ville de Québec, Canada
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Ricardo Hurtubia
- Expert: Luis Miranda-Moreno, McGill University, Canada
- 22/02/2010-23/07/2010
- Done at McGill University, Montréal, Canada
- Alexandre Khelifa
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Blind Booking Purchase Patterns: discrete choice analysis
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Bilge Atasoy, Prem Kumar
- Expert: Prof. Laurie Garrow, Georgia Tech.
- 22/02/2010-23/07/2010
- Done at the Georgia Institute of Technology
- Julien Eberle
- Section: Computer science
- Balancing Energy Consumption and Location Precision in Continuous Location Tracking
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Jingmin Chen
- Expert: Gian Paolo Perrucci
- 20/02/2010-20/08/2010
- Peter G. Swartz
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Modeling for Strategic Robustness
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Prem Kumar
- Expert: Prof. Christopher Zegras, MIT
- 10/02/2010-23/07/2010
- Done at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Aurélie Glérum
- Section: Mathematics
- Application of Markov Decision Processes to pipeline data
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Gianluca Antonini
- 15/09/2009-03/02/2010
- Done at the IBM Zurich Research Lab
- Willem Himpe
- Combining heterogeneous sensor information for the activity tracking of smart phone users
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Gunnar Flötteröd, Ricardo Hurtubia
- Expert: Prof. Ben Immers, Dr. Chris Tampere
- 15/09/2009-14/06/2010
- Erasmus student from KU Leuven
- Antonin Danalet
- Section: Mathematics
- An Empirical Investigation of the Determinants of Attention to Attributes in Choice Experiments
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Michaël Thémans, Thomas Robin
- Expert: Prof. Ricardo Scarpa
- 16/02/2009-19/06/2009
- Done at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
- Alexandre de Tenorio
- Section: Communication Systems
- Comparative Study of CLIP-AIR's Multimodal Performance
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Matteo Salani, Claudio Leonardi
- Expert: François Bouteiller, Baboo
- 16/02/2009-19/06/2009
- Medhi-Seyed Tavakoli
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Experiences des moyens de transport et choix modal
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Thomas Robin
- Expert: Dr Christophe Jemelin
- 16/02/2009-19/06/2009
- Atoosa Kasirzadeh
- Simulation and optimization in container terminals
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Matteo Salani, Ilaria Vacca
- Expert: -
- 19/01/2009-15/06/2009
- Student from KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
- Carol Kirchhofer
- Section: Mathematics
- Implementation of attribute strategies in advanced discrete choice models
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Dr. John Rose
- 15/09/2008-03/02/2009
- Done at the University of Sydney, Australia
- Lorenza Santini
- Section: Mathematics
- Extending the framework for MEV discrete choice models
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Mogens Fosgerau
- 15/09/2008-03/02/2009
- Done at the Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen
- Arnaud Vandaele
- Measures of congestion in container terminals
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Matteo Salani, Ilaria Vacca
- Expert:
- 18/02/2008-20/06/2008
- Student from the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, Belgium
- Marine Vidaud
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Dynamic Traffic Assignment in Lausanne
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Michaël Mahut
- 18/02/2008-20/06/2008
- Done at the Centre des Transports de l'Université de Montréal
- Nicolas Anken
- Section: Mathematics
- Gestion optimale de l'espace dans un système d'entreposage et distribution
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Angel Ruiz, Université Laval, Québec
- 18/09/2007-18/02/2008
- Done at Université Laval, Québec
- Fanny Gillieron
- Section: Mathematics
- Optimization of road traffic counts location
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Prof. Jaime Bacerlo, UPC, Barcelona, Spain
- 18/09/2007-18/02/2008
- Done at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelon, Spain
- Lefteris Samartzis
- Section: Mathematics
- Modélisation de Bruxelles avec UrbanSIM
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Zachary Patterson
- Expert: Sylvie Gayda, STRATEC
- 23/10/2006-23/02/2007
- Sabina Schneider
- Section: Mathematics
- Validation d'un modèle de mouvement de piétons
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Thomas Robin
- Expert: Gianluca Antonin, IBM Research Zürich
- 23/10/2006-23/02/2007
- Marjorie Benz
- Section: Mathematics
- Customer Centric Revenue Management
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Carolina Osorio Pizano
- Expert: Daniel Rueda, OpenPricer
- 16/10/2006-16/02/2007
- Flaminio Cadlini
- Field experiment on the willingness of the umployed to accept a job, with a mixed logit estimation
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Prof. Rico Maggi, USI
- 15/03/2006-27/09/2007
- Postgrade en statistique, université de Neuchatel
- Gianni Farini
- Section: Mathematics
- Développement d'une étude de cas pour l'analyse des comportements par modèles de choix discrets [Download PDF]
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Michaël Thémans
- Expert: Teghem J., Polytech. Mons, Belgique
- 01/02/2006-30/06/2006
- Lionel Dumartheray
- Section: Mathematics
- Degenerate nonlinear constrained programming
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Michaël Thémans
- Expert: Prof. Th. Liebling (EPFL - IMA - ROSO)
- 16/10/2005-24/02/2006
- Alexander Scheidegger
- Section: Mathematics
- Energy management optimization for a solar vehicle [Download PDF]
- Supervision:Michaël Thémans, Emma Frejinger
- Expert: Liebling Th. M., EPFL-ROSO
- 15/10/2005-24/02/2006
- Frédéric Mivelaz
- Section: Mathematics
- Utilisation des modèles d'utilité pour évaluer la valeur du temps
- Supervision:Michel Bierlaire, Michaël Thémans
- Expert: Rico Maggi, Uni. Lugano
- 15/10/2004-17/02/2005
- Transportation Research
- Operations Research
- Discrete Choice Models
Modeling, optimization, simulation