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Transport and Mobility Laboratory: Completed semester projects
The following semester projects have been completed. We report here the title of the project, the name of the student who completed it, and the date of completion.
Gibbs Sampler for Generating Synthetic Longitudinal Data: Tracking Synthetic Individuals Over Time | Victoria Catherine Arduini (SIN) | May 30, 2025 |
Pre-study to extracting activity schedules from tracking mobility data | Mya Jamal Lahjouji (SGC) | February 06, 2025 |
Optimization of railway maintenance planning | Younis Bouzar | January 17, 2025 |
A computational comparison of open-source branch-and-price solvers | Jules Schneuwly | June 21, 2024 |
Solve the problem of the EPFL campus in MOBi, | Anne-Valérie Preto (SGC) | June 09, 2024 |
Construction of an Itinerary Optimization Algorithm for a Trip Planning App | Gabriel André Veigas Marques | June 07, 2024 |
Comparative analysis of discrete choice models estimation using different software packages | Alexia Stephanie Liviana Paratte | May 31, 2024 |
Improving the specification of migration aspiration discrete choice models via attitudinal variables | Anne-Valérie Preto (SGC) | May 31, 2024 |
Comparison of different methodologies for interpolating traffic count data | Mya Jamal Lahjouji (SGC) | May 31, 2024 |
Investigating latent behaviour in multiday activity scheduling | Honoka Shirai | January 15, 2024 |
Modeling Individual Activity Schedules and Behavior Changes in COVID-19 Using Metaheuristic Optimization | Pierre Alexis Hellich | January 15, 2024 |
Generating a synthetic population with health and COVID-19 information | Aline Janvier | January 15, 2024 |
A detailed evaluation of the Via Sicura program | Mya Jamal Lahjouji (SGC) | June 07, 2023 |
Predicting activity schedules of the population considering non-pharmaceutical interventions | Arthur Nussbaumer | June 03, 2023 |
Targeting population to evaluate COVID-19 strategies based on activity-travel behavior. | Antoine Goupil De Bouillé | June 03, 2023 |
Optimisation et Déploiement d’une méthode de calculation au sein d’un groupe actif dans le second œuvre | Thomas Poulain | June 02, 2023 |
Synthetic generation of activity motifs | Bochud Quentin Philippe (SGC) | January 27, 2023 |
Modelling migration intentions worldwide | Hilda Abigél Horváth (SMA) | January 27, 2023 |
Comparison of machine learning techniques for synthetic activity generation | Xinling Li (SGC) | January 27, 2023 |
Scenario generation for the multi-agent transport simulation toolkit, MATSim | Anne-Valerie Preto (SGC) | January 27, 2023 |
A model to capture ride-sharing behavior within the agents in a household | Mya Jamal Lahjouji (SGC) | January 07, 2023 |
Optimisation et Déploiement d’une méthode de calculation au sein d’un groupe actif dans le second œuvre | Bastien Sauve (SGC) | December 23, 2022 |
Heuristic applications for rebalancing operations in one-way car sharing systems | Miguel Chastre Rodrigues | September 30, 2022 |
Divide and conquer one-step simulator for synthetic household generation | Xinling Li (SGC) | September 15, 2022 |
Modeling congestion in a competitive Facility Location Problem | Louise Lallemand | August 26, 2022 |
Comparing rebalancing operations in car sharing systems | Xinling Li (SGC) | July 08, 2022 |
A discrete choice model to capture the relationship between activity type-location-modality choice of individuals | Jingran Su (SGC) | June 10, 2022 |
A comparitive analysis of optimization algorithms for activity-based applications | Luca Bataillard (SIN) | June 10, 2022 |
Road sections clustering | Salim Benchelabi (SMA) | June 07, 2022 |
Studying socio-economic variables through the different waves of SARS-CoV-2 | Clément Dauvilliers | June 03, 2022 |
Drawing infection probabilities based on socio-economic characteristics using ML Causal Inference | Mathias Nuris | February 04, 2022 |
Drawing infection probabilities based on socio-economic characteristics using ML Causal Inference | Hannah Gelblat | February 04, 2022 |
Optimal strategy for a multi-vendor, multi-buyer reverse logistics supply chain framework | Olivier Laferrère (SMT) | January 31, 2022 |
Adding an Epidemiological penalty in MATSim to study the impact of SARS-CoV-2 in mobility | Florent Zolliker (SMA) | January 31, 2022 |
Classification of ordinal outcomes for the analysis of injury severity using machine learning methods (ML for Science CS-433) | Hilda Abigél Horváth, Julian Paul Schnitzler, Artur Andrzej Stefaniuk (SSC) | December 23, 2021 |
Modeling Geneva's public transport network following disruption events | Nicolas Richter (SGC) | July 09, 2021 |
Designing and implementing rebalancing operations in car sharing systems using MATSim | Alfio Simone Mosset (SGC) | July 09, 2021 |
Application of sustainable reverse logistics in optimization of last-mile delivery systems | Jacques Roitel | June 30, 2021 |
Matrix factorisation methods | Ambroise Favre | June 30, 2021 |
MoonVR | Lucas Strauss | June 13, 2021 |
How to assess synthetic data? | Romain Palazzo (SMA) | June 13, 2021 |
Designing a MATSIM environment to study the impact of SARS-CoV-2 in mobility | Antoine Crettenand | June 11, 2021 |
Road Safety: Investigating the Role of Latent Behaviors in Injury Severity | Daniela Spadaro (SMA) | June 07, 2021 |
Designing a MATSIM environment to study the impact of SARS-CoV-2 in mobility | Chantal Gressier (SMA) | June 03, 2021 |
The railway timetable rescheduling problem | Benoit Pahud (SGC) | February 19, 2021 |
Generating choice sets of destinations for activity based applications | Nicolas Salvadé (SGC) | January 29, 2021 |
Generating choice sets of transport modes for activity based applications | Benoit Pahud (SGC) | January 29, 2021 |
Road maintenance management optimisation | Carole Baslé (SGC) | January 29, 2021 |
Designing a MATSim environment for a vehicle sharing system as a transport mode | Paula Vogg (SGC) | January 29, 2021 |
Schedule repair in liner shipping | Benoit Pahud (SGC) | January 29, 2021 |
Analyzing Machine learning regularization methods in travel mode choice prediction (ML for Science CS-433) | Simon Dayer, Arnaud Guibbert, Khalil Merzouk (SSC) | December 17, 2020 |
Optimizing Organizational Chart using local search method | Hugo Bocquet | June 30, 2020 |
Enhancing the Serial Estimation of Discrete Choice Models Sequences | Youssef Kitane (SGC) | June 22, 2020 |
Optimal regulation of oligopolistic markets with discrete choice models of demand | Elodie Duliscouet, Paulin Raison, Yahya Basiouny (SGM) | June 12, 2020 |
Robust routing and scheduling in liner shipping | Yannis Voet (SGC) | June 12, 2020 |
Bayesian analysis of multinomial discrete choice model with t-distributed kernel errors | Thomas Gasos | June 09, 2020 |
Welfare-maximizing design of a transportation system | Benjamin Nicolas--Noir | May 29, 2020 |
Tour-based mode choice modelling | Adrien Nicolet (SGC) | January 31, 2020 |
Analysis of the value of demand forecasting within vehicle sharing systems | Jasso Espadaler (SGC) | January 31, 2020 |
Investigating daily activity patterns | Sergey Gasparovich (SGC) | January 31, 2020 |
Risk assessment of pedestrian crossings | Adrien Nicolet (SIN) | January 31, 2020 |
Estimation of Discrete Choice Models using HAMABS 2.0 | Linah Charif (SGC) | December 20, 2019 |
Calibrating pedestrian control strategies. | Léopold Bouraux (SIN) | June 30, 2019 |
Demand forecasting for a novel transportation mode | Denis Steffen (SMA) | June 30, 2019 |
Disruption-caused railway timetable rescheduling problem and its solution | Oliver Mathias Buschor | June 21, 2019 |
Passenger satisfaction maximization under budget constraints | Tatiana Moavensadeh-Ghasnavi | June 03, 2019 |
Location choice equilibrium - pedestrian demand analysis at EPFL campus | Tianyang Dong (SMA) | June 03, 2019 |
Passage au 1/4h de l'exploitation du FMA | Félix Boesch (SGC) | January 31, 2019 |
Exploitation optimale de la ligne à voie métrique des TPF Palézieux-Bulle- Montbovon | Fabien Jacot-Descombes Jonas Gschwend (SGC) | January 31, 2019 |
Variantes d'horaires sur la tangentielle Nantes-Lyon | Axel Valentin Gabriel Curis (SGC) | January 31, 2019 |
Formulating and solving a dial-a-ride problem | Rym Karime (SGC) | January 31, 2019 |
Dynamic optimization of self-service vehicles | Mohamed Detsouli (SGC) | January 31, 2019 |
Railway infrastructure maintenance | Ludovica Sessa and Robert Abboud (SMGT) | January 31, 2019 |
Optimal taxi charging decision given the real-time charging station and taxi states and future uncertainties | Julien Johan Haan (Section of GC), Loic Senser (Section of MTE) (SGC) | January 25, 2019 |
Towards a techno-economic evaluation framework for regional train propulsion architectures | Florian Mueller | January 22, 2019 |
Locating charging station for electric taxis | Oliver Mathias Buschor, Younes Bensaid | December 21, 2018 |
Goodness of fit in DCMs | Jessica Hopkins (SMA) | December 21, 2018 |
Optimization of school accessibility in developing countries | Yassine El Ouazzani, Oliver Mathias Buschor (SGC) | December 21, 2018 |
Sustainable & intelligent transportation evaluation and plan | David Gunter | July 20, 2018 |
Cost Reduction Uisng Passenger Centric Timetabling | Robert Abboud (SMGT) | June 29, 2018 |
Design of a stated-preferences survey for a high-speed vacuum transportation mode | Thibaut Richard et Martí Montesinos Ferrer | June 20, 2018 |
A solution approach for the Multicommodity Flow Problem within rail freight transportation | Nicolas Pradignac (SIN) | June 19, 2018 |
Modelling competition in demand-based optimization models | Charlotte Darné (SMA) | June 19, 2018 |
Development of a heuristic algorithm for a hub location problem | Thibaut Guillaume Marie Richard | June 19, 2018 |
Safer schools thanks to an improved transport access in developing countries | Zora Oswald | June 16, 2018 |
Augmentation de la réserve de capacité m1 des TL par actions limitées au matériel roulant | David Moy de Vitry (SGC) | June 08, 2018 |
Offre nationale ferroviaire 2035 avec tronçons SwissMetro | Lauriane Masson (SGC) | June 08, 2018 |
Building offline and online optimization algorithms for dispatchment of teams at Nez Rouge. | Colin Ducommun | June 08, 2018 |
Conduite Automatique des Trains entre Neuchâtel et La Chaux-de-Fonds | Guillaume Sauvin (SGC) | June 08, 2018 |
Offre nationale ferroviaire 2035 avec un tronçon SwissMetro | Lauriane Masson (SGC) | June 08, 2018 |
Usage d'un sous-cantonnement pour densifier la circulation aux abords d'un noeud ferroviaire important | Cloé Lafaye | June 08, 2018 |
Qualité de l'offre nationale des projets d'horaire EA2030 et EA2035 | Zora Oswald (SGC) | June 08, 2018 |
Automatic utility specification using machine learning techniques | Nicola Ortelli | June 08, 2018 |
On the optimization of CAPEX and OPEX for the design of a full electric large capacity urban bus system | Guillaume Mollard (CSE) | January 31, 2018 |
Integrating demand and supply in the context of airlines | Thibaut Richard et Gabriel Curis (SGC) | January 24, 2018 |
Infrastructure ferroviaire entre Lausanne et Genève à l'horizon 2030 | Cloé Lafaye et Julien Thiriot (SGC) | January 12, 2018 |
Mobilité lors des JO d’hiver et perspectives pour Sion 2026 | Clément Sintes (SGC) | January 12, 2018 |
Aménagements futurs du complexe ferroviaire de Clermont-Ferrand | Axel Valentin (SGC) | January 12, 2018 |
Offre 2030 entre Berne et Lausanne répondant aux attentes des cantons (BE, FR et VD) | Benoît Corday (SGC) | January 12, 2018 |
From public transport vehicles to pedestrian flows. | Rodolphe Farrando | January 12, 2018 |
Analysis of pedestrian group behavior based on tracking data and pattern recognition methods | Montesinos Ferrer Martí | December 22, 2017 |
Alternative activity pattern generation for stated preference surveys | Nicola Marco Ortelli (SGC) | December 22, 2017 |
Identifying the objectives of car drivers route choice behavior | Nicola Marco Ortelli | December 22, 2017 |
Modeling purchases of new cars for 2015: a comparison between countries | Martí Montesinos (SGC) | June 19, 2017 |
Planning of feeding station installment for a full electric large capacity urban bus system | Adrien Ruault (SIN) | June 16, 2017 |
Speed profile of an innovative catenary-free electric bus | Valentin Axel Olivier & Nicolet Adrien (SGC) | June 16, 2017 |
Organisation de l’amélioration de la performance de l’offre ferroviaire dans les métropoles d’Auvergne Rhône Alpes: Retour d’expérience du nœud ferroviaire lyonnais et enseignements à tirer pour les autres métropoles | Jean-Baptiste Landes (SGC) | June 09, 2017 |
Modeling public transport transfers in the “new” Lausanne train station | José Ramón Rodriguez | June 02, 2017 |
Emotions and risky discrete choices | Le Sueur Cécile Christianne Anny Déborah Suzanne (SMA) | June 02, 2017 |
Building an integrated model for modelling pedestrian movements inside hubs | Charles Jeanbart | June 02, 2017 |
Models for pedestrian movements based on integrated and sequential clustering | Konde Romain Olivier Bondo | June 02, 2017 |
Investigating the role of attitudes in the purchase of new cars | Nicola Ortelli | January 23, 2017 |
Régulation de vitesse par la signalisation pour garantir un croisement actif | Benoît Corday Marc Zimmermann | January 13, 2017 |
Mobilité Rail+Bus 2020 dans les Alpes vaudoises | David Moy de Vitry Jean-Baptiste Landes | January 13, 2017 |
Price of anarchy in public transit networks | Marc-Edouard Schultheiss (SGC) | December 23, 2016 |
Accounting for dynamics in pedestrian multi-class speed-density relationship | Marc-Edouard Schultheiss (SGC) | December 23, 2016 |
Passengers' connection time preferences in airline itinerary choice | Elisabeth Zbinden (SGC) | December 23, 2016 |
Pricing and capacity allocation strategies for a demand-based revenues maximization problem | Jonathan Lachkar (SGC) | December 23, 2016 |
Demand based rolling stock allocation | Salma Derouiche (SIN) | December 23, 2016 |
Energy consumption of an innovative catenary-free electric bus | Xiaoran Yu | December 23, 2016 |
Generalization and policy analysis for a rich inventory routing problem | Prisca Aeby (SIN) | December 23, 2016 |
4. Modeling Route Choice in Quebec City Using Mental Representations | Mathieu Plourde | December 23, 2016 |
Grandes mobilités réversibles. Approche par la modélisation dynamique de choix discrets. | Alexis Gumy | December 23, 2016 |
Measure of user-oriented service variability in hubs | Anouk Allenspach and Dieynaba Dia (SGC) | December 23, 2016 |
Étude détaillée des contours de référence ferroviaires et dérogations | Martin Ellwanger (SGC) | December 23, 2016 |
Une modélisation de la grande mobilité | Pauline Hosotte | December 23, 2016 |
Modeling evolution of sales of alternative fuel vehicles in Europe | Christophe Paillard (SMA) | June 17, 2016 |
Traffic simulation model of an innovative catenary-free electric bus | Romain Meyer (SGC) | June 17, 2016 |
Solar Decathlon: strategies for a sustainable mobility to achieve the goal of a 2000-Watt society | Charles Albert Jeanbart (SGC) | June 17, 2016 |
Analysis of External Effects on Cyclicity in Passenger Railway Service | Lucia Montero (CSE) | June 17, 2016 |
Modeling route choice in Québec using mental representations | Mathieu Plourde | June 03, 2016 |
Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty | Cyprien Say (SGC) | June 01, 2016 |
Online estimation of pedestrian origin-destination demand in train stations using Kalman Filtering | Marc Solsona Bernet (SGC) | January 30, 2016 |
Specification testing of fundamental diagrams for an anisotropic pedestrian network loading model | Joel Mateus Fonseca (SSC) | January 30, 2016 |
Hedonic pricing of car attributes: a comparison across European countries | Anna-Katharina Clodong (SGC) | January 30, 2016 |
Accelerating moving walkways as a transport mode of the future: system optimization and management | Alexandre Petit | January 15, 2016 |
Development of an aggregate route choice model for a big network | Arriagada Diego Alexandre | June 19, 2015 |
Pedestrian movement in train stations: modeling speed-density relationship for different classes of passengers | Laure Emma Rosine | June 19, 2015 |
Development of a novel pedestrian walking model applicable to congested flows | Gael LEDERREY | June 19, 2015 |
Implementation of a futuristic transport system based on accelerated moving walkways: optimization on a real case study | Raphaël Luthi (SSIE) | May 29, 2015 |
Routing of a mixed fleet of electric and diesel trucks: Analysis of solution approaches | Noortje Verstegen (SIN) | May 29, 2015 |
Planning tool for the admission of medical graduates into the Otolaryngology training program in the CHUV | Guillaume Lopez | January 15, 2015 |
Accounting for attitudes in modeling demand for electric vehicles | Maurin Baillif (SGC) | December 19, 2014 |
A destination choice model for EPFL Campus | Loïc Tinguely (SGC) | December 19, 2014 |
Routing of a mixed fleet of electric and internal combustion trucks | Thomas Cibils (SMGT) | December 19, 2014 |
3D routing approach for air navigation planning for small sized planes | Jamal El Rhazi (SGC) | December 19, 2014 |
Development and Implementation of a Decision Making Tool in Quality Control Networks using Quantitative System Modeling Techniques | Pierre Jullien de Pommerol (SGC) | July 18, 2014 |
Optimisation of the network design of a futuristic transport system based on moving walkways | Guillaume Lopez | May 30, 2014 |
Train Management in SNCF Application | Cao Huu-Ân (CSE) | May 30, 2014 |
A two-step approach for estimating pedestrian demand in a congested network | Eduard Rojas (SIN) | May 30, 2014 |
Schedule-based estimation of pedestrian travel demand within a quasi-uncongested railway station | Quentin Mazars-Simon (SSC) | January 31, 2014 |
Demand/supply coupling in pedestrian traffic estimation | Jérémy Rabasco (CSE) | January 31, 2014 |
Optimisation des tournées de ramassage des employés de l'aéroport de Genève (Pre-Project) | Isabel Tovar (SGC) | January 20, 2014 |
Implementation of Tabu Search in Quality Control Networks | Pierre Jullien de Pomerol (SGC) | January 20, 2014 |
Identify User’s Locations of Interest from Smartphone WiFi Data | Amélie Buisson (GC) (SGC) | January 17, 2014 |
Exploration of smartphone users trip data to investigate travel behavior | Mikael Nicolas Xavier Friederich (SGC) | January 17, 2014 |
Mode choice analysis from a large smartphone dataset | Mikael Nicolas Xavier Friederich (SGC) | January 17, 2014 |
Exploring pedestrian mobility using video tracking data in Lausanne train station | Babel Hugo Louis | January 17, 2014 |
Vehicle dispatching problem in physical internet hub and spoke model | Alexis Dubil (SGC) | January 17, 2014 |
Vehicle routing problem coupling with bin packing | Buytaert Gabrielle (SSC) | January 17, 2014 |
Modeling the demand for financial products | Billal Mahoubi (SGC) | January 10, 2014 |
Enhancement of Naville's Press Delivery Regulation Tool: An Exploratory Analysis | Lea Kissling (SMA) | June 07, 2013 |
Mobility learning from smartphone WIFI data | Amélie Buisson (SGC) | June 07, 2013 |
Optimization of Paris' Metro System | Thomas Cibils (SMA) | June 07, 2013 |
Visualization of pedestrian demand in a 3D graph | Javier Lopez-Montenegro Ramil (SIN) | June 07, 2013 |
Optimisation des transports scolaires à Grandson II | Franka Tholen (SMA) | June 07, 2013 |
Modelling car ownership duration | Natalie Sauerwald (SMA) | June 07, 2013 |
Associations generation in synthetic population | Paul Anderson | June 07, 2013 |
Activities in Paléo Music Festival from Bluetooth | Elisaveta Kondratieva (SSC) | June 07, 2013 |
Movement patterns of pedestrians on platforms | Nicholas Alan Molyneaux | May 31, 2013 |
Development of a novel pedestrian flow simulator | Thomas Mühlematter | May 31, 2013 |
Movement patterns of pedestrians on platforms prior to/after train departures/arrivals in Gare de Lausanne: Exploitation of pedestrian tracking data | Isabel Tovar | January 12, 2013 |
Dynamic estimation of pedestrian origin-destination within train stations: Exploitation of pedestrian tracking data and comparison to travel surveys | Maëlle Zimmermann (SMA) | January 12, 2013 |
Optimisation des transports scolaires à Grandson I | Clement Massart (SMA) | January 11, 2013 |
Job Shop Scheduling in a Medical Parts Production Factory | Nathan Scheinmann (SMA) | January 11, 2013 |
Robustness and recovery in airline scheduling | Jonathan Blaiberg (SGC) | January 11, 2013 |
Process Optimization and School Schedules: New Legistlation, New Constraints | Ailin Zhang (SMA) | January 11, 2013 |
Population synthesis for large-scale agent based microsimulation | Lovisa Arnesson | January 10, 2013 |
Pedestrian flow simulation in Lausanne train station | Nicolas de Lamberterie | January 10, 2013 |
Modelling the choice of vehicle in an extended framework | Areg Gevorgyan (SMGT) | January 07, 2013 |
Generation and Simulation of MATSim plans for Brussels | Sona Hunanyan (SMA) | July 30, 2012 |
Optimizing Security Staff Operations at Geneva Airport | MAHMOUD KHAROUF | June 20, 2012 |
Transportation mode choice models including word data | Peng Cui (SMA) | June 08, 2012 |
Tracking Pedestrians with WiFi Traces | Yusen Bian (SMA) | June 08, 2012 |
Positioning Clip-Air among other transportation systems as a multi-modal flexible aircraft | Jonathan Blaiberg (SGC) | June 08, 2012 |
Sensitivity analysis for a new generation of aircraft: Clip-Air | Joseph Abisaleh (SGC) | June 08, 2012 |
Analyse des fréquentations de bus en Suisse | Suzy Polka (SSC) | February 17, 2012 |
Mode choice model for the city of Nice | My Hang Nguyen (SGC) | January 17, 2012 |
Robustness and Recovery in Berth Allocation Problem | Wei Li (SMGT) | January 13, 2012 |
Multi-modal transportation modeling for a new generation of aircraft: Clip-Air | Jonathan Blaiberg (SGC) | January 13, 2012 |
Optimizing Train Design in Capacitated Railroads | Stefan Binder | January 12, 2012 |
Mobility identification from smartphone GPS data | Denis Garcia (SMA) | January 11, 2012 |
Measuring Passenger Satisfaction using AirS@t Survey | Lidija Stankovikj (SMA) | June 30, 2011 |
Battery life modelling | François Anken (SMA) | June 30, 2011 |
Travel behavior models: an Abu Dhabi case study | Laurène Aigrain (SGC) | January 30, 2011 |
Estimation and simulation of bid-auction and choice location models | Thibaut Dubernet (SGC) | January 20, 2011 |
The urban development effects of the construction of a metro line | Aurélien Odobert (SGC) | January 20, 2011 |
An analysis of a potential implementation and investigation Singapore's road pricing system within the MATSim transportation microsimulation | Youssef Mezdani | January 20, 2011 |
Prototype MATSim model for Brussels | Sohrab Sahaleh (SGC) | January 20, 2011 |
Quantitative analysis of urban sustainability indicators | Timothée Vincent (SGC) | January 20, 2011 |
Optimizing Staffing Plans at Airports | François Anken (SMA) | January 05, 2011 |
Analysis of Electric Vehicle Data | Parmeet Singh Bhatia | January 05, 2011 |
Integrating the latent attitudes into mode choice | Lidija Stankovikj (SMA) | January 05, 2011 |
Integrating demand functions inside optimization model | Nancy Moret (SMA) | January 05, 2011 |
Insertion d'un nouveau moyen de transport aérien sur la base d'avions de transport existants | Laurene Aigrain & Dethier Daphné (SGC) | January 05, 2011 |
Destination choice models for a free bicycle system | Zehra Onen (SMA) | June 30, 2010 |
Simulateur de mouvements de piétons | Viljami Laurmaa (SMA) | June 20, 2010 |
Optimisation d'horaires aériens | Sezin Afsar (SMA) | June 04, 2010 |
The Tactical Berth Allocation Problem: hierarchical vs integrated models in the context of container terminal operations | Luca Furrer (SMA) | June 04, 2010 |
Algorithme de génération de vols de repositionnement pour améliorer la réparation d'un horaire perturbé | Sabine Luisier (SMA) | June 04, 2010 |
Visualization of Cell Phone Data on Google Earth | Raoul Neu (SIN) | January 15, 2010 |
Testing the algorithm for generating path observation from GPS data | Jensen Anders Fjendbo (SGC) | January 15, 2010 |
Modeling the link between transport and land-use with UrbanSim | Peter Goodings (SGC) | January 15, 2010 |
Analysis of Transport Mode Choice in Trieste | Alexandre Khelifa (SGC) | January 15, 2010 |
Game theory applied to ambush avoidance | Peter Goodings Swartz (SGC) | January 15, 2010 |
Modeling the effects of spatio-temporal flexibility in activity scheduling | Laetitia Bettex (SGC) | January 15, 2010 |
Un modèle préliminaire d'UrbanSim pour Lausanne | Sarah Droz (SGC) | January 15, 2010 |
Mode choice modelling with qualitative aspects inclusions | Zehra Onen (SMA) | January 10, 2010 |
Finance and Discrete Choice Models | Inès Azaiez (SMA) | January 10, 2010 |
Expérience des moyens de transport et choix modal | Seyed Tavakoli (SGC) | June 30, 2009 |
Minimizing risk of ambush for vehicle routes | Gaëtan Duyckaerts, Peter Goodings Swartz (SGC) | June 19, 2009 |
Analysis of consumer behaviour in terms of product preference/choice. | Aurélie Glerum (SMA) | June 12, 2009 |
Effets sur le trafic d'une nouvelle jonction autoroutière à Chavannes | Annie Faniry Andriamanorohasinjafiniarivo Ravalitera (SGC) | June 05, 2009 |
Implementation of attribute processing strategies in advanced discrete choice models | Carol Kirchhofer (SMA) | February 03, 2009 |
Extending the framework for MEV discrete choice models | Lorenza Santini (SMA) | February 03, 2009 |
Estimation of household location choice models | Antonin Danalet (SMA) | January 12, 2009 |
Minimizing risk of vehicle routes in valuables collection from banks | Fabrice Piat (SGC) | January 11, 2009 |
Est-il possible de réduire le nombre de panélistes dans une étude DTS (Dominance Temporelle des Sensations) sans altérer la qualité des résultats? | Glerum Aurélie (SMA) | January 11, 2009 |
Is it possible to reduce the number of panelists in a TDS (Temporal Dominance of Sensations) study without altering the quality of the results? | Aurélie Glérum (SMA) | January 06, 2009 |
La modélisation de transport de la région Lausannoise avec PTV Vision | Chen Lu (SSC) | July 15, 2008 |
Déconvolution de signaux géochimiques | Gfeller Nicolas (SMA) | June 30, 2008 |
Dynamic Traffic Assignment in Lausanne | Vidaud Marine (SGC) | June 20, 2008 |
Development of mode choice models in Trieste | Violin Alessia (SMA) | June 17, 2008 |
Optimization of Lausanne's traffic signal timings | Yanjun Zhang (SGC) | June 06, 2008 |
Analyse géographique pour l'implémentation d'un prototype de modèle intégré de transport et d'occupation du sol pour la région lausannoise | Bettex Laetitia (SGC) | May 30, 2008 |
Déterminer les vols de repositionnements pour un horaire aérien perturbé | Karker Amin, Tournier Sebastien (SSC) | May 23, 2008 |
Algorithmes On Line pour le CVRP avec Demandes Aléatoires | Boukriba Sami (SSC) | May 23, 2008 |
Calibration of on Integrated Transportation Land-use Model - UrbanSim for Brussels | Zemzemi Fatima and Stoitzev Iordanka (SMA) | January 18, 2008 |
Analyse de données requises pour un modèle intégré de Lausanne | Maret Jonathan (SGC) | January 18, 2008 |
Dynamic Traffic Assignment in Lausanne (préétude) | Vidaud Marine (SGC) | January 14, 2008 |
Modèle de choix discret | Weber Caroline (SMA) | January 09, 2008 |
Modèle de classes latentes en analyse de choix discret | Kirchhofer Carol (SMA) | January 07, 2008 |
Modèles GEV et MEV | Santini Lorenza (SMA) | January 07, 2008 |
Graphical interface for a JAVA simulator | Fetiarison Mamy Nirina | August 31, 2007 |
A Survey of Active Integrated Land-use Models around the World | Vignon Olayitan (SGC) | June 29, 2007 |
Etude du comportement d'achat des consommateurs | Alexandre Xavier (SMA) | June 29, 2007 |
Study of Optical Flow techniques for motion estimation in video sequences | Epely-Chauvin Gaël (SGC) | June 29, 2007 |
Deadlock detection | Anken Nicolas (SMA) | June 29, 2007 |
Simulation of finite capacity queueing networks | Meier Pirmin (SMA) | February 17, 2007 |
An Integrated Land Use Model Application to Brussels using UrbanSim | Samartzis Lefteris (SMA) | February 17, 2007 |
Analysis of a Recovery Network for an Airline Recovery Method | Messina Daniele (SMA) | February 16, 2007 |
Etude des modèles de mouvements de piétons | Li Xiangchun (SMA) | February 16, 2007 |
Modèles de choix discret pour la reconnaissance des expressions faciales statiques | Danalet Antonin (SMA) | February 16, 2007 |
Validation de modèles de choix de route | Anken Nicolas (SMA) | February 15, 2006 |
Detection of behavioral inconsistency in Revealed Preferences surveys | Laurence de Torrenté and Ariane Wenger (SMA) | February 01, 2006 |
Detection of behavioral inconsistency in Revealed Preferences surveys | Julie Marc (SMA) | June 23, 2005 |
Discrete choice models: development of case studies | Frédéric Anken (SMA) | June 22, 2005 |
Different strategies for trust-region size management | Emmanuel Leclercq (SMA) | June 20, 2005 |
Stated Preferences Survey for the choice of exchange university | Eric Von Aarburg (SMA) | June 20, 2005 |
Analysis of choice sets for route choice models | Fortón Garcia Verònica | June 20, 2005 |
Deterministic Correction of the Multinomial Logit Model for Route Choice Analysis | Regis Céline (SSC) | June 20, 2005 |
Analyse de l'approche sous-réseau pour la modélisation de choix de route | Gilliéron Fanny (SMA) | June 20, 2005 |
Utilisation d'un système géographique pour un problème de logistique | Emery Sarah and Roth Isabelle (SMA) | February 15, 2005 |
Route Choice Analysis using GPS Data | Lindbäck Rolf (SSC) | February 15, 2005 |
Optimisation of the Operating Suit | Pivin Edward (SMA) | February 15, 2005 |
Calibration of models for transportation demand in the context of real-time applications | Mohamed Rhmari Tlemçani (SSC) | June 25, 2004 |
On the convergence of multi-dimensional filter methods | Lionel Dumartheray (SMA) | June 23, 2004 |
Adaptation of GSM for unconstrained nonlinear optimization | Anouck Brossard and Sarah Degallier (SMA) | June 23, 2004 |
Identification of Coherent Behavior using Linear Programming | Ittig Oliver (SMA) | June 20, 2004 |
Dynamic O-D matrices estimation with iGSM | Olivier Grandjean (SMA) | February 01, 2004 |
Testing GSM on unconstrained nonlinear optimization problems | Mina Adel Latif (SSC) | June 20, 2003 |
Discrete choice models to capture drivers behavior in response to real-time traffic information | Thomas Quentin Maillard (SMA) | June 20, 2003 |
Empirical analysis of the correlation in discrete choice models | Steve Salom (SSC) | February 01, 2003 |
Activity organization and ICT | Laetitia Bettex (SGC) |