M. Gallo (Universita degli Studi del Sannio); L. D'Acierno; B. Montella (Universita degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II") | Optimising investments on urban bus networks: an elastic demand model | |
S. Matsumoto (Keio University Yokohama); T. Park (Asahikawa Medical University); H. Kawashima (Keio University Yokohama) | A study of fuel consumption reduction effect of eco-driving | |
G. Guex (University of Lausanne) | A proposition of algorithm for modeling air traffic and road networks | |
M. Saffarzadeh; B. Mirbaha (Tarbiat Modares University and Parseh Transportation Research Institute) | Economical evaluation of constructions urban transportation infrastructures in congested corridors (Case study: SADR highway) | |
J.H.R. van Duin, N. Anand, L.A. Tavasszy | Urban Consolidation Centre: Evaluation of supportive police measures with agent based modelling | |
B. Mirbaha; M. Saggarzadeh; S. Seyedabrishami (Tarbiat Modares University) | A route guidance model based on system optimality level and deterministic route choice behavior | |
H. Repolho (EPFL); A. Antunes (University of Coimbra); R. Church (University of California Santa Barbara) | High speed rail planning - a combined strategic model with supporting tactical model components | |
B. Kickhöfer; K. Nagel ( Technische Universität Berlin) | Towards high-resolution first-best air pollution tolls: An evaluation of regulatory policies and a discussion on long-term user reactions | |
I. Kaddoura; B. Kickhöfer; A. Neumann (Technische Universität Berlin); A. Tirachini (The University of Sydney) | Public transport supply potimization in a activity-based model: Impacts of activity scheduling decisions and dynamic congestion | |
Ch. Ho; C. Mulley (The University of Sydney Business School); K. Shaz (Bureau of Transport Statistics, New South Wales) | Data inconsistencies detection and correction: an application to identifying joint household travel from the household travel survey | |
D. Efthymiou; C. Antoniou (National Technical University of Athens) | How does transport infrastructure affect dwelling prices in Athens? | |
R. Corthout (KU Leuven); G. Flötteröd (KTH); F. Vitti; Ch. Tampère (KU Leuven) | Solution non-uniqueness of intersection models for first-order macroscopic dynamic network loading | |
D. J. Graham (Imperial College London) | Semiparametric double-robust estimation for continuous effects: an application for road traffic accident analysis | |
P. C. Melo; D. J. Graham; R. Brage-Ardao (Imperial College London) | The productivity of transport infrastructure investment: A meta-analysis of empirical evidence | |
K. Kittanová; M. Krbálek (Czech Technical University Prague) | Empirical study of multi-headways in vehicular traffic | |
D. Ngoduy (The University of Leeds) | Unscented Kalman filter for freeway traffic state estimation using multiple data sources | |
S. I. Mohammad; D. J. Graham; P.C. Melo; R. J. Anderson (Imperial College London) | A meta-analysis of the impact of rail projects on land and property values | |
S. I. Mohammad; D. J. Graham; P.C. Melo (Imperial College London) | Impact of data structure on difference-in-differences methods - A case study using Dubai metro effects on land/property values | |
L. Der-Hong; L. Siyu (National University of Singapore) | An activity-based analysis of Singapore household travel survey of 2008 | |
Ch. Ho; C. Mulley (The University of Sydney Business School); K. Shaz (Bureau of Transport Statistics, New South Wales) | Multiple purposes at single destination: a key to a better understanding of the relationship between tour complexity and mode choice | |
M. Haberl; R. Neuhold; M. Cik; M. Fellendorf (Graz University of Technology) | Trip generation and distribution of leisure traffic: A case study in Austria | |
M. Ferrando: F. Papa; N. Sacco (University of Genoa) | On monitoring landslides around transportation infrastructures | |
J. Y. T. Wang; M. Ehrgott (The University of Auckland) | Congestion and vehicle emission pricing with a bilevel bi-objective optimization model | |
J. Fu ( KTH) | A microscopic simulation model for earthmoving operations | |
S-W. Chiou (National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan) | A risk-averse user equilibrium model for area traffic control road networks | |
Y. Otashiro; M. Kuwahara (Tohoku University); K. Tang (Tongji University) | All.red time design accounting for the interaction between the clearing vehicle and the entering vehicle | |
A. Karlström; M. Sundberg; M. Fadaei Oshyani (KTH) | Estimating flexible route choice models using sparse data | |
D.A. Giménez; A. Salgueiro Narciso Riveiro (University of Coimbra); J. Gutierrez Puebla (Complutense University of Madrid); A. Pais Antunes (University of Coimbra) | Optimal location of battery electric vehicle charging stations in urban areas: a new approach | |
W. Huang; M. Fellendorf (Graz University of Technology) | Social force basedf model for traffic simulation | |
T.W. Nicolai; K. Nagel (TU Berlin) | Coupling transport and land-use: Investigating accessibility indicators for feedback from a travel to a land use model | |
T. Emmanouilidis; F. Bavaud (UNIL) | Analysis of the pedestrian network of Lausanne: Eccentricity, accessibility and partitionning | |
Y. Wang; B. De Schutter; T.J.J. van den Boom (Delft University of Technology); B. Ning (Beijing Jiaotong University) | Optimal trajectory planning for trains under operational constraints using mixed integer linear programming | |
A. Bazzani; M. Marchioni; S. Rambaldi (University of Bologna) | Towards data-driven models for traffic congestion in urban raod-networks | |
Q. Ge; M. Menendez (ETH Zurich) | A simulation study of the car-to-X communicate based merge traffic control in freeway work zone | |
J. Barthelemy; L. Hollaert; Ph. Toint (FUNDP - University of Namur) | Virtual Belgium: a simulaiton platform for the Belgian population | |
P. Delle Site; F. Filippi; M. V. Salucci (University of Rome La Sapienza) | On the use of entropy for the estimation of vehicle OD matrices within urban commodity-based models | |
D. Fearing (harvard Business School Boston); I. Kash (Microsoft Research Cambridge UK) | Managing air traffic disruption through strategic prioritization | |
W. Huang; M. Fellendorf (Graz University of Technology) | Enhanced cell transmission model for urban roads | |
V.V. Gayah ( The Pennsylvania State University); V.V. Dixit (University of South Wales) | Using mobile vehicle probes to estimate network-wide traffic conditions | |
F. He; D. Wu; Y. Yin ; Y. Guan (University of Florida) | Optimal deployment of public charging stations for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles | |
G. Sahin; A. Cetin Suyabatmaz (Sabanci University Istanbul) | Tactical crew planning with connectivity considerations in pairings | |
T. Oguchi (University of Tokyo); T. Yamaguchi (Central Nippon Highway Engineering Tokyo Co); H. Oneyama (Tokyo Metropolitan University) | Empirical evaluation of the lost time in the inter-green period before protected right-turn after permitted phase | |
Y. Shiomi (Ritsumeikan University); T. Hanamori; N. Uno; H. Shimamoto (Kyoto University) | Modeling traffic flow dominated by motorcycles based on discrete choice approach | |
O. Perederieieva; J.Y.T. Wang; M. Ehrgott (The University od Auckland) | Solving bi-objective traffic equilibrium based on time surplus maximisation | |
D-H. Lee; L. Sun (Natinal University of Singapore); A. Erath (Singapore ETH Centre for Global Environment Sustainability Singapore) | Determining optimal control stop to improve bus services reliability | |
H. Oneyama (Tokyo Metropolitan University); T. Oguchi (The Univsersity of Tokyo); S. Shikata (Tokyo Metropolitan University); H. Warita (Metropolitan Expressway Company Limited) | Empirical analysis of ramp preference in the case of accidents on the Metropolitan Expressway | |
H. Yaginuma (Highway Planning Inc. Tokyo); T. Adachi (West Nippon Expressway Company Ltd Osaka) | Empirical studies on massive data operation for route choice and travel information | |
A. Di Febbraro; N. Sacco (University of Genoa) | Stability of equilibrium in transportation systems: A dynamic switching system point of view | |
M. Burger; B. De Schutter; H. Hellendoorn (Delft University of Technology) | An improved method for solving micro-ferry scheduling problems | |
M.P. Lineares; J. Barcelo (Technical University od Catalonia Barcelona Tech) | Comparison of path flow reassignment ethods for dynamic user equilibrium traffix assignment based on mesoscopic simulation | |
M. Fosgerau (Denmark Technical University); L. Engelson; J. Frankln (KTH) | Endogenous scheduling and the cost of travel time variability | |
B. Ponnu; R. Puvvala; S.S. Arkatkar (Birla Institute od Technology & Sciences Pilani) | Characteristics of freeway bottelnecks operating at capacity | |
N. Mallig; T. Streit; P. Vortisch (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) | Calibrating VISSIM's acceleration charasteristics for vehicles starting from rest | |
R. Liu; A. Whiteing; A. Koh (University of Leeds) | A model of fault tolerance applied train operations at a classic railway junction | |
M. Hajiahmadi; B. De Schutter; H. Hellendoorn (Delft University of Technology) | Control of traffic networks using the link transmission model and mixed integer linear programming | |
T. Dekker; S. Hess; A. Daly (University of Leeds) | Hybrid choice models, structure,, identification and estimation | |
E. Madsen; I. Mulalic; N. Pilegaard (DTU Lyngby) | Regulation on-street parking - evidence from Danish data | |
S. Canavan; D.J. Graham; P.C. Melo; R.J. Anderson (Imperial College London) | Identifying the main drivers of technical efficiency of urban metro systems using stochastic frontier techniques | |
Y. Takayama; T. Yoshii (Ehime University Matsuyama) | Transport market structure effect on economic geography | |
K. Wada; T. Akamatsu; M. Osawa (Tohoku University Sendai) | A control strategy to prevent propagating delays in high-frequence railway systems | |
S. Schmidt; B. Friedrich (Technische Universität Braunschweig) | A new dynamic traffic management method using V2X-communication | |
S.C. Calvert (Delft University of Technology and TNO Delft); H. Taale (Delft University of Technology and Rijkswaterstraat & TrafficQuest); M. Snelder (Delft University of Technology and TNO Delft); S.P. Hogendoorn (Delft University of Technology) | Improving probabilistic traffic modelling through advanced sampling | |
A. Khudenko; P.R. Drake (University of Liverpool) | Assessing and managing investments into infrasctucture mega-projects in developing countries: A novel methodology | |
A. Daly; T. Dekker; S. Hess (Univerity of Leeds) | Sampling of alternatives for spatial choice modelling | |
M. Park; K. Jang; H. Yeo (KAIST Yuseong) | Relationships between discretionary lane-changing and traffic conditions | |
S. Flügel (Norvegian University of Life Sciences); A.H. Halse (Institute of Transport Economics Oslo); J. de Dios Ortúzar; L. Rizzi (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) | Forecasting ridership for a new mode using binary stated choice data - methodological challenges in studying the demand for high-speed rail in Norway | |
P.C. Melo; D.J. Graham; R. Brague-Ardao (Imperial College London) | Measuring the impact of high-speed rail on the spatial economy: Evidence for Spain | |
T. Brands; E. van Berkum (University of Twente) | Multi-objective optimization of multimodal transportation networks | |
B. Karimi (University of Illinois); T. Hossein Rashidi (University of Toronto); A. Mohammadian; K. Sturm (University of Illinois) | Inter-shopping duration of maintenance shopping activities of seniors and baby boomers | |
T. Hossein Rashidi; T.S. Mostafa; M.J. Roorda (University of Toronto) | A business establishment fleet ownership model | |
H.Hamaoka (Akita University); M. Sasake (CTI Engineering CO, Ltd, Tokyo) | Analysis of the bicycle space to avoid crossing conflict between bicycles and vehicles at the small intersection | |
W. Brilon (Ruhr-University Bochum) | From theory to practice - Modern freeway traffic analysis | |
M. Blumberg Nitzani; H. Bar-Gery (Ben-Gurion University) | The effect of signalized intersections on dynamic traffic assignment solution stability | |
J.;. Torné; F. Soriguera (Technical University of Catalonia; N. Geroliminis (EPF Lausanne) | Modifications of asymmetric cell transmission model for modeling variable speed limit strategies | |
V.V. Dixit (University of South Wales); V.V. Gayah ( The Pennsylvania State University); S. Ilgin Guler (ETH Zurich) | Relationship between mean and variance of travel time in networks | |
J. Cabrera; P. Bonnel (Université Lumière Lyon 2) | Could we have predicted the increase in urban travel distances observed on the last twenty years using the "old" gravity model of trip distribution? | |
A.R. Mamdoohi; M. Saffarzadeh (Tarbiat Modares University); A. Taherpour; M. Yazdanpanah (Islamic Azad University) | A stated preferrence approach to medeling airport access | |
A. Nuzzolo; A. Comi (Tor Vergate University of Rome) | An aggregate approach for urban delivery tour simulation | |
K. Müller; K.W. Axhausen (ETH Zurich) | Multi-level fitting algorithms for population synthesis | |
C.G. Prato; O. Anker Nielsen (TUD Lyngby) | Value of time variation and socio-economicattributes in car route choice models | |
K. Halldórsdóttir (TUD Lyngsby); N. Rieser-Schüssler; K.W. Axhausen (ETH Zurich); O. Anker Nielsen; C.G. Prato (TUD Lyngsby) | Efficiency of choice set generation methods for bycicle routes | |
N. Rieser-Schüssler (ETH Zurich); M. Rieser (Senozon Zurich); L. Montini; K.W. Axhausen (ETH Zurich) | Time-table based choice set generation for public transport connection choice based on GPS observations | |
O. Cats; H.N. Koutsopoulos (KTH); T. Toledo (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology) | Adaptive path choice decisions in public transport systems: An agent-based assignmrnz model | |
J. Eliasson ( KTH); D. van Amelsfort (WSP Analysis & Strategy, Stockholm); M. Börjesson (KTH); K. Brundell-Freij (WSP Analysis & Strategy, Stockholm); L. Engelson (KTH) | Can transport models predict the effects of congestion charges? | |
A. Samimi (Sharif Universtiy of Technology, Tehran); A. Ermagun (Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran) | How children are accompanied to school? | |
G.M. Ramos (Delft University of Technology); E. Frejinger (KTH); W. Daamen; S.P. Hoogendoorn (Delft University of Technology) | Route choice model estimation in a dynamic network based on GPS data | |
Y. Zeinaly; B. de Schutter; H. Hellendoorn (Delft University of Technology) | An efficient algorithm for line balancing in baggage handling systems | |
S. Freund; H. Bar-Gera (Ben-Gurion University Israel) | An optimization framework for tracvel pattern interpretation of cellular data | |
L. Kheifitis (independent consultant); M. Sorani (AB Plan, Israel); S. Bekhor (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology) | Stability analysis of activity-based models: the case of Tel-Aviv, Israel | |
O. Anker Nielsen (TUD Lyngby) | Simultaneous route and ferry choice in the Danish national model | |
A.L. Vargas; J.A. Valles Romero (Autonomous University of Mexico State) | Environmental analysis of efficiency in the bus rapid transit in Mexico, Brazil and Colombia | |
J. Rich; S. Lindhart Mabit (TUD Lyngby) | Construction and forecasr of synthetic households - Experience from the Danish national model | |
N. Umang; M. Bierlaire (EPF Lausanne) | Large scale robust optimization of bulk port operations | |
a. Samimi; H. Razi-Ardakani (Sharif Universtiy of Technology, Tehran); K. Mohammadian (University of Illinois Chicago) | A decision tree approach to analyze freight mode choice decisions | |
F. Delgado; J.C. Muñoz (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) | Holding for transfers | |
A.H.F. Chow; I. Tsapakis; E. Manley; G. Tanaksaranond; B. Heydecker; T. Chen (University College London); A. Emmonds (Transport for London) | An algorithm for integrating heterogeneous urban traffic data | |
A. Gal-Tzur; N. Eden; D. Mahalel (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology) | Control management of signalized junctions | |
T. Kjaer Rasmussen; O. Anker Nielsen; C.G. Prato (TUD Lyngsby) | Simulation-based generation of route choice sets in large public transport networks | |
A.H. van der Weijde; E.T. Verhoef; V.A.C van den Berg (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) | Competition in multi-modal transport networks with un priced roads: A dynamic approach | |
G.E. Cantarella (Università di Salerno); G. Gentile (Università degli Studi di Roma); P. Velonà (Università di Reggio Calabria) | Uniqueness of stochastic user equilibrium on urban raod networks with realistic volume-delay functions | |
A. Ahmed; P.R. Stopher; S. Greaves (The University of Sydney) | Randomness in day-to-day travel time and its implications for average travel time expenditure | |
I.H. Zohdy; H. Rakha (Virginia Tech) | Moving horizon optimization algorithm for cooperative adaptive cruise control systems at intersections | |
J. Ortigosa; K. Arnet; M. Menendez (ETH Zurich) | Studying the feasibility of a MFD control in Zurich | |
B. Atasoy (EPF Lausanne); M. Salani (IDSIA Lugano); M. Bierlaire (EPF Lausanne) | An integrated schedule planning and revenue management model | |
F. Ramjerdi (Institute of Transport Economics Oslo); J. Knockaert (Free University of Amsterdam); K. Veisten (Institute of Transport Economics Oslo) | The heterogeneity of value of travel time among cyclists and implications in policy appraisal | |
F. Ramjerdi; A. Hasle (Institute of Transport Economics Oslo) | A latent variable model to capture attitudes towards risk and risk perception in the valuation of travel time variability | |
R. Hurtubia (EPF Lausanne); F. Martinez (Universidad de Chile); M. Bierlaire (EPF Lausanne) | Bid-auction framework for simulation of location choice with endogenous real estate prices | |
L. Couto Maia; A. Fidalgo do Couto (Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto) | Developing a strategic network optimization model for freight transportation | |
N. Norte Pinto; A. Pais Antunes (University of Coimbra); J. Roca Cladera (Technical University of Catalonia) | Towards a cellular automata based éand-use transportation model | |
C. J. Hamilton; J. Eliasson: K. Brundell-Freij; K. Kiiskilä; Ch. Raux; S. Souche; J. Tervonen (KTH Stockholm) | Decisive factors pf congestion pricing acceptability | |
S. Mancini (Politecnico di Torino); M. Arnone (Istituto Superiore sui Sistemi Territoriali per l'Innovazione); M.G.H. Bell (Imperial College London) | A mixed-integer linear programming model for container assignment optimization on an intermodal network | |
E. Cascetta; A. Carteni (University of Napoli Federico II) | The value of aesthetics in public transportation: A quantitative analysis of perceived quality for railways travel | |
J. Westin; P. Basck; J.P. Franklin; S. Proost; Ch. Raux (KTH Stockholm) | Achieving political acceptability for new transport infrastructure in congested urban regions | |
S. L. Mabit; E. Cherchi; A. F. Jensen (TU Denmark); J. Jordal-Jørgensen (Cowi A/S) | Hybrid choice modelling allowing for reference-dependent preferences: The case of alternative-fuel vehicles in Denmark | |
J. Holmgren (Blekinge Institute of Technology(; P.O. Lindberg (KTH Stockholm) | Upright Stiff-Improved conjugate Frank-Wolfe methods through subproblem solution updating | |
P.O. Lindberg (KTH Stockholm) | Random utility invariance revisited | |
J.P. Pita; A.P. Antunes (University of Coimbra) | Air transport network design for low-demand regions: An optimization-based approach | |
P. Anderson: A. Owen; D. Levinson | The time between: Continuously-defined accessibility functions for schedule-based transportation systems | |
T. Iryo; H. Shintaku; S. Senoo (Kobe University) | Experimental study of spatial searching behaviour of travellers in pedestrian networks | |
A. Dimitropoulos; P. Rietveld; J.N. van Ommeren (VU University Amsterdam) | Changing propulsion system and refuelling patterns: Company car driver's preferences for electric cars | |
S. Manzo; O.A. Nielsen; C.G. Prato (TU Denmark) | Investigating uncertainty in transport modelling: A four-stage model case study | |
V. Trozzi (imperial College London); G. Gentile (Università La Sapienza Rome); I. Kaparias (City University London); M.G.H.Bell (Sydney University) | Dynamic user equilibrium hyperpaths in bus networks with passenger queues at stops | |
F. van Wageningen-Kessels; H. van Lint; K. Vuik; S. Hoogendoorn (Delft University of Technology) | Assessment of multi class kinematic wave models | |
T. Miyagi; G.C. Peque Jr (Tohoku University) | Traffic games with incomplete travel information | |
H. Le Cadre; C. Auliac (CEA LIST France) | Sensor information learning: Statistical learning approaches | |
T. Dewilde (University of Leuven); P. Sels (Logistically Yours, Deurne); D. Cattrysse (Infrabel, Belgium); P. Vansteenwegen (Ghent University) | The impact of Platform optimization in train routing problems | |
V.L. Knoop; H. van Lint; S. Hoogendoorn (Delft University of technology) | Traffic network guidance using area accumulation and spatial variation in density | |
I. Tsapakis; B.G. Heydecker (University College London) | Exploring macroscopic fundamental diagrams for the transportation network in central London | |
F. Liao; T. Arentze; H. Timmermans (Eindhoven University of Technology) | An improved supernetwork approach modelling the effects of park-and-ride | |
R. Horiguchi; M. Iijima; M. Kobayashi; H. Hanabusa (i-Transport Lab Co, Ltd, Tokyo) | Incident detection for the surface street network with the mesh-wised traffic indices on the macroscopic fundamental diagram | |
E-S. Smits; A. Pel; B. van Arem (Delft University of Technology) | A multi-class macroscopic intersection model | |
A. Glerum; M. Bierlaire (EPFL Lausanne) | An enhanced measurement model of perception of comfort in public transportation | |
W. Huang; F. Vitti; B. Immers; C.M.J. Tampère (KU Leuven) | Day-to-day dynamic route choice and signal control in traffic networks | |
B.J. Vittins; K.W. Axhausen (ETHZ Zurich) | Shape grammars for intersections in urban network design | |
D. Jorge; G. Correia (University of Coimbra); C. Barnhart (MIT Cambridge) | Comparing optimal relocation operations with simulated relocation policies in one-way carsharing systems | |
M.G. Santos; A.P. Antunes (University of Coimbra) | Long-term developments of the German main airport network: An integrated planning approach | |
T. Kusakabe; Y. Asakura (Tokyo Institute of Technology) | Estimation method of trip purpose from Smart card data: Data fusion approach | |
J.M. Salanova Grau (Hellenic Institute of Transport); M. Estrada Romeu (Technical University of Catalonia) | A mathematical approach to the modeling of taxi services | |
D. Chen (GeorgiaTech); S. Ahn (Arizona State University); Z. Zheng (Queensland University of Technology); J. Laval (GeorgiaTech) | Traffic hysteresis and the evolution of stop-and-go oscillations | |
Ch. Villalobos; R. Giesen; J.C. Muñoz (Universidad Católica de Chile) | Inter-city bus schedule planning: An integrated model for bus scheduling and routing with no passenger transfers | |
E. van der Hurk (Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University); G. Maróti (Netherland Railways, Utrecht); L. Kroon; P. Vervest (Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University) | A dynamic model for short term forecast of passenger flows | |
X. Xie (Université de Lyon); N. Chiabaut (IFSTTAR/ENTPE); L. Leclercq (LICIT France) | Multimodal level of service for urban streets: cross-comparison of estimation methods | |
B.F. Santos; A.P. Antunes; M. Santos (University of Coimbra) | Sustainable interurban road network planning through a multi-objective approach | |
A. Stathopoulos; A. Glerum; M. Thémans; M. Bierlaire (EPFL Lausanne) | Dynamic vehicle ownership forecasting: advances in modeling inter-temporal choice | |
G. van Eck; R. van Nes (Delft University of Technology) | Dynamic assessment of large scale multimodal transport systems | |
M. Dell'Amico; S. Hadjidimitriou; M. Iori (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) | Study of driver behaviour and impact of navigation devices on route choice | |
G:A: Klunder; H. Taale (Delft University of Technology) | The relation between data quality and traffic management investigated for a simple route choice model | |
A. Danalet; M. Bierlaire; B. Farooq (EPFL Lausanne) | Probabilistic pedestrian OD matrix based on digital footprints | |
J.S. Carreira; B.F. Santos (University of Coimbra); S. Limbourg (University of Liege) | The sensitivity of optimal rail-road terminal locations to intermodal freight costs variations | |
I. Stamos; E. Mitsakis (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas) | Dynamic capacity allocation | |
L. Makarem; D. Gillet (EPFL Lausanne) | Information sharing among autonomous vehicles crossing an intersection | |
T.R. Pedersen; O.A, Nielsen (DTU Denmark) | Optimization of road pricing using heuristics | |
C. Petamidis; E. Nathanail; M. Tsami (University of Thessaly) | Innovative modeling for assessing driver behavior towards informaiton provision: A comparison between neutral networks and discrete modeling in route choice | |
F. Delgado; J.C. Muñoz; R. Giesen (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) | An integrated real time transit signal priority control for high frequency transit services | |
A. Karlström; D. Jonsson; M. Fadaei Oshyani; P. Olsson (KTH Stockholm) | Reconciling user benefit and time-geographical based individual accessibility measures | |
J.A.Laval (GeorgiaTech); L. Leclercq (LICIT University of Lyon) | The Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equation and the three representations of traffic flow | |
Ch. Raux; T-Y Ma; R. Lemoy (CNRS and University of Lyon) | Investigating land-use and transport interaction with an agent-based model | |
R. Apriliyanto Halim; L.A. Tavasszy (Delft University of Technology) | A multi-level modeling framework for global freight transportation | |
T.S. Mostafa; M. Roorda (University of Toronto) | An object oriented model of business establishments and inter-business relationships | |
Q. Wang; ;. Sundberg; A. Karlström (KTH Stockholm) | On the valuation of travel time variability, and longer travel times than expected | |
J. Damay; F. Sourd (SNCF Paris) | Railway transportation planning optimization | |
S. Raveau (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile); Z. Guo (New York University); J. C. Muñoz (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile); N.H.M. Wilson (MIT Cambridge) | Analysing route choice decisions on metro networks | |
C. Osorio; H. Bidkhori (MIT Cambridge) | Using probabilistic information from macroscopic traffic models to derive computationally efficient simulation-based optimization algorithms | |
B.A. Davis; M.A. Figliozzi ( Portland State University) | A methodology to evaluate the logistical competitiveness of elerctric trucks in the LTL delivery industry | |
L. de Grange (Diego Portales University); S. Raveau (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile); F. González (Diego Portales University) | A fixed-point route choice model for route correlation | |
J. Argote; E. Christofa; A. Skabardonis (University of California Berkeley) | Arterial queue spillback control based on connected vehicle technology | |
C. Osorio (MIT Cambridge); G. Flötteröd (KTH Stockholm) | Capturing dependency among link boundaries in a stochastic netwotk loading model | |
S. Agrawal; G.R. Patil (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay) | Modelling pedestrian flow using cellular automata | |
J-D. Schmöcker (Kyoto University); T. Hatori (Ehime University); D. Watling (University of Leeds) | Dynamic process model of mass effects in travel demand forecasting | |
T-Y Ma (CNRS University of Lyon) | Computational study of path-based cross entropy method for solving simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment problem | |
E.J. Gonzales (Rutgers University); E. Christofa (University of California Berkeley) | Bottleneck congestion with a constant and peak toll: San Francsico - Oakland Bay bridge | |
S.V. Ukkusuri; X. Zhan; S. Hasan (Purdue University) | Exploring urban human activitiy patterns using large-scale location sharing service data | |
J. Urata (Pacific Consultants CO, LTd, Tokyo); E. Hato (The Tokyo University) | Modeling the cooperative behaviors for the evacuations between the residents. With the case study of the heavy rain disaster | |
M. Forgerau (TUD Denmark; Centre for Transport Studies, Sweden; Ecole Normale Supérieure France); K. Small (University of California; Resources for the Future Washington DC) | Endogenous scheduling preferences and gongestion | |
U. Kanturska; V. Trozzi; M.G.H. Bell (Imperial College London) | Optimal routing and departure time choice for just-in-time deliveries in time-dependent networks with random delays | |
M. Abera Abate (TUD Denmark) | The optimal shipment size and truck size choice explanation and implications of the allocation of truck across hauls | |
A. Mazloumian (ETHZ Zurich) | An extended fluid-dynamic model for urban-scale traffic analysis | |
M. Saberi; A. Zockaie K; H.S. Mahmassani (Northwestern University Evanston) | Network capacity, traffic instability, and adaptive driving: Findings from simulated network experiments | |
E. Ballot (Mines Paris Tech); B. Montreuil (University laval Québec) | Analysis of the physical Internet vs. supply chains | |
K.G. Zografos; K.N. Androutsopoulos (Athens University of Economics and Business) | Models and algorithms for solving the multi-criteria itinerary planning problem on International multimodal transportation networks | |
F. Mikiki; P. Papaioannou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) | Attitudinal approaches in travel behavior research combining quantitative and qualitative methods |