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Latsis symposium 2012: 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems, September 4-8, 2012

Venue: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Organization: Prof. Nikolas Geroliminis, Prof. Michel Bierlaire

List of abstracts

M. Gallo (Universita degli Studi del Sannio); L. D'Acierno; B. Montella (Universita degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II")

Optimising investments on urban bus networks: an elastic demand model


S. Matsumoto (Keio University Yokohama); T. Park (Asahikawa Medical University); H. Kawashima (Keio University Yokohama)

A study of fuel consumption reduction effect of eco-driving


G. Guex (University of Lausanne)

A proposition of algorithm for modeling air traffic and road networks


M. Saffarzadeh; B. Mirbaha (Tarbiat Modares University and Parseh Transportation Research Institute)

Economical evaluation of constructions urban transportation infrastructures in congested corridors (Case study: SADR highway)


J.H.R. van Duin, N. Anand, L.A. Tavasszy

Urban Consolidation Centre: Evaluation of supportive police measures with agent based modelling


B. Mirbaha; M. Saggarzadeh; S. Seyedabrishami (Tarbiat Modares University)

A route guidance model based on system optimality level and deterministic route choice behavior


H. Repolho (EPFL); A. Antunes (University of Coimbra); R. Church (University of California Santa Barbara)

High speed rail planning - a combined strategic model with supporting tactical model components


B. Kickhöfer; K. Nagel ( Technische Universität Berlin)

Towards high-resolution first-best air pollution tolls: An evaluation of regulatory policies and a discussion on long-term user reactions


I. Kaddoura; B. Kickhöfer; A. Neumann (Technische Universität Berlin); A. Tirachini (The University of Sydney)

Public transport supply potimization in a activity-based model: Impacts of activity scheduling decisions and dynamic congestion


Ch. Ho; C. Mulley (The University of Sydney Business School); K. Shaz (Bureau of Transport Statistics, New South Wales)

Data inconsistencies detection and correction: an application to identifying joint household travel from the household travel survey


D. Efthymiou; C. Antoniou (National Technical University of Athens)

How does transport infrastructure affect dwelling prices in Athens?


R. Corthout (KU Leuven); G. Flötteröd (KTH); F. Vitti; Ch. Tampère (KU Leuven)

Solution non-uniqueness of intersection models for first-order macroscopic dynamic network loading


D. J. Graham (Imperial College London)

Semiparametric double-robust estimation for continuous effects: an application for road traffic accident analysis


P. C. Melo; D. J. Graham; R. Brage-Ardao (Imperial College London)

The productivity of transport infrastructure investment: A meta-analysis of empirical evidence


K. Kittanová; M. Krbálek (Czech Technical University Prague)

Empirical study of multi-headways in vehicular traffic


D. Ngoduy (The University of Leeds)

Unscented Kalman filter for freeway traffic state estimation using multiple data sources


S. I. Mohammad; D. J. Graham; P.C. Melo; R. J. Anderson (Imperial College London)

A meta-analysis of the impact of rail projects on land and property values


S. I. Mohammad; D. J. Graham; P.C. Melo (Imperial College London)

Impact of data structure on difference-in-differences methods - A case study using Dubai metro effects on land/property values


L. Der-Hong; L. Siyu (National University of Singapore)

An activity-based analysis of Singapore household travel survey of 2008


Ch. Ho; C. Mulley (The University of Sydney Business School); K. Shaz (Bureau of Transport Statistics, New South Wales)

Multiple purposes at single destination: a key to a better understanding of the relationship between tour complexity and mode choice


M. Haberl; R. Neuhold; M. Cik; M. Fellendorf (Graz University of Technology)

Trip generation and distribution of leisure traffic: A case study in Austria


M. Ferrando: F. Papa; N. Sacco (University of Genoa)

On monitoring landslides around transportation infrastructures


J. Y. T. Wang; M. Ehrgott (The University of Auckland)

Congestion and vehicle emission pricing with a bilevel bi-objective optimization model


J. Fu ( KTH)

A microscopic simulation model for earthmoving operations


S-W. Chiou (National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan)

A risk-averse user equilibrium model for area traffic control road networks


Y. Otashiro; M. Kuwahara (Tohoku University); K. Tang (Tongji University)

All.red time design accounting for the interaction between the clearing vehicle and the entering vehicle


A. Karlström; M. Sundberg; M. Fadaei Oshyani (KTH)

Estimating flexible route choice models using sparse data


D.A. Giménez; A. Salgueiro Narciso Riveiro (University of Coimbra); J. Gutierrez Puebla (Complutense University of Madrid); A. Pais Antunes (University of Coimbra)

Optimal location of battery electric vehicle charging stations in urban areas: a new approach


W. Huang; M. Fellendorf (Graz University of Technology)

Social force basedf model for traffic simulation


T.W. Nicolai; K. Nagel (TU Berlin)

Coupling transport and land-use: Investigating accessibility indicators for feedback from a travel to a land use model


T. Emmanouilidis; F. Bavaud (UNIL)

Analysis of the pedestrian network of Lausanne: Eccentricity, accessibility and partitionning


Y. Wang; B. De Schutter; T.J.J. van den Boom (Delft University of Technology); B. Ning (Beijing Jiaotong University)

Optimal trajectory planning for trains under operational constraints using mixed integer linear programming


A. Bazzani; M. Marchioni; S. Rambaldi (University of Bologna)

Towards data-driven models for traffic congestion in urban raod-networks


Q. Ge; M. Menendez (ETH Zurich)

A simulation study of the car-to-X communicate based merge traffic control in freeway work zone


J. Barthelemy; L. Hollaert; Ph. Toint (FUNDP - University of Namur)

Virtual Belgium: a simulaiton platform for the Belgian population


P. Delle Site; F. Filippi; M. V. Salucci (University of Rome La Sapienza)

On the use of entropy for the estimation of vehicle OD matrices within urban commodity-based models


D. Fearing (harvard Business School Boston); I. Kash (Microsoft Research Cambridge UK)

Managing air traffic disruption through strategic prioritization


W. Huang; M. Fellendorf (Graz University of Technology)

Enhanced cell transmission model for urban roads


V.V. Gayah ( The Pennsylvania State University); V.V. Dixit (University of South Wales)

Using mobile vehicle probes to estimate network-wide traffic conditions


F. He; D. Wu; Y. Yin ; Y. Guan (University of Florida)

Optimal deployment of public charging stations for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles


G. Sahin; A. Cetin Suyabatmaz (Sabanci University Istanbul)

Tactical crew planning with connectivity considerations in pairings


T. Oguchi (University of Tokyo); T. Yamaguchi (Central Nippon Highway Engineering Tokyo Co); H. Oneyama (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

Empirical evaluation of the lost time in the inter-green period before protected right-turn after permitted phase


Y. Shiomi (Ritsumeikan University); T. Hanamori; N. Uno; H. Shimamoto (Kyoto University)

Modeling traffic flow dominated by motorcycles based on discrete choice approach


O. Perederieieva; J.Y.T. Wang; M. Ehrgott (The University od Auckland)

Solving bi-objective traffic equilibrium based on time surplus maximisation


D-H. Lee; L. Sun (Natinal University of Singapore); A. Erath (Singapore ETH Centre for Global Environment Sustainability Singapore)

Determining optimal control stop to improve bus services reliability


H. Oneyama (Tokyo Metropolitan University); T. Oguchi (The Univsersity of Tokyo); S. Shikata (Tokyo Metropolitan University); H. Warita (Metropolitan Expressway Company Limited)

Empirical analysis of ramp preference in the case of accidents on the Metropolitan Expressway


H. Yaginuma (Highway Planning Inc. Tokyo); T. Adachi (West Nippon Expressway Company Ltd Osaka)

Empirical studies on massive data operation for route choice and travel information


A. Di Febbraro; N. Sacco (University of Genoa)

Stability of equilibrium in transportation systems: A dynamic switching system point of view


M. Burger; B. De Schutter; H. Hellendoorn (Delft University of Technology)

An improved method for solving micro-ferry scheduling problems


M.P. Lineares; J. Barcelo (Technical University od Catalonia Barcelona Tech)

Comparison of path flow reassignment ethods for dynamic user equilibrium traffix assignment based on mesoscopic simulation


M. Fosgerau (Denmark Technical University); L. Engelson; J. Frankln (KTH)

Endogenous scheduling and the cost of travel time variability


B. Ponnu; R. Puvvala; S.S. Arkatkar (Birla Institute od Technology & Sciences Pilani)

Characteristics of freeway bottelnecks operating at capacity


N. Mallig; T. Streit; P. Vortisch (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Calibrating VISSIM's acceleration charasteristics for vehicles starting from rest


R. Liu; A. Whiteing; A. Koh (University of Leeds)

A model of fault tolerance applied train operations at a classic railway junction


M. Hajiahmadi; B. De Schutter; H. Hellendoorn (Delft University of Technology)

Control of traffic networks using the link transmission model and mixed integer linear programming


T. Dekker; S. Hess; A. Daly (University of Leeds)

Hybrid choice models, structure,, identification and estimation


E. Madsen; I. Mulalic; N. Pilegaard (DTU Lyngby)

Regulation on-street parking - evidence from Danish data


S. Canavan; D.J. Graham; P.C. Melo; R.J. Anderson (Imperial College London)

Identifying the main drivers of technical efficiency of urban metro systems using stochastic frontier techniques


Y. Takayama; T. Yoshii (Ehime University Matsuyama)

Transport market structure effect on economic geography


K. Wada; T. Akamatsu; M. Osawa (Tohoku University Sendai)

A control strategy to prevent propagating delays in high-frequence railway systems


S. Schmidt; B. Friedrich (Technische Universität Braunschweig)

A new dynamic traffic management method using V2X-communication


S.C. Calvert (Delft University of Technology and TNO Delft); H. Taale (Delft University of Technology and Rijkswaterstraat & TrafficQuest); M. Snelder (Delft University of Technology and TNO Delft); S.P. Hogendoorn (Delft University of Technology)

Improving probabilistic traffic modelling through advanced sampling


A. Khudenko; P.R. Drake (University of Liverpool)

Assessing and managing investments into  infrasctucture mega-projects in developing countries: A novel methodology


A. Daly; T. Dekker; S. Hess (Univerity of Leeds)

Sampling of alternatives for spatial choice modelling


M. Park; K. Jang; H. Yeo (KAIST Yuseong)

Relationships between discretionary lane-changing and traffic conditions


S. Flügel (Norvegian University of Life Sciences); A.H. Halse (Institute of Transport Economics Oslo); J. de Dios Ortúzar; L. Rizzi (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)

Forecasting ridership for a new mode using binary stated choice data - methodological challenges in studying the demand for high-speed rail in Norway


P.C. Melo; D.J. Graham; R. Brague-Ardao (Imperial College London)

Measuring the impact of high-speed rail on the spatial economy: Evidence for Spain


T. Brands; E. van Berkum (University of Twente)

Multi-objective optimization of multimodal transportation networks


B. Karimi (University of Illinois); T. Hossein Rashidi (University of Toronto); A. Mohammadian; K. Sturm (University of Illinois)

Inter-shopping duration of maintenance shopping activities of seniors and baby boomers


T. Hossein Rashidi; T.S. Mostafa; M.J. Roorda (University of Toronto)

A business establishment fleet ownership model


H.Hamaoka (Akita University); M. Sasake (CTI Engineering CO, Ltd, Tokyo)

Analysis of the bicycle space to avoid crossing conflict between bicycles and vehicles at the small intersection


W. Brilon (Ruhr-University Bochum)

From theory to practice - Modern freeway traffic analysis


M. Blumberg Nitzani; H. Bar-Gery (Ben-Gurion University)

The effect of signalized intersections on dynamic traffic assignment solution stability


J.;. Torné; F. Soriguera (Technical University of Catalonia; N. Geroliminis (EPF Lausanne)

Modifications of asymmetric cell transmission model for modeling variable speed limit strategies


V.V. Dixit (University of South Wales); V.V. Gayah ( The Pennsylvania State University); S. Ilgin Guler (ETH Zurich)

Relationship between mean and variance of travel time in networks


J. Cabrera; P. Bonnel (Université Lumière Lyon 2)

Could we have predicted the increase in urban travel distances observed on the last twenty years using the "old" gravity model of trip distribution?


A.R. Mamdoohi; M. Saffarzadeh (Tarbiat Modares University); A. Taherpour; M. Yazdanpanah (Islamic Azad University)

A stated preferrence approach to medeling airport access


A. Nuzzolo; A. Comi (Tor Vergate University of Rome)

An aggregate approach for urban delivery tour simulation


K. Müller; K.W. Axhausen (ETH Zurich)

Multi-level fitting algorithms for population synthesis


C.G. Prato; O. Anker Nielsen (TUD Lyngby)

Value of time variation and socio-economicattributes in car route choice models


K. Halldórsdóttir (TUD Lyngsby); N. Rieser-Schüssler; K.W. Axhausen (ETH Zurich); O. Anker Nielsen; C.G. Prato (TUD Lyngsby)

Efficiency of choice set generation methods for bycicle routes


N. Rieser-Schüssler (ETH Zurich); M. Rieser (Senozon Zurich); L. Montini; K.W. Axhausen (ETH Zurich)

Time-table based choice set generation for public transport connection choice based on GPS observations


O. Cats; H.N. Koutsopoulos (KTH); T. Toledo (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology)

Adaptive path choice decisions in public transport systems: An agent-based assignmrnz model


J. Eliasson ( KTH); D. van Amelsfort (WSP Analysis & Strategy, Stockholm); M. Börjesson (KTH); K. Brundell-Freij (WSP Analysis & Strategy, Stockholm); L. Engelson (KTH)

Can transport models predict the effects of congestion charges?


A. Samimi (Sharif Universtiy of Technology, Tehran); A. Ermagun (Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran)

How children are accompanied to school?


G.M. Ramos (Delft University of Technology); E. Frejinger (KTH); W. Daamen; S.P. Hoogendoorn (Delft University of Technology)

Route choice model estimation in a dynamic network based on GPS data


Y. Zeinaly; B. de Schutter; H. Hellendoorn (Delft University of Technology)

An efficient algorithm for line balancing in baggage handling systems


S. Freund; H. Bar-Gera (Ben-Gurion University Israel)

An optimization framework for tracvel pattern interpretation of cellular data


L. Kheifitis (independent consultant); M. Sorani (AB Plan, Israel); S. Bekhor (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology)

Stability analysis of activity-based models: the case of Tel-Aviv, Israel


O. Anker Nielsen (TUD Lyngby)

Simultaneous route and ferry choice in the Danish national model


A.L. Vargas; J.A. Valles Romero (Autonomous University of Mexico State)

Environmental analysis of efficiency in the bus rapid transit in Mexico, Brazil and Colombia


J. Rich; S. Lindhart Mabit (TUD Lyngby)

Construction and forecasr of synthetic households - Experience from the Danish national model


N. Umang; M. Bierlaire (EPF Lausanne)

Large scale robust optimization of bulk port operations


a. Samimi; H. Razi-Ardakani (Sharif Universtiy of Technology, Tehran); K. Mohammadian (University of Illinois Chicago)

A decision tree approach to analyze freight mode choice decisions


F. Delgado; J.C. Muñoz (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)

Holding for transfers


A.H.F. Chow; I. Tsapakis; E. Manley; G. Tanaksaranond; B. Heydecker; T. Chen (University College London); A. Emmonds (Transport for London)

An algorithm for integrating heterogeneous urban traffic data


A. Gal-Tzur; N. Eden; D. Mahalel (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology)

Control management of signalized junctions


T. Kjaer Rasmussen; O. Anker Nielsen; C.G. Prato (TUD Lyngsby)

Simulation-based generation of route choice sets in large public transport networks


A.H. van der Weijde; E.T. Verhoef; V.A.C van den Berg (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Competition in multi-modal transport networks with un priced roads: A dynamic approach


G.E. Cantarella (Università di Salerno); G. Gentile (Università degli Studi di Roma); P. Velonà (Università di Reggio Calabria)

Uniqueness of stochastic user equilibrium on urban raod networks with realistic volume-delay functions


A. Ahmed; P.R. Stopher; S. Greaves (The University of Sydney)

Randomness in day-to-day travel time and its implications for average travel time expenditure


I.H. Zohdy; H. Rakha (Virginia Tech)

Moving horizon optimization algorithm for cooperative adaptive cruise control systems at intersections


J. Ortigosa; K. Arnet; M. Menendez (ETH Zurich)

Studying the feasibility of a MFD control in Zurich


B. Atasoy (EPF Lausanne); M. Salani (IDSIA Lugano); M. Bierlaire (EPF Lausanne)

An integrated schedule planning and revenue management model


F. Ramjerdi (Institute of Transport Economics Oslo); J. Knockaert (Free University of Amsterdam); K. Veisten (Institute of Transport Economics Oslo)

The heterogeneity of value of travel time among cyclists and implications in policy appraisal


F. Ramjerdi; A. Hasle (Institute of Transport Economics Oslo)

A latent variable model to capture attitudes towards risk and risk perception in the valuation of travel time variability


R. Hurtubia (EPF Lausanne); F. Martinez (Universidad de Chile); M. Bierlaire (EPF Lausanne)

Bid-auction framework for simulation of location choice with endogenous real estate prices


L. Couto Maia; A. Fidalgo do Couto (Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto)

Developing a strategic network optimization model for freight transportation


N. Norte Pinto; A. Pais Antunes (University of Coimbra); J. Roca Cladera (Technical University of Catalonia)

Towards a cellular automata based éand-use transportation model


C. J. Hamilton; J. Eliasson: K. Brundell-Freij; K. Kiiskilä; Ch. Raux; S. Souche; J. Tervonen (KTH Stockholm)

Decisive factors pf congestion pricing acceptability


S. Mancini (Politecnico di Torino); M. Arnone (Istituto Superiore sui Sistemi Territoriali per l'Innovazione); M.G.H. Bell (Imperial College London)

A mixed-integer linear programming model for container assignment optimization on an intermodal network


E. Cascetta; A. Carteni (University of Napoli Federico II)

The value of aesthetics in public transportation: A quantitative analysis of perceived quality for railways travel


J. Westin; P. Basck; J.P. Franklin; S. Proost; Ch. Raux (KTH Stockholm)

Achieving political acceptability for new transport infrastructure in congested urban regions


S. L. Mabit; E. Cherchi; A. F. Jensen (TU Denmark); J. Jordal-Jørgensen (Cowi A/S)

Hybrid choice modelling allowing for reference-dependent preferences: The case of alternative-fuel vehicles in Denmark


J. Holmgren (Blekinge Institute of Technology(; P.O. Lindberg (KTH Stockholm)

Upright Stiff-Improved conjugate Frank-Wolfe methods through subproblem solution updating


P.O. Lindberg (KTH Stockholm)

Random utility invariance revisited


J.P. Pita; A.P. Antunes (University of Coimbra)

Air transport network design for low-demand regions: An optimization-based approach


P. Anderson: A. Owen; D. Levinson

The time between: Continuously-defined accessibility functions for schedule-based transportation systems


T. Iryo; H. Shintaku; S. Senoo (Kobe University)

Experimental study of spatial searching behaviour of travellers in pedestrian networks


A. Dimitropoulos; P. Rietveld; J.N. van Ommeren (VU University Amsterdam)

Changing propulsion system and refuelling patterns: Company car driver's preferences for electric cars


S. Manzo; O.A. Nielsen; C.G. Prato (TU Denmark)

Investigating uncertainty in transport modelling: A four-stage model case study


V. Trozzi (imperial College London); G. Gentile (Università La Sapienza Rome); I. Kaparias (City University London); M.G.H.Bell (Sydney University)

Dynamic user equilibrium hyperpaths in bus networks with passenger queues at stops


F. van Wageningen-Kessels; H. van Lint; K. Vuik; S. Hoogendoorn (Delft University of Technology)

Assessment of multi class kinematic wave models


T. Miyagi; G.C. Peque Jr (Tohoku University)

Traffic games with incomplete travel information


H. Le Cadre; C. Auliac (CEA LIST France)

Sensor information learning: Statistical learning approaches


T. Dewilde (University of Leuven); P. Sels (Logistically Yours, Deurne); D. Cattrysse (Infrabel, Belgium); P. Vansteenwegen (Ghent University)

The impact of Platform optimization in train routing problems


V.L. Knoop; H. van Lint; S. Hoogendoorn (Delft University of technology)

Traffic network guidance using area accumulation and spatial variation in density


I. Tsapakis; B.G. Heydecker (University College London)

Exploring macroscopic fundamental diagrams for the transportation network in central London


F. Liao; T. Arentze; H. Timmermans (Eindhoven University of Technology)

An improved supernetwork approach modelling the effects of park-and-ride


R. Horiguchi; M. Iijima; M. Kobayashi; H. Hanabusa (i-Transport Lab Co, Ltd, Tokyo)

Incident detection for the surface street network with the mesh-wised traffic indices on the macroscopic fundamental diagram


E-S. Smits; A. Pel; B. van Arem (Delft University of Technology)

A multi-class macroscopic intersection model


A. Glerum; M. Bierlaire (EPFL Lausanne)

An enhanced measurement model of perception of comfort in public transportation


W. Huang; F. Vitti; B. Immers; C.M.J. Tampère (KU Leuven)

Day-to-day dynamic route choice and signal control in traffic networks


B.J. Vittins; K.W. Axhausen (ETHZ Zurich)

Shape grammars for intersections in urban network design


D. Jorge; G. Correia (University of Coimbra); C. Barnhart (MIT Cambridge)

Comparing optimal relocation operations with simulated relocation policies in one-way carsharing systems


M.G. Santos; A.P. Antunes (University of Coimbra)

Long-term developments of the German main airport network: An integrated planning approach


T. Kusakabe; Y. Asakura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Estimation method of trip purpose from Smart card data: Data fusion approach


J.M. Salanova Grau (Hellenic Institute of Transport); M. Estrada Romeu (Technical University of Catalonia)

A mathematical approach to the modeling of taxi services


D. Chen (GeorgiaTech); S. Ahn (Arizona State University); Z. Zheng (Queensland University of Technology); J. Laval (GeorgiaTech)

Traffic hysteresis and the evolution of stop-and-go oscillations


Ch. Villalobos; R. Giesen; J.C. Muñoz (Universidad Católica de Chile)

Inter-city bus schedule planning: An integrated model for bus scheduling and routing with no passenger transfers


E. van der Hurk (Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University); G. Maróti (Netherland Railways, Utrecht); L. Kroon; P. Vervest (Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University)

A dynamic model for short term forecast of passenger flows


X. Xie (Université de Lyon); N. Chiabaut (IFSTTAR/ENTPE); L. Leclercq (LICIT France)

Multimodal level of service for urban streets: cross-comparison of estimation methods


B.F. Santos; A.P. Antunes; M. Santos (University of Coimbra)

Sustainable interurban road network planning through a multi-objective approach


A. Stathopoulos; A. Glerum; M. Thémans; M. Bierlaire (EPFL Lausanne)

Dynamic vehicle ownership forecasting: advances in modeling inter-temporal choice


G. van Eck; R. van Nes (Delft University of Technology)

Dynamic assessment of large scale multimodal transport systems


M. Dell'Amico; S. Hadjidimitriou; M. Iori (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

Study of driver behaviour and impact of navigation devices on route choice


G:A: Klunder; H. Taale (Delft University of Technology)

The relation between data quality and traffic management investigated for a simple route choice model


A. Danalet; M. Bierlaire; B. Farooq (EPFL Lausanne)

Probabilistic pedestrian OD matrix based on digital footprints


J.S. Carreira; B.F. Santos (University of Coimbra); S. Limbourg (University of Liege)

The sensitivity of optimal rail-road terminal locations to intermodal freight costs variations


I. Stamos; E. Mitsakis (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas)

Dynamic capacity allocation


L. Makarem; D. Gillet (EPFL Lausanne)

Information sharing among autonomous vehicles crossing an intersection


T.R. Pedersen; O.A, Nielsen (DTU Denmark)

Optimization of road pricing using heuristics


C. Petamidis; E. Nathanail; M. Tsami (University of Thessaly)

Innovative modeling for assessing driver behavior towards informaiton provision: A comparison between neutral networks and discrete modeling in route choice


F. Delgado; J.C. Muñoz; R. Giesen (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)

An integrated real time transit signal priority control for high frequency transit services


A. Karlström; D. Jonsson; M. Fadaei Oshyani; P. Olsson (KTH Stockholm)

Reconciling user benefit and time-geographical based individual accessibility measures


J.A.Laval (GeorgiaTech); L. Leclercq (LICIT University of Lyon)

The Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equation and the three representations of traffic flow


Ch. Raux; T-Y Ma; R. Lemoy (CNRS and University of Lyon)

Investigating land-use and transport interaction with an agent-based model


R. Apriliyanto Halim; L.A. Tavasszy (Delft University of Technology)

A multi-level modeling framework for global freight transportation


T.S. Mostafa; M. Roorda (University of Toronto)

An object oriented model of business establishments and inter-business relationships


Q. Wang; ;. Sundberg; A. Karlström (KTH Stockholm)

On the valuation of travel time variability, and longer travel times than expected


J. Damay; F. Sourd (SNCF Paris)

Railway transportation planning optimization


S. Raveau (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile); Z. Guo (New York University); J. C. Muñoz (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile); N.H.M. Wilson (MIT Cambridge)

Analysing route choice decisions on metro networks


C. Osorio; H. Bidkhori (MIT Cambridge)

Using probabilistic information from macroscopic traffic models to derive computationally efficient simulation-based optimization algorithms


B.A. Davis; M.A. Figliozzi ( Portland State University)

A methodology to evaluate the logistical competitiveness of elerctric trucks in the LTL delivery industry


L. de Grange (Diego Portales University); S. Raveau (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile); F. González (Diego Portales University)

A fixed-point route choice model for route correlation


J. Argote; E. Christofa; A. Skabardonis (University of California Berkeley)

Arterial queue spillback control based on connected vehicle technology


C. Osorio (MIT Cambridge); G. Flötteröd (KTH Stockholm)

Capturing dependency among link boundaries in a stochastic netwotk loading model


S. Agrawal; G.R. Patil (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Modelling pedestrian flow using cellular automata


J-D. Schmöcker (Kyoto University); T. Hatori (Ehime University); D. Watling (University of Leeds)

Dynamic process model of mass effects in travel demand forecasting


T-Y Ma (CNRS University of Lyon)

Computational study of path-based cross entropy method for solving simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment problem


E.J. Gonzales (Rutgers University); E. Christofa (University of California Berkeley)

Bottleneck congestion with a constant and peak toll: San Francsico - Oakland Bay bridge


S.V. Ukkusuri; X. Zhan; S. Hasan (Purdue University)

Exploring urban human activitiy patterns using large-scale location sharing service data


J. Urata (Pacific Consultants CO, LTd, Tokyo); E. Hato (The Tokyo University)

Modeling the cooperative behaviors for the evacuations between the residents. With the case study of the heavy rain disaster


M. Forgerau (TUD Denmark; Centre for Transport Studies, Sweden; Ecole Normale Supérieure France); K. Small (University of California; Resources for the Future Washington DC)

Endogenous scheduling preferences and gongestion


U. Kanturska; V. Trozzi; M.G.H. Bell (Imperial College London)

Optimal routing and departure time choice for just-in-time deliveries in time-dependent networks with random delays


M. Abera Abate (TUD Denmark)

The optimal shipment size and truck size choice explanation and implications of the allocation of truck across hauls


A. Mazloumian (ETHZ Zurich)

An extended fluid-dynamic model for urban-scale traffic analysis


M. Saberi; A. Zockaie K; H.S. Mahmassani (Northwestern University Evanston)

Network capacity, traffic instability, and adaptive driving: Findings from simulated network experiments


E. Ballot (Mines Paris Tech); B. Montreuil (University laval Québec)

Analysis of the physical Internet vs. supply chains


K.G. Zografos; K.N. Androutsopoulos (Athens University of Economics and Business)

Models and algorithms for solving the multi-criteria itinerary planning problem on International multimodal transportation networks


F. Mikiki; P. Papaioannou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Attitudinal approaches in travel behavior research combining quantitative and qualitative methods