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Transport and Mobility Laboratory: Research projects
We identify new solutions to transportation problems, on the ground, in the air, or on the sea, transport of people or goods, whatever the mode. We focus on technical solutions, but also on their impact on the system as a whole. We are also interested in the interactions of the transportation systems with the land use, the economy, the environment, etc.
Intelligent digital twins for assessing and predicting bridge road traffic demands

Road bridges are a vital part of transportation networks, forming crucial links in natural bottleneck locations and enabling the continual flow of people and goods into, out of, and across cities. However, the analysis used for design and maintenance planning of this community-critical infrastructure is typically carried out using static models and assuming generalized traffic patterns. This analysis represents only peak loading scenarios and does not reflect the spatial and temporal variations in real-world traffic loads. The resulting uncertainty in load prediction can lead to in overengineering in bridge design as well as sub-optimal maintenance planning. Furthermore, as current analysis techniques model only maximal loads, they cannot be used to predict the maintenance condition of bridges due to fatigue from repeated loading and unloading of the bridge over time. This research aims to address these limitations by developing intelligent digital twins which can simulate the response of a bridge to realistic traffic loading scenarios. These digital twin models combine two primary elements: (i) a traffic simulation model which exploits detailed traffic count and weigh-in-motion data to generate time-dependent traffic loadings, and (ii) a detailed structural model which predicts the compliance and maintenance condition of a bridge for different maximal and cyclic loading patterns. The intelligent digital twin is intended to be generalizable to any bridge or network of bridges for which relevant data exists. This will enable these models to be used within an integrated approach to study infrastructure vulnerability and multi-hazard risk management.
- Principal investigator
- Tim Hillel
- Project manager
- Tim Hillel
- Sponsor
- School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC), École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
- Period
- October 01, 2020-April 01, 2022
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OrgVisionPro: Automated organizational design and optimization

This project, joint with CLEAP S.A., is will develop advanced analytics algorithms to propose organization design (OD) scenarios based on the existing situation, constraints, and future needs of a business. These scenarios will support organizations in shaping their future by optimizing their structure and operating models.
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project managers
- Rico Krueger, Tim Hillel
- Sponsor
- Innosuisse (Swiss Innovation Agency)
- Period
- October 01, 2019-June 30, 2021
- Collaborators
- Melvin Wong, Nour Dougui
- External collaboration
- Laurent Jaquenoud
- LaTeX description
Capacity building program in urban mobility and transportation

The purpose of this project is to develop graduate curriculum in urban mobility and transportation. The relevant courses of this curriculum will be available in MOOC format. This program is a collaborative project between Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and Urban Transport Systems Laboratory (LUTS) and Transport and Mobility Laboratory (TRANSP-OR) at EPFL.
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project managers
- Yousef Maknoon, Riccardo Scarinci, Yuki Oyama
- Sponsor
- State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
- Period
- September 01, 2016-September 01, 2019
- External collaboration
- Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)
- External collaboration
- LaTeX description
Leveraging Public and Open Data for Transportation Mode detection

Modern smartphones are more than just calling devices. They harbor a wealth of information that provides the transportation field with a new potential. In this project, researchers will create a transportation mode detection model based on telecommunication data from smartphone users combined with public transport-related data sources. The researchers are provided with anonymized telecommunication traces. As those data remain scarce, additional data will be identified from external sources including network infrastructure, route maps, time schedules in static or real-time form, microcensus, weather, etc. A probabilistic model will be developed to infer the transportation modes from those various data sources. The project lasts one year, and will be carried out by the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, directed by Prof. Michel Bierlaire. It is sponsored by Swisscom.
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project managers
- Marija Nikolic, Riccardo Scarinci
- Sponsor
- Swisscom
- Period
- September 04, 2017-September 04, 2018
- External collaboration
- Swisscom
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SIEU : Urban Energy Information System

The role of local authorities in reaching climate and energy goals is important. Consolidated data about energy at the local scale is necessary in order to fully measure the effects of policies and to adapt action-plans. The goal of this project is to evaluate the feasibility of a single platform with all the relevant energy data for a local authority, in particular statistics about mobility.
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project manager
- Antonin Danalet
- Sponsor
- The Ark Energy
- Period
- September 01, 2011-June 30, 2012
- Collaborator
- Antonin Danalet
- External collaboration
- Centre de Recherches Energétiques et Municipales (CREM, Martigny, Switzerland)
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OPTIMA: Inferring transport mode preferences from attitudes

Swiss Post and PostBus have launched a research project to optimize mobility in cooperation with the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), represented by EPFL Transportation Center, under Professor Michel Bierlaire. This will show the market potential for combined mobility. Among other things it will look at the factors that influence travellers in their choice of transport. At a later stage, target group-specific new transport offerings and services will be developed and tested, which will have a lasting influence on this choice. The three years research project is conducted by Professors Vincent Kaufmann (LASUR) and Michel Bierlaire (TRANSP-OR).
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project manager
- Anne Curchod
- Sponsor
- LaPoste
- Period
- February 01, 2009-June 30, 2012
- Collaborators
- Aurélie Glerum, Bilge Atasoy, Antonin Danalet
- External collaboration
- Vincent Kaufman (LASUR)
- External collaboration
- Prisca Faure (CEAT)
- External collaboration
- Martin Schuler (CEAT)
- LaTeX description
Behavioural modelling of human experts for scene analysis

Modelling the global appraisal process of experts in the context of scene analysis.
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project managers
- Javier Cruz, Thomas Robin
- Sponsor
- Swiss National Science Foundation
- Period
- October 01, 2007-September 30, 2010
- LaTeX description
SOPHOS: Simulation-based Optimization of the Performance in Hospital Operating suites

Design an optimization framework combining macroscopic and microscopic models, with applications in hospital management and urban road traffic.
- Report(s):
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M. An analytic finite capacity queueing network model capturing blocking, congestion and spillbacks
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project manager
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- Sponsor
- Swiss National Science Foundation
- Period
- December 01, 2007-November 30, 2009
- LaTeX description
Invariant features in omnidirectional images

Design of algorithms to extract invariant features from images captured by omnidirectional cameras.
- Report(s):
- Cruz, J., Bogdanova, I., Paquier, B., Bierlaire, M., and Thiran, J. Scale Invariant Feature Transform on the Sphere: Theory and Applications
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project manager
- Javier Cruz
- Sponsor
- Transport and Mobility Laboratory, EPFL
- Period
- May 20, 2008-May 01, 2009
- External collaboration
- Iva Bogdanova (ESL, EPFL)
- External collaboration
- Benoît Paquier (LTS5, EPFL)
- External collaboration
- Jean-Philippe Thiran (LTS5, EPFL)
- LaTeX description
Path to purchase

To understand consumer behavior in his or her path to purchase.
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project manager
- Kamran Houshang Pour
- Sponsor
- Nestlé
- Period
- July 01, 2006-June 30, 2008
- Collaborators
- Thomas Robin, Gianluca Antonini
- External collaboration
- Jean-Philippe Thiran, ITS, EPFL
- LaTeX description
SOPHOS: Simulation-based Optimization of the Performance in Hospital Operating Suites

Design an optimization framework for the operation suites in hospitals, using simulation tools
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project manager
- Carolina Osorio Pizano
- Sponsor
- Swiss National Science Foundation
- Period
- December 01, 2005-November 30, 2007
- External collaboration
- HUG (Hôpital Universitaire Genève)
- LaTeX description
Enseignement orienté projet assisté par ordinateur

Develop appropriate case studies for teaching optimization to mechanical engineers
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project manager
- Emma Frejinger
- Sponsor
- Fonds d'innovation de la formation de l'EPFL
- Period
- April 01, 2004-March 31, 2006
- External collaboration
- LaTeX description
Behavioral model-based scene analysis

Development of disaggregate behavior model for scene analysis in the context of video surveillance
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project manager
- Michel Bierlaire
- Sponsor
- NCCR Interactive Multimodal Information Management
- Period
- July 01, 2002-June 30, 2005
- Collaborator
- Gianluca Antonini
- External collaboration
- Jean-Philippe Thiran, LTS, EPFL
- LaTeX description
Doped derivative-free algorithms for medical image registration

Design of a new class of derivative-free algorithms exploiting some derivative information, customized for the image registration problem
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project manager
- Rodrigue Oeuvray
- Sponsor
- Swiss National Science Foundation
- Period
- April 01, 2002-March 31, 2005
- External collaboration
- Philippe Thévenaz, Biomedical Image Group, EPFL
- External collaboration
- Jean-Philippe Thiran, Signal Processing Laboratory, EPFL
- LaTeX description
SIMBAD: Simulation-Based Automatic Detection

Develop a model-based detection system where the scene analysis is supported by a crowd simulator
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project manager
- Mats Weber
- Sponsor
- Commission pour la technologie et de l'innovation, Office Fédéral de la formation professionnelle et de la technologie.
- Period
- October 01, 2002-September 30, 2004
- Collaborator
- Gianluca Antonini
- External collaboration
- Mats Weber, ROSO, EPFL
- External collaboration
- Visiowavw S.A
- External collaboration
- Jean-Philippe Thiran, LTS, EPFL
- LaTeX description
Modèles de prévision de ventes (Sales forecasting models)

Develop forecasting models for sales of various products, such as printers
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project manager
- Michel Bierlaire
- Sponsor
- infoSource S.A.
- Period
- April 01, 2004-May 31, 2004
- External collaboration
- Sébastien Naizot, ROSO, EPFL
- LaTeX description
Simulation du bloc opératoire et de la salle de réveil (Simulation of the surgery block)

Design and implement a model to simulate the operations of the surgery block in the Geneva Hospital
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project manager
- Michel Bierlaire
- Sponsor
- Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
- Period
- April 01, 2002-March 31, 2004
- External collaboration
- Christophe Weibel, ROSO, EPFL
- External collaboration
- Dr. Garnerin, HUG
- LaTeX description
TIMS: Tourism Instant Marketing and Shopping

Develop a simulation tool to assess dynamic pricing and yield management strategies in ski resorts
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project manager
- Michel Bierlaire
- Sponsor
- Commission pour la technologie et de l'innovation, Office Fédéral de la formation professionnelle et de la technologie.
- Period
- October 01, 2003-December 31, 2003
- External collaboration
- Sébastien Naizot, ROSO, EPFL
- External collaboration
- Groupe de compétence économie et tourisme, HEVs Sierre
- LaTeX description
Algorithmes d'optimisation performants pour le recalage rigide d'images en radiochirurgie et en radiothérapie stéréotaxique fractionnée assistées par ordinateur

Development and adaptations of efficient optimisation algorithms dedicated to brain images registration
- Principal investigator
- Michel Bierlaire
- Project manager
- Michel Bierlaire
- Sponsor
- Period
- March 01, 2001-March 31, 2002
- Collaborator
- Rodrigue Oeuvray
- External collaboration
- Dr. Pica, chef de clinique, Service de Radio-Oncologie, CHUV
- LaTeX description
- Transportation Research
- Operations Research
- Discrete Choice Models
Modeling, optimization, simulation
Research themes
List of projects
- List of 19 projects
- Intelligent digital twins for assessing and predicting bridge road traffic demands
- OrgVisionPro: Automated organizational design and optimization
- Capacity building program in urban mobility and transportation
- Leveraging Public and Open Data for Transportation Mode detection
- SIEU : Urban Energy Information System
- OPTIMA: Inferring transport mode preferences from attitudes
- Behavioural modelling of human experts for scene analysis
- SOPHOS: Simulation-based Optimization of the Performance in Hospital Operating suites
- Invariant features in omnidirectional images
- Path to purchase
- SOPHOS: Simulation-based Optimization of the Performance in Hospital Operating Suites
- Enseignement orienté projet assisté par ordinateur
- Behavioral model-based scene analysis
- Doped derivative-free algorithms for medical image registration
- SIMBAD: Simulation-Based Automatic Detection
- Modèles de prévision de ventes (Sales forecasting models)
- Simulation du bloc opératoire et de la salle de réveil (Simulation of the surgery block)
- TIMS: Tourism Instant Marketing and Shopping
- Algorithmes d'optimisation performants pour le recalage rigide d'images en radiochirurgie et en radiothérapie stéréotaxique fractionnée assistées par ordinateur