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Matthieu de Lapparent supervision
This page reports only the academic work registered in the databases of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, and is not necessarily a comprehensive list of the work by Matthieu de Lapparent.
More information may be available here
Masters theses
- Pauline Hansotte
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Modelling High Mobility Practices in Santiago de Chile
- Supervision:Matthieu de Lapparent
- Expert: Prof. Ricardo Hurtubia
- 21/09/2017-09/02/2018
- Cosupervised by Prof. Vincent Kaufmann
- Alexis Gumy
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Dynamiques de la grande mobilité
- Supervision:Matthieu de Lapparent, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: V. Kaufmann, E. Ravalet, Sebastien Munafo
- 20/02/2017-16/06/2017
- Christophe Paillard
- Section: Mathematics
- Concurrence sur les marchés automobiles européens: une approche par la modélisation de la demande
- Supervision:Matthieu de Lapparent, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Antonin Danalet
- 20/02/2017-16/06/2017
- Mathieu Plourde
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Modeling Heterogeneity of Drivers Route Choice Behavior in Quebec
- Supervision:Evanthia Kazagli, Matthieu de Lapparent, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Charisma Choudhury
- 20/02/2017-16/06/2017
- Marc-Edouard Schultheiss
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Integrating Bicycle Travel Demand to a Land-Use and Transport Model
- Supervision:Matthieu de Lapparent, Marija Nikolic, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Christopher Zegras
- 20/02/2017-16/06/2017
- Elisabeth Zbinden
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Passenger's Connection Time Preferences in Airline Itinerary Choice
- Supervision:Virginie Lurkin, Matthieu de Lapparent, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Laurie Garrow
- 20/02/2017-16/06/2017
- Anna-Katharina Clodong
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Discrete choice model for the automobile market: modeling willingness-to-pay for marginal and non marginal changes in car attributes
- Supervision:Matthieu de Lapparent, Anna Fernandez Antolin, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 10/02/2016-10/06/2016
- Takao Dantsuji
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Disaggregate modeling of vehicle-miles traveled: what about users of alternative-fuel vehicles?
- Supervision:Matthieu de Lapparent, Anna Fernandez Antolin, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 15/09/2015-01/02/2016
- Baillif Maurin
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Modeling consideration and willingness-to-pay for electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in car renewal
- Supervision:Matthieu de Lapparent, Anna Fernandez Antolin, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Yves Delacrétaz
- 16/02/2015-20/07/2015
- Loïc Tinguely
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Exploiting pedestrian WiFi traces for destination choice modeling [Download PDF]
- Supervision:Antonin Danalet, Matthieu de Lapparent, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Andres Sevtsuk
- 16/02/2015-17/07/2015
Semester projects
- Emotions and risky discrete choices, Le Sueur Cécile Christianne Anny Déborah Suzanne (SMA), June 02, 2017
- Une modélisation de la grande mobilité, Pauline Hosotte, December 23, 2016
- Grandes mobilités réversibles. Approche par la modélisation dynamique de choix discrets., Alexis Gumy, December 23, 2016
- 4. Modeling Route Choice in Quebec City Using Mental Representations, Mathieu Plourde, December 23, 2016
- Passengers' connection time preferences in airline itinerary choice, Elisabeth Zbinden (SGC), December 23, 2016
- Accounting for dynamics in pedestrian multi-class speed-density relationship, Marc-Edouard Schultheiss (SGC), December 23, 2016
- Modeling evolution of sales of alternative fuel vehicles in Europe, Christophe Paillard (SMA), June 17, 2016
- Modeling route choice in Québec using mental representations, Mathieu Plourde, June 03, 2016
- Hedonic pricing of car attributes: a comparison across European countries, Anna-Katharina Clodong (SGC), January 30, 2016
- Development of an aggregate route choice model for a big network, Arriagada Diego Alexandre, June 19, 2015
- A destination choice model for EPFL Campus, Loïc Tinguely (SGC), December 19, 2014
- Accounting for attitudes in modeling demand for electric vehicles, Maurin Baillif (SGC), December 19, 2014