Matthieu de Lapparent seminars

This page reports only the academic work registered in the databases of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, and is not necessarily a comprehensive list of the work by Matthieu de Lapparent.

More information may be available here

Travel discomfort-time tradeoffs in Paris subway
de Lapparent, M.
Seminar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Yamanashi
March 09, 2017, Kofu, Japan

Structural modelling of sales and prices in the 2015 new car market in France
de Lapparent, M.
Seminar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Yamanashi
March 09, 2017, Kofu, Japan

On modeling optimal use and ownership duration of a car: a dynamic discrete choice approach
de Lapparent, M.
Seminar, Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya University
March 07, 2017, Nagoya, Japan

Structural modelling of sales and prices in the 2015 new car market in France
de Lapparent, M.
Small International Workshop on Advanced Choice Modelling, Tokyo Institute of Technology
March 06, 2017, Tokyo, Japan

Modeling Interactions under Imperfect Information
de Lapparent, M.
International Workshop on Dynamic Risk Management of Transport Network: Social Interaction, Monitoring and Simulation, Tokyo Institute of Technology
March 05, 2017, Tokyo, Japan

Structural modeling of sales and prices in the 2015 new car market in France
de Lapparent, M.
EI seminar, Erasmus University, Department of Econometrics, Econometric Institute
October 20, 2016, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Modeling demand for new cars in Germany: a Bayesian approach
de Lapparent, M., and Bierlaire, M.
9th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis
June 16, 2016, Oranjestad, Aruba

Statistiques, Econométrie, et Big Data
de Lapparent, M.
Journée assurance et big data, Ecole des Ponts Paris-Tech
January 12, 2016, Paris, France

Les modèles LUTI : état de l’art, exemples internationaux et effets d’agglomération
de Lapparent, M.
La prise en compte des effets d’agglomération dans le calcul socioéconomique, CGI, CGEDD, France-Stratégie
October 22, 2015, Paris, France

Travel discomfort-time tradeoffs in Paris subway: an empirical analysis using interval regression models
de Lapparent, M., and Koning, M.
14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research
July 23, 2015, Beaumont Estate, Windsor

Matthieu de Lapparent