Ricardo Hurtubia book chapters

This page reports only the academic work registered in the databases of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, and is not necessarily a comprehensive list of the work by Ricardo Hurtubia.

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\item[de Palma et al., 2015] de Palma, A., Bierlaire, M., Hurtubia, R., and Waddell, P. (2015). Future challenges in transport and land use modeling. In Bierlaire, de Palma, Hurtubia and Waddell (ed) mph{Integrated Transport and Land Use Modeling for Sustainable Cities} (ISBN: 978-2-940222-72-8) pp.513-530. EPFL Press.

\item[Farooq et al., 2015] Farooq, B., Hurtubia, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2015). Simulation based generation of a synthetic population for Brussels. In Bierlaire, de Palma, Hurtubia and Waddell (ed) mph{Integrated Transport and Land Use Modeling for Sustainable Cities} (ISBN: 978-2-940222-72-8) pp.95-112. .

\item[Hurtubia and Bierlaire, 2015] Hurtubia, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2015). Microsimulation for land use modeling: implementation challenges. In Bierlaire, de Palma, Hurtubia and Waddell (ed) mph{Integrated Transport and Land Use Modeling for Sustainable Cities} (ISBN: 978-2-940222-72-8) pp.41-54. EPFL Press.

\item[Waddell et al., 2015] Waddell, P., de Palma, A., Bierlaire, M., and Hurtubia, R. (2015). SustainCity: Overview and introduction. In Bierlaire, de Palma, Hurtubia and Waddell (ed) mph{Integrated Transport and Land Use Modeling for Sustainable Cities} (ISBN: 978-2-940222-72-8) pp.1-14. EPFL Press.

Ricardo Hurtubia