Rodrigue Oeuvray technical reports

This page reports only the academic work registered in the databases of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, and is not necessarily a comprehensive list of the work by Rodrigue Oeuvray.

author = {Oeuvray, R.},
title = {Convergence theory of the BOOSTERS algorithm},
institution = {Transport and Mobility Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne},
number = {RO-2004.1208},
year = {2004}

author = {Oeuvray, R., and Bierlaire, M.},
title = {Performance evaluation of BOOSTERS},
institution = {Transport and Mobility Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne},
number = {RO-2004.1207},
year = {2004}

author = {Oeuvray, R., and Bierlaire, M.},
title = {BOOSTERS: A Derivative-Free Algorithm Based on Radial Basis Functions},
institution = {Transport and Mobility Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne},
number = {RO 2004.1124},
note = {Published as Oeuvray, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2009). BOOSTERS: a derivative-free algorithm based on radial basis functions, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation29(1):26-36},
year = {2004}

author = {Oeuvray, R., and Bierlaire, M.},
title = {A New Derivative-free Algorithm for the Medical Image Registration Problem},
institution = {Transport and Mobility Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne},
number = {RO 2004.0731},
note = {Published as Oeuvray, R., and Bierlaire, M. (2007). A new derivative-free algorithm for the medical image registration problem, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation27(2):115-124},
year = {2004}

author = {Oeuvray, R., and Bierlaire, M.},
title = {On the differentiability of the MI estimator},
institution = {Transport and Mobility Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne},
number = {RO-020403},
year = {2002}
Rodrigue Oeuvray