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Meritxell Pacheco supervision
This page reports only the academic work registered in the databases of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, and is not necessarily a comprehensive list of the work by Meritxell Pacheco.
More information may be available here
Masters theses
- René Lugrin
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Investigations on a pilot-survey for modelling mobility behaviours in Switzerland
- Supervision:Meritxell Pacheco, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Sylvie Garda
- 23/09/2019-24/01/2020
- Oliver Buschor
- Section: Civil Engineering
- Disruption-caused railway timetable rescheduling problem and its solution
- Supervision:Meritxell Pacheco, Stefano Bortolomiol, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Hellwig Matthias
- 01/08/2019-20/12/2019
Semester projects
- Welfare-maximizing design of a transportation system, Benjamin Nicolas--Noir, May 29, 2020
- Disruption-caused railway timetable rescheduling problem and its solution, Oliver Mathias Buschor, June 21, 2019
- Passenger satisfaction maximization under budget constraints, Tatiana Moavensadeh-Ghasnavi, June 03, 2019
- Optimization of school accessibility in developing countries, Yassine El Ouazzani, Oliver Mathias Buschor (SGC), December 21, 2018
- Locating charging station for electric taxis, Oliver Mathias Buschor, Younes Bensaid, December 21, 2018
- Design of a stated-preferences survey for a high-speed vacuum transportation mode, Thibaut Richard et Martí Montesinos Ferrer, June 20, 2018
- Safer schools thanks to an improved transport access in developing countries, Zora Oswald, June 16, 2018
- Integrating demand and supply in the context of airlines, Thibaut Richard et Gabriel Curis (SGC), January 24, 2018
- Modeling purchases of new cars for 2015: a comparison between countries, Martí Montesinos (SGC), June 19, 2017
- Investigating the role of attitudes in the purchase of new cars, Nicola Ortelli, January 23, 2017
- Pricing and capacity allocation strategies for a demand-based revenues maximization problem, Jonathan Lachkar (SGC), December 23, 2016