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Iliya Markov supervision
This page reports only the academic work registered in the databases of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, and is not necessarily a comprehensive list of the work by Iliya Markov.
More information may be available here
Masters theses
- Raphaël Lüthi
- Analysis, tuning, hybridization and design of experiments for an adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS) heuristic for a complex inventory routing problem
- Supervision:Iliya Markov, Yousef Maknoon, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert:
- 22/02/2016-24/06/2016
- Bastien Rojanawisut
- Section: Mathematics
- Optimisation of the network design of a futuristic transport system based on accelerated moving walkways
- Supervision:Riccardo Scarinci, Iliya Markov, Michel Bierlaire
- Expert: Sacha Varone
- 15/09/2014-16/01/2015
Semester projects
- Models for pedestrian movements based on integrated and sequential clustering, Konde Romain Olivier Bondo, June 02, 2017
- Generalization and policy analysis for a rich inventory routing problem, Prisca Aeby (SIN), December 23, 2016
- Routing of a mixed fleet of electric and diesel trucks: Analysis of solution approaches, Noortje Verstegen (SIN), May 29, 2015
- Implementation of a futuristic transport system based on accelerated moving walkways: optimization on a real case study, Raphaël Luthi (SSIE), May 29, 2015
- Routing of a mixed fleet of electric and internal combustion trucks, Thomas Cibils (SMGT), December 19, 2014