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Carolina Osorio Pizano seminars
This page reports only the academic work registered in the databases of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, and is not necessarily a comprehensive list of the work by Carolina Osorio Pizano.
More information may be available here
- Simulation-based optimization for urban traffic management
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Annual Meeting, INFORMS
- November 16, 2011, Charlotte, NC
- Dynamic network loading: a differentiable approach that yields queue-length probability distributions
- Osorio, C., Bierlaire, M., and Flötteröd, G.
- Annual Meeting, INFORMS
- November 13, 2011, Charlotte. NC
- Probabilistic analytical modeling of spatial dependency in urban networks
- Osorio, C., and Flötteröd, G.
- Annual Meeting, INFORMS
- November 13, 2011, Charlotte. NC
- Combining simulation-based and analytical traffic models to mitigate urban congestion
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop, INFORMS
- June 28, 2011, Asilomar, CA, USA
- Optimization of stochastic traffic simulators for urban traffic management
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Aerospace Computational Design Lab Seminar Series, MIT
- May 13, 2011, Cambridge, MA
- A simulation-based optimization framework for urban traffic control
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Transportation Center Seminar Series, Northwestern University
- April 21, 2011, Evanston, IL
- A simulation-based optimization framework for urban traffic control
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- 52nd Annual Transportation Reserach Forum
- March 11, 2011, Long Beach, CA, USA
- Traveler information and traffic management systems
- Osorio, C.
- Driver-facing Technologies To Improve Mobility, MIT
- February 04, 2011, Cambridge, MA
- Simulation-based optimization of congested urban road networks
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- 90th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board
- January 26, 2011, Washington, DC
- Mitigating network congestion: analytical models, optimization methods and their applications
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- 90th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board
- January 23, 2011, Washington, DC
- Urban traffic control for congested networks: a novel metamodel simulation optimization approach
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Pan-American Conference of Traffic and Transportation Engineering and Logistics
- July 16, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
- A simulation-based optimization framework for urban traffic congestion management
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- World Conference on Transport Research
- July 13, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
- A simulation-based optimization approach to perform urban traffic control
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- TRISTAN VII, Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis
- June 22, 2010, Tromsø, Norway
- Coupling simulation-based and analytical traffic models to mitigate urban congestion
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- MIT Transportation Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- May 04, 2010, Cambridge MA, USA
- A multi-model algorithm for the optimization of congested networks
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- ETC, European Transport Conference
- October 05, 2009, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands
- A simulation optimization framework for the management of congested urban road networks
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- STRC, 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 10, 2009, Ascona, Switzerland
- A metamodel approach for simulation optimization of congested urban road networks
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Computational Management Science Conference
- May 01, 2009, Geneva, Switzerland
- Simulation-based optimization of congested urban networks
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- ITS Research Seminar Series, Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- March 03, 2009, Cambridge, MA, USA
- Accounting for congestion and spillbacks in fixed-time traffic signal optimization: a queueing network approach
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- ITS Research Seminar Series, Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- November 04, 2008, Cambridge, MA, USA
- A multiple model approach for traffic signal optimization in the city of Lausanne
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- STRC, 8th Swiss Transport Research Conference
- October 16, 2008, Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland
- Network performance optimization using a queueing network model
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- ETC, European Transport Conference
- October 06, 2008, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands
- Network performance evaluation and optimization using a queueing network model
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- CSII, Ciclo de Seminarios de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de los Andes
- September 22, 2008, Bogotá, Colombia
- Signal control optimization with a queueing network model capturing congestion
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- PANAM XV, Pan-American Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering
- September 16, 2008, Cartagena, Colombia
- A queueing network approach to the traffic signal optimization of the Lausanne city center
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- CLAIO XIV, Latin-Ibero-American Conference on Operations Research
- September 10, 2008, Cartagena, Colombia
- Optimización de semáforos en el centro de Lausana mediante un modelo de filas de espera
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- ACIS, Primer Simposio Asociación Colombiana de Investigadores en Suiza
- May 17, 2008, Lausana, Suiza
- Abstract
- May 17, 2008, Lausana, Suiza
- Describing network congestion and blocking with an analytic queueing network model
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- STRC, 7th Swiss Transport Research Conference
- September 13, 2007, Ascona, Switzerland
- Abstract
- Download PDF
- September 13, 2007, Ascona, Switzerland
- An analytic finite capacity queueing network model capturing congestion and spillbacks
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- TRISTAN VI, Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis, EPFL
- June 11, 2007, Phuket Island, Thailand
- Abstract
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- June 11, 2007, Phuket Island, Thailand
- Capturing blocking and spillback in finite capacity queueing networks
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- Selected chapters from operations research, Mathematics Doctoral School, EPFL
- May 24, 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland
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- May 24, 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Analysis of finite capacity queueing networks
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- 3ième cycle romand de recherche opérationnelle
- March 07, 2007, Zinal, Switzerland
- Abstract
- Download PDF
- March 07, 2007, Zinal, Switzerland
- Analysis of finite capacity queueing networks
- Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M.
- 4th Joint Operations Research Days, EPFL
- September 15, 2006, Lausanne
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- September 15, 2006, Lausanne
- Finite capacity queueing networks
- Osorio, C.
- Selected chapters from discrete optimization, Mathematics Doctoral School, EPFL
- May 30, 2006,

- Papers in international journals (6)
- Book chapters (1)
- Papers in conference proceedings (14)
- Technical reports (7)
- Seminar (31)
- Awards and distinctions (3)
- Reviewing (4)
- Research projects (3)
- Regular teaching (2)
- Miscellaneous lectures (22)
- Project supervision (5)
- Miscellaneous responsibilities (1)
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