
TRANSP-OR: Stefano Bortolomiol

Stefano Bortolomiol

This page reports only the academic work registered in the databases of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, and is not necessarily a comprehensive list of the work by Stefano Bortolomiol.

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Stefano Bortolomiol

International journals


Total: 2

    Book chapters

    • Obrenovic, N., Atac, S., Bortolomiol, S., Brdar, S., Marko, O., and Crnojevic, V. (2023). The Crop Plant Scheduling Problem. In Cappanera, P., Lapucci, M., Schoen, F., Sciandrone, M., Tardella, F., Visintin, F. (ed) <em> Optimization and Decision Science: Operations Research, Inclusion and Equity</em> (ISBN: 978-3-031-28862-3). Springer.

    Papers in conference proceedings

    • Obrenovic, N., Atac, S., Bortolomiol, S., Brdar, S., Marko, O., and Crnojevic, V. (2022). The crop plant scheduling problem. Proceedings of the Italian OR Days 2022 (GOR) 30 August-02 September, 2022.
    • Bortolomiol, S., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M. (2021). Benders decomposition for choice-based optimization problems with discrete upper-level variables. Proceedings of the 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) 12-14 September, 2021.
    • Bortolomiol, S., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M. (2020). Optimal regulation of oligopolistic markets under discrete choice models of demand. Proceedings of the 20th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) 13-15 May, 2020.
    • Bortolomiol, S., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M. (2019). A demand-based optimization approach to find market equilibria in oligopolies. Proceedings of the 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) 15-17 May, 2019.
    • Bortolomiol, S., Lurkin, V., and Bierlaire, M. (2018). Modelling competition in demand-based optimization models. Proceedings of the 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) 16-18 May, 2018.

    Technical reports



  • Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (2)
  • European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research (1)
  • Total: 3 reviews for 2 journals (since 2004). Per year: 2021: 1, 2020: 2.

    Research projects

    Incorporating competitors' behavior in demand based optimization models
    Sponsor: Swiss National Science Foundation
    Team: Michel Bierlaire (PI), Virginie Lurkin (PM), Stefano Bortolomiol
    Period: November 01, 2017-October 31, 2020
    The starting point of this research project is the general framework developed in the SNF research project 200021_165636 entitled “Incorporating advanced behavioral models in mixed integer linear optimization”. The project aims at formulating explicitly the complex interaction between the supply and demand actors. We hypothesize that the decisions of supply actors (such as capacity, assortment, and price) are highly influenced by the decisions of other actors, through competition within the market. In this project, we will therefore explicitly consider multiple operators that compete for the same pool of customers. Each operator will take the supply-side decisions that optimize its performance function (e.g., maximization of revenue). Non-cooperative game theory is commonly used to model such oligopolistic competition. We plan to investigate how to integrate these games in the already developed framework. In this context, the objective will be to analyze the concept of equilibrium, that is, stationary states of the system where no actor has an incentive to change his/her decisions.

    Regular teaching

    Introduction to optimization and operations research
    Year: Fall 2020
    Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
    Teaching assistant: Nour Dougui, Selin Atac, Stefano Bortolomiol, Marija Kukic
    Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
    Year: Spring 2020
    Section(s): Civil Engineering
    Lecturers: Tim Hillel, Nour Dougui
    Teaching assistant: Stefano Bortolomiol, Gael Lederrey, Selin Atac, Janody Pougala
    Introduction to optimization and operations research
    Year: Fall 2019
    Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
    Teaching assistant: Nour Dougui, Selin Atac, Stefano Bortolomiol, Nicholas Molyneaux
    Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
    Year: Spring 2019
    Section(s): Civil Engineering
    Lecturers: Nikola Obrenovic, Tim Hillel
    Teaching assistant: Stefano Bortolomiol, Gael Lederrey, Selin Atac
    Introduction à l'optimisation et à la recherche opérationnelle
    Year: Fall 2018
    Section(s): Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    Lecturer: Michel Bierlaire
    Teaching assistant: Nikola Obrenovic, Nour Dougui, Stefano Bortolomiol, Selin Atac
    Decision-aid methodologies in transportation
    Year: Spring 2018
    Section(s): Civil Engineering
    Lecturers: Virginie Lurkin, Nikola Obrenovic
    Teaching assistant: Stefano Bortolomiol, Gael Lederrey

    Project supervision

    Masters theses

    Benoit Pahud
    Section: Civil Engineering
    The railway timetable rescheduling problem with capacity constraints
    Supervision:Nour Dougui, Marija Kukic, Stefano Bortolomiol
    Expert: Hellwig Matthias
    Oliver Buschor
    Section: Civil Engineering
    Disruption-caused railway timetable rescheduling problem and its solution
    Supervision:Meritxell Pacheco, Stefano Bortolomiol, Michel Bierlaire
    Expert: Hellwig Matthias
    Mohamed Detsouli
    Section: Civil Engineering
    Dynamic optimization of a bicycle-sharing system
    Supervision:Stefano Bortolomiol, Michel Bierlaire
    Expert: Frédéric Meunier
    Nicolas Pradignac
    Section: Computer science
    Heuristic algorithms to find market equilibria in oligopolies
    Supervision:Stefano Bortolomiol, Nikola Obrenovic, Michel Bierlaire
    Expert: Olivier Gallay

    Semester projects

    • Designing and implementing rebalancing operations in car sharing systems using MATSim, Alfio Simone Mosset (SGC), July 09, 2021
    • Schedule repair in liner shipping, Benoit Pahud (SGC), January 29, 2021
    • Optimal regulation of oligopolistic markets with discrete choice models of demand, Elodie Duliscouet, Paulin Raison, Yahya Basiouny (SGM), June 12, 2020
    • Robust routing and scheduling in liner shipping, Yannis Voet (SGC), June 12, 2020
    • Analysis of the value of demand forecasting within vehicle sharing systems, Jasso Espadaler (SGC), January 31, 2020
    • Dynamic optimization of self-service vehicles, Mohamed Detsouli (SGC), January 31, 2019
    • Railway infrastructure maintenance, Ludovica Sessa and Robert Abboud (SMGT), January 31, 2019
    • Modelling competition in demand-based optimization models, Charlotte Darné (SMA), June 19, 2018
    • A solution approach for the Multicommodity Flow Problem within rail freight transportation, Nicolas Pradignac (SIN), June 19, 2018