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Bilge Atasoy technical reports
This page reports only the academic work registered in the databases of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, and is not necessarily a comprehensive list of the work by Bilge Atasoy.
More information may be available here
author = {Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.},
title = {A local search heuristic for a mixed integer nonlinear integrated airline schedule planning problem},
institution = {Transport and Mobility Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne},
number = {TRANSP-OR 130402},
year = {2013}
author = {Atasoy, B., Salani, M., Bierlaire, M., and Leonardi, C.},
title = {Impact analysis of a flexible air transportation system},
institution = {Transport and Mobility Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne},
number = {TRANSP-OR 120717},
note = {Published as Atasoy, B., Salani, M., Bierlaire, M., and Leonardi, C. (2013). Impact analysis of a flexible air transportation system, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research13(2):123-146},
year = {2012}
author = {Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M.},
title = {An integrated airline scheduling, fleeting and pricing model for a monopolized market},
institution = {Transport and Mobility Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne},
number = {TRANSP-OR 120501},
note = {Published as Atasoy, B., Salani, M., and Bierlaire, M. (2014). An integrated airline scheduling, fleeting and pricing model for a monopolized market, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering29(2):76-90},
year = {2012}
author = {Atasoy, B., and Bierlaire, M.},
title = {An air itinerary choice model based on a mixed RP/SP dataset},
institution = {Transport and Mobility Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne},
number = {TRANSP-OR 120426},
year = {2012}
author = {Glerum, A., Atasoy, B., and Bierlaire, M.},
title = {Using semi-open questions to integrate perceptions in choice models},
institution = {Transport and Mobility Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne},
number = {TRANSP-OR 120325},
year = {2012}
author = {Atasoy, B., Salani, M., Leonardi, C., and Bierlaire, M.},
title = {Clip-Air, a flexible air transportation system},
institution = {Transport and Mobility Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne},
number = {TRANSP-OR 110929},
year = {2011}
author = {Atasoy, B., Glerum, A., and Bierlaire, M.},
title = {Attitudes towards mode choice in Switzerland},
institution = {Transport and Mobility Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne},
number = {TRANSP-OR 110502},
year = {2011}