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Selin Atac seminars
This page reports only the academic work registered in the databases of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, and is not necessarily a comprehensive list of the work by Selin Atac.
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- Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M., A general framework to evaluate different rebalancing operations strategies in one-way car sharing systems. German OR Days 2022 (GOR 2022), September 07, 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M., Evaluation of demand forecasting in bike sharing systems: A general framework and selected case studies. 11th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN XI), June 23, 2022, Mauritius
- Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M., Comparing different rebalancing operations strategies in car sharing systems: A generic optimization framework. 18th Swiss Operations Research Days, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), June 03, 2022, Winterthur, Switzerland
- Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M., Evaluating different strategies to solve rebalancing operations in car sharing systems. 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 19, 2022, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M., Designing a MATSim environment for a one-way car sharing system as a transport mode. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2021, October 27, 2021, Anaheim, California, USA
- Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M., Demand-based operations of vehicle sharing systems. Seminar at the C2SMART Lab, New York University, October 15, 2021, New York City, New York, US
- Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M., A multi-objective approach for station clustering in bike sharing systems. 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), September 14, 2021, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M., Vehicle sharing systems: Does demand forecasting yield a better service?. 20th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 13, 2020, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
- Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M., A new framework for a vehicle sharing system. German OR days 2019, Technische Universität Dresden, September 04, 2019, Dresden, Germany
- Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M., An optimization framework for a light electric vehicle sharing system. EURO 2019, University College Dublin, June 24, 2019, Dublin, Ireland
- Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M., A framework for a vehicle sharing system. 17th Swiss Operations Research Days, University of Lausanne (UNIL), June 07, 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Atac, S., Obrenovic, N., and Bierlaire, M., An optimization framework for a light electric vehicle sharing system. 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), May 17, 2019, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland