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Mamy Fetiarison papers in conference proceedings
This page reports only the academic work registered in the databases of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, and is not necessarily a comprehensive list of the work by Mamy Fetiarison.
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\item[Fetiarison, Fl\"otter\"od, and Bierlaire, 2010]
Fetiarison, M., Fl\ötter\öd, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). Evaluation of pedestrian data collection methods within a simulation framework. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC) October 11 - 13, 2010.
\item[Fetiarison, Fl\"otter\"od, and Bierlaire, 2010]
Fetiarison, M., Fl\ötter\öd, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). Evaluation of pedestrian data collection methods within a simulation framework. Proceedings of the 10th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) September 1-3, 2010.
\item[Bierlaire and Fetiarison, 2009]
Bierlaire, M., and Fetiarison, M. (2009). Estimation of discrete choice models: extending BIOGEME. Proceedings of the 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) September 9 - 11, 2009.