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Flurin Hänseler papers in international journals
This page reports only the academic work registered in the databases of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, and is not necessarily a comprehensive list of the work by Flurin Hänseler.
More information may be available here
Total: 4
\item[H\"anseler et al., 2017]
H\änseler, F., Lam, W., Bierlaire, M., Lederrey, G., and Nikolic, M. (2017). A dynamic network loading model for anisotropic and congested pedestrian flows, \emph{Transportation Research Part B: Methodological} \textbf{95}:149-168.
\item[H\"anseler et al, 2017]
H\änseler, F., Molyneaux, N., and Bierlaire, M. (2017). Estimation of pedestrian origin-destination demand in train stations, \emph{Transportation Science} \textbf{51}(3):981-997.
\item[H\"anseler et al., 2016]
H\änseler, F., Bierlaire, M., and Scarinci, R. (2016). Assessing the usage and level-of-service of pedestrian facilities in train stations: A Swiss case study, \emph{Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice} \textbf{89}:106-123.
\item[H\"anseler et al., 2014]
H\änseler, F., Bierlaire, M., Farooq, B., and M\ühlematter, T. (2014). A macroscopic loading model for time-varying pedestrian flows in public walking areas, \emph{Transportation Research Part B: Methodological} \textbf{69}:60 -- 80.
doi:10.1016/j.trb.2014.08.003 (\emph{Ranked 11 in the TOP 25 hottest articles of Transportation Research Part B for October-December 2014})