Biogeme: Python Library  2.5
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cbiogeme.BIOGEME_OBJECTThis class gathers the components needed by biogeme to perform the estimation or the simulation
 Cbio_expression.ExpressionInterface for mathematical expressions
 Cbio_expression.absClass representing the expression for absolute value
 Cbio_expression.BetaClass representing a parameter to be estimated
 Cbio_expression.BinOpGeneric class for binary operators
 Cbio_expression.bioBayesNormalDrawClass performing draws from the posterior of the mean of a normal variable knowing realizations and variance
 Cbio_expression.bioDrawsClass representing a random variable for integration using Monte Carlo simulation
 Cbio_expression.bioLogitClass calculating a logit choice probability
 Cbio_expression.bioLogLogitClass calculating the log of a logit choice probability
 Cbio_expression.bioMultSumClass computing the sum of multiple expressions
 Cbio_expression.bioNormalCdfClass representing the cumulative distribution function of the normal distribution
 Cbio_expression.bioNormalDrawsClass representing a normally distributed random variable for simulated integration
 Cbio_expression.bioNormalPdfClass representing the probability density function of a standardized normally distributed random variable
 Cbio_expression.bioRecycleDrawsClass representing the uniform draw of a random variable used for integration using Monte Carlo simulation
 Cbio_expression.bioUniformDrawsClass representing a uniformly distributed random variable on [0,1] for simulated integration
 Cbio_expression.bioUniformSymmetricDrawsClass representing a uniformly distributed random variable on [-1,1] for simulated integration
 Cbio_expression.DefineDrawsClass representing the definition of a new type of draws
 Cbio_expression.DefineVariableClass representing the definition of a new variable
 Cbio_expression.DeriveClass generating the analytical derivative of an expression
 Cbio_expression.ElemClass extracting an expression from a dictionary
 Cbio_expression.EnumerateClass performing a sample enumeration
 Cbio_expression.expClass representing the expression for exponential
 Cbio_expression.IntegrateClass performing numerical integration relying on the Gauss-Hermite quadrature to compute

\[ \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f(\omega) d\omega. \]

 Cbio_expression.logClass representing the expression for natural logarithm
 Cbio_expression.maxClass representing the expression for the maximum of two expressions
 Cbio_expression.MHClass performing draws from densities for Bayesian estimation using Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
 Cbio_expression.minClass representing the expression for the minimum of two expressions
 Cbio_expression.MonteCarloClass representing the Monte Carlo integration of an expression
 Cbio_expression.MonteCarloControlVariateClass representing the Monte Carlo integration of an expression, using a control variate method to decrease the variance
 Cbio_expression.NumericClass wrapping an integer or a float value
 Cbio_expression.ProdClass representing the product of the same expression applied to a list of data
 Cbio_expression.RandomVariableClass representing a random variable for numerical integration
 Cbio_expression.SumClass representing the sum of the same expression applied to a list of data
 Cbio_expression.UnOpGeneric class for unary operators
 Cbio_expression.VariableClass representing the variables defined in the data file
 Cbio_iterator.iteratorGeneric class for an iterator
 Cbio_iterator.drawIteratorIterates on the data file for generate the user defined draws (since biogeme 2.4)
 Cbio_iterator.metaIteratorMeta iterators are designed to iterate on group of rows of the data file
 Cbio_iterator.rowIteratorRow iterators are designed to iterate on rows of the data file
 CbioMatrix.bioMatrixThis class implements a matrix object designed to store the variance covariance matrix
 Cbio_expression.OperatorGeneric class for an operator
 Cbiogeme.STANClass used for generating STAN files (see
Copyright 2016 Michel Bierlaire