Biogeme: Python Library  2.5
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 boxcox.pyFunction implementing the Box-Cox transform of a variable
 cnl.pyFunctions for the cross-nested logit model
 distributions.pyImplementation of the pdf and CDF of common distributions
 legendre.pyFonctions for transformed Legendre polynomials, orthonormal on [0,1]:

\[ L_n(x) = \frac{\sqrt{4n^2-1}}{n}(2x-1)L_{n-1}(x)-\frac{(n-1)\sqrt{2n+1}}{n \sqrt{2n-3}} L_{n-2}(x), \]

with $L_0(x)=1$, $L_1(x)=\sqrt{3}(2x-1)$ and $L_2(x) = \sqrt{5}(6x^2-6x+1)$

 logit.pyFunctions for the logit model
 loglikelihood.pyFunctions to calculate the log likelihood
 mev.pyFunctions for the MEV model
 nested.pyFunctions for the nested logit model
 statistics.pyFunctions calculating statistics on the sample
 weightedloglikelihood.pyLog likelihood function for WESML
Copyright 2016 Michel Bierlaire