Biogeme: Python Library  2.5
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CabsClass representing the expression for absolute value
 CBetaClass representing a parameter to be estimated
 CBinOpGeneric class for binary operators
 CbioBayesNormalDrawClass performing draws from the posterior of the mean of a normal variable knowing realizations and variance
 CbioDrawsClass representing a random variable for integration using Monte Carlo simulation
 CbioLogitClass calculating a logit choice probability
 CbioLogLogitClass calculating the log of a logit choice probability
 CbioMultSumClass computing the sum of multiple expressions
 CbioNormalCdfClass representing the cumulative distribution function of the normal distribution
 CbioNormalDrawsClass representing a normally distributed random variable for simulated integration
 CbioNormalPdfClass representing the probability density function of a standardized normally distributed random variable
 CbioRecycleDrawsClass representing the uniform draw of a random variable used for integration using Monte Carlo simulation
 CbioUniformDrawsClass representing a uniformly distributed random variable on [0,1] for simulated integration
 CbioUniformSymmetricDrawsClass representing a uniformly distributed random variable on [-1,1] for simulated integration
 CDefineDrawsClass representing the definition of a new type of draws
 CDefineVariableClass representing the definition of a new variable
 CDeriveClass generating the analytical derivative of an expression
 CElemClass extracting an expression from a dictionary
 CEnumerateClass performing a sample enumeration
 CexpClass representing the expression for exponential
 CExpressionInterface for mathematical expressions
 CIntegrateClass performing numerical integration relying on the Gauss-Hermite quadrature to compute

\[ \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f(\omega) d\omega. \]

 ClogClass representing the expression for natural logarithm
 CmaxClass representing the expression for the maximum of two expressions
 CMHClass performing draws from densities for Bayesian estimation using Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
 CminClass representing the expression for the minimum of two expressions
 CMonteCarloClass representing the Monte Carlo integration of an expression
 CMonteCarloControlVariateClass representing the Monte Carlo integration of an expression, using a control variate method to decrease the variance
 CNumericClass wrapping an integer or a float value
 COperatorGeneric class for an operator
 CProdClass representing the product of the same expression applied to a list of data
 CRandomVariableClass representing a random variable for numerical integration
 CSumClass representing the sum of the same expression applied to a list of data
 CUnOpGeneric class for unary operators
 CVariableClass representing the variables defined in the data file
 CdrawIteratorIterates on the data file for generate the user defined draws (since biogeme 2.4)
 CiteratorGeneric class for an iterator
 CmetaIteratorMeta iterators are designed to iterate on group of rows of the data file
 CrowIteratorRow iterators are designed to iterate on rows of the data file
 CBIOGEME_OBJECTThis class gathers the components needed by biogeme to perform the estimation or the simulation
 CSTANClass used for generating STAN files (see
 CbioMatrixThis class implements a matrix object designed to store the variance covariance matrix
Copyright 2016 Michel Bierlaire