Biogeme: Python Library  2.5
Go to the documentation of this file.
7 listOfIterator = []
9 ## @brief Generic class for an iterator.
10 # @details Iterators are designed to define loops on the entries of
11 # the data file. It is assumed that the data file is composed of rows,
12 # each containing the same number of numeric entries. The first row of
13 # the file contains the headers, labeling each of these entries. There
14 # are three types of iterators:
15 # - row iterators are designed to iterate on rows of the data file. This is the most common type of iterators.
16 # - meta iterators are designed to iterate on group of rows of the data file. They are typically used for panel data, where several rows correspond to the same individual.
17 # - draw iterators are designed to iterate on the data file when user
18 # defined draws are generated. Note that this is valid only since
19 # biogeme 2.4. Before, this iterator was used for the calculation of
20 # the integral itself, together with an Operator Sum.
21 #
22 # Hierarchical nesting of iterators is possible, so that iterators may have a parent and a child.
23 class iterator:
24  # @param iteratorName Name of the iterator.
25  # @param name Name of the set of data that is being iterated. It is either the name of a metaiterator, or the string __dataFile__, when the iterator spans the entire database.
26  # @param child Name of the child
27  # @param variable Variable that contains the ID of the elements being iterated.
28  def __init__(self,iteratorName,name,child,variable):
29  self.iteratorName = iteratorName
30 = name
31  self.child = child
32  self.variable = variable
33  listOfIterator.append(self) ;
35  def __str__(self):
36  return "Iterator " + str( + " iterates on " + str(self.variable)
38 ## @brief Iterates on the data file for generate the user defined draws (since biogeme 2.4)
39 # @details It is typically used with the DefineDraws expression to generate user defined draws.
40 #Typical usage:
41 # @code
42 # drawIterator('drawIter')
43 # TRIANG = DefineDraws('TRIANG', 0.5 * (bioDraws('BUNIF1')+bioDraws('BUNIF2')),'drawIter')
44 # @endcode
46  ## @param iteratorName Name of the iterator.
47  # @param name Name of the set of data that is being iterated. It is typically ignored for draw iterators. Use the default value.
48  # @param child Draw iterators have no children. Use the default value.
49  # @param variable Variable that contains the ID of the individuals in the data file. A different draw is generated for each different value of this variable.
50  def __init__(self,iteratorName,name="__dataFile__",child="",variable="__rowId__"):
51  msg = 'Deprecated syntax. No need to define a draw iterator anymore. Just remove the statement, and use the operator MonteCarlo instead of Sum.'
52  raise SyntaxError(msg)
54 ## @brief meta iterators are designed to iterate on group of rows of the data file.
55 # @details They are typically used for panel data, where several rows correspond to the same individual.
56 # In the example represented in the table below, the meta iterator will identify 4 groups of data: rows 1 to 4, rows 5 to 7, rows 8 to 9 and rows 10 to 11. Note that group 1 and group 4 share the same Id. But the iterator does not take this into account, as only changes of the value of the identifier characterize a change of group. If rows 10 and 11 indeed belong to group 1, the data file must be edited so that they appear directly after row 4.
57 # @code
58 #__rowId__ Id ObsId Variables
59 # 1 1 1 ...
60 # 2 1 2 ...
61 # 3 1 3 ...
62 # 4 1 4 ...
63 # 5 2 1 ...
64 # 6 2 2 ...
65 # 7 2 3 ...
66 # 8 3 1 ...
67 # 9 3 2 ...
68 # 10 1 5 ...
69 # 11 1 6 ...
70 #@endcode
71 # An example of iterator on this data is
72 # @code
73 #metaIterator('personIter','__dataFile__','panelObsIter','Id')
74 #rowIterator('panelObsIter','personIter')
75 # @endcode
77  ## @param iteratorName Name of the iterator.
78  # @param name Name of the set of data that is being iterated. It is either the name of a metaiterator, or the string __dataFile__, when the iterator spans the entire database.
79  # @param child Name of the child
80  # @param variable Variable that contains the ID of the elements being iterated.
81  def __init__(self,iteratorName,name,child,variable):
82  iterator.__init__(self,iteratorName,name,child,variable)
83  self.type = 'META'
84 ## @brief row iterators are designed to iterate on rows of the data file.
85 # @details Examples:
86 # - Iterator on the data file: @code rowIterator('obsIter') @endcode
87 # - Iterator on another iterator:
88 #@code
89 #metaIterator('personIter','__dataFile__','panelObsIter','Id')
90 #rowIterator('panelObsIter','personIter')
91 #@endcode
93  ## @param iteratorName Name of the iterator.
94  # @param name Name of the set of data that is being iterated. It is either the name of a metaiterator, or the string __dataFile__, when the iterator spans the entire database.
95  # @param child Row iterators have no children. Use the default value.
96  # @param variable Ignored by row iterators. Use the default value.
97  def __init__(self,iteratorName,name="__dataFile__",child="",variable="__rowId__"):
98  iterator.__init__(self,iteratorName,name,child,variable)
99  self.type = 'ROW'
def __init__(self, iteratorName, name="__dataFile__", child="", variable="__rowId__")
Iterates on the data file for generate the user defined draws (since biogeme 2.4) ...
def __init__(self, iteratorName, name, child, variable)
row iterators are designed to iterate on rows of the data file.
meta iterators are designed to iterate on group of rows of the data file.
Generic class for an iterator.
def __init__(self, iteratorName, name="__dataFile__", child="", variable="__rowId__")
Copyright 2016 Michel Bierlaire