Gunnar Flötteröd technical reports

This page reports only the academic work registered in the databases of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, and is not necessarily a comprehensive list of the work by Gunnar Flötteröd.

More information may be available here

\item[Kazagli et al., 2015] Kazagli, E., Bierlaire, M., and Fl\ötter\öd, G. (2015). Revisiting the Route Choice Problem: A Modeling Framework Based on Mental Representations. Technical report TRANSP-OR 150824. )

\item[Fl\"otter\"od and Bierlaire, 2011] Fl\ötter\öd, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2011). Metropolis-Hastings sampling of paths. Technical report TRANSP-OR 110606. )

\item[Corthout, Fl\"otter\"od, Viti, Tampere (2011)] Corthout, R., Fl\ötter\öd, G., Viti, F., and Tampere, C. (2011). Non-unique flows in macroscopic first-order intersection models. Technical report TRANSP-OR 110520. )

\item[Fl\"otter\"od, Chen, and Nagel (2010)] Fl\ötter\öd, G., Chen, Y., and Nagel, K. (2010). Behavioral calibration and analysis of a large-scale travel microsimulation. Technical report TRANSP-OR 101212. )

\item[Fl\"otter\"od and Rohde (2010)] Fl\ötter\öd, G., and Rohde, J. (2010). Operational macroscopic modeling of complex urban road intersections. Technical report TRANSP-OR 101204. mph{(Published as: Operational macroscopic modeling of complex urban intersections, mph{Transportation Research Part B: Methodological} \textbf{45}(6):903-922 (2011). ) )

\item[Fl\"otter\"od and Liu (2010)] Fl\ötter\öd, G., and Liu, R. (2010). Disaggregate path flow estimation in an iterated DTA microsimulation. Technical report TRANSP-OR 101116. )

\item[Fl\"otter\"od and Bierlaire, 2010] Fl\ötter\öd, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). A framework for the data-consistent deployment of urban microsimulations. Technical report TRANSP-OR 100904. )

\item[Osorio, Fl\"otter\"od, and Bierlaire, 2010] Osorio, C., Fl\ötter\öd, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). Dynamic network loading: a differentiable model that derives link state distributions. Technical report TRANSP-OR 100815. mph{(Published as: Dynamic network loading: a differentiable model that derives link state distributions, mph{Transportation Research Part B: Methodological} \textbf{45}(9):1410-1423 (2011). ) )

\item[Fl\"otter\"od, Bierlaire, and Nagel, 2010] Fl\ötter\öd, G., Bierlaire, M., and Nagel, K. (2010). Bayesian demand calibration for dynamic traffic simulations. Technical report TRANSP-OR 100105. mph{(Published as: Bayesian demand calibration for dynamic traffic simulations, mph{Transportation Science} \textbf{45}(4):541-561 (2011). ) )

\item[Fl\"otter\"od and Rohde, 2009] Fl\ötter\öd, G., and Rohde, J. (2009). Modeling complex intersections with the cell-transmission model. Technical report TRANSP-OR 090719. )

\item[Bierlaire, Hurtubia, and Fl\"otter\"od, 2009] Bierlaire, M., Hurtubia, R., and Fl\ötter\öd, G. (2009). An experimental analysis of the implicit choice set generation using the Constrained Multinomial Logit model. Technical report TRANSP-OR 090518. mph{(Published as: An analysis of the implicit choice set generation using the Constrained Multinomial Logit model, mph{Transportation Research Record} \textbf{2175}():92-97 (2010). ) )

\item[L\"ammel and Fl\"otter\"od, 2009] L\ämmel, G., and Fl\ötter\öd, G. (2009). Towards system optimum: Finding optimal routing strategies in time dependent networks for large-scale evacuation problems. Technical report TRANSP-OR 090420. )

\item[Fl\"otter\"od, 2009] Fl\ötter\öd, G. (2009). Macroscopic Network Loading of Microscopic Network Demand. Technical report TRANSP-OR 090115. )

\item[Fl\"otter\"od et al., 2008] Fl\ötter\öd, G., Bierlaire, M., and Nagel, K. (2008). Bayesian calibration of dynamic traffic simulations. Technical report TRANSP-OR 081028. )

Gunnar Flötteröd