Swiss Transportation Research Conference STRC 2011


The conference takes place at the Centro Stefano Franscini of ETH Zurich in Monte Verita, Ticino, Switzerland, an excellent conference center, and ideal environment to catch up with old colleagues and friends. The conference fee is CHF 300 (staying in double room)/ CHF 350 (staying single room). Fee includes conference participation kit, coffee breaks, full lodging and board (from dinner on May 11 to breakfast on May 13). Due to limited accommodation, all participants, excepting the special invitees, would be required to share double room.

Important dates

February 10, 2011: (extended) deadline for abstract submission
February 25, 2011: notification to authors
April 15, 2011: submission of full papers
May 11-13, 2011: conference


Prem Viswanathan

Transport and Mobility Laboratory (TRANSP-OR)
Station 18
CH-1015 Lausanne

Tel: +41 (0) 21 693 24 32
Fax: +41 (0) 21 693 80 60