Technical reports
Code documentation
What was new in Biogeme 3.2.6
New optimization algorithms are available for estimation See the documentation of the estimate function, and the optimization module. See also an example.
Stochastic log likelihood
It is now possible to calculate the log likelihood function on a sample (a batch) of the full data file. This is particularly useful with large databases. It can be used in the implementation of a stochastic gradient algorithm, for instance. See documentation.
User's notes
It is possible to include your own notes in the HTML file using the userNotes parameter of the biogeme object. See documentation. See example.
It is possible to have Biogeme suggesting the scales of the variables in the database using the suggestScales parameter of the biogeme object. See documentation.
A new function quickEstimate performs the estimation of the parameters, and skips the calculation of the statistics. See documentation.
A new function in the database module allows to split the database in order to prepare an estimation and a validation sets, for out-of-sample validation. See documentation. It is used by the new function validate in the biogeme module. See documentation. See example.
A new function allows to extract all the messages generated during a run. See documentation. See example. It is also possible to make the logger temporarily silent using the functions temporarySilence and resume.