Transport and Mobility Laboratory

Directed by Michel Bierlaire, the Transport and Mobility Laboratory is active in modeling, optimization and simulation of transportation systems, with a specific emphasis on the mobility of individuals.

This webpage contains the academic output of the laboratory. We are committed to open science. Links to the specific documents are available. Also, if you click on the bibtex button next to a reference, it gives you access to the reference in bibtex format, that you can copy and paste to your bibliography file.

Future events
  • Rina (Jingyi) Cheng, TU Delft
    • Data-Driven Demand Prediction and Optimization for On-Demand Meal Delivery Operations
    • Mar 07, 2025, 11:00, GR A1 402
Recent technical reports
  • Haering T., Legault R., Torres F., Bierlaire M. (2024). Heuristics and Exact Algorithms for Choice-Based Capacitated and Uncapacitated Continuous Pricing. Report TRANSP-OR 240905
  • Torres F., Gendreau M., Rei W. (2024). Pricing Routes: Compensation of Crowd-Drivers. Report TRANSP-OR 240717
  • Ilinov P., Matveenko A., Senkov M., Starkov E. (2024). Optimally Biased Expertise. Report TRANSP-OR 240223
  • Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Varotto S., Bierlaire M. (2024). An integrated ordered logit and latent variable model for accident injury severity and risk-taking behavior. Report TRANSP-OR 240101
  • Ricard L., Bierlaire M. (2024). 50 years of behavioral models for transportation and logistics. Report TRANSP-OR 220408
Recent talks
  • Kukic M., Bierlaire M. Synthetic populations and activity-based models: a dynamic perspective December 12, 2024. Activity Based Model Symposium, TU Munich, Raitenhaslach, Germany.
  • Rezvany N., Hillel T., Bierlaire M. Integrating housing and transport interactions: A strategic dynamic approach December 10, 2024. Sustainable Urban Multimodal Mobility (SUM) Lab Seminar, TU Delft, Netherlands.
  • Rezvany N., Bierlaire M. Activity-based models: an optimization approach November 13, 2024. Seminar of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
  • Rezvany N., Bierlaire M. Activity-based models: recent developments in travel demand modeling November 01, 2024. SBB Research Comittee, Swiss Federal Railways, Bern, Switzerland.
  • Rezvany N., Bierlaire M. Activity-based models: recent developments in travel demand modeling October 19, 2024. (Keynote presentation)International Symposium on Intelligent Technology for Future Transportation, Helsinki, Finland.
Recent journal publications
Accepted for publication
  • Atac S., Obrenovic N., Bierlaire M. (to appear). Bike Sharing Systems: The Impact of Precise Trip Demand Forecasting on Operational Efficiency in Different City Structures . Journal of Cycling and Micromobility Research (accepted for publication on Jan 21, 2025)
  • Ahmed S., Fountas G., Lurkin V., Anastasopoulos P., Zhang Y., Bierlaire M., Mannering F. (to appear). The State of Urban Air Mobility Research: An Assessment of Challenges and Opportunities. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (accepted for publication on Nov 28, 2024)
  • Ortelli N., de Lapparent M., Varotto S., Bierlaire M. (to appear). An integrated ordered logit and latent variable model for accident injury severity and risk-taking behavior. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (accepted for publication on Nov 15, 2024)
  • Beine M., Bierlaire M., Docquier F. (to appear). New York, Abu Dhabi, London or Stay at Home? Using a Cross-Nested Logit Model to Identify Complex Substitution Patterns in Migration. Journal of Economic Geography (accepted for publication on Jan 16, 2024)
  • Martin-Baos J., Garcia-Rodenas R., Rodriguez-Benitez L., Bierlaire M. (2025). Scalable Kernel Logistic Regression with Nyström Approximation: Theoretical Analysis and Application to Discrete Choice Modelling. Neurocomputing 617 (7):128975