- Pythonbiogeme
- is designed for general purpose parameteric models. The specification of the model and of the likelihood function is based on an extension of the python programming language. A series of discrete choice models are precoded for an easy use.
- Bisonbiogeme
- is designed to estimate the parameters of a list of predetermined discrete choice models such as logit, binary probit, nested logit, cross-nested logit, multivariate extreme value models, discrete and continuous mixtures of multivariate extreme value models, models with nonlinear utility functions, models designed for panel data, and heteroscedastic models. It is based on a formal and simple language for model specification.
BIOGEME is distributed free of charge. We ask each user
- to register to Biogeme's users group, and
- to mention explicitly the use of the package when publishing results, using the following reference:
For BisonBiogeme: Bierlaire, M. (2003). BIOGEME: A free package for the estimation of discrete choice models , Proceedings of the 3rd Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland.
For PythonBiogeme: Bierlaire, M. (2016) PythonBiogeme: a short introduction. Report TRANSP-OR 160706 ,Series on Biogeme. Transport and Mobility Laboratory, School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
I would like to thank the following persons who played various roles in the development of Biogeme along the years. The list is certainly not complete, and I apologize for those who are omitted: Alexandre Alahi, Nicolas Antille, Gianluca Antonini, Kay Axhausen, John Bates, Denis Bolduc, David Bunch, Andrew Daly, Anna Fernandez Antolin, Mamy Fetiarison, Mogens Fosgerau, Emma Frejinger, Carmine Gioia, Marie-Hélène Godbout, Stephane Hess, Richard Hurni, Jasper Knockaert, Xinjun Lai, Carolina Osorio, Thomas Robin, Pascal Scheiben, Matteo Sorci, Michael Thémans, Joan Walker. I would like to express a special thank to Moshe Ben-Akiva and Daniel McFadden for their friendship, and for the immense influence that they had and still have on my work.
Biogeme has been developed by Michel Bierlaire, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.