Biogeme is an open source freeware designed for the maximum likelihood estimation of parametric models in general, with a special emphasis on discrete choice models.
Author: Michel Bierlaire
Kenneth Train's software
Kenneth Train has developed code for Matlab, R and Gauss for the estimation of advanced discrete choice models.
Authors: Kenneth E. Train
Stan is designed for statistical modeling, data analysis, and prediction.
Users specify log density functions in Stan’s probabilistic programming language and get:
- full Bayesian statistical inference with MCMC sampling (NUTS, HMC)
- approximate Bayesian inference with variational inference (ADVI)
- penalized maximum likelihood estimation with optimization (L-BFGS)
Authors: A. Gelman, B. Carpenter, D. Lee, B. Goodrich et al.
Chandra Bhat's software
Chandra Bhat is providing code in Gauss and R for the estimation of models related to his research.
Author: Chandra BhatPyLogit
PyLogit is a Python package for performing maximum likelihood estimation of conditional logit models and similar discrete choice models.
Author: Timothy Brathwaite