Optimization: principles and algorithms, by Michel Bierlaire
chap16 Directory Reference


file  pivoting.m [code]
 Algorithm 16.3: Pivoting of the simplex tableau.
file  run1604.m [code]
 Runs example 16.4 illustrating the vertex enumeration algorithm.
file  run1604simplex.m [code]
 Runs example 16.4 illustrating the simplex method.
file  run1607simplex.m [code]
 Runs example 16.4 illustrating the simplex method.
file  run1612pivoting.m [code]
 Runs example 16.12 illustrating the pivoting.
file  run1613.m [code]
 Runs example 16.13 of [1].
file  run1615.m [code]
 Runs example 16.15 of [1].
file  run1616.m [code]
 Runs example 16.16 of [1].
file  runBoundConstraints.m [code]
 Example where some combinations of basic variables are associated with a singular matrix B.
file  simplex.m [code]
 Algorithm 16.2: Simplex methos.
file  simplexTableau.m [code]
 Algorithm 16.4: Phase II simplex algorithm with tableau.
file  twoPhasesSimplex.m [code]
 Algorithm 16.5: Two phases simplex algorithm with tableau to solve a linear optimization problem in standard from.
file  vertexEnumeration.m [code]
 Algorithm 16.1: Vertex enumeration Implementation of algorithm 16.1 of [1].
Copyright 2015-2018 Michel Bierlaire