Optimization: principles and algorithms, by Michel Bierlaire
chap14 Directory Reference


file  ex1401.m [code]
 Example 14.1 in [1].
file  ex1402.m [code]
 Example 14.2 in [1].
file  gaussNewton.m [code]
 Algorithm 14.1: Gauss-Newton method.
file  hyperbolicTangent.m [code]
 Hyperbolic tangent function.
file  kalmanFilter.m [code]
 Algorithms 14.2 and 14.3: Kalman filter update.
file  runGaussNewton.m [code]
 Run to illustrate the Gauss-Newton algorithm 14.1.
file  runKalman.m [code]
 Run to illustrate the Kalman filter algorithm 14.2 (Table 14.3)
file  runNeuralNetwork.m [code]
 Run the neural network example (Example 14.2) to illustrate the Gauss-Newton algorithm 14.1.
Copyright 2015-2018 Michel Bierlaire