Optimization: principles and algorithms, by Michel Bierlaire
chap27 Directory Reference


file  bestInsert.m [code]
 Identifies the best insertion in a tour for the TSP.
file  getTourList.m [code]
 Transforms a tour stored as a sequence of cities into a list of successors.
file  getTourSequence.m [code]
 Transform tour stored as list of successor, into a sequence of cities.
file  insertCity.m [code]
 Inserts a city in a tour for the TSP.
file  knapsackGreedy.m [code]
 Solves the knapsack problem using the greedy heuristic described in section 27.1.1 of [1].
file  ksLocalSearchDeterministic.m [code]
 Algorithm 27.3: local search for the knapsack problem.
file  ksLocalSearchRandom.m [code]
 Implementation of a variant of the local search algorithm with random neighbors for the knapsack problen.
file  ksRandomNeighbor.m [code]
 Algorithm 27.5: neighborhood for the knapsack problem.
file  ksSimulatedAnnealing.m [code]
 Algorithm 27.7: simulated annealing for the knapsack problem.
file  ksVns.m [code]
 Algorithm 27.5: VNS for the knapsack problem.
file  randomFromAtoB.m [code]
 Compute a random integer between A and B.
file  run2702.m [code]
 Runs example 27.2 of [1], solving the problem using the greedy heuristic.
file  run2702greedy.m [code]
 Runs example 27.2 of [1], solving the problem using the greedy heuristic.
file  run2702localSearchDeterministic.m [code]
 Runs example 27.2 of [1], solving the problem using the local search method (Table 27.6)
file  run2702localSearchRandom.m [code]
 Runs example 27.2 of [1], solving the problem using the local search method with random neighbors.
file  run2702simAnn.m [code]
 Runs example 27.2 of [1], solving the problem using the simulated annealing method (see Section 27.4.1 of [1]).
file  run2702vns.m [code]
 Runs example 27.2 of [1], solving the problem using the VNS method.
file  run2703insertion.m [code]
 Runs example 27.3 of [1], solving the problem using the greedy heuristic (Algorithm 27.2, Table 27.2, Figure 27.4)
file  run2703localSearch.m [code]
 Runs Algorithm 27.3 on example 27.3 of [1], solving the TSP with local search (Figure 27.11, Table 27.7, Figure 27.12)
file  run2703nearestNeighbor.m [code]
 Runs example 27.3 of [1], solving the problem using the greedy heuristic (Algorithm 27.1)
file  run2703nearestNeighrbor.m [code]
 Runs example 27.3 of [1], solving the problem using the greedy heuristic.
file  run2703simAnn.m [code]
 Runs example 27.3 of [1], solving the problem using simmulated annealing (Section 27.4.2 of [1] ).
file  run2703vns.m [code]
 Runs example 27.3 of [1], solving the problem using VNS (Section 27.3.2 of [1] ).
file  subtourLength.m [code]
 Calculate the length of a subtour of the TSP.
file  tspInsertion.m [code]
 Algorithm 27.2: insertion heuristic for TSP.
file  tspInsertionLocalSearch.m [code]
 Local search method for the TSP based on the insertion heuristic, as described in Section 27.3.2 of [1].
file  tspLocalSearch.m [code]
 Algorithm 27.3: local search for the TSP.
file  tspNearestNeighbor.m [code]
 Algorithm 27.1: nearest neighbor heuristic for TSP.
file  tspSimulatedAnnealing.m [code]
 Algorithm 27.7: simulated annealing for the TSP.
file  tspTourLength.m [code]
 Calculate the length of a tour of the TSP.
file  tspVns.m [code]
 Implements the VNS to solve the TSP, as described in Section 27.3.2 of [1].
file  twoOpt.m [code]
 Perform a 2-opt operation of a list of cities.
file  twoOptNeighborhood.m [code]
 Generate the 2-opt neightborhood for the TSP.
file  twoOptRandomNeighbor.m [code]
 Generate one random 2-opt neighbor for the TSP.
Copyright 2015-2018 Michel Bierlaire