
Various examples are available to illustrate the syntax of biogeme. They are all based on a data set collected to analyze the impact of the modal innovation in transportation: Swissmetro, a revolutionary mag-lev underground system.

Download the data file here.


Most models are available both as a .mod file, with the syntax of bisonbiogeme, and as a .py file, with the specification written in python, to be used with pythonbiogeme. The .html generated by biogeme is also provided, both for bisonbiogeme and pythonbiogeme. In general, the output are identical. However, the output may vary in some circumstances, when simulation is involved, or when they are numerical issues during the estimation.

These models are meant only to illustrate the syntax of biogeme. They are not meant to reflect good specification practice. The estimation procedure may even fail for some of them (typically, it happens with some mixture models with lognornal distributions).

List of examples