Mac OS X

Make sure that the directory /usr/local/share/biogeme does not exist and, if it does, remove it: rm -r /usr/local/share/biogeme.

Make sure that python 3 is installed. The best way to install it is using homebrew. If you have not done so yet, install homebrew using the instructions on their webpage. Then type brew install python3.

Download the disk image, and double-click on the file Biogeme-2.5.pkg to install the command line tools.

In the event that you receive the message "Biogeme-2.5.pkg" can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.", than right-click on the file, and select Open with... and then You will be asked "Biogeme-2.5.pkg" is from an unidentified developer. Are you sure you want to open it?. Then click Open.

The following executables are installed in the directory /usr/local/bin: pythonbiogeme, pybiogeme, gtkguibiogeme, biogeme, biosim, biomerge, mod2py, histogram, weightedhistogram, biosampledata, biocheckdata, biopreparedata. Moreover, the directory /usr/local/share/biogeme is created, and contains the following files:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


You can use the deb package to install the command line version of biogeme, using dpkg -i biogeme_2.5-1_amd64.deb.

Download the Windows installer, execute it and follow the instructions. From the graphical user interface (GUI), PythonBiogeme, BisonBiogeme and BisonBiosim can be executed. Note that running BisonBiogeme and BisonBiosim requires to close the GUI after the execution is complete. This is not necessary with PythonBiogeme.

Note that versions of Biogeme running on Windows may be slow. For models requiring a significant computational effort, it is recommended to use Mac OS X or Linux.

Mac OS X

If you are working on Mac OS X, make sure to install Xcode and Python 3. Note that Python 2, which is usually installed by default, cannot be used. Also, it won't compile on Mac against the macports distribution of Python 3.2. It's fine to compile it again a custom build of Python 3.2, or the macports distribution of Python 3.1. After installation, one can reinstall macports Python 3.2, they won't interfere once build and installed. In any case, executables for Macintosh are also available. Biogeme has been developed and tested on that platform with the following tools:

  • g++ 4.5.1
  • Apple LLVM version 7.3.0
  • Python 3.1.2, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4 and Python 3.5
  • flex 2.5.35


In general, the GNU tools are directly available on any machines running linux. Make sure that Python 3 is installed. On some platforms, it is also necessary to install python3-dev (onUbuntu, use sudo apt-get install python3-dev). It has been tested on the following platforms

  • Red Hat 4.1.2-48
  • Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5

Windows Cygwin

Cygwin is a large collection of GNU and Open Source tools which provide functionality similar to a Linux distribution on Windows. Make sure that the following packages are installed: autoconf, automake, bison, flex, gcc-g++, libstdc++, libtool, make, python3.

Windows MinGW

MinGW, a contraction of "Minimalist GNU for Windows", is a minimalist development environment for native Microsoft Windows applications.

To install a proper environment to compile Biogeme, follow these steps (see also

  1. Run the installer x86_64 from
  2. update-core
  3. Exit msys2 and restart
  4. pacman -Sy
  5. Exit msys2 and restart
  6. pacman -Syuu
  7. Exit msys2 and restart
  8. pacman --needed -S bash pacman pacman-mirrors msys2-runtime
  9. Exit msys2 and restart
  10. pacman -Syuu (again)
  11. Exit msys2 and restart
  12. pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-pkg-config
  13. pacman -S base-devel
  14. pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-python3
  15. pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc

In order to install pythonbiogeme, python 3 must also be installed (see Note that older versions of python, such as python 2.x are not compatible. python 3.1 or a later version is required.

To install biogeme, download download the file biogeme-2.5.tar.gz in a temporary directory, and apply the following procedure:

tar xvzf biogeme-2.5.tar-gz
		cd biogeme-2.5
		./configure --enable-bison --enable-python
		sudo make install

The configure step is pretty verbose. The relevant information is displayed at the end, and looks like:

  biogeme 2.5:  Automatic configuration OK.
		  Build biogeme............yes
		  Build biomerge...........yes
		  Build biosim.............yes
		  Build python biogeme.....yes (Python version 3.5)
		  Build GTK GUI (use option --enable-gui)
		  Static (use option --enable-staticexec)
		  Long (use option --enable-longdouble)
		  Executables for (use option --enable-debug)
		  Versioned (use option --enable-versioned)

It reports those features that will be built, and those that will not. Some features are not installed because they have not been "enabled" using the corresponding --enable option. Some features require additional software, such as python 3.5 for PythonBiogeme or GTK for the graphical user interface.

The sudo command is designed to run the make install with administrator ("super user") privileges. If you do not have such privileges on your machine, contact the system administrator who will help you finding an appropriate way to install the software.