
All times are in Central European Time (UTC+1:00).

Mon, Mar 07Tue, Mar 08Wed, Mar 09Thu, Mar 10Fri, Mar 11
10:15 - 10:30Virtual coffeeVirtual coffeeVirtual coffeeVirtual coffeeVirtual coffee
10:30 - 12:00Introduction, Choice Behavior and Discrete Choice Models, Ben-AkivaNested Logit Models, BierlaireMixture Models, BierlaireDiscrete Panel Data, BierlaireMachine Learning with Theoretical Constraints, Ben-Akiva
12:15 - 13:45Specification and Estimation of Logit Models, Ben-AkivaExtreme Value Models; Aggregate Forecasting and Microsimulation, BierlaireSimulation-Based Estimation, BierlaireBayesian Estimation, Ben-AkivaMixtures Models with Latent Variables, Ben-Akiva
14:30 - 14-45ActivityActivityActivityActivityActivity
14:45 - 16:15Specification Testing, Machine Learning and Regularization, Ben-AkivaEndogeneity; Sampling and Estimation, Ben-AkivaStated Preferences Methods, Ben-AkivaOnline Personalization and Optimization, Ben-AkivaQuestions & Answers, Ben-Akiva/Bierlaire
16:30 - 18:00Computer lab 1: Introduction; Logit Estimation and TestingComputer lab 2: Nested Logit; Aggregate ForecastingComputer lab 3: Logit Mixtures; Combining DataComputer lab 4: Hierarchical Bayesian Estimation; Individual PredictionComputer lab 5: Hybrid Choice Models
18:00 - 19:00Virtual social hour
Online course
The course is provided online, using the video conferencing system Zoom. Only fully registered participants have access to the virtual classroom.

The software package Biogeme is used for the laboratories. It is a Python package that runs on Windows, Linux, and MacOS X.