
TRANSP-OR: Jelena Stojanovic

Jelena Stojanovic

This page reports only the academic work registered in the databases of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, and is not necessarily a comprehensive list of the work by Jelena Stojanovic.

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Jelena Stojanovic

      Papers in conference proceedings

      • Bierlaire, M., Frejinger, E., and Stojanovic, J. (2006). A latent route choice model in Switzerland. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC) September 18-20, 2006.

      Technical reports

      • Vrtic, M., Schuessler, N., Erath, A., Axhausen, K., Frejinger, E., Stojanovic, J., Bierlaire, M., Rudel, R., and Maggi, R. (2006). Including travelling costs in the modelling of mobility behaviour. Technical report . Transport and Mobility Laboratory, ENAC, EPFL.

        Research projects

        Einbezug von Reisekosten bei der Modelliering des Mobilitätsverhalten
        Sponsor: Swiss Federal Road Office
        Team: Michel Bierlaire (PI), Emma Frejinger (PM), Jelena Stojanovic
        Period: November 01, 2005-February 28, 2007
        Development of route choice models from RP and SP data