\begin{frame}{PAM Personal Autonomous Moving platforms}
\item In this project, Schindler and TRANSP-OR imagine a revolution of urban mobility focused on pedestrians. The Personal Autonomous Moving (PAM) platforms are similar to hoverborads or segways, and move from a point A (origin) to a point B (destination) on their own and carry the user with minimum interaction. They are a “light” mode of transport that does not require large space or infrastructural investment for the installation. This innovative mode of transport is ideal for short distance trip in large pedestrian facilities such as university campuses, larger business districts and airports as well as city centers. A great advantage is the possibility to directly access elevators with PAM platforms. This could lead to a real three-dimensional mobility taking advantage of elevators already installed in buildings. A possible deployment of this system generates several scientific and technological challenges. TRANP-OR focuses on the research questions that are related to the algorithms and mathematical models used by decision support tools needed for the planning and operation of the system.
\item Sponsor: Schindler
\item Schindler
\item November 15, 2018-May 14, 2019