Umang, N., Bierlaire, M., and Vacca, I. (2013)

Exact and Heuristic Methods to Solve the Berth Allocation Problem in Bulk Ports, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 54:14-31.

In this paper, we study the dynamic hybrid berth allocation problem in bulk ports with the objective to minimize the total service times of the vessels. We propose two exact methods based on mixed integer progra mming and generalized set partitionin g, and a heuristic method based on squeaky wheel optimization, explicitly considering the cargo type on the vessel. The formulations are compared through extensive numer ical experiments based on instances inspired from real bulk port data. The results indicate that the set partitioning method and the heuristic method can be used to obtain near-optimal solutions for even larger problem size.

doi:10.1016/j.tre.2013.03.003 (click here for the full paper)