Asad Lesani

Mcgill University

October 30, 2014, 14:00, Room GC B3 424 (click here for the map)

Towards a WIFI-Bluetooth system for traffic monitoring in different transportation facilities

Intelligent transportation systems depend on technologies to obtain valuable road metrics, such as travel times, speeds, and volumes. Novel ways of collecting anonymous data from road users across multiple modes are becoming more recognized in literature and industry. Bluetooth detectors have been widely researched as a way of detecting smartphones and vehicles while maintaining anonymous identity across multiple detection sites. This paper proposes a smartphone detection system using wireless Internet (WIFI) signatures from mobile devices in a similar way to Bluetooth, but with a higher detection rate due to the higher usage of WIFI over Bluetooth. The system is tested on mixed-mode and pedestrian-only facilities with 9-20% accuracy for vehicular traffic and greater than 20% accuracy for pedestrian-only routes with multiple sensors. These initial findings look promising, making the possibility of building a combined WiFi/Bluetooth system that take advantages of both sources of data.


Asad Lesani completed his M.Sc and B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering at University of Tehran, Iran in 2012 and 2009 respectively. He is doing his PhD in Civil Engineering with the filed of Transportation Engineering in Department of Civil Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. He is a member of CIRRELT (Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation).

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