Prof. Domokos Esztergar-Kiss

May 20, 2025, 14:30

Mobility as a service in theory and practice

An emerging trend towards seamless mobility is the integration of on-demand modes into public transport leads to the Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) concept. MaaS is a user-centric, intelligent mobility distribution model, in which user needs are met via a single platform and are offered by a service provider, the mobility operator. Presently there are no established frameworks and quantifiable evidence about MaaS costs and benefits, users� needs, as well as its influence on travel patterns and car ownership of various user groups. The main goal of MaaS4EU project is to provide quantifiable evidence, frameworks and tools, to remove the barriers and enable a cooperative and interconnected EU single transport market for the MaaS concept, by addressing challenges at 4 levels: business, end-users, technology and policy. This will be achieved by defining sustainable business models that support the cooperation across transport stakeholders, understanding user needs and choices, implementing the required technological infrastructure (MaaS mobility hub) and identifying the enabling policy and regulatory frameworks. The project will provide quantifiable evidence about MaaS costs and benefits in real-life, complementary pilot cases, demonstrating the concept in urban, intercity and cross-border trips. The focus will be on the pilot realized in Budapest.


Domokos Eszterg�r-Kiss is a senior lecturer at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and international project coordinator of the Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering. His main research topics are the optimization of multimodal travel chains for passengers, the development of Mobility as a Service related solutions, and the establishment of workplace mobility plans for promoting sustainable commuting. He has published 85 papers in leading journals with Impact Factor. He was the main organizer of several international conferences (e.g. MT-ITS 2015, EWGT 2017, hEART 2019, and TRA 2026) and is involved in several Horizon 2020 projects, Interreg projects, and COST Actions (e.g. MoveCit, LinkingDanube, MaaS4EU, Electric travelling, BE OPEN, RegiaMobil, OJP4Danube, metaCCAZE). Moreover, he was a Fulbright scholar at the University of California, Davis in 2021, he was the chair of IEEE HS YP, and he is a council member of AET and ECTRI.