Transport Consulting
April 11, 2013, 12:00, Room GC C3 30 (click here for the map)
Various countries have meanwhile adopted market incentives to meet transport needs in an economically efficient way. The seminar will touch on different types of approaches for financing passenger and freight transportation, and for addressing transportation-related externalities. There will be a special emphasis on the unique Swiss Heavy Vehicle Fee (HVF), which will serve as an example of the practical and political issues that need to be addressed in order to implement sustainable national transportation policies. The objectives of this seminar are to encourage students to familiarize themselves with a range of transportation and related environmental, social and economic policy issues and to develop an understanding of the complexity, inter-connection and potential resolution of some of these issues.
Franziska Borer Blindenbacher is an economist and works as an international consultant and teacher in the fields of transport, spatial planning and the environment. She also works part-time as a scientific adviser for the Swiss Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE). Among her clients in the public and private sector are the Canadian, the US as well as the Swiss Ministry of Transportation, the Swiss Association for Public Transportation, PostAuto Switzerland, the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) in New York and Washington DC, and the European Institute for Sustainable Transport (EURIST) in Hamburg. Ms Borer Blindenbacher was part of the team that developed and implemented the distance- and emission-related heavy vehicle fee (HVF) in Switzerland as well as the federal �Agglomerationprogram� coordinating transportation infrastructure and spatial development in metropolitan areas. Ms Borer Blindenbacher is the author of various publications in the field. Among them the case study From an Integral Transport Concept to Financing Urban Transit - The Swiss Approach (2008). Further the Study of Methods of Road Capital Cost Estimation and Allocation by Class of User in Austria, Germany and Switzerland (2007). She teaches at different national and international academic institutions such as the George Washington University in Washington DC and the University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (HSR) in Rapperswil.