Michela Thiémard technical reports

This page reports only the academic work registered in the databases of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, and is not necessarily a comprehensive list of the work by Michela Thiémard.

More information may be available here

  • Spada, M., Bierlaire, M., and Liebling, T. M. (2004). Decision-aid Methodology for the School Bus Routing and Scheduling Problem. Technical report RO 2004 05 03, Revised version. Operations Research Group ROSO, IMA-SB, EPFL.
  • Spada, M., Bierlaire, M., and Liebling, T. M. (2002). Decision-aid Methodology for the school Bus Routing and Scheduling Problem. Technical report RO 2002 0819. Operations Research Group ROSO, IMA-SB, EPFL.
  • Spada, M. (1999). Confection d'horaires et de tournées de bus scolaires. Technical report TRANSP-OR 151110. Operations Research Group ROSO, IMA-SB, EPFL.
Michela Thiémard