Gunnar Flötteröd papers in conference proceedings

This page reports only the academic work registered in the databases of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, and is not necessarily a comprehensive list of the work by Gunnar Flötteröd.

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\item[Chen et al., 2011] Chen, J., Bierlaire, M., and Fl\ötter\öd, G. (2011). Probabilistic multi-modal map matching with rich smartphone data. Proceedings of the Swiss Transportation Research Conference (STRC) May 11-13, 2011 , 2011.

\item[Huibregtse et al. (2011)] Huibregtse, O., Fl\ötter\öd, G., Bierlaire, M., Hegyi, A., and Hoogendoorn, S. (2011). Optimization of evacuation instructions as a fixed-point problem. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) May 11 to 13, 2011.

\item[Hurtubia, Fl\"otter\"od and Bierlaire] Hurtubia, R., Fl\ötter\öd, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). Estimation techniques for MEV models with sampling of alternatives. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference October 11 - 13, 2010.

\item[Hurtubia, Martinez, Fl\"otter\"od, and Bierlaire, 2010] Hurtubia, R., Martinez, F., Fl\ötter\öd, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). Comparative analysis of hedonic rents and maximum bids in a land-use simulation context. Proceedings of the 10th Swiss Transport Research Conference September 1 - 3, 2010, 2010.

\item[Osorio, Fl\"otter\"od and Bierlaire, 2010] Osorio, C., Fl\ötter\öd, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). A differentiable dynamic network loading model that yields queue length distributions and accounts for spillback. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) July 29-31, 2010.

\item[Fl\"otter\"od, 2010] Fl\ötter\öd, G. (2010). A general methodology and a free software for the calibration of DTA models. Proceedings of the The Third International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA 2010) July 29 - 31, 2010, 2010.

\item[Fetiarison, Fl\"otter\"od, and Bierlaire, 2010] Fetiarison, M., Fl\ötter\öd, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). Evaluation of pedestrian data collection methods within a simulation framework. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC) October 11 - 13, 2010.

\item[Fl\"otter\"od and L\"ammel, 2010] Fl\ötter\öd, G., and L\ämmel, G. (2010). Evacuation simulation with limited capacity sinks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Evolutionary Computation (ICEC) October 24 - 26, 2010.

\item[Bierlaire and Fl\"otter\"od, 2010] Bierlaire, M., and Fl\ötter\öd, G. (2010). Metropolis-Hastings sampling of alternatives for route choice models. Proceedings of the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) September 1-3, 2010.

\item[Fetiarison, Fl\"otter\"od, and Bierlaire, 2010] Fetiarison, M., Fl\ötter\öd, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). Evaluation of pedestrian data collection methods within a simulation framework. Proceedings of the 10th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) September 1-3, 2010.

\item[Bierlaire, Hurtubia, and Fl\"otter\"od, 2010] Bierlaire, M., Hurtubia, R., and Fl\ötter\öd, G. (2010). An analysis of the implicit choice set generation using the Constrained Multinomial Logit model. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 2010 Annual Meeting (TRB 2010) January 10-14, 2010.

\item[Osorio, Fl\"otter\"od and Bierlaire, 2010] Osorio, C., Fl\ötter\öd, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2010). A differentiable dynamic network loading model that yields queue length distributions and accounts for spillback. Proceedings of the Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VII) June 20-25, 2010.

\item[Bierlaire, Hurtubia, and Fl\"otter\"od 2009] Bierlaire, M., Hurtubia, R., and Fl\ötter\öd, G. (2009). An experimental analysis of the implicit choice set generation using the Constrained Multinomial Logit Model. Proceedings of the 4th Kuhmo-Nectar Conference July 2 - 3, 2009.

\item[Fl\"otter\"od and Bierlaire, 2009] Fl\ötter\öd, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2009). Improved estimation of travel demand from traffic counts by a new linearization of the network loading map. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC) October 5-7, 2009.

\item[Hurtubia, Fl\"otter\"od, and Bierlaire 2009] Hurtubia, R., Fl\ötter\öd, G., and Bierlaire, M. (2009). Inferring the activities of smartphone users from context measurements using Bayesian inference and random utility models. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference (ETC) October 5 - 7, 2009.

\item[Fl\"otter\"od, Chen, Rieser, and Nagel, 2009] Fl\ötter\öd, G., Chen, Y., Rieser, M., and Nagel, K. (2009). Behavioral calibration of a large-scale travel behavior microsimulation. Proceedings of the 12 International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) December 13-18, 2009.

\item[Illenberger, Fl\"otter\"od, Kowald, and Nagel, 2009] Illenberger, J., Fl\ötter\öd, G., Kowald, M., and Nagel, K. (2009). A model for spatially embedded social networks. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR) December 13-18, 2009.

\item[Nagel and Fl\"otter\"od, 2009] Nagel, K., and Fl\ötter\öd, G. (2009). Agent-based traffic assignment: going from trips to behavioral travelers. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) December 13-18, 2009.

\item[Bierlaire, Hurtubia, and Fl\"otter\"od, 2009] Bierlaire, M., Hurtubia, R., and Fl\ötter\öd, G. (2009). A comparative analysis of implicit and explicit methods to model choice set generation. Proceedings of the 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) September 9 - 11, 2009.

\item[Fl\"otter\"od, 2009] Fl\ötter\öd, G. (2009). Cadyts – a free calibration tool for dynamic traffic simulations. Proceedings of the 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) September 9 - 11, 2009.

Gunnar Flötteröd