Optimization: principles and algorithms, by Michel Bierlaire
The transhipment problem

List of Octave codes related to Chapter 22 of [1]. More...


file  incidenceMatrix.m
 Provide the incidence matrix of the network for the teanshipment problem.
file  runAssignmentTrans.m
 Solve the transportation problem as a transhipment problem (Example 22.14 of [1])
file  runMaxFlowTrans.m
 Solve the max flow problem as a transhipment problem (Figure 22.6 of [1])
file  runTransportationTrans.m
 Solve the transportation problem as a transhipment problem (Example 22.12 od [1].
file  transhipment.m
 Solve a transhipment problem with bound constraints.
file  transhipmentTransform.m
 Transform a transhipment problem into a problem in standard form.

Detailed Description

List of Octave codes related to Chapter 22 of [1].

Copyright 2015-2018 Michel Bierlaire