Optimization: principles and algorithms, by Michel Bierlaire
The simplex method

List of Octave codes related to Chapter 16 of [1]. More...


file  pivoting.m
 Algorithm 16.3: Pivoting of the simplex tableau.
file  run1604.m
 Runs example 16.4 illustrating the vertex enumeration algorithm.
file  run1604simplex.m
 Runs example 16.4 illustrating the simplex method.
file  run1607simplex.m
 Runs example 16.4 illustrating the simplex method.
file  run1612pivoting.m
 Runs example 16.12 illustrating the pivoting.
file  run1613.m
 Runs example 16.13 of [1].
file  run1615.m
 Runs example 16.15 of [1].
file  run1616.m
 Runs example 16.16 of [1].
file  runBoundConstraints.m
 Example where some combinations of basic variables are associated with a singular matrix B.
file  simplex.m
 Algorithm 16.2: Simplex methos.
file  simplexTableau.m
 Algorithm 16.4: Phase II simplex algorithm with tableau.
file  twoPhasesSimplex.m
 Algorithm 16.5: Two phases simplex algorithm with tableau to solve a linear optimization problem in standard from.
file  vertexEnumeration.m
 Algorithm 16.1: Vertex enumeration Implementation of algorithm 16.1 of [1].

Detailed Description

List of Octave codes related to Chapter 16 of [1].

Copyright 2015-2018 Michel Bierlaire